Chapter 16 - At the Gates of Hell

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Yo guys! Firestorm40 here. All right, get ready, because this is the second-to-last chapter for this arc, and I'm releasing the second part here in a few minutes! I am so stoked to hear what you guys think of the end of the Aincrad saga! Be sure to leave a review when you're done reading- and thanks for votes and comments as well!

(Opening Theme: Crossing Field - NateWantsToBattle)


 A week had passed after they had rescued Yui when it happened. The little girl spent a couple of nights with Kirito and Asuna, but she usually spent the night with Shoto in the apartment while he slept on the couch. Whenever she asked why, Shoto would tell her than her parents stayed up later than she did, and she wouldn't be able to sleep if they were still up. Of course he didn't mention why they would be up that late.

But one of the mornings when Yui had spent the night with her parents, Shoto woke up to a message from Kirito. It said, 'Fishing tournament-type event happening in an hour? Wanna come and watch?' Seeing that he had nothing better to do anyways, the blonde decided to go down.



Floor 22 - Lake Outside Coral City

When they made it to the lake near to the house, the pair was surprised to see a crowd gathered around the lake. "All of this for a fishing tournament?" Shoto mumbled as he looked around, his hands behind his head. "Seems like a bit much it you ask me."

"Uncle Shoto!" a young voice called out from near the lakeshore. The blonde smiled as he approached Yui, who was holding onto Asuna's hand. Shoto was surprised to see that her face and hair were hidden by a makeshift shawl, but he could guess as to why.

"Is Miss Lighting Flash worried about all of your fans?" Shoto whispered teasingly as he hugged the girl in greeting.

"Shut up," she hissed, but she couldn't keep from smiling. Shoto then bent down to pick Yui up and set her on his shoulders. 

"So, what's going on here?" Shoto asked as he looked at the dock to see Kirito and an older gentleman carrying a fishing pole three times his size step up to the edge.

"Oh, Kirito is going to help Mister Nishida catch a fish," Asuna grinned.

"One fish?" Shoto asked with a sidelong glance and a raised eyebrow. "What's so special about it?"

"It's supposed to be monster-sized, according to the guy down there," Asuna shrugged. "Oh, look!" She pointed as the fisherman cast his line, the rod glowing as he activated the skill required to cast such a massive rod. The crowd instantly quieted.

Shoto looked around, bored. "Seriously?" he said in a quiet, bored tone. "I came down for this? I could've been at a 'All you can eat buffet' right now."

"Shh!" Yui reached down and clamped her small hand on her uncle's mouth. "You'll scare of the fish!" she whisper-shouted.

Before Shoto could come up with a muffled response, there was action down on the pier. Nishida shouted something at Kirito and handed the rod to him. Kirito looked down at it for a second, perplexed, and Shoto  didn't blame him. Were they trying to pull a switch with a fishing pole?

He got his answer when Kirito was yanked forward, the rod bending down, hard. The boy in black gritted his teeth and let out his war cry, heaving with all his might. Then, to the surprise of everyone there, he actually began to drag the pole back up, and presumably, the fish along with it.

"Wait, how big did you say that thing was supposed to be?" Shoto asked with a slight frown.

"I dunno," Asuna laughed. "No one's ever- whoa!" Shoto and everyone saw the same thing as her, and they decided to do what everyone else did- make a beeline away from the lake entirely.

Only when they turned around did they see that Kirito was wrestling with the line. Before anyone could call out to him, the line snapped. Those that were hoping that he would see what they had and run for it were disappointed. To their shock, he actually began yelling at the lake.

"Kirito!" Asuna called out. "Get away from the water!"

"Why?!" he called back, just as the water behind him exploded, drenching him with lake water, and causing him to land on his back. In doing so, he was forced to look up in fear at the massive orange-and-blue fish that stared down at him.

"That's why!" Shoto exclaimed.

