Chapter 19 - Land of the Fairies

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You guys! Firestorm40 here! Thank you all for continuing to wait for this new chapter, which I promise will be epic. Thanks for all the votes and reviews as well!

Now then, let's get ready to see Shoto and Kirito back in action!

(Opening Theme - No Game No Life) 



The door to the Dicey Café set of a jingling bell as two teenage boys walked in. Both of them were tan with one that had black hair and dark eyes, and the other had blonde hair and green eyes. But what they shared in common was the look on their faces- grim and determined.

Looking up from his position at the bar, Andrew nodded at the duo. "Y'all are early," he said with a friendly smile as the door closed. "Wasn't expectin' you until noon."

"We had nothing better to do," Kazuto grinned as he sat, losing some of the hard light in his eyes as he greeted his old friend from Aincrad. "Looks like you scared off all your customers."

"Hah hah, very funny," Andrew grumbled. "You should the place in the evening- at night, it's off the hook in here!"

"Unless, you're ripping them off with your prices." Saito chuckled. "So, what's the deal is with those photos you sent? A friend showed them to us."

"Right, well that's gonna take some time to explain..." Andrew said grimly, suddenly all business. Reaching below the counter, he slapped a picture down flat on the countertop when he came back up. "You recognize this?"

On the countertop was the same image that Hana had shown Kazuto and Saito that same morning. It was kinda blurry, and it showed a massive, birdcage of some kind. Although pixelated, it was clear that there was somene within the cage, someone with flowing chestnut hair.

"Asuna..." Kazuto murmured.

 Looking at Andrew, Saito said, "Where were this taken?"

"That's the hard part to explain," Andrew said as he cleared his throat. He reached back down before sliding Saito the case for what was clearly a video game. The title of the box read 'Alfhime Online'. The cover showed what looked like a night sky with a full moon while below were a boy and a girl. The boy had a determined look on his face as he held a glowing orb of purple fire in his hand, wearing green colored clothes. The girl next to him was smiling confidently and holding a one-handed silver sword, dressed in red colored armor.

"Alfhime Online." Saito said. "Oh! I've heard about this. It's the newest VRMMORPG hit for the Amusphere."

"A VRMMO?" Kazuto asked as he looked away from the picture to see what Andrew was showing them. "The picture was taken in there?"

"Yup," Andrew nodded as he flipped the case over to reveal a map with many landmarks of what the boys could assume was the land that the game featured in. Andrew guided their gazes off to the middle of the map, where a tree marked 'The World Tree' stood. "That's where the picture was taken."

"What is that place?" Saito asked with a bent brow. While Andrew was pointing at the tower on the map, he and Kazuto were focusing on a symbol at the bottom left of the box that said 'RCT Progress'. Both of them immeditately thought of Sugou, and how he had bragged about his position in the company, and they both felt anger rise as they thought of the snake. However, they switched their attention back to Andrew as he started to talk again.

"It's what you might consider the grand quest of ALO right now," Andrew replied. "Inside the game, Alfheim online. In a place called World Tree. The players all divided in 9 races. And all their target is to reach the top of the World Tree." 

"Can't they just climb up there?" Saito asked.

Andrew shook his head. "It's not that simple. 5 players lined up, bigger ones at the bottom and flew up like a rocket"

"Flew?" Saito asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's the land of the fairies after all. It has a flight engine, but there's a limit on how you can fly."

Kazuto thought for a while and smirked. "Not bad. It's a dumb idea but pretty smart."

"But even then they couldn't reach even the lowest branch of the tree. Though they still managed to take a few pictures. On one of the picture where they took, there was a huge birdcage. And in that birdcage is this..." Said Agil and point at the fairy on the picture. 

"Fairies, magic?" Saito chuckled, leaning back in his seat a bit. "Sound fun."

"Not even, man," Andrew said seriously. "For starters, the game is skill-based, not level based. Second, PK's are pretty common, even encouraged."

