Chapter 18 - Return

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Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. Okay, time for the next round of fum to begin! Sword Art Online is over for many players, but there are those that still wear its shackles. Time to finally see who will fight to break those shackles! I'm so hyped to start off the New Year with a new epic!


Two months had passed since Saito and Kazuto both woke up in a hospital. Two months since Kayaba was defeated and Sword Art Online was cleared. 

When the news of the two boys awaken had reached their loved ones, Both families automatically ran to the hospital and nearly bust the door down. When Suguha had saw saw her brother and friend awake, she broke down in tears and hugged them both tightly, while her and Kazuto's mother, Mrs. Modori Kirigaya watched on with with a bright smile and tears of joy. 

For Saito, it was definitiely a family reunion as his parents and Robert came into the room too. The moment Ikumi laid eyes on Saito's emerald green eyes, which not only held brightness and willpower, but held maturity, pain and awareness as well, she bursted in tears, rushing and hugging Shoto, her head in his chest. Saito's eyes widened, looking down at his mother, who kept muttering apologies. He looked at his father, Kazue, who was around his mid-thirties, with unruly brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He was wearing a black business man outfit, with an olive shirt and a black tie. He let the tears flow, before understanding. He raised her up, as her red eyes looked at his own, which now held love and acknowledgement. "I forgive you, both of you. For everything." Saito said, tears coming from his eyes, as he hugged his mother tightly, causing her to cry more. His father joined, hugging both of them. Robert smiled at the scene, before swiping his tears away.

Time passed quickly for the two boys. All of their spare time went into three, or in Shoto's case, four things whenever they weren't at rehabilitation to recover from their two years of imprisonment. Despite the doctor's warnings not to push themselves too hard, the two of them took to practicing martial arts and kedo in private, showing each other forms that had been burned into his muscle's memory. The second thing they devoted most of their time to was visiting Asuna in her hospital, after they were told where she was, though they were shocked when they heard that she and 300 other players hadn't woke up yet and they spoke to Kikuoka about any possible updates on her condition. Third was simply talking to Suguha about anything but their adventures in Aincrad, mostly asking her about how her school and kendo were coming along. For Saito, the fourth thing...was to to be taken to 'All you eat' cheeseburger buffet.

Kazuto had explained to Saito that he wanted to do his best to act like the brother that Suguha had been missing even before Sword Art Online began. Hearing this, Saito grinned happily as he sat and talk with the two siblings, or even sometimes just listening while he read a book in silence.

 Speaking of which, Saito's relationship with his parents got better. They stayed with him much longer, even taking days off of work for him, so that they could be there during his rehab period. After a month of rehab, he was finally able to move freely and do strenuous activities. He wrote some tests to show he had the knowledge of the two school years he missed and after he passed, he did tests to get a driving lic\ense for cars. 


Christmas had come and gone, but still no sign of an awakening from Asuna. It was on January nineteenth that Shoto was out on a morning jog, something started to do nearly half a month ago. A crisp breeze was steadily blowing through the streets as he ran at a moderate pace for the next 45 minutes. "Man, you gotta love the outdoors." He said to himself as he ran a few more blocks. 


Kazue Hisaki was currently reading the daily newspaper on his favorite sofa, while his wife Ikumi went over a some paperwork for the hospital. Kazue kept reading until he heard the door open, and he looked up to see his son return from his daily jog.

"Hey dad!" Saito greeted taking off his shoes and walking up the stairs. Kazue smiled softly toward his son, always so bright and warm with his attitude.

"Hey, son." He replied back.

Soon, Robert emerged from the kitchen with a smile. "Good afternoon Master Saito, how was your stroll?" He asked as Saito chuckled.

"It was amusing." Saito answered simply getting a raise of the eyebrows from his father.

"Oh? How so?" Saito sat on the couch before answering, he wanted to at least get comfortable.

"Well there were these girls-"

"Did somebody say girls?!" Ikumi bursts out from the room with a wide grin surprising the trio.

"Yes Ikumi, it seems Saito here met a couple of ladies." Kazue smiled as Ikumi grinned deviously.