The fish was easily five meters tall, armed with jagged teeth, and equipped with six legs that it stood on as it roared at the Black Swordsman. Now he came running, only stopping once he was behind Asuna. "You left me there to die!" he accused his friends.

"Sorry..." Asuna grinned sheepishly while Yui giggled, highly entertained.

"I would've helped ya, but I didn't want to be fish bait either." Shoto said, with a grin.

"Kirito, this is serious!" Nishida cried. "That thing is gonna eat us! We gotta do something!"

"Yeah, I'm working on that..." Kirito muttered as he looked at the approaching monster.

Shoto sighed in faux exasperation before handing Yui to Kirito. "Here," he said as he cracked his knuckles. "Asuna and I got this."

"But you don't have your sword, Shoto!" Asuna cried with worry.

"You have yours," Shoto said, pointing at Asuna clothes. "It's just too bad I didn't bring any sliverware- then we could've had a proper breakfast." Then he leaped up high even as Asuna drew her rapier. He came down with axe kick that had a shocking amount of force behind it. The air literally resounded with a shockwave as the blow connected, forcing the massive fish to buckle to the ground, its legs stretched out awkwardly underneath it.

As he used the recoil momentum generated by the fish's resilient flesh to perform a backflip, Asuna made her move. Blade glowing blue, she unleashed a single, high-powered thrust and depleted the last of the monster's health, causing it to disappear in a shower of polygons.

"Nicely done, Sis," Shoto grinned as Asuna sheathed her sword with a satisfied smile.

"Not too bad yourself," she replied. "But the summersault was overdoing it."

"Really?" Shoto with his famous toothy grin. "I thought it was completely appropriate in the moment. And you saw how well it worked."

Before Asuna could make a reply, they were swarmed by a small crowd of fans, each calling out. "You guys are from the Assault Team, right?" one man called out.

"You're Asuna, right? You're pretty!"

"Can I have an autograph?!"

"Are you doing anything tonight?"

When they started to get too close for comfort, Shoto took Asuna's sword from her sheathe and whirled it into position. "Back off! She's with my pal, Kirito!" he shouted. They did so, immediately aware of who he was, even without his trademark red/orange coat and Arondight blade in his hand. "That's better," he grinned.

When they were able to rejoin the others, Yui was gushing with praise at how well they had handled the monster, and Asuna was smiling in congratulations. However, when Kirito approached them, his brow was knitted together. "We've got a problem," he said quietly.



Kirito and Asuna's Home

When they had gathered in Kirito and Asuna's house, the Black Swordsman finally spoke again. "I got a message from Heathcliff," he began. "It's time for the next boss raid."

"Already?" Asuna was surprised. "That was fast."

"Well, you two can sit this one out," Shoto said with a smile. "I'm sure I can handle it."

"That's the thing," Kirito said with a shake of his head. "He said that half of the recon team was wiped out."

"What?!" Asuna gasped, clutching onto Yui tightly, who looked very worried at this point. "How did that happen?"

"I don't know all the details," Kirito answered heavily. "But he's asking that we help out on this raid. If ten people were killed, I think that we should at least hear him out."

"All right," Asuna nodded. "Let's get geared up, just in case."

"Well, the vaction was fun while it lasted." Shoto said.

"I'm coming, too!" Yui grinned. "Uncle Shoto was able to set me at level ninety-six, so I'm just as strong as Mommy!"

Kirito shot Shoto a look that read 'Great, now how are we supposed to keep her from coming along?' 

Shoto pointed at Yui. "Don't look at me! Blame her 'Puppy-Eyes' skill. That move could make even the strongest man swoon!"

Before either of them could trade words, Yui spoke again. "Daddy, I know what I'm getting myself into. I know that every twenty-five floors, the boss is extra-hard. But I have strength here, same as you, Uncle and Mommy. I want to protect you, just like I know you want to protect me."

"But if something were to happen to you..." Kirito started.