 Saito shook his head with a determined grin. "Agil, no language on Earth has a word for how little I care. Heck, a quantum supercomputer calculating for a thousand years could not even approach the number of fucks I do not give. THE FRIGGIN' HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE COULD NOT—!!!"

Kazuto nodded in agreement. "I'm with him," he said. "A game where it's okay to die shouldn't be so bad."

"So y'all are gonna dive in there?" Andrew said, his arms folded. In response, Kazuto picked up the container. "So this game... This is where we can find our Commander," He murmured as he looked at the box containing another gate into the virtual world. 

"What do you think, Kaz?" Saito asked.

"Hmm... I think it might be time to revive the Black Swordsman and Yellow Fang" the boy replied as he held the picture of Asuna tenderly.

"Now you're speaking my language, bud." Saito looked their old friend and asked, "So do you mind if we borrow this for a few days? Shouldn't be more than a week at most."

"I had feeling you'd say that," Andrew nodded. "It's cool with me."

"I guess we'd better go buy the hardware for it," Kazuto sighed as he put the picture of Asuna in his jacket. "Great."

"Don't worry, it's already compatible with what you got," Andrew grinned. "The new rig is called an Amusphere, and it's basically a NerveGear with updated security."

"Thank goodness," Kazuto sighed. He had been able to re-engage the safety function on his and Michael's Nervegears. Kikuoka had been convinced by the two to let them keep the helmets, due to their claims that there were things that mattered to them inside the hardware and because of their help in bringing certain things in Sword Art Online to light. He stuffed the game in his backpack as he walked up to Andrew. This isn't over," he said as he bumped fists with the massive bartender. "But when it is, we'll meet back here to celebrate."

"We're going to party our hearts out!" Saito said, fist bumping Andrew as well.

"Sounds good to me," Andrew grinned. With that, the two 'Beaters' headed out the door, thoughts already racing towards the virtual world.



When the two of them got to Kazuto and Suguha's home, they walked in through the back and happened to chance across Suguha, who was in the middle of chomping down on a muffin just as she locked eyes with Saito- and immediately turned red. She inhaled some of the muffin and began to choke. While Saito tried not to burst out laughing, Kazuto, who sighed to himself and handed her a juice pack, which she gulped down eagerly.

"Relax, that stuff's not going anywhere," Kazuto joked as he patted his sister on the back while she heaved in heavy gasps of air. "Take it easy, okay?"

"Ugh..." Suguha grumbled. "Yeah, sorry. Just... Warn me before you sneak up on me next time!"

"We weren't sneaking, Su." Saito said, shaking his head with a grin.

"Then why're you coming around the back?" Suguha challenged.

"Trying not wake Mom up," Kazuto replied easily. Their parent's bedroom was the only one located downstairs, and anyone coming in from the front door could be heard by anyone in that room. And since Midori worked nights, it was the Kirigaya's pattern to come in through the back to avoid disturbing her rest during the day.

"Oh, right..." Suguha said, chided.

Kazuto chuckled and ruffled her hair as he said, "Well, I'll be upstairs, working... See you for dinner, all right?"

"Oh okay." Suguha said with a nod.

Kazuto looked over at Sait and extended his fist. "See ya later, pal."

Saito grinned and fist bumped with his friend. "Yeah." 

With a nod, Kazuto walked off. As he walked inside, Saito turned to Suguha. "Well, I better get going. Robert's making cheeseburgers, and I don't want to miss out on that." 

Suguha giggled at that. "You're a burger-holic, Saito."

Saito rubbed his head with a grin. "Yeah, my mom said the same thing. Anyway, if you guys need me, let me know." And then he went to walk away, but she stopped him again.

"Uh, wait!" Suguha said, causing him to halt and turn around. "Um... There is actually... One thing I could ask..." Saito noticed the redness in her face and the way she shuffled her feet, and began think she was embarrassed about something.

"What's up, Sugu?" he asked. 

"Could you teach me to fight like you?" Suguha asked.


