Chapter 15 - Family

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Well, writing this chapter nearly left me in tears... I have the feeling that it will do the same for some of you. Also, this is now the new longest chapter I have ever written, and I hope you guys enjoy it!

(Opening theme)



Foor 1: Town of Beginnings/ Day care

"Is this place always so busy?" Kirito asked, as he looked around at the noisy room. They were in a cathedral on floor one, where twenty or thirty kids were attacking their lunches happily. He, Shoto, Asuna, Yui, and Sasha, that the trio had rescued the previous day, were in a corner table and watching all the kids. Shoto was in the middle of telling the kids about all the times the 'evil' banana peels tried to take him out, much to their amusement.

"Yes, sad to say," Sasha said.  "I actually used to be a front-liner myself, up to about floor twenty. But since I lived down here, I just found it harder and harder to leave each day as I saw how distraught the kids were. So, I decided to rent out this church and turn it into an orphanage of sorts."

"That's so awful," Asuna said looking around. "At least they seem to be okay now."

"Yeah, it was pretty hard for a lot of them, especially since all of these kids are the ones that logged in without their parents," Sasha said sadly. "But we manage to get by well enough, and they're safe here. And speaking of safe...How is Yui doing" She looked down at Yui, who was munching absentmindedly on a roll. 

Kirito turned to Sasha with a smile and said, "Well, she seems fine to me. But have you seen her around before? We came down here looking for her parent or guardian after we found her wandering in the forest of floor twenty-two. She's lost her memory, so she can't tell us what happened to her."

Sasha shook her head in a negative gesture. "No, I haven't seen her before, not ever," she answered. "I go wandering the streets every day looking for any kids that might need my help, but I've never see her. In fact, it's been a few months since I found anybody new- I think that these might be all the kids under the age of twelve in SAO."

Before anyone could say anything else, there was a loud knock at the door. Shoto's eyes narrowed as he approached the door with his sword in hand. Sasha came up behind him as the kids all went quiet. When he opened the door, there was a woman with long silver hair standing outside, dressed in the casual Army uniform.

"Who are you?" Shoto glowered as he recognized the uniform and guild symbol displayed above her health points bar. "If you're here about your bully boys from yesterday, I suggest you get lost. These people have it hard enough as it is without your stupid lackey's running around, playing-"

"Actually, I came to thank you for what you did yesterday," the woman said, surprising Shoto and silencing him instantly. "You did the right thing by putting those men in their place. My name is Yuriel, and I'm actually the Vice Commander of the Aincrad Liberation Army."

"Oh...okay?" Shoto said, scratching his head.

"You're Shoto of the Assualt Team, right?" the woman asked. "Are your other two friends here with you? I need to talk to them about something very important."

Shoto looked back into the room, where Kirito and Asuna met his gaze form the table. "One of the heads of the Army wants to talk to you guys," he said. "She says it's important, and she's not armed for trouble."

Kirito nodded, all business. "Let her in," he said. "Unless you have any objections, Miss Sasha?" When the teacher stated that it was fine, Shoto sheathed his sword and stepped aside to admit Yuriel.


They all met in a back room where Yuriel was going to explain everything.

Shoto looked to Yuriel and said, "So, why did you call us back here to talk in private?"

Yuriel sat down and turned to Kirito. "Are you all familiar with the original goal of the Army?" she asked.

"Yeah, you guys wanted to be able to spread resources or something like that, right?" Kirito said with his hand on his chin.

"Yes, that's correct," Yuriel nodded. "The army's founder is man named Thinker. At first the goal was easy to achieve, but then..."

"The guild got too large, huh?" Asuna guessed, to which Yuriel nodded.

"Thinker never wanted the guild to become the dictatorial society it's become," she said. "He's a kind-hearted man. But unfortunately, a number of players weren't satisfied with just sharing everything- they wanted to keep some of the goods for themselves. And after much infighting, one man in particular became very powerful. His name is Kibaou."

Asuna, Kirito, and Shoto's minds flashed back to the first boss raid, where the man in question had tried to get the beta testers to take the fall for the deaths of the two thousand plus players. He had also tied to get them to cough up their spoils, but Agil had stopped him before he could get carried away. It seemed as though he wasn't done stirring up trouble.

"Not that bastard again," Shoto groaned.

"You know him?" Yuriel asked, surprised.