"My avatar would be deleted, but my core program would be saved as a game object in your inventory," Yui said. "That's how my settings are now. So even if I do die here, it won't be forever. I know that you'd find a way to bring me back once you get back to the real world." Her eyes shone as she smiled encouragingly at Kirito.

He groaned aloud and finally said, "All right, you can come, but you'd better do as your mommy and I tell you, got it?"

"Aye aye!" she giggled with a fake salute.

"Still..." Shoto said as he moved to equip himself. "Ten players from the recon team? Those wouldn't have been your average players, even by guild standards... I don't like how this might go."



Floor 22: Coral Teleport Gate Plaza

Thanks for seeing us off. We didn't spend much time together, but it was fun." Kirito said, as he, Shoto, Asuna and Yui all stood in front of the teleport gate. Nishida was also there to see the group off.

"Yes, it was a good experience for me. Actually, before meeting you all, I'd thought of those working to clear the game were from a different world. I've been trapped in here for two years. Even if I made it back somehow, I don't know if I could return to my old job. It's possible that I've already given up on escape. And so, I told myself that spending my time with a fishimg rod in my hand would be the best thing for me. It's pretty sad." Nishida said, with a small smile.

"No...No, that isn't..." Kirito said, before he was cut off by Asuna.

"Me, too. At first, I thought the same thing. I cried alone every single night. It felt like every day passed here stole another piece of my real life away. After I cried, I'd go and fight as hard as I could. My only thought was of winning, moving foward, and getting stronger. But then, I saw two people napping in the shade, at the plaza. It made me so mad. I told them to stop wasting there time. And then, one of them replied that it was Aincard's best season, and its best weather setting, too. So entering a dungeon would be a waste. Then I tried lying down, as well, and I slept like a baby. When I awoke, it was evening, and they both gave me weird looks. But as we partied up together... Even in a world like this, they were really living. They weren't losing a day in the real world. They were gaining a day here. The two who taught me that was Kirito and Shoto. When I began thinking of them as I fell asleep. I stopped having nightmares. I began to look forward to seeing them. For the first time since I arrived here, I was happy... To me, Kirito was the love of my life and Shoto was the goofy brother I never had. Then Yui came into our lives, and we felt like a real family. They are the meaning of two years here... And proof that I'm alive. The reason I tried the NerveGear that day was so that I could meet them. I'm sure there's also something important to you here." Asuna said, wiping her tears.

"That's true... You're exactly right. Life isn't so bad. It's not so bad... There's nothing I can do to help you. But good luck." Nishida said

"Let's go fishing together again." Kirito said with a smiled

"Yea, we should." Shoto said, grinning. "Then we can sit around and goof off like champs." 

"We'll be back." Asuna said with a smile.

"Take care of yourself, Mr. Nishida!" Yui waved, holding Asuna's hand.

Nishida back's away from them.

"Teleport: Grandzam." Shoto, Kirito and Asuna said in unison.

Soon, they all started teleporting away, with Nishida waving goodbye. As they were teleporting away, Asuna grabbed onto Kirito's hand, while Shoto put his arm on his shoulder.



Floor 55: Grandzan

They were cut off?" Kirito said in shock.

"How is that even possible?" Shoto exclaimed.

The three frontlines players, plus Yui, were standing in front of Heathlciff and the high rankings of the he Blood Oath Knights.

"We sent in a twenty-member party, taken from five different guilds, to prepare for the boss fight. However, when the first ten reached the center of the room, and the boss appeared, the entrance closed." Heathcilff said in a calm voice.

"An anti-crystal area." Kirito and Shoto said in unison.

Heathcliff nodded. "Yes, and when it opened five minutes later, nothing remained in the room. Neither the ten... Nor the boss."

The group looked on in shock and horror.

"That's crazy..." Asuna said, holding Yui's hand.

"But we cannot give up on clearing the game. We'll have to attack with the largest group we can." Heathcliff told them.