"Oh, so you have multiple girlfriends already?" She asked teasingly getting Saito to blush and for the other blonde to giggle.

"No mom, I just met them. They were just saying hi, that's it." Saito answered before he got up. "Anyway, I'm heading over to see Kaz and Sugu. They should probably be up now." 

"Oh! Do you want me to make snacks for you three?" Ikumi asked, smiling."

"No mom, it won't be necessary."

"I don't know Saito, it could be a way to impress Suguha. She is quite the young lady, son." Kazue said.

Saito groaned. "Oh come on. Not you too dad...We've talked about this."

"He's right you know! Therefor I'll give you ham, crackers, and cheese for tomorrow!" Ikumi declared marching pass Robert and into the kitchen to get started. Kazue could only sweat drop while Saito sighed. His mother was as stubborn as ever..

"Well, I'm going to head out now. I'll be gone for a few hours." Saito said, turning to his father.

"Don't strain yourself too much son. I know how you are." Kazue smirked turning the newspaper over.

"Okay dad. I promise I won't." Saito grinned.

"Please, give my regards to young master Kazuto and Lady Suguha, young master." Robert said, bowing a bit. 

"Sure thing, Robert! I'm sure they'll appreciate it." Saito said, heading to the door.

"Be sure to look decent! I want my son to look great for his wife to be..." Ikumi called in a sing song voice tone from the kitchen, to which Saito blushed under.

"Mom, I've told you before that we're just friends!" Saito explained, to which Ikumi poked her head out of the kitchen and giggled.

"Oh please Saito. We all know you've gained a reputation among the girls recently. Besides, I'm Suguha or any girl you choose could help you out with plenty of other.. 'Techniques'." She slyly teased toward the young blonde. Unluckily Saito knew what she meant, and blushed even redder than before.


"What I'm just saying! I want me some grand babies!"

"Mom.. Stop!"

"Hehe, you're so adorable my little Saito. Now go, otherwise you're going to be late for your afternoon with her and Kazuto." Ikumi smirked as Saito nodded with a face as red as a tomato.

"Yeah you're right. I'll see you in a few hours!"

"Don't have too much fun."


"Haha, bye Saito."

"Bye mom I love you."

"I love you too. Now go and get me some grand babies!"

"MOM!" On that note Saito left the mansion with an embarrassed mind while Ikumi giggled sweetly. She wanted some grandchildren!


Saito walked out of the door and headed towards Chevrolet Camaro, which was a gift from his parents. As he was about to open the door, a voice called out and got his attention.

"Oh. My. GOD!" Saito turned to the sudden feminine cry, to see a girl gawk at him in awe.

The girl standing before him had short brown hair that hung down to her chin with bangs parted from her left side. She was wearing a short sleeved blue hoodie with short, black tights and blue tennis shoes. Her sapphire eyes sparkled as she met Saito's confused emerald confused ones.

Shoto looked behind him, wondering if she was looking at someone else. Seeing as no one stood behind him, Saito pointed to himself as he faced the girl. "Are you... talking to me?"

The girl gasped again as she sped over to stand before him, her grin never wavering. "The face, the voice! It IS you! The Yellow Flash! You're Shoto of the Moonlit Black Cats!"

Hearing what she said, Saito's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, what? H-How do you know that?"

The mysterious brunette gave a cheeky grin as she pointed to herself. "I'm one of your biggest fans, seeing as you helped save my life!"

Saito looked at the girl, confused. "What do you mean?" He asked, knowing that he never seen her before.

The girl's face almost gave out sparkles from her smile. "You and Kirito, the Black Swordsman, defeated Kayaba and freed all of us from SAO! After all, we're both survivors, are we not?"

Saito's eyes widened a lot. "WHAT!? What do you mean!?"

The brunette blinked in confusion, seeing as Saito wasn't getting it. "I'm a survivor of the SAO Incident." She giggled. "I've heard that your a bit air headed, but to forget all of that is something else!"