"Yeah, something like that," Asuna nodded. "So what did he do to cause so much trouble for you guys?"

"He began monopolizing all the best monster spawn points for himself and his faction- it was getting pretty clear that he didn't really care about clearing the game," Yuriel answered. "But when some people started to question his motives recently, he sent his best squad on a boss raid to prove his commitment to the cause."

"Corvatz," Shoto said, thinking back to the day said man appeared to them.

"Yes, that's correct," Yuriel said. "And as I understand it, you three, along with the Furin Kazan saved most of their lives. So again, thank you."

"We only did what any decent human should," Asuna said with a soft smile. "Besides, it was all really Kirito and Shoto."

"And that's why I came here today," Yuriel said. "When the raid turned into a fiasco, Kibaou lost a number of his supporters. Scared and desperate to maintain his power, he lured Thinker into a trap, hoping to get him killed so that he could take over, I think."

"Wait, what kind of trap?" Kirito asked while Shoto clenched his fists in aner at the thought of the spike-haired insurrectionist.

"He sent Thinker a teleport crystal with locked coordinates," Yuriel replied. "The crystal was supposed to take him to a neutral area where they could talk privately, unarmed. Unfortunately, Thinker was too trusting and went in without any weapons. Now he's been trapped inside that dungeon for three days, and he hasn't moved the whole time. He's alive, but I think he's stuck in a safe zone."

"And you want us to help you rescue him?" Shoto asked.

"Yes," Yuriel replied. "I know that this should be my responsibility as Vice-Commander, but Kibaou keeps pulling strings to keep people from helping me go to Thinker's rescue." Tears pooled in her eyes as she continued, "I know I'm asking a lot of you, and we just met, but... The thought of Thinker being trapped in there... It's driving me insane!"

She stood up in front of the trio, eyes watering heavily. "When I heard that three of the most powerful players in Aincrad were in town, I thought 'This is my chance!' Shoto, Kirito, Asuna! Please, I need your help to rescue Thinker!" And she sat back down, crying.

"This is a lot to go on just by word of mouth..." Asuna said. "Don't get me wrong, we'd love to help, but is there any way for you to prove what you're saying is true?"

"Don't worry, Mommy," Yui said with a gentle smile. "She's telling the truth."

"How can you tell?" Asuna asked, surprised at the child's forthrightness.

"I dunno," Yui chirped. "I can just tell."

"You know, I'm with Yui," Shoto grinned toothly as he cracked his knuckles. "This lady seems pretty genuine to me. And I'd like the chance to get my hands on Kibaou- us beaters owe him a beating."

"You agree with her?!" Kirito said in surprise.

"Hey, just because little people are young doesn't mean I can't agree with them when they have a good idea," Shoto retorted. "Besides, shouldn't you have faith in your kid too, Ki?"

"Hmm..." Kirito thought about it for a moment. Then he smiled at his wife and said, "He's right, let's do it. I'd rather trust her and regret it than not trust her and regret it." Asuna smiled and nodded her approval.

"Th... Thank you," Yuriel said with a deep bow. "This means so much to me."

"Before we get going though..." Shoto said as he looked at Kirito. "We need to decide who will be taking which assignment."

"What do you mean?" Asuna asked.

"We need to decide who's gonna go into the dungeon to rescue Thinker, and who's gonna go get Kibaou for arrest," Kirito replied, Asuna nodding in confirmation. "We could go do each job all together, but then we run the risk of Kibaou just disappearing off the map altogether. We need to catch him off-guard."

"I personally don't care how we do this, as long as I'm the one that gets to throw him in the prison," Shoto smirked.

"Sometimes I wonder if he likes getting to beat people up in here..." Asuna muttered.

"What?" Shoto objected. "It's not like they can't use a potion or anything. And I only beat up people that deserve it."

"Um..." Yuriel tried to interject. "Can we get back to planning?"

"Shh, not now, honey." Shoto said with a raised finger. "The grown-ups are talking."

"Shoto!" Asuna cried in embarrassment. Turning to a stunned Yuriel, she said, "Please excuse him, ma'am. He's just got a few screws loose..."

"Would you like to tell me something I don't know?" Shoto grinned. "Thats definitely sounds like me."

"Shut up!" Kirito and Asuna yelled at him. Yuriel was wide-eyed, while Yui just laughed.