"We'll help. However, Asuna and Yui's safety are my highest priorities. If things get bad, I will protect them over the rest of the party." Kirito said.

"Same here." Shoto said, firmly. "I take it you don't have a problem with that, Commander?"

Heathcliff smiled. "People are very strong when they seek to protect something. I'll expect a good fight." 



Later, Heatcliff was off to gather his guild mates, leaving Shoto and the others to mill about his office. It was then that Kirito dared speak what was on his mind. "Hey, Asuna?" he said tentatively. "I want to make a request... But I don't want you getting mad at me."

"What is it?" she asked with a small smile.

"Instead of fighting the boss..." he began. "Could you and Yui please stay here?"

The smile vanished. "Why would you ask me that?" she asked quietly.

"Because... I'm scared," he admitted with a trembling voice. "I don't want anything to happen to you." Asuna approached him rapidly, and Shoto backed away from where he had been standing. In the past he might have gotten involved, but this was something that they needed to work through as husband and wife.

"So you want to go somewhere dangerous while I stay here, safe?" she asked. When Kirito didn't answer, she got in his face and said, "Do you know what would happen if you didn't come back? Huh?" When he still said nothing, she all but shouted, "I'd kill myself!" Shoto's eyes widened, and he looked over at Yui. The little girl looked like she was getting ready to cry.

He went over and scooped her up, whispering soothing words to the girl. When he looked back at the couple, he could see Kirito's face was dumbstruck.

"I'd never forgive myself!" Asuna continued. "How could I live with the fact that I let you go somewhere dangerous without me?"

"I'm sorry," Kirito said as he clenched his eyes shut. "I guess I'm just losing my nerve... But..." He suddenly clenched Asuna's hands in his own and said, "I don't care if we never get out of this game! I just want to go back to our little house in the woods, and live as a family with you and Yui!"

"It would be nice if we could do that..." Asuna said with a pained smile. "But have you ever thought about what's happening out there? In the real world?"

"What do you mean?" Kirito asked.

Here at last, Shoto stepped in. "Remember how a few days after the announcement happened, most people went offline for a few hours? They- or rather, we- were probably being transferred to hospitals to be kept alive on machines. Which means that it doesn't matter at this point if we want to clear the game or not..." His voice trailed off.

"Everybody here is on a time limit," Kirito finished in horror. "And when it runs out..."

Asuna collapsed into his arms and started sobbing. "I want... I want us... to be together forever..." she cried. "To go on real dates... and to really get married... That's why... We have... to keep fighting..."

"And we will," Kirito said, the steel back in his voice and obsidian eyes. "We'll fight until the end."

"And I'll be right there with you both," Shoto swore. "And when we meet up in the real world, I'll be sure to make it known that nobody can come between the Moonlit Black Cats. You hear that?" he managed to grin. "Nobody is tearing this family apart."

'I promise'



Floor 75: Yurinia Teleport Gate

The gathering took place in the town square just outside the coliseum where Shoto and Kirito had fought for Asuna's freedom against the Knights of the Blood-Oath. Asuna was dressed up in the new uniform that Shoto had gotten made for her, and she had to agree, it complimented Kirito's outfit quite well. Yui was dressed in her white dress and armed with a white sword similar to the elucidator called the Rising Dawn. Several players raised eyebrows at the appearance of such a young player, but nobody could muster the courage ask them about it when Shoto sent them a glare that said 'Mind your damn business'. There they met up with Agil and Klein, who greeted them warmly enough.

"Yo, Agil, Klein." Shoto said with a grin. "I'm surprised to see you two signed up for this raid."

"Hey man, I closed down shop to make a fortune on today's drops! You're lookin' at a player that's as philanthropic as they come," Agil chuckled. "But who's that li'l kid with Asuna and Kirito?"

"She's our newest member, and wouldn't you like to know," Shoto sniggered as he put his hands behind his head. 

Kirito smirked. "Also seeing as you're so philanthropic, I guess you won't mind when we take you off the drop list."

