Chapter 9 - New Swords and New Feelings

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Hey guys! Here it is, the next chapter I promised! Now I want to thank everybody who reads and espcialy review my story, I hope you all continue to read my story and review!

Without further ado, lets begin!

(Opening Theme)



Floor 48: Lindus

Lizbeth's Smith Shop

*Shriiiing* *Shriiiing*

"This one's done." A pink hair girl said with a smile, her pink eyes watch the sharpened sword with great perception. She then walked towards her client, the vice leader of the Blood Oath Knights, Asuna.

"Thank you Liz." Asuna said hopping down from where she's sitting waiting for her sword to be sharpened. She gave Lizbeth, or Liz for short, some money and took her sword.

"Anytime." Liz replied pocketing the money. "You aren't on the frontline with your guild today?" She asked. Liz wore a purple dress with white color in the chest area, a purple skirt underneath a white black smith apron.

Asuna thought for a second, before answering. "I took a day off, I promised to meet some people today." Asuna said.

Liz blinked, then she noticed the earring Asuna wore, it's crystal was purple and quite pretty. Liz grinned an all knowing grin and her face got way too close for Asuna's comfort. "I see, I see..."

"You see what?" Asuna asked her grinning friend.

"Are you sure it's 'people'? Not someone?" Liz asked still grinning.

"W-what do you mean?" Asuna asked confused, but before Liz could said anything else, the bell of the town was heard.

"Ah! I gotta hurry!" Asuna said running to the door.

"So you've found people precious to you, huh?" Lizbeth whispered.

"Huh?" Asuna stop and looked at her friend. "You say something?"

"Nope, its nothing. Good luck with your date." Liz said, waving her hand.

"Hah?! Its not like that!" Asuna said blushing a little. "Anyway, see you later."

Lizbeth smiled watching her friend leave, she then look at a photo of four people, three of them were adult male and one girl with pink hair. "I wonder If I'll find someone too..." She whispered.



Lizbeth's Smith Shop

"Well this one's not too shabby." Lizbeth said looking at the sword she just forged. When she heard the sound of her shop door opening, she drop the sword. "Handling customers is also part of my job." Liz said un-equiping her gloves, and looked at the mirror. "All right!" Liz said after confirming her looks, then she walked upstairs to her shop.

Liz opened the door to her shop, the sight of many weapons greeted her, although she was already used to it since she's the one who made them.

"Welcome to Lizbeth's Smith Shop!" Liz said with her 'Customer Smile', but then she noticed her customers doesn't seem to hear her, one of them wear lots of black and the other red-orange.

"...What about this one?" Kirito asked.

"Nah, I prefer a heavy one, this one seems too light." Shoto answered. "Something even better than the my old one."


"Uh hum!" Liz coughed finally gaining both of their attention. "Welcome to Lizbeth's Smith Shop!" Liz said again.

"Oh... Uhm, we'd like to order customed made weapons please." Kirito ordered scratching his head.

Liz eyed her two customers. They both wore coats and just had shirts underneath them, and didn't wear anything fancy, and the blonde one didn't appear to be carrying weapon. 'Do they have the cash for it?' "Um... The metal prices have been ricing so..."

"Don't worry about the money." Kirito said.

Shoto looked at Kirito. "Wait, she was asking about money?"

"Learn to take a hint, Sho." Kirito said to the blond, then looked at the black smith. "Just make us your best swords right now."

"Well you two first need to tell me what stats you want your swords to have." Liz said.

"I see." Kirito said, he then unhooked his sword from his back and gave it to Lizbeth. "Then, could you try make it to make its stats at least as good as this sword?"

Lizbeth blinked, then reluctantly accepted it, to her surprise the sword was actually heavy. She then unsheathed the sword, and shock filled her face seeing the black blade, she quickly opened the sword's stats. 'The Elucidator? Its probably count as a demon sword amongst monster drop.' Lizbeth thought looking at the sword.

"Can you make it?" Kirito asked.

"Could you make me one too?" Shoto asked.

Lizbeth turned around and searched for a weapon in her weapon storage, then she turned to her customers showing them a long sword with green guard, the blade was thinner then The Elucidator. "Try this, its the best one I've ever forged."

Kirito then took the sword, and tried a few swings. "It feels a bit too light, Shoto, try it." Kirito then gave the blond the sword.