Floor 1: Town of Beginnning/ Black Iron Castle

Shoto, Kirito, Yui, Asuna and Yuriel were all walking through the dungeon, as Kirito was giving Yui a piggy back ride.

It was eventually decided that they would do the jobs one at a time, with rescuing Thinker being the top priority. If Kibaou got, away, it would be too bad, but the look in Shoto's eyes told Yuriel that the chances of that were slim. He was the Yellow Fang, after all. Hunting down criminal players and bullies was his specialty.

Despite everyone's protests when they tried to leave, Yui had insisted on coming down with them into the dungeon. Kirito, Asuna, and even Shoto were suckers for the little girl, so they gave in on the condition that she stay back with Asuna while Kirito and Shoto handled the fighting.

When they inquired which floor they would be heading up to, Shoto then asked, "So where exactly is this prison?"

Yuriel replied, "The dungeon is actually beneath the prison, here on floor one. Thinker is deep inside it."

"Wait, there's a dungeon under the Town of Beginnings?" Kirito had asked, surprised. "Whoa. That wasn't in the beta, and it wasn't mentioned in the official manual or website at all."

"Yes, and it seems that the more the floors above are cleared, the wider the dungeon gets down there," Yuriel said as she began walking down the dark stairs, leading into a very tomb-like dungeon that gave Asuna the creeps.

Kirito had equipped his dual-wielding for the dungeon that they entered, and Shoto also had his Limit Break prepared in case any of the mobs could use poison-type attacks. The monsters they encountered were mostly large frog-like monsters and while they weren't particularly difficult for the pair, but there was a great number of them.

"I kill 'em all!" Shoto said, as he and Kirito charged and began slashing at the monsters. "Go for the eyes, Ki! It's their weak points!"

"Got it!" Kirito nodded, as he began slashing more of them.

Yuriel watched with surprise as the duo went to work with their swords, making short work of a swarm that numbered in the forties. "Maybe I should help them..." she said uncertainly. Yui was giggling as she watched.

"Nah, let 'em have it," Asuna chuckled. "Kirito and Shoto both love getting in on a good battle. Let them have their fun." 

Yulier then opened up the menu before she clicked on the friend box. Soon after, she clicked on Thinker's box.

"We're pretty far down. Are we almost there?" Asuna said, going over to her with Yui.

A map appeared on Thinker's location.

"Thinker hasn't moved from here. I think he's in a safe spot. If we can reach it, we can use a teleport crystal." Yulier said.

No sooner had she said so than did the three of them return, Kirito grinning happily while Shoto scanned through his inventory. Yui smiled, as she clapped her hands in delight at the sight of the two victors.

"Man oh man, that was fun," Kirito laughed.

"That's was some nice stress relief." Shoto agreed.

"Did you guys get any drops?" Asuna asked her husband and friend.

"Hell yeah, we did!" Shoto grinned wider. He and Kirito opened their menus and pulled out two massive legs of raw frog meat. 

"Wh-What are those?" Asuna said, disgusted.

"Scavenged toad meats." Kirito said, holding up his frog leg.

"Those frogs?" Asuna asked.

"Think you can cook this up?" Shoto asked as he put it close to her face.

"Not on your life!" she shrieked, slapping the meat out of his hand and sending it flying down the stony hallway, where it hit the floor and shattered.

"What the hell!?" Shoto exclaimed.

"What did you do that for...." Kirito whined, looking at Asuna. 

Asuna just looked away with her hands on her hips.

"Damn it! Fine then." Shoto scowled as he and Kirito opened their menus again. 

"Okay then, what are we supposed to do with these?!" Kirito said, as both boys had an armful of fourteen frog legs each.

"Get those away from me!" Asuna shrieked, tossing every frog leg they had.

"Come on!" Kirito protested. "The weirder it looks, the better it tastes!"


"Just put some soy sauce on it!" Shoto yelled. 

"I'm not wasting my sauce on that stuff!"

"How would that be a waste?!"

As the three bickered back and forth, Yuriel was so overwhelmed by the bizarre behavior of the trio that she finally started laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation.

"Hey!" Yui exclaimed excitedly, catching everyone's attention immediately. Kirito and Shoto looked over at her with Asuna's hand in the middle of shoving one of the frog legs in Kirito's mouth, while having Shoto in a headlock. She was smiling happily at Yuriel, who looked very confused now.