"Whoa now, let's not be too hasty!" Agil said in a panic. As the group laughed, Heathcliff and the rest of the KOB elite stepped through the town's portal. They regarded the group with the briefest of glances, but otherwise they ignored them.

Heathcliff stepped up to the edge of the gathering and held up a massive blue crystal with red bubbles within it. "Corridor, open," he commanded. A shimmering gate similar to a town gate appeared, and he stepped inside. The knights were the first to follow, with Shoto and the others being the last to enter.

As soon as they stepped into the dungeon, Shoto could feel a chill seep into his bones, even though the cavern was reasonably warm. "You guys feel that?" he heard Asuna say. "There's a bad vibe in here." The others muttered their agreements, as they all could feel it.

Shoto left the others to talk to Klein and Agil so that he could approach Heathcliff alone. When he stood before the tall paladin, the man's gray eyes locked onto his without a word. "Commander Heathcliff," Shoto began. "I understand that you are going to be in the forward position?"

"That's the plan," Heathcliff nodded.

"Then if it's alright with you, I'd like it if me and my friends could assist in the forward position," Shoto asked respectfully. "I understand that we haven't been exactly on the best terms, but we still need to work together."

"And the little girl?" Heathcliff asked. "Who will watch her while you and the others lead the charge alongside me and my men?"

"I have that covered, don't worry," Shoto smirked. "If you don't want my help, fine, but from what you told us, we're going to need both raw power and smarts to survive, let alone win this round."

"Very well," Heathcliff nodded. "As you wish."

"Thank you sir," Shoto said with a respectful bow. "I hope you understand that I don't have a death wish. I just want everyone here to make it out alive." And with that, he took his leave, a small smile on his lips. 'If this boss is as tough as they say, we may see just how exactly Heathcliff has managed to remain invincible this whole time.'



After a few more minutes of equipment and inventory check-ups, Heathcliff called them all to attention. "The Knights and Black Cats will be at the front to attack the boss to try and knock it off balance while the rest of you try to figure out its attacks and patterns," he said. "I won't lie: this battle will be hard. But I believe that we can and will win this- for our day of liberation!" The resounding cry that echoed in the tunnels after that was deafening.

Hearing the speech and seeing how it affected the men around him, Shoto was reminded of Diabel, all that time ago on the first boss raid. 'That was where it all began for our family, he thought. And I swear on my life, this will not be the end of it.' He thought as he activated his Limit Break.

"Try not to die, guys," Kirito said to Klein and Agil, as he pulled out both his swords.

"Same to you, buddy," Klein smirked.

"Like I said, I'm gonna make a fortune on today's drop," Agil chuckled. "Ain't no way I'm missing out on that."

Shoto and Kirito looked at each other, before Shoto raised a fist to him. "Bro Fist." He grinned.

Kirito smirked and bumped fist with his best friend. "Bro Fist."

Heathcliff shoved the doors open and dashed inside, his sword and shield at the ready. Shoto, Kirito and Asuna were right beside him and his men, with Yui next to Shoto. She would be by his side so he could watch her.

They had all been expecting the boss to simply drop down on them as soon as they entered the room, but all that greeted them was the sight of a massive, empty cavern. They were atop a single flat platform. Off in the distance, similar platforms could be seen. Shoto and the others whirled around as the door shut and then disappeared. Uh-oh.

That's when the sounds began. The sound of something scuttling across stone, mixed with an angry, ominous hissing that made the back of Shoto scalp prickle. Looking around, he muttered, "Where are you...?"

"Up above!" Yui screamed, as everyone turned their heads upwards. In response, the boss let out a massive, dry hissing sound that was just as terrifying as its appearance. The thing looked like a gigantic centipede made entirely of bones. A skull with four jaw pieces and bright red eyes made up the face, and two massive blades that resembled straightened scythes jutted out from just underneath its neck, serving as arms. The tail it possessed was adorned with similar spikes. And the name read...