Shoto looked at the sword, then he too tried for a few swings. "Hm... A bit too long for me, though I like the lightness. Might be great enough to protect the President."

'But since he said its too long, does that mean he's a dagger user?' Lizbeth thought looking at the blond who's talking with his black clothing friend "I used a speed attributed metal for it."

"Mind if we test it?" Shoto asked.

"Test what?" Lizbeth asked.

Kirito took his sword back. "Its endurance." He answered.

Then both Shoto and Kirito faced each other and took a stance, then Liz understood what Kirito meant. "Wait! If you do that your sword's gonna break!"

"Pfft! Let's worry about afterwards!" Shoto said as his and Kirito's sword glowed, then they both clashed their swords, and to everyone's(Espcialy Liz) surprise, Shoto's sword broke.

Then Shoto said the only intelligent thing he knew while watching the sword piece turned to glass. "Ah..."

"Kyahhhhhh!" Lizbeth screamed taking the sword from Shoto. "... It can't be repaired..." Both boys looked away feeling guilty, then the sword turned to pieces. "Ah..." Lizbeth said falling to the floor in despair.

She then quicky stood up and gripped both boys' shirts. "Why the hell would the two of you do that!?" She asked in anger.

"S-sorry..." Shoto said smiling sheepishly scratching his head.

"We didn't think it would break like that since you said that was your best..." Kirito said feeling guilty.

"You mean my sword was weaker from what you imagined?!" Lizbeth asked clearly angry.

"Actually, yeah..." Kirito answered honestly.

Hearing his answer, Lizbeth let go of both boys' shirt and put her hands on her waist. "Let me put this right, if I had the right materials, I could easily forge something that would shatter that sword."

Kirito raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh really? I'd definitely want one of those." Kirito said with a challenging tone. "One that could shatter my sword."

Lizbeth's face went red in anger. "If you've got such a big mouth, then you'll have to stick around for the whole process!"

"Whole process?" Kirito asked.

"Yeah! Starting from gathering the materials."

"We can do that by ourselves." Kirito said with confident. "You might get in our way."

Lizbeth folded her arms. "Will you stop looking down on me? I may look weak, but I'm a master macer!"

"Oh?" Kirito said impressed. "And where do we get the material?"

"The west mountain on the 55th floor. I heard there's a dragon that eats crystal, rumor says its body contain rare metals." Lizbeth informed.

"55th floor huh? We both should really go by our-" Before Kirito could answer Lizbeth cut him off.

"Also, you need a master smith to collect the material." Lizbeth cut him off with a smirk. "Do you really want to go without one?"

Kirito and Shoto looked at each other, then to Lizbeth, then to each other before they both nodded. "Just behave yourself." Kirito said.

"You piss me off." Lizbeth said with a tick mark.

"My name is Kirito." Kirito introduced himself.

"And I'm Shoto." Shoto introduced himself. "Nice to meet you!" He said with a grin.

"Let's work together, at least until the sword is done." Kirito said offering his hand.

Lizbeth looked away. "I'm looking forward to it KIRITO! And Shoto-san."

Kirito and Shoto' eyes twitch, Kirito for her disrespect, and Shoto for the respect suffix.

"I hope we get along, but oh whatever." Kirito smirked. "LIZBETH." He said without a suffix.

Lizbeth puffed her cheeks in displeasure. "Uhm... Lizbeth." Lizbeth looked towards the blond. "Please don't add suffix to my name... It give a headache."

"Well... Okay then I guess."

"Oh, and can you forge me a heavy sword?" Shoto requested.

"Eh? Don't you want to wait after we get the metal?" Lizbeth asked.

Shoto grinned. "No need." He opened his inventory and took out a item, 'Angel Heart Shard'. "Can this be used?" He gave the golden shard to Lizbeth.

When Lizbeth opened the item info menu, her body went stiff for a second. "Oh... My.. GOD! Its a 6 star rare item! Of course I can!"

Shoto pufedf his chest proudly. But then blinked and looked at Lizbeth. "Wait, what do you mean rare items?!"

"You didn't know?" Lizbeth asked.

"No! Damn... and here I was planning to use it as a throwing weapon when I'm out of weapons to throw."

Kirito sweatdropped. "That's why you brought it?"