"That's the first time I've ever seen you smile!" Yui said. "You have a nice smile! You should smile more often!" And what else could Yuriel do but smile at the little girl?

Seeing this, Asuna smiled and grabbed Yui's hand. "Come on." She said, they all walked deeper into the catacomb-like dungeon.


It took them a few hours to make it near to where Yuriel's map indicated Thinker's location. They had been moving in peace for about ten minutes when Yuriel decided to re-check the map. "Thinker hasn't moved from here in a couple of days," Yuriel said. "Which is why I believe he managed to find a safe zone to hide in."

"Hmm..." Kirito mused as he peered at the map. "He should be down at the end of this corridor then..." He paused in thought as the others walked ahead. Shoto turned to look back at him as he suddenly frowned.

"Is everything okay, Bro?" he asked.

"Sho," Kirito said quietly. "Where did all the monsters go?"

"Hunh?" Shoto asked. "What do you mean?"

Looking back behind him, Kirito's frown deepened. "If this place is so hard, how come there aren't any of the mobs that we should be seeing down here?"

"Maybe this whole corridor is a safe zone?" Shoto guessed, but Kirito shook his head as he began moving again.

"If that were the case, we would have noticed a ripple effect in the air," he said, thoughts still racing. "The only times we've seen a dungeon floor get clear like this..."

"Is right before a boss lair," Shoto finished for him with a slight frown. "Wait...Ah, crap!" Struck by the same thought, they charged at a full sprint, even as the people ahead of them began to jog forward.

"Wait, stop!" Shoto called out. "We think there's a-" He was cut off as he saw Kirito suddenly accelerate to tackle Yuriel to the ground. He was just in time to help her avoid being cleaved in half by a massive scythe. Shoto redoubled his speed, catching up to the others just in time for the wielder of the scythe to fully reveal itself, even as the room around them began to change colors, indicating the appearance of a boss.

"Shoto, where are it's weak spots?" Kirito asked.

"I'll check." Shoto replied, as he activated his Limit Break.

The boss was easily twenty meters in height, floating above the ground like a phantom. Its face was that of a skull, with glowing red eyes shining out of the empty sockets. The name above it read 'The Fatal Scythe'. To Shoto's horror, he couldn't even see its health bars, or weak spots, meaning that it was above his mob analyzer skill's ability to detect. It was as though the Grim Reaper himself had manifested in the game.

"I can't find them! This thing belongs on floor ninety or higher!" Shoto shouted at the others. Looking past the boss, he could see a man in an army uniform like Yuriel's- Thinker, he assumed. Looking back at Kirito and Asuna, he shouted, "Get them out of here! I can hold it off long enough for you to get away!"

"We're not leaving you!" Kirito shouted back. Getting to his feet, he said to Yuriel, "Take Yui into the safe zone while we handle this. Teleport out of here, and we'll join you soon." Yuriel did as she was told immediately, as Shoto, Kirito and Asuna assembled before the boss, which seemed to have been waiting for them to gather.

It whirled the massive scythe into position as Kirito called out, "Alright, Asuna and I will block while you try and get in some hits, Sho!" Then it struck, and the three teenagers were scattered like leaves in the wind.

Asuna and Kirito were thrown back the way that they had come while Shoto landed near the entrance to the safe zone. His sword was tossed several yards away, and he rolled to his haunches painfully. Looking up at his health bar, he saw that the scythe's single blow had drained almost half his health. Kirito was a little better off than him, but not by much. And Asuna was already in the yellow zone. 

'We can't survive a fight against this thing,' he thought grimly. Then, he saw someone come up behind him and lay a hand on his shoulder. "Yui?" he asked. "What are you doing? Get back inside and get out of here!"

"Don't worry, Uncle," she said with a small smile. "It'll be okay. Take this." And in her hand appeared a massive blade of fire, causing Shoto's eyes to widen.

"Wow...Is that thing going to burn me?" he asked, both amazed and shocked at what he was seeing

"Just use it on the boss," Yui said in response, unmoving.

"How did you summon that?" Shoto asked her.

"I will explain everything soon, Uncle," she said solemnly. "But your friends will die if we don't act now. Please, take this and use it to defeat the boss. One hit will do it."

"All right," Shoto said as he took the flaming sword. "I'll trust you, but I hope you have some answers ready, because I have many questions." With that, he leaped up high to strike at the boss.