"Skull Reaper," Klein gasped. The very name resembled death, much like the Fatal Scythe boss had. Then it dropped down, still giving off that dry hiss.

"Get away from it!" Kirito roared as most of the players moved to get away. Unfortunately, some were paralyzed by fear, and failed to act in time. As soon as the boss landed, the room shook from the force.

The shockwave seemed to light up the room with ominous red and orange colors, even as it threw a number of players off their feet. Two of these poor souls were within the reach of the bone-scythes, and a single swipe sent them flying at the group. Asuna and Shoto moved to catch them, but the men shattered before they even hit the floor, causing them to gape widely at the monster before them.

"One hit...?" Kirito gasped. Shoto shared the sentiment- it just seemed so impossible for a single hit, even from a boss, to kill such high-level players.

"Holy shit..." he muttered.

"Man, we are so dead!" Agil said.

Then Shoto's warrior blood began to stir as he saw Heathcliff move to stand up to the monster. "Not today, we're not," he growled. Drawing Guilty Thorn with a fast motion, he charged at the boss, the others close behind. "Let's squash this bug!" He shouted.

One of the scythes swung at him, but he leaped forward in summersault to land on the flat of the blade, even as Kirito locked it in place with his dual swords down below. Shoto and Yui ran up the arm and stabbed the monster in the eye, causing it to roar angrily and jerk backwards, giving Kirito a respite. As Shoto grabbed Yui and flipped back to rejoin them, Kirito gasped, "I can't do that again... It's too damn heavy."

"Then I'll block it with you and Shoto," Asuna said. "We just have to time our swings together."

"Sounds good. Hear that?!" Shoto called. "Kirito, Asunaand I will deal with the scythes along with Heathcliff! The rest of you, attack it as hard and often as you can!"

"Okay!" Klein shouted back, his guild springing into action.

"Hold still baby!" Agil roared as he charged alongside two Dragon Alliance members.

Shoto looked Yui, who and nodded and went to take cover. Shoto looked back at his friends. "If we can, hit it in the eye again! That and its underbelly are the weak spots!"

"Anything else?" Asuna asked as she and Kirito moved  and stood on each of Shoto.

"Yeah." Shoto nodded. "If we manage to block its scythes without taking any damage, it receives one-point-two percent more damage for ten seconds!"

"That's not very encouraging, but we'll take what we can get," Kirito said.

Shoto grinned. "Alright, time to bust out our Trinity Attack!" Soon he, Kirito and Asuna raised their swords. "Courage..." Shoto started, pulling his Keyblade back. "...Power..." Kirito followed, mimicking Shoto's movements. "...Heart!" Asuna finished, mimicking Shoto and Kirito. With that, the trio shot forward.

The Skull Reaper tried to attack Heathcliff but he blocked it with his shield. Agil and Klein were both running towards it. Klein slid under the boss before he charged up his skill move and slashed monster's underbelly. The Skull Reaper roared in pain, before Agil leapt into the air and attacked the Skull Reaper. The Skull Reaper roared and attacked again. Shoto, Kirito and Asuna all blocked it. They pushed it back and started running towards it with battle cries. The Skull Reaper tried it's best to attack the trio, but they all dodged it. The three charged up their swords than attacked it. The Skull Reaper roared loudly once again. Shoto, Kirito and Asuna put their swords together as they shot towards the boss once more. Shoto's Solar Heart, Kirito's Elucidator and Dark Repulser, as well as Asuna's Lambent Light shined brightly, as they formed a heart and crown symbol, with a sword going through the middle of it.

"Heart Cross Burst!" The three of them shouted in unison before they slashed/thrusted their swords foward with battle cries.

To be continued...

(Ending Theme)


Since you guys have been such a great crowd, I've got the next chapter all set up and ready for you real soon! Let's finish this thing with a bang! 

See ya!!!

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