"I wanted to show it to Lizbeth since I was curious to see if it could forge something... And it can! Aren't I lucky?" Shoto asked.

"More forging less talking!" Lizbeth said dashing to the back where her forging tools were located.

Both boys just stood there, looking at the spot where Lizbeth was supposed to be.

"Wasn't she supposed to ask for my weapons stats or something?" Shoto asked.

Kirito just shrugged before mumbling. "Girls these days..."



"Its done!" The door to Lizbeth's forging room opened loudly.

Both Shoto and Kirito looked at Lizbeth in surprise. "Oh... You surprised me." Shoto said holding his heart.

Lizbeth then noticed the cards at both boys hands. "Don't tell you two are playing cards at MY shop?" Lizbeth narrowed her eyes.

""No we're not!"" Both Shoto and Kirito quickly hid their cards behind their back.

"Well whatever, check this out!" Lizbeth then showed them what she's holding.

Shoto's eyes widened. "Oh my goddess!" Shoto said looking at the wicked sword in Lizbeth's hands. The sword was golden and silver with details in black and red, balanced and looked very powerful. It had a silver handle connected to a golden hand guard with two angel-like wings coming out of it. In the middle of the hand guard, there is a red jewel. The blade was a startling silver with golden edges.

"I present to you..." Lizbeth then struck a pose with the sword in her hand. "Solar Heart." She raised it up.

"I'm in love!" Shotto said eyes shinining, while Kirito sweatdrop.

"How much?" Kirito cut Lizbeth pose with the question.

"Hold on." Lizbeth walked to her counter and dropped the sword there. "Well, I used a strength metal attribute since you seemed to like it strong, it's also light enough for you to move around too, and it seems the durability of the weapon increased because of the shards." Lizbeth explain. "So that'll be about... 120.000 Col, plus discount."

"Sold!" Shoto said quickly then produced the money for the sword and gave the money to Lizbeth.

"Thank you for your business!" Lizbeth said with a smile.

"Oh! This baby is very heavy, but light!" Shoto said practicing a few swings.

"Anyway." Kirito looked at Lizbeth. "Meet us at the town portal tommorow." Kirito said walking toward the door. "Come on Sho."

"Okay-okay, hold your panties!" Shoto said sheathing his new weapon and walked to the door. "Thanks a lot Liz-chan!" Shoto said exiting the store with Kirito.

Lizbeth's eye twitch being called 'Liz-chan' by a person she just met, at least he didn't pissed her off like that black wearing baka. 'Just you watch! I'll show you what I made off you Kuro-Baka!'



Floor 55: West Mountain

"Achoo!" Lizbeth hugging herself shivering. "I'm freezing..." Lizbeth said.

"Don't you have any extra clothes?" Kirito asked the shivering girl.

"I didn't know the 55th floor would be this cold!" Lizbeth responded.

Kirito sighed, he then openned his inventory menu and took out a winter version of his coat, then throw it to Lizbeth.

Lizbeth blinked, she then looked at Kirito. "Will you be alright?"

"We're born different." Kirito answered then continued walking.

"Grrr... Every words that came out of his mouth pissed me off." Lizbeth said wearing the coat Kirito threw. Then she noticed Shoto walking to her.

"Drink this, it'll warm you up." Shoto said giving Lizbeth a drinking bottle.

"What's in it?" Lizbeth asked taking the bottle from the blond.

"A warming drink, it'll warm you up." Shoto answered with a thumb up. "But only one gulp okay?"

Lizbeth looked at the bottle, then she shrugged and drunk it, after one gulp, she gave it back to the blond. "I don't feel any-" She stopped when she felt a warm feeling course through her body. "Wow! You're right! I'm feeling warm!"

Shoto nodded with a grin, then he walked away following Kirito.

'Wow, he's really sweet huh?' Liz thought, looking at Shoto's back.

"Hey, hurry up Lizbeth. Already at your limit?" Kirito asked looking towards Lizbeth.

"I'm still fine!" Lizbeth answered jogging to catch up with both boys. "Also, if we're gonna pretend to be buddy-buddy, just call me Liz."

"Yeah yeah, as you wish Liz." Kirito said half-heartedly.

"Don't get cocky!"

"Kirito, don't be a tsundere." Shoto said.