"I-I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine, I was just hoping I could learn some new martial arts," she mumbled, "Maybe then I can be a little better at kendo if I can be faster on my feet."

Saito blinked for a second, before he grinned and said, "Sure thing! I'm always happy to teach what I know to others."

"Really?" Suguha asked.

"Yeah," Saito nodded. "I'd be happy to teach you in your spare time, Suguha."

"Thanks," she said with her own smile. For the first time since they had started talking that day, not a hint of red was found on Suguha's face. "See you later, Saito."

"You got it," he said with a mock salute as he turned and walked away towards his car.



After returning home, as well as eating his feel of cheeseburgers, Saito sat down and took his NerveGear. Looking at it, he whispered "I have a friend to save. Let us fight once again, old friend." he said to himself, putting the game inside and putting it on. He sat down, before saying again "Link Start!"

Touch: OK

Sight: OK

Hearing: OK

Taste: OK

Smell: OK

Language: Japanese

*Welcome to Alfeim Online!*

"Welcome to ALfheim Online."

Saito found himself in a Black room, with blue panels and orange lines, as a voice said "Welcome to Alfheim Online! Please type your gender and name." Then came up a keyboard, promoting him to enter his name.

Saito hesitated for a second, before he thought back to that 'ass-clown', Sugou. 'Since his company owns this game and took control of Argus, then that bastard better be ready for Shoto to make his epic return!' he thought. Nodding to himself, he typed in 'Shoto.' and confirmed it, while choosing the Male icon. 

"Please choose one of the nine races." The voice said again, as the races appeared. 

"Hmm, let's see..." Saito looked over each, before seeing one that looked like his real self, just with crimson hair and red armor. "Now this one looks badass. Well, if physical abilities are passed on the game and just increase through grinding, I guess I am good on strength and speed. Well, I choose you!" he said. 

"You chose Salamander. Is that correct? Appearance will be random? Is that fine?" the voice asked, as Saito pressed the Yes button. "Thank you. You will be transported to the Salamader capital. Good luck on your journey." the voice said, as Saito's eyes gained a spark "Here we go again!" he said, before being enveloped in light.




Shoto opened his eyes finding himself in a forest, it was night which gave it a nice cool breeze in the night. "Nice scenery." He said to no one in particular, as he looked around the area.

 He then looked down and saw he was wearing a black tight t-shirt with a dark red vest over it with a light red (darker than pink but lighter than dark red) on the edge of the vest, black fingerless gloves, and dark red shorts with black boots, he also carried a long slim sword on his back. His hair was now crimson and spiky with a few long spikes. (Cloud's hair.)

"Damn, I'm looking good." He comment to himself. He realized that now he was in a virtual reality game he started to freak out "Oh crap!" He used his dominant hand to swipe down to open the menu.

Nothing happened...

"What...?" He whispered to himself, he swiped down again.

Again, nothing happened...

Then he tried his other hand, "Third times the charge."

The menu opened, he went to options and saw the log out button was there. He sighed in relief, "Good." He said, before he then checked his stats. However, he didn't expect to see over 15 skills, some maxed out, others weren't. "What is this? All my SAO skills are here? All except the Limit Break skill are here. Is this SAO?" he asked himself. He then went to his items, seeing tons of items which had question marks. "What the hell is going on? I gotta find Ki, and fast." He looked around one more time "Now, where to go..."

Shoto stared at his map as the small black dot that indicated where Kirito was drew closer, till the sound of fighting reached his ears.

'What the...?' Shoto grabs the handle to his beginner sword as he sprinted through the trees until he reached the clearing the sounds of metal on metal was heard.

Jumping through the last of the greenery, he saw a male in all black fighting off men in all red that he saw matched his own avatar and the people where he spawned at fighting one another while a girl with blonde hair wearing green stared in shock at the one on four battle.

Watching the fighting style and taking one last glance at his map, Shoto deadpanned confirming that that WAS indeed Kirito fighting. 'Typical...'

Once Kirito took out two of the men, one snuck up behind him for a silent strike. The blonde's eyes widened in shock.