Saito's eye twitched at that. "HEY! I take offense to that!" He yelled.

The brunette giggled again, before she stuck her hand out. "Of course you do. My name is Hana Ishigaki! My username was Haru in the game. It's an honor to meet you!"

Saito took the girl's hand and shook it. "Saito Hisaki. Nice to meet you." As they shook hands, an idea hit him. "So, you're our biggest fan, huh?" He asked, letting her hand go.

Hana nodded quickly, holding her fists to her chest. "Yeah! I owe you and Kirito my life! I'd do anything you ask of me!" She then pouted childishly. "If only I got to show my gratitude to Kirito-sama like I am to you, Shoto-sama."

Saito blinked, before a sky grin came into place. "So you'd like to meet Kirito too, eh?"

Hana blinked at his look, before her eyes widened in awe. "Really!? Yes!"

Saito turned from her to face his car, waving at her to follow him inside. "Come on then!"

Hana stared slack jawed at the offer, before she threw her hands into the air yelling "YATA!!!"

Soon, the duo hopped into the car and drove off down the street.



"Okay just remember call him by his real name 'Kazuto' we are not in SAO, and don't bring up SAO to his sister, we have been trying to keep her in the dark about it. So keep SAO on the down low, you got that?" Saito asked Hana as they got out the car and headed to the front door of Kazuto and Suguha's home.

"Got'cha." Hana said and nodded but stopped as she heard the sound grunts and banging was heard. "What's that noise?" She asked, looking at Saito, who only smiled.

"Sounds like the two are sparring," he answered as his expression became confused. "Which is odd, since Kazuto stopped doing kendo for a long time." Saito hummed to himself as the thought of what to do. He looked at Hana then an idea came to him, he took Hana's hand and said "Let's go check it out!"

Hana was taken back by this and became nervous and said "Eh?! I'm not sure about this. I don't want to be a bother if the two are sparring..."

Saito only shook his head. "Nonsense! They won't mind!"

As the two went to the dojo where the two were sparring, they saw the end where one of them got hit on the head. Hana cringed at that "Oohh that's gonna leave a mark."

Saito, however, only bursted out laughing at the scene, leaning against the entrance.

As the two combatants stopped, one of them put the bamboo sword on the back only to realize that it wasn't going into a scabbard, that's when Saito knew that it was Kazuto that was trying to put the bamboo sword in an imaginary scabbard.

"Did I hit you too hard?" His opponent asked.

"No! I'm okay! Just years of habit!" Kazuto replied trying to calm his opponent down.

Saito clapped his hands, getting their attention "Nice going bro. You just got your butt handed to you by a girl on a sliver platter . How many times does that make? Two now?" Saito asked with a smirk.

"Haha. Very funny Saito." Kazuto said as he took off his face guard, he saw Hana who was shaking in place "Who's she and is she alright?" He asked, utterly confused and worried for the girl. 

Just as Saito was about to respond, he was stopped when Kazuto's opponent raised its face guard "Hana?" Said a girl voice. 

Saito and Kazuto looked at the girls as they looked at each other in shock, before they ran towards each other and hugged. "Where have you been!? I haven't seen you forever!" Suguha said, hugging Hana tightly.

"Well, this is a surprise..." Saito muttered, before looking over at Suguha. "You know her, Sugu?" He asked.

Sugu turned and nodded "Yeah, We've been friends since two years ago." She answered, Saito and Kazuto looked at each other then soon turned to Hana looking at her for confidential.

She only nodded, but stopped when she started to have a thoughtful look as if she was trying to remember something. Suguha looked at Hana curiously "Hana is something wrong?" She asked.

Hana was taken out of her thoughts. "It's nothing. But I have been meaning to ask you something." Hana stated making Suguha curious. "Who is your brother? You always spoke about him and always spoke highly of him. But not once have you mentioned his name."

That's where Saito came in, "Well no need to wonder anymore more my friend! Any friend of Sugu is a friend of mine! This is the guy you need! Meet Kazuto Kirigiya! Brother to our sweet little Tsungaha here!"