"Time to send you back to the Underworld!" Shoto let out a mighty roar and brought the flaming sword down on the back of the boss.

From where Kirito and Asuna laid, they could have sworn that they saw fear in the eyes of the boss at flames began to swirl around it, burning at the edges of its cloak and weapons. Then the flames began to constrict its victim, burning away more and more of the deadly monster until finally, it disappeared in a shower of sparks to reveal Shoto standing there, empty-handed.

"Whoa..." He breathed out.

"What...?" Kirito asked as he got to his feet and helped his wife up as well. Shoto moved over to his friends, his face full of shock. "Shoto, what just happened?" Kirito rubbed his aching head.

"I really don't know. I'm just as lost at you." Shoto said, before he turned to face Yui, who looked very solemn indeed. "But I think that Yui might able to tell us."



Safe Zone

The four of them were now in the safe zone that Thinker had taken refuge in for three days. Yui was sitting on the only decoration, a black rectangle without markings of any kind. The girl had somehow changed back into the white dress that Asuna and Kirito had first found her in while they had been fighting the monster. She had said nothing for several moments, and Asuna couldn't take it anymore.

"Yui, please, say something," she begged. "You regained your memories?"

Yui looked up at the family sadly and said, "Kirito. Asuna. Shoto." The trio gave out little starts of surprise as she pronounced their name perfectly, without any hesitation. Yui continued, "...Everything in the world of Sword Art Online is run by a single, massive program called Cardinal. It controls everything in this world from monster spawns to col and item drops. And it was designed to do so without any human assistance. Not even the Game Master needs to tell it what to do, though I imagine he could if he needed to. Since the system was designed to run entirely by itself, it was also designed to care for the world it controls- including the mental welfare of the players in Aincrad." Her gaze returned to the trio as she said in a flat, soft voice, "Mental Healthcare Program Prototype One. Codename: Yui. That is who I am." The couple and their friend each reacted with shock, but it was Asuna that was able to speak first.

"You're... an AI?"

"Yes," Yui whispered, the tears flowing down her face. "I was designed to emulate complex human emotions in order to understand humans and help put them at ease with me. Nothing about me is real- not even my tears. I'm so sorry, Asuna..." She began to sob harder.

"But..." Shoto was still confused. "How did you lose your memory? Did the Game Master do that to you? I mean, an AI and other programs can't lose their memory unless someone deletes it, right?"

In response, Yui wiped her face and said, "On the day of the launch, and for reasons I never understood, I was forbidden by the Cardinal program from interacting with any of the players. I could only watch and monitor their mental states. Their situation, in a word, was horrible." She shut her eyes as she recalled how she had been helpless to prevent the thousands of people from leaping to their deaths. "Error upon error began building up inside of me... and I eventually fell apart."

"But then, one day, I noticed three players whose psyche was far different than those around them. I watched as one who was extremely goofy and optimistic helped those around him, and the other two found meaning and life in this game through their love for one another." She looked up at the trio, who could only stare at her, open-mouthed in return. "Each one was so different from one another, and yet they were each able to find happiness and peace wherever they went with one another, even after things seemed horrible."

"I wandered through the forest, hoping to get as close to you as I could," she sniffed, the tears beginning anew. "I've wanted to meet with each of you for the longest time..."

The three players each looked at one another, many emotions warring through their hearts. Finally, it was Shoto that managed to speak first. He stepped forward and knelt before the little girl so that he could look her in the eyes and said, "Well, I for one, don't care if you're a program. You're Asuna and Kirito's daughter, and my niece, not just some program that Cardinal can control."

"He's right, Yui," Kirito said as Asuna moved forward with him. "You're a part of our family. And something that Shoto has taught me while we've been in here is that you look out for your family. If you want something, all you have to do is ask for it."

"I want..." Yui mumbled, eyes downcast. Looking up, she cried as she outstretched her arms, "I want to be with you forever! Daddy! Mommy! Uncle!" Asuna finally broke, her own tears falling as she wrapped the little girl in her arms, even as Shoto and Kirito put his arms around the both of them.

"You will, Yui." Shoto said with a grin.

"I promise. You'll be with us forever, as our daughter." Kirito told her. 