"Who are you calling a tsundere?" Kirito asked with a tick mark as he and Shoto begin arguing about tsundere type of person.



"Wow... Its beautiful." Lizbeth said looking at the crystal surrounding the area.

"We're finally here." Shoto said looking around the area.

Lizbeth then spotted the largest crystal in the area up-ahead. But before she could run Kirito pulled her coat. "What are you doing?!" Lizbeth asked with a tick mark.

"Get your teleportation crystal ready." Kirito ordered.

"Alright." Lizbeth then took out her teleportation crystal.

"Me and Shoto will taking it by ourselves from here." Kirito said. "When the dragon shows up, hide in the shadows of those crystals."

"You mustn't come out no matter what." Shoto continued with a serious expression.

"What? I'm not an amateur! Let me help!" Lizbeth said.

"No!" Kirito quickly cut her off, surprising her.

Then she reluctantly nod her head. Shoto smiled and patted her head. "Now then let's go." He said walking pass her with Kirito.

Lizbeth touched the spot where Shoto had pet her with both of her hands, but was cut off when they heard a roar of a dragon.

"Hide in the shadow over there!" Kirito said pointing to his left and Lizbeth complied.

"Here it comes..." Shoto whispered, unsheating his sword.

The dragon was large, very large. It had blue skin with crystals on its back, it's wings spread opened and it roared loudly. Both Kirito and Shoto stared at it, Shoto with his toothy grin.

"Oh, this is going to be fun!"

The dragon then pull it's head back, and a blue light appear at its mouth.

"It's using its freezing breath! Watch out!" Lizbeth yell behind the crystal.

Shoto and Kirito turned to look at her. "What!?-"

Before they could finish, the dragon unleashed it's freezing breath attack. But to Lizbeth's surprise, the duo walked to the front and slashed the freezing breath, covering them with it. When its clear both Shoto and Kirito seems fine.

Lizbeth then sighed in relief. "Oh thank God, I thought you two were toast! Why didn't you dodge it?!" She yelled at the two boys.

Kirito looked over at her. "Oddly enough,We were a little distracted!" He answered.

This got Lizbeth's attention. "Really? By wh-" She then looked back up at the dragon and saw it charging it's attack again. "BREATH ATTACK!!!" She screamed.

Shoto turned towards the dragon. "What!? NO-" but he was cut off by the dragon unleashing it's freezing breath once again. This time, the two boys dodged it, with Shoto going left and Kirito going right.

Shoto sighed. "Sorry about this, Mr. Dragon. This isn't really about you, but we really need to blow off some steam!"

He then charged toward the dragon without warning, he slashed the dragon's leg, with very destructive force, destroying it. Kirito used this chance to run towards the dragon, then slashed it at the chest, destroying some of it crystal skin. Shoto also jumped and slashed the dragon's side, when he landed Kirito jumped and slashed the dragon stomach again. The dragon now knowing its disadvantage quickly flew into the air.

"Coward!" Shoto yelled, then he extend his hand and crossed his sword. "Kirito!"

"Got it!" Kirito dashed towards Shoto, then use Shoto's sword as a step where he jumped very high with the help of Shoto's push.

The dragon roared and charged at the jumping Kirito. "Hyaaahhhh!" Kirito cried slashing the dragon in the arm, cutting it off.

"Hell yeah!" Shoto cheered.

Lizbeth then came out of her hide spot. "Come on, let's get this over with!"

Shoto and Kirito look at Lizbeth in surprise and horror. "Idiot! Don't come out yet!" Kirito yelled.

The dragon quickly spotted the pinkette and looked towards her.

"What are you talking about? Its already ove-" Before she could finish, the dragon used its wings to create a wave, pushing all of the snow into a giant snow wave.

"Kyaaahhhh!" Lizbeth screamed as she was thrown into the air.

"Liz!" Kirito said landing on top of a crystal, he quickly jumped towards as Lizbeth fell into a giant hole in the ground.

Shoto curse and quickly ran after Kirito, "Hold on, guys! I'm com-Guah!" he was cut off by slipping on a banana peel that was somehow lying on the ground. "Damn it!" Shoto cried out as he went sailing off the edge and ito the hole.

"No... NOOOOO!" Lizbeth scream with tears in her eyes, but a hand stopped her.

"Liz hold on to me!" Kirito said hugging Lizbeth and switch position where he is below her.