Suguha grew red with embarrassment and yelled "S-Saito! Don't call me that!"

Saito replied with a grin. "Aww where's the fun in that? It's funny when you go red and try to hurt me. After all you ARE secretly head over heels in love with me!"

Suguha's eyes went white and flames were in the background while she held her bamboo in an attack position "Then perhaps I should try a little harder. So just stand very still so I can send you to the nearest hospital." She said in a threatening and demonic voice.

Suguha was swinging her sword at Saito who was dodging and laughing as he kept teasing her to his heart's content. While they were doing that Hana walked over to to Kazuto "Um excuse me, Kazuto?" Kazuto turned to see Hana fidgeting not in excitement it in nervous. "Yes?" Kazuto asked "My name is Hana Ishigaki, and as you already know that I am friends with Suguha. I want to thank you for what you and Saito did during...our 'imprisonment'." It took Kazuto a moment to understand what she meant by 'imprisonment', but then she was talking about SAO, he looked at Suguha and Saito, "Hey Saito! Sugu!" Kazuto called out, as they heard their names being called they froze in place with Suguha comically in the air and Saito holding the bamboo between his hands.

"As much as I would love to watch you to bicker like an old married couple, We got to pay the hopistal a visit." Kazuto said. Saito blinked for a moment, then nodded.

"Yeah, you're right" he agreed with a grin. "Sounds like a plan."

"So you guys are gonna visit your friend again?" Suguha asked.

"Yeah, that's the plan," Kazuto nodded. "We should be home in time to help out with dinner, if that's okay?"

"No, take your time," Suguha smiled. "I'll try to have something ready when you get home, all right?"

"Then you have to let me do the dishes," Saito replied, with a salute.

"Oh for crying out loud," Kazuto groaned. "You're welcome here all the time, so stop acting like it!"

"What?" Saito said, somewhat indignant. "Even if that's the case, why shouldn't I make an effort to help out around the house?" He and Kazuto started arguing back and forth as they headed back into the house, leaving Suguha and Hana alone in the gym.



Saito and Kazuto were heading to the hospital, with Saito driving and Kazuto in the passenger seat. They headed to their destination to see the Vice-Commanderof the Blood Oath Knights, and the person Kazuto loved most. Asuna Yuuki was being cared for in one the nation's top hospitals, courtesy of her father's enormous fortune.

"Two months since SAO, huh?" Saito spoke up. "Wow, time really flies back."

"Yeah..." Kirito muttered. His brain was going at a mile a minute, trying to figure out why and who would keep three hundred SAO survivors comatose even after the game had been beaten. 

When they reached the hospital, Saito parked the car in the lot before they headed inside and out of the cold. They greeted the desk attendants and grabbed their passes to visit Asuna before heading up the elevator. As they stood in silence, Saito suddenly said, "Hey Kaz, what do you think is going on?"

"Huh?" Kazuto said, surprised.

"Asuna and the other 300 survivors," Saito replied simply. "Who do you think has them under?"

"Well..." Kazuto said uncertainly. To be honest, he was surprised that Saito was bringing the subject up, as it was something he himself had opened for discussion before. "I know a lot of people think it's Kayaba," he finally said. "But that just doesn't fit him. Not in my opinion, anyways."

"Yeah, I agree," Saito nodded as the doors to the elevator opened and they stepped out. "The question I've been asking myself lately, 'Who would stand to gain from three hundred people being comatose?"

"Same here," Kazuto admitted, once again surprised. "How long have you been thinking about this, Sait? Usually, I'm the one who brings it up."

"Every day I think about it," Saito huffed. "Not a day goes by where it doesn't haunt me. Not a day goes by when I think, 'If anyone should still be trapped in slumber, it ought to be me'. After all, I was the last one to die- or rather, I should have been."

"Oh," Kazuto said, now understanding why Saito would have been reluctant to talk about the problem at hand. Obviously, he felt guilty while Asuna was still wasting away, they were enjoying their reclaimed freedom. "Sorry, I didn't think of it like that."