"Hey! Behind-!" Before she could finish, the Salamander was sent flying by a red blur as Kirito just stood with a close eyed smirk.

Once the third enemy turned into a floating red flame, Kirito chucked. "Took you long enough, bud."

The red blur turned to reveal Shoto with a cheeky grin in place, before it turned into a frown. "Well sorry if the walk here was long!!!" Then he pointed to the avatar Kirito chose. "Nice to see the Black Swordsman decided to return."

Kirito stared blankly at Shoto, the two seemingly ignoring the two gapping fairies next to them. "Well what about you, Yellow Fang? Or should I call you the Red Fang now?"

Shoto put on a thinking pose and grinned. "Red Fang...I like it!"

Leafa's eyes widened in shock at the red-haired boy moved with an incredible speed that matched his grinning companion's own movements. Even more surprising was that was wearing the same attire as her attackers.

'A Salamander?!' She thought as her jaw dropped. 'He has it, too?! But...why did he attack his own race?'

The two boys turned with wicked grins to look at the leader, who was definitely backing away now. "So, you wanna have the next go?" Kirito said as he cricked his neck.

"Nah, I'm good," the man said as he held his hands up in surrender. "My magic's endurance is maxed out almost all the way, so I'd rather not die just yet."

"At least you're honest about it," Kirito chuckled as he turned back to the girl. "How about you, miss? Feel like having a go?"

The girl looked long and hard at the Salamander before she finally said, "I guess I'll pass. But next time, you're all going down!" She directed the last words at the man that had been within inches of attacking her.

"Well, then next time I'll have to bring more friends along," the man replied with a smirk. He turned to go, but suddenly- and painfully- he found himself eating dirt with Shoto's foot mashing on the back of his skull.

"There will be no 'next time', you hear?" the Red Fang growled. "If I see any of your kind picking on girls like that again, the first you'll know of my involvement is when I rip your ass out throught your mouth." Then he stepped off of him- just long enough to give himself room to kick the grunt in the behind with thunderous force, sending him flying through the sky.

He walked away with a toothy grin while the man disappeared in the night. "Fun as that was, I think that you had best get moving, ma'am," he said as he approached the dumbstruck girl. "He won't be bothering you anymore, but from what I understand, he wouldn't be the only one lurking around, correct?"

Snapping out of her dumbstruck state, the girl looked over at Shoto. "W-Wait, what?!" She sputtered. "I feel like I missed some things! Who are you guys?! Why did you help me? Aren't you with the Salamanders?!" Then another thought struck her, and she pointed her sword at Shoto. "Or did you two just wanna get those guys out of the way so you could fight me yourself?"

Shoto and Kirito both gave her blank looks before Kirito said, "You know, if we break down what just happened here, it's one of those 'knight in shining armor saves the princess moments'. You could burst into to tears and wrap your arms around my friend here." He pointed at Shoto with his thumb, who immediately spoke up.

"Huh!" Shoto sputtered. "Why me?! Not that I mind..."

"I'm spoken for," the black-clothed boy grinned.

"You guys wish a girl like me would hug you!" their rescued companion sputtered angrily. "You should be half that lucky!"

"Actually, he's got someone pretty great already to hug him," Shoto grinned. "As for me- well, I haven't found the right girl yet. It takes away from the surprise of when I find her."

Before Leafa could utter a retort, a small voice said from Kirito's pocket, "What's all the noise, Daddy?" To the girl's and Shoto's surprise, a small fairy floated out from Kirito's jacket. 

Shoto looked closely at the fairy, before his eyes widened in shock. "Yui? Is that you?"

Yui looked over to the red haired boy and tilted her head. "Um, yes. How do you know me?"

Shoto's flashed a toothy grin. "What kind of uncle would forget his favorite niece?"

Hearing that, Yui's eyes widened a great deal. Only one person called and treated her like that...

"U-Uncle Shoto?" she gasped. "But... You were registered as dead by the system!"