Just then, a thought appeared in Shoto's mind. " Oh yeah!" Shoto said pulling out of the hug. "I really do hate to interrupt this beautiful moment, but I still have another question." When they all looked at him, he asked, "Where did that fire sword come from? Because that was so cool!"

"I did that with this." Yui said as she pointed to the black box. As if in response, the cube glowed with blue lines as a keyboard appeared. "This is actually an emergency access console for the GM. I used my admin privileges to create an object capable of deleting the boss."

"Wait, but wouldn't the Cardinal notice something happening?" Shoto asked with a frown.

"It likely would have found me out is I had deleted the monster myself, but since you were close by, Shoto, I gave it to you instead," Yui replied. "As far as the system is concerned, both instances were malfunctions. It will likely patch itself over to ensure that neither cases will repeat themselves, but I should be safe for now."

"What do you mean 'for now?" Asuna asked in alarm.

"When Sword Art Online's final boss is defeated, the game is set to self-destruct while the players are forcibly logged out," Yui answered. "And since I'm a program..." She didn't finish. There was no need to.

"NOT HAPPENING!" Shoto yelled, gaining everyone's attention. "I'm not about to let Cardinal thing kick my heart in the dick anymore!" He then looked at Yui with a smirk. "It's a good thing that we have two computer geniuses here. I think that we can help you."

"What are you talking about, Shoto?" Asuna asked.

Shoto grinned widely. "Think about it. If Yui can get you into this console, can one of you two move her core program to one of our NerveGears?"

The others looked at him, wide-eyed without a word for several seconds. Then a slow smile lit up Kirito's face. "Yui, would you mind telling your dad the password? I've got a few things I need to do."




"I still think you went over the top with Kibaou, Shoto." Asuna grumbled as she and the others were on their way home. They had just completed the second part of their job, and now Thinker was back in command of the Army, though he said he was thinking about disbanding them and trying to start again from scratch.

"Really?" Shoto said with a raised eyebrow. "What part of that was out of character for me?"

Asuna tried to come up with a comeback, but then realized that he was right. "Fair enough," she conceded.

"What did Uncle Shoto do, Mommy?" asked a little girl with black hair as she looked up at them.

"Let's just say that Kibaou was forced to learn sword-swallowing really fast," Kirito said with a shudder.

"Uncle, you're a very goofy guy," Yui giggled.

"You bet I am," Shoto replied with a grin. "You're part of our guild now, so you'll just have to deal with any and all shenanigans we some up with."

"Speaking of which..." Asuna said. "What exactly did you two do back there in the dungeon? I'm still a little lost."

"To sum it up, we managed to use the GM's account to change Yui's status from an immortal object- an AI- to get the Cardinal to recognize her as a player," Shoto grinned. "She's still being saved in Kirito's NerveGear so that when the game ends, she'll be okay. But I'll tell you that it was quite a pain to figure out. Nice work there, Ki."

"Thanks, but I never would have thought of doing what you did," the boy chuckled back. "I mean, now everyone of us has a unique skill- maybe Heathcliff will take us more seriously now." He recalled how Shoto had, after securing Yui's file, begun rummaging through some of the other controls that the console offered. Unfortunately, it didn't offer a logout option, but what it did do was grant the GM access to all the sword skills in Aincrad.

Using this feature, they had managed to grant Asuna the skill called 'Sonic Blade', which maximized her speed and raised her attack, a skill similar to the Divine Blade that Heathcliff used. 

While he and Kirito had worked at the console, Shoto had been disturbed by a number of thoughts. 'If Akihiko Kayaba is the one that somehow grants people unique skills instead of the system, how does he decide who to give them to? Or does he simply have the option to do so, and Cardinal really is the one that chooses who gets these skills? If that's the case, will he even notice if Asuna also has these abilities?

"Meh, doesn't matter," Shoto said as he and Kirito did a 'Bro Fist'. He would have to ponder the mystery later.

Then he looked down at Yui, who was smiling up at him. "Aw, come here you," he said as he broke into a genuine smile and picked her up, setting her on his shoulders. "Welcome to the family, Yui."

To be continued...

(Ending theme)


Oh wait, did I mention that they were tears of happiness? Haha, YUI LIVES!

I thought that I was pretty clever in how I did that- I hope that you guys agree with me, and if you don't, well... YUI LIVES! HAHAHAHAHA! Aren't I the greatest?

Also, please review or PMs me about your thoughts. See ya!!!

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