"Not your fault, pal." Saito sighed as they approached Sayuri's room. "But believe it or not, not all of my quiet time consists of prayers. I can think for myself."

"I, of all people, know you can think for yourself," Kazuto chuckled as he opened the door. "And I think that your devotion to your faith is pretty cool, not to mention a good thing. It's part of what makes you who you are."

"Aye, that it is," Saito sighed as they entered and gazed upon their sleeping commander. To visit her had required Kikuoka to approach Asuna's father personally to explain why Kazuto and Saito should be allowed to visit his daughter. It had taken little time once the meeting had taken place, as Mr. Yuuki was an understanding man, who was glad to see that Asuna had made such loyal friends. He met them in person to give them private passes that would allow them to visit Asuna at any time during visiting hours, or be there immediately in the event that she would wake up.

Unfortunately, today was not the day that their family member was to awaken. She was pale and gaunt, a result of being trapped in a hospital bed for more than two years. Her hair was still as orange-brown as they remembered it being in Aincrad.

"Asuna..." Kazuto whispered, as he walked up to her bed and softly took hold of her hand. He looked at the person he cared for most in the world and felt his heart break all over again. 'Who am I to live while your life wastes away?' He thought somberly.

"Commander, You gotta wake up and keep Kaz in line," Saito said as he grasped her fragile shoulder with the utmost care. "He's getting to be a little too much to handle for me."

"I'm right here, you know," Kazuto grumbled.

"Now he's gone back to stating the obvious," Saito said with a big grin as he leaned over Asuna to look at her sleeping face. "Wake up soon, Sis." He knelt by her side, held her hand and murmured quietly in prayer, hoping that God would soon wake her, or at least show them how to help her in a more practical manner than a daily hospital visit.

They soon heard the door open, and both stood up, assuming that her father had come to visit. They heard two sets of footsteps, but only Mr. Yuuki entered the area that they  could see. "Ah, good afternoon, Kazuto, Saito," the man said with a smile. "It's nice to see you two."

"Good afternoon, sir," Kazuto replied as he shook hands with the man. "I hope I'm not here at a bad time." 

"Not at all," Mr. Yuuki replied easily. "I know that Asuna enjoys it when her friends visit her here. I'm glad that she has such good people that care about her."

"You honor us too much," Saito replied, shaking his hand as well. "We're only doing what real friends should be doing for her. But who is your friend hiding behind the curtain?"

"My apologies," a young, bespectacled man said as he stepped into view. He was relatively handsome, with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a pleasant smile. "My name is Sugou Nobuyuki. I work for RCT Progress alongside Mr. Yuuki." He extended his hand to shake with Saito and Kazuto, who returned the gesture.

"Sugou, these two are Kazuto Kirigaya and Saito Hisaki, they're good friends of Asuna's," Mr. Yuuki explained.

"Ah, you're Kirito and Saito?" Sugou asked, surprised. "The Black Swordsman and the Yellow Fang? It's an honor!"

"How did you know that?" Saito asked sharply, pulling his hand back.

"Relax, Sugou is a close family friend," Mr. Yuuki said as he made a placating gesture. "He was somewhat involved with the SAO cleanup, so he already knows a few things about what happened in the game." He looked down at his beloved daughter and sighed heavily. "Every day I come here, I hope to her eyes open, waiting for her family," he said sadly. "And every time, it's the same story... Nothing from her."

"Asuna is alive in there, fighting to get out," Kazuto said, his dark eyes fixed on his 'wife'. "I know that much about her. And I too look forward to the day your family is reunited, Mr. Yuuki."

"Thank you, Kazuto," Mr. Yuuki said as he dashed his eyes. "I hope that you're right."

"Sir, speaking of intentions..." Sugou turned to address his senior coworker. "I'd like to make official as soon as possible."

"Are you sure, Nobuyuki?" Asuna's father asked, seeming surprised. "You're young, and you have your whole life ahead of you. Are you sure you don't want any more time to think it over?"

"I know..." Sugou said as he smiled his perfect smile. "But I would like to prepare for the worse, should it come to pass... I want to see her in that wedding dress, and be the first one she sees if she wakes."