"Nice to see you too," Shoto chuckled. "Kayaba let me off the hook." Then he was unable to speak as Yui dove onto his face and impacting him so hard that it caused Shoto to spin around and fall onto his butt. Kirito walked over as Shoto attempted to take Yui off of his face so he could breath a bit. "Yui, I can't breath!" Shoto's muffled voice cried out. Yui backed off from him and settled into his open hands. "Sorry, Uncle." Yui apologized, "I didn't mean to cause you discomfort." "

"No worries." Shoto sighed, smiling at her, "I'm just so glad to see you, too. By the way, loving the new look." Yui smiled eagerly.

"Hey!" the girl shouted, getting everyone's attention again. "You never answered my questions! What is a Salamander and a Spriggan wandering around here?And is that private pixie?!"

"Uh... Yeah, let's go with that," Kirito nodded as Yui looked up at the blond girl.

"To answer your previous questions..." Shoto said, rubbing his head. "I'm Shoto, this is Kirito and Yui. We helped you because we wanted to and for no other reason. As for we are doing here...Not sure about Kirito, but I kinda got lost and was trying to find him."

"Yeah, sane here." Kirito said.

Leafa looked at the duo for a second, before she burst out laughing. "The Spriggan territory is way to the east and Salamander territory is south of here! Is it even possible to be that lost? You're both so weird." Leafa laughing

"Hey, it's not funny damnit!" Shoto exclaimed childishly. 

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry." Leafa giggled, before putting her sword away. "Anyway, I should thank you two. Thanks for saving me. My name is Leafa." Leafa introducing herself. She looked over at Shoto, who rubbed his head. 'Something about the way that he acted was familiar,' she thought, but a new question quickly put the thought aside. "So, how long have you guys been playing?"

Shoto and Kirito looked each other, then back at Leafa. "Well, I think we got her around the same time, so...about thirty minutes ago," Kirito answered.

"What the-?!" Leafa gasped. "Only thirty minutes?! Then how did you knock those guys flat like that?!"

"We're badass like that," Shoto shrugged. "Kicking ass, taking names and looking good while doing it is what we do best!"

"Well, yeah, but still..." Leafa said, confused. "I mean, if you only just started playing, how could you beat three veterans like it was nothing?"

"We're both pretty good with swords," Kirito said easily. "Shoto's shown me a few things, and vice versa." 

Leafa shrugged, before she grinned at them both and said, "Well, Shoto, Kirito. Are you doing anything tonight? If you want, I can buy you a drink at my guild hall as thanks for saving me."

"Sounds good to me!" Shoto said cheerily. "Lead the way, Miss Leafa." 

"Just call me Leafa," she said with a smile as she shook hands with both boys. It seemed to Leafa that the duo were really great friends. 'They must be friends in the real world,' she thought.

"Actually," Kirito spoke up. "I am trying to find a person that will help me find information about this world."

"What kind of information?" Leafa asked.

"About this world, and especially about that tree." Kirito said, looking over at the tall structure.

Realization struck Shoto as he widened his eyes. "Oh yeah..."

"The World Tree? Sure. I've been playing this game a long time. There's a neutral village to the north. It's a bit far, but let's fly there." Leafa said.

"Isn't the town called Sylvein closer?" Kirito asked.

"Slyvein? What's that?" Shoto asked, confused.

"You don't know anything do you? That's the Sylphs territory." Leafa said.

Shoto tilted his head. "Meaning...?"

"They can attack you and you can't attack them, as you are on their territory" Leafa explained, then pointed at Shoto. "They will most likely try to attack you though."

"What? Why!?" Shoto asked shocked.

"Because you're a Salamander, and Slyphs never got along with them." Leafa said.

Shoto slumped at that. "Great! My first time in this game and people are going to want my head on a stick already..." he muttered.

"Well, as long you don't do anything to set them off, I think you should be good pal." Kirito said, walkng over to his friend and patting his back. "Besides, Leafa will be with us."

"Alright, If you both insist, it's fine. But I can't guarantee that you two