"Kyaaahhhhh!" Lizbeth scream as she and Kirito fall into the dark hole.

"DAMN IT, KIRITO! WE HAD ONE JOB!!!" Shoto exclamied as he also disappeared into the darkness.



Lizbeth opened her eyes, and Kirito's body with a orange HP bar greeted her sight.

"We're still alive..." Kirito said.

Lizbeth sit up. "Yeah, we are." She then looked over and saw Shoto was face-planted in the snow, his HP bar was also orange. "Shoto, are you okay!?" She called over to him.

Said blonde soon popped his face up with snow covering his whole face. Lizbeth would've laughed if it wasn't for the situation they were in. "Other than tossed down here by that damn banana peel....just peachy." Shoto said, wiping the snow off his face before taking out a red potion and drinking the whole thing down. His HP was now restored.

Kirito then sat up as well, and took out a red potion giving it to Lizbeth. "Here, take this."

"Oh, okay." Lizbeth answered taking the potion while Kirito took out another one and drunk it. Lizbeth silently watched Kirito's health rise up.

"Um... Thank you for saving me." Lizbeth said looking at her potion.

"Its too early to say that." Kirito said looking up. "How are we going to get out of here?"

"Can't we just teleport out?" Lizbeth said taking out a teleportation crystal. "Teleport:Lindus!" ... Nothing happen. "But..."

"If crystal didn't work, there must be another way out." Shoto said.

"You can't know that for sure!" Lizbeth snapped. "What if this trap was designed to kill anyone who fell in it?"

Kirito thought for a minute before looking over at his blonde friend. "Hey Sho, do you have any string left on you?" Kirito asked.

"Hold on, let me check." Shoto opened his inventory, a few seconds later he responded. "Nope! I'm out of strings!"

Kirito scratched his head. "But if I'm not mistaken you still had one!"

A tick mark appear on Shoto's head. "You used the last one for your fishing pole string!"

"Oh yeah."

Lizbeth sweatdropped.

Shoto got into a thinking positon. "Mmmm...if crystals don't work, why don't we trying running up the wall?"

"Are you an idiot? That's impo-" Before Lizbeth could finish Kirito cut her off.

"Good idea!" Kirito then prepared to run up the wall, with Shoto doing the same. While Lizbeth's eye twitched. 'Are they insane?'

"Ten col, says I reach the top before you do." Shoto grinned at Kirito.

Kirito smirked and said. "Twenty says I can."

"Deal." Shoto said, before the two boys shook hands.

Lizbeth's eye twitched as a tick mark appeared on her head. "Are you two... SERIOUSLY HAVING A BET ABOUT WHO CAN REACHES THE TOP?! HAVE YOU TWO FORGOT THAT WE ARE IN A PIT WHERE A DRAGON LIVES?!"

Shoto and Kirito both looked at the girl "Yes." They said simultaneously.

'It's official,' Lizbeth thought 'I'm gonna die here surrounded by the two biggest idiots/assholes in Aincrad.'

Soon, Shoto and Kirito dashed forward and jumped high into the air and ran up the wall. Lizbeth watched as the two began to run up the wall, she was surprised that they got far up there in only a matter of seconds. "Holy crap. They might actually-" she then noticed that Shoto's foot slipped and soon began to fall grabbing Kirito's cloak in the process as both of them began falling, while screaming. "AHH HOO HOO HOOEY!" (Goofy's scream)

"Huh, never mind." She said to herself, and flinched as both of them crashed to the ground, leaving Kirito and Shoto-shaped holes in the snow.

Both grunted as they got up "If only we had more of a running start we could have made it." Kirito stated.

"Yeah, I'm not so sure." Lizbeth said, squaating near them.

"And were the sound effects really necessary Kiahaba?" Shoto asked as he got out from the hole.

As if his question was heard, the sound of sad trombone fanfare was suddenly played.

"Oh SCREW you!" Shoto yelled.

Kirito dusted himself off and looked up at the sky from the hole. "Well, the sun is almost set, let's prepare camp." He said opening him menu.


Under the dark star sky, three people were lying down in their sleeping bags, with a lantern above them, watching the sky.

"You know." Lizbeth said. "This feels so weird, it's so unreal. Sleeping next to people I just met at a place I've never been to." She giggled. "You both even tried to run up the wall. You're a couple weirdos."

"Well, sorry for being weird." Kirito muttered.

"Meh, I'll take it as a good thing." Shoto said.

Lizbeth giggled. "Hey Kirito, Shoto, can I ask you guys something?"

"What's up?" Shoto asked.

"Just go ahead and ask." Kirito responded.

Lizbeth sat up and look at them. "Why did you save me?"

Kirito looked at her, then back at the stars. "Rather than die alone, its better to die with them together." The he smiled at her. "Especialy if that someone is a girl like you."

Shoto nodded. "Yeah, although Ki was able to save you. I just fell in."

Lizbeth looked surprise, then she smiled. "There's something wrong with you both, no one else would think like this."

"Well, weren't other people." Shoto said with a grin.

A few seconds have passed in quiet.

"Hey... Hold my hands."

Kirito and Shoto looked at each in surprise before looking at Lizbeth, who was between them. Then thet smiled. "Sure." Kirito held Lizbeth's left hand with his right and Shoto held her right hand with his left.

"They're so warm..." Lizbeth said. "You two and I are data in this imaginary world and yet..."


Liz then smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the warm of Kirito and Shoto's hands.

After Kirito confirmed she's asleep, he stood up and looked at the sky. "Hey, Sho. Let's try again..." he said.

Sho got up and popped his neck.

Kirito prepare to try for another wall walking, but when he dashed he trip on something and fell on his face. "Ugh... What the heck..." Kirito looked at what he tripped over, it was pretty buried under the snow. "What's this?" Kirito said to himself as he dig the snow, and took the stuff. "This is...Shoto, look at this." He said, handing his friend his discovery.

"Whoa, is this what I think it is?" Shoto asked, looking closely at the material.



Lizbeth was awaken by the sound of someone digging, she opened her eyes and the sight of Shoto and Kirito digging the snow hit her. "Kirito? Shoto? What are you guys doing?"

The duo then noticed Lizbeth was awake. "Oh, you're awake. Here." Kirito showed the blacksmith a crystal like ore. "This is what we came here for."

Lizbeth look surprise, then she touch the crystal for more information.

'Crystallite Ingot'

"The dragon eats the crystals and digest them." Shoto stood up and looked at the morning sky. "No one would be able to find it." Kirito said throwing the crystal to Lizbeth.

"We did it." Lizbeth said catching the crystal. "Why is it here though?"

"This hole isn't a trap, its the dragon nest." Kirito answered. "Its mean it's the dragon excrement... or poop."

Lizbethed look at the crystal, then at Kirito, then at the crystal again. "Kyah!" Lizbeth threw the crystal to Kirito who catch it with ease.

Shoto tried not to laugh at the girl's reaction. "You do realize you're wearing virtual gloves, over virtual hands, holding something that came out of a virtual - not to mention mythical - creature, right?"

"Either way, we get what we came here for, now all we need to do is..." Before Kirito can finish Lizbeth cut him off.

"Wait, you said this is the dragon nest right?"


"But dragon are nocturnal so it should be..."

Realization come to Kirito and Shoto, then the three of them looked up towards the sky, where they saw a shadow move towardd them at high speed.

"Its coming!" Lizbeth said knowing its the dragon.

Shoto narrowed his eyes as he quickly picked up Lizbeth fireman style. "H-Hey!? What!?" Lizbeth screamed.

"Let's go, Ki" Shoto yelled.

"On it!"

The two boys then unsheathed their swords and made circle slash motions, blowing the snow on the ground covering them. When the dragon arrived, it blew away the snow with its wings, but there was no sign of Shoto, Kirito or Lizbeth.

Unknown to the dragon, Shoto and Kirito were running on the wall, with Shoto still carrying a screaming Lizbeth. "Liz, hold on!" Shoto yelled as he and Kirito jumped off from the wall onto the dragon and stabbed their swords in its back.

The dragon roared as it flew back above out of the hole.

"We're outside!" Kirito informed the screaming blacksmith.

The dragon stopped in mid-air outside, throwing Shoto, Kirito and Lizbeth into the sky.

"Kyaaaaaahhh!" Lizbeth screamed, then when she opened her eyes, the sunrise of Aincard greeted her, the beautiful sun lighting the darkness. "Wow...!"

Shoto and Kirito gave their hands to her, Lizbeth blinked then smiled taking their hands.

"Shoto! Kirito!" Lizbeth call as the trio fell into the ground. "You know I..."

"What!" Kirito yelled not quite hearing what she said.

"I think I love you two!" Lizbeth yelled her confession.

"Whaat? We can't hear you!" Shoto yelled. "What did you say!?"

But the two boys were taken by surprise when Lizbeth pulled them closer for a hug. "Nevermind!" Lizbeth said with a big smile.

Shoto then blinked as he realized something "Liz?" He called. "Liz, grab the crystal! Grab the crystal, Liz! GRAB THE CRYSTAL! GRABTHECRYSTAL!!!"


Floor 48: Lindus

Lizbeth's Weapon Smith

"A one handed long sword, right?" Lizbeth asked, taking the now heated crystal to the iron. The group thatconsisted of Kirito, Lizbeth and Shoto had managed to reach Lizbeth's shop safely.

"Yes please." Kirito answered.

Lizbeth took a deep breath, then she started to hammer the heated crystal. "The warm of Kirito's hand... My feelings... They're all real. If I can make a sword he like i'll confess my feeling to him." After several more hit, the crystal started to glow red and take shape.

After the glow died down, the crystal turned into a teal collored crystal long sword with a pointed guard and a dark green grip. "The Dark Repulsor, it's the first name I've heard that name, so its not in the broker's codex just like Shoto's Solar Heart." Lizbeth said looking at the weapon status.

"Nice sword." Shoto commented in awe.

"Kirito, can you try it?" Lizbeth asked.

Kirito nodded, then took the sword and practiced a few swings.

"How is it?" Lizbeth asked nervously.

"Its heavy... Its a good sword." Kirito answered with a smile.

"Really?!" Lizbeth said feeling very very happy.

Kirito nodded. "I can feel your heart inside of it." Kirito said with Lizbeth nodded and held her heart. "Well, our requests are now completed, how much will it be for my sword?" Kirito asked. sheathing the sword.

"Uh, Well..." Lizbeth said fidgeting. "You don't have to pay me."

Kirito and Shoto look surprise.

"In exchange, I'd like to be your private blacksmith." Lizbeth said. "And you too, Shoto." Lizbeth add.

Both Kirito and Shoto looked at each other. "What does that mean?" Shoto asked.

Lizbeth started to blush. "When you both get back from the field, come here and let me do maintenance on your equipment. Everyday! Starting for today!"

Both Kirito and Shoto blinked, then Kirito start to blush getting SOME of the hint Lizbeth gives. "Liz..."

"Kirito...Shoto... I... I..." But before she could finish the door of the shop opened and Asuna enter the room.

"Liz! I was really worried!" Asuna said, jumping over the railing.

"Asuna!" Liz said, surprised to see her friend.

Asuna shot forwardand hugged Lizbeth. "Liz! I couldn't send messages to you, or track you on the map... where were you last night?" Asuna asked.

"Sorry, I got stuck in a dungeon." Liz said.

"A dungeon? Did you go alone?" Asuna asked, surprised.

"No, with those two." Liz said, pointing at Shoto and Kirito.

Asuna looked to see Shoto and Kirito. "K-Kirito? S-Shoto?" She said, shocked.

"Yo, Asuna! What's up?" Shoto greeted with a grin.

Kiritio scratched his head. "Oh, A-Asuna... it's been a while. Or maybe it hasn't. Two days?"

"You surprised me. I see, you both already dropped by. If you told me, I would've come with you guys." Asuna said.

"Do you guys know each other?" Liz asked

"Yeah, the three of us are part of the lead group." Kirito said.

Lizbeth's eyes widen at what he said.

"They wanted more powerful swords, so I referred them to your shop." Asuna explained.

"So that's why..." Lizebeth muttered lowly.

"You two didn't do anything weird to my friend, did you?" Asuna said, looking at the two boys.

"O-Of course we didn't!" Kirito said

"Yeah! What's that suppose to mean?" Shoto asked.

"Well, knowing you two, trouble is always at the corner." Asuna said remembering every problem the two male involved in.

"Its not our fault trouble is always at our door." Kirito argued forgetting about Lizbeth.

Lizbeth watched the three of them interact, it seem they are all pretty close since the three of them speaking so freely... It was rare. Asuna was a vice commander of a frontline guild, so speaking to random players without any commanding tone or aura was almost impossible, only a few exception(like her) could even have the chance to speak freely to her.

In fact... She could see some affection in Asuna eyes for the two boys. "Asuna." Lizbeth called halting the argument.

"What is it Liz?"

Lizbeth immediately dragged Asuna to a corner, out of the boys' hearing range. "Which one do you fancy?"

Asuna stared at her friend. "Fancy? What do you mean?"

"Oh come on! You know what I mean!"

It took a moment before Asuna realize what she was implying. "Wha-wha-wha-Its not like that!" Asuna denied with a red face.

"Suuure it's not."

"It's not!"

While Lizbeth to continued on to tease Asuna, both boys are on the sideline watching. "What do you think their talking about?" Shoto asked.

Kirito shrugged. "I don't know. I can't read minds."

"...Do you think they're talking about food?"

"No way, why would they talk about food away from us? Probably something personal." Kirito said mumbling about 'girls and their secrets'.

Shoto started to think, something personal? Like what? Favorite teddy bear? Romantic walks on the beach? Tips on how to make one hair more healthy? Meal recomendation?

Lizbeth then whispered into Asuna's ear.

"They're weird, but their not bad guys. I'll be cheering for you. So do your best, Asuna." Liz whispered to Asuna. "I can understand if you like Kirito so much even though he can be a jerk sometimes, but Shoto is also really cute." She then started running out of the door.

Asuna turned red. "It's not like that! Liz?"

"Sorry, but I have to go pick up some supplies. I'll be right back." Liz said, standing by the door.

"What about the store?" Asuna asked.

"You three keep an eye on it!" Liz said running out of the store.

"Wait, Liz!" Asuna yelled out.


*Behind a small river bridge at the evening*

Liz had her hands on her knees while covering her face. She was by herself with no one else around.

"Lisbeth..." Shoto said, appearing on the bridge. "You okay?"

Liz got up but kept her back facing him, as she faced the other way.

"You can't be here right now." Lizbeth said, as she then turned around to look at Shoto only without Kirito.

"Just a little longer. And I would've gone back to my usual cheerful self..." Liz said while wiping away her tears.

"Liz..." Shoto muttered.

"How'd you know I was here? And where's Kirito?" Liz said, as she looked up at him.

Shoto pointed at the bell tower. "I went up there, so I could track the whole town for you. And Ki is off practing with the new sword somewhere else." He replied, rubbing his head.

"You two always do the craziest things." Lizbeth said, walking over to the pond and looking down at the water. "Sorry...I'm fine. I'm just not used to adventures, and it just shook me, please... forget everything i said." Liz said covering her face to avoid crying again.

"Kirito wanted to thank you. He always thought it would be better to die than to survive alone." Shoto said, looking away.

Hearing this, Liz stood up and looked at the swordsman. "Kirito?"

"Yeah. But when we fell in that hole, I was glad we all made it. I was able to think that everyone and I are living as best as we can. So thank you Liz." Shoto said with a smile. "That adventure we had is worth remembering."

Liz smiled as well. "Same here... I, too was always looking for something, something real in this world. For me, it was the warmth of your and Kirito's hands. Do me a favor, tell Asuna and Kirito what you just told me."

"Liz..." Shoto began, but was cut off as the pinkette turned her back to him.

"I'm fine!" Lizbeth said. "Only, this warmth will linger for a while. Therefore, please... End this world with Kirito and Asuna. Until then, I'll keep working."

Shoto nodded. "I promise. We'll win the game." He said determined/

Lizbeth wiped away more tears from her face."If you or Kirito need your equipment repaired, come by anytime."

"Sure thing." Shoto said with a toothy grin.

Lizbeth turned to face him. "You'll always be welcome at Lisbeth's Smith Shop!" She said with a smile off her own.

Shoto nodded to himself. "Well, I better get going. See ya!" He started to run pass the small river.



"There's a banana peel!"

"Where?" *Steps on banana peel* "Oh shit-" *Splash* "WWHHHYYYY!!!!???"

To be continued...

(Ending theme)


So, do you guys like it? If so, please review, it keep me motivated. If you have any questions please ask away in review or PM!

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