Hearing that, Saito and Kazuto's eyes snapped up to the young man before exchanging shocked looks.

"I understand," Mr. Yuuki nodded with a sigh. "We'll set the date for January 26th, then."

"Thank you, sir," Sugou replied with a slight bow.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave," Mr. Yuuki said, addressing all three of the young men. "I have much to do, and never enough time to do it." Then he was gone, and Sugou was finally free to smile triumphantly.

Saito's gaze burned with an intense hatred when Sugou looked back at the boy, surprising him. "You can't have her," he snarled.

Sugou's eyes widened, but he quickly regained his composure. "That's hardly a way to treat the future husband of your good friend," he said with a snake-like smile. "It's poor taste."

"Saito doesn't care about many people's taste," Kazuto said, hurt and anger reflected in his eyes. "And I wanna know how you think that you can get away with marrying someone in a coma. That's your goal, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is," Sugou nodded smugly. "And you're right, we can't be legally married without her express consent, an impossible condition to meet at present. Even if she were awake, I doubt she would say yes- she's never really liked me. See, if the Yuuki family were to adopt me, it would be as though we were married. I've been very close with the Yuuki's for a long time, you see. I work under Mister Yuuki himself, as part of RCT Progress- the ones that are now taking care of the SAO survivors since Argus folded. So now I ask, is it wrong for me to ask a little compensation for all my hard work?"

"Compensation?" Kazuto gasped, his opinion of Sugou falling further than he would have thought possible.

Sugou then make the biggest mistake...He reached down and touched Asuna's lips in a perverted way.

Then something happened that took Sugou several seconds to comprehend. Saito had reached over with blinding speed to grab Sugou's windpipe, and was now choking him mercilessly. "Make no mistake, you bastard," he snarled. "Two things. First of all, Asuna is not 'compensation'. Second, I'll break you if that's what it takes to stop the wedding. Her heart belongs to Kazuto, and no one else. I will protect their love as long as I need to." With that, he let go of the arrogant man, who began to heave in massive lungful's of air.

When he had regained his breath, he rubbed his throat while glaring at his attacker, who returned the look. "Good luck trying to do that when we're in America," he said. "My work is taking me there in a week. Asuna is coming with me, and I doubt that you can follow us that far in order to stop our wedding."

"There won't be a wedding," Saito growled. "Mark my words, Sugou. If Asuna doesn't wake up within the week, you're going to be a broken man."

"Then mark the words of a very rich man, foreigner," Sugou hissed. "Attempt to get in my way, and I will make you disappear like that!" He snapped his fingers for emphasis, but Saito didn't blink. He simply smiled his wolfish smile before making his reply.

"May our blades dance, then," Saito said as he made a mocking bow. "In the mean time, why don't you take your boney-ass out the door before I rip off what makes you a man, well half of one."

Sugou didn't know how to respond to such a threat, so he started to walk out and said, "Stay away from the Yuuki's from now on. Don't worry, though- I'll send you a video of the wedding ceremony- maybe even what comes after." And he left with a maniacal gleam in his eyes.

Saito snarled and started to rush out, intent on beating Sugou into a bloody pulp, but a strong pair of hands held him back, causing him to whirl on his brother and shout, "What are you doing?!"

"This isn't Aincrad!" Kazuto shouted back. "You can't just beat people and get away with it! There are consequences if you do!"

"I don't care!" Saito growled. "I'm not letting that filth touch Asuna, and neither should you! We have to do something to save her!"

"How?!" Kazuto asked, tears brimming in his eyes. "We're not swordsmen anymore, Sai. We're not heroes in this world. How can we save my wife...?" He started to cry, and would have collapsed had Saito not held him up.

"Pull it together, Kazuto," Saito growled, though his voice had lost much of its edge. "What would Asuna say if she saw this? Eh? ...Because I can tell you that she'd tell us that she still believes in you. So make that belief worth it, you hear me? If you won't let me knock out Sugou, then help me find another way to save her from that nightmare."

"But..." Kazuto sniffed miserably. "I don't... have any ideas..."

"Then we have until the twenty-fifth to figure it out," Saito said firmly. "Because if we don't find another way by then, Asuna's going to be gone or Sugou will be forever in a wheelchair. Deal?" He held Kazuto at arm's length and extended his hand.

Kazuto looked at his brother, into his determined, green eyes, and saw that he was serious. "All right," he finally said. "We'll find out a way to bring her home, then."

"Now, that's the Kazuto I know." Saito said as they grasped forearms, sealing the pact. "Let's go home. We have much to consider, and not enough time to ponder it."



The Next Day

Saito jogged through the park, like he does every day. But he wasn't focusing on the jogging...No, he was focused on how to save Asuna from the 'ass-clown' Sugou. He stopped at the entrance of the park and leaned on the brick wall, looking up at the sky.

 'Dammit.' He thought to himself 'What are we gonna do? We have to find a way to save Asuna, or else that ass-clown will take her away from Kazuto. We need answers and fast. If it could show up in my-' 

"SAITO!" Saito was forcefully taken out of his thoughts when a female scream caught him off guard.

"Alright! What's the hold up?! What's all the-!" Saito began to get mad until he saw it was Hana. And it looked like that she was way out of breath. "Hana?" Saito asked "What are you doing here? And why are you sweating? It looks like you did the Tour de France on foot." She held up a hand telling him to give her a minute.

 "You need to see this." She pulled out her phone and typed in a few things on her screen, and gave her phone to Saito to show him.

He squinted his eyes, then slowly started to realize what he was seeing, "W-What the...?" He muttered in complete shock. "H-Hana," Saito slowly said, "Is this...who I think it is...?" He slowly raised his head to look her.

Hana shrugged a bit. "I don't know. It's a little blurry, but I believe it is. I was going to Kazuto and Sugu's home to show him. But I'm glad I ran into you too." She said.

"THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE WE WAITING FOR!? A TICKET TO DISNEY WORLD?! LETS GO!" Saito yelled as he grabbed Hana's hand and they sped off like bats out of hell.



Suguha was walking out of the house to grab a few things for Kazuto, while her mind had a million thoughts on how close her brother and Saito were to Asuna. But her thoughts went to an abrupt stopped when she heard Saito's voice in a very fast pace. 


After that, he ran into the house with Hana, leaving a surprised Suguha outside looking at the door.



Kazuto was in his chair, leaning back with his hands over his eyes, he's been looking for clues on the internet about anything on Asuna. He hasn't found anything, and to be honest he was about to give in until- 


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Kazuto yelled, jumping out of his chair. In a reflex, he grabbed his chair and was about to hit Saito with it. 

Sait raised his hands. "WOAH! BRO! ITS ME!" He yelled, making Kazuto drop his chair.



As the two yelled nonsense at each other, a tick mark appeared on Hana's forehead, showing that she was now starting to get annoyed by this.

 "SHUT UP!" She yelled, causing the duo to go slient and look at her. "Now that I have your attention." She went to Kazuto's computer and started typing. "While I was minding my own business at my home, I was checking the internet just for kicks." She turned away from the screen to face the two, "When I found this." 

She gestured to the screen, letting Kazuto get in close to see what she was talking about. And just like Saito, he squinted to see it clearly and he stepped away from the screen with shock and surprised. There, on his screen, was what looked like Asuna in a two-piece white dress, trapped in what looked like a cage set in a stone cavern. It was a black-and-white photo, which puzzled him, but there was no mistaking who it was.

"A-Asuna?" Kirito whispered in shock.

"No doubt about it." Saito said, walking up to his friend and looking at the screen. "That's our Lighting Flash."

To be Continued...

(Ending Theme)


Finally done. Sorry that I took so long with this chapter guys, I needed some ideas for it and etc. Now, it's done and I will be updating more often!

Next chapter Kazuto and Saito learned about Asuna's situtation and dive into ALO.

As always, please leave a review and/or message me. See ya!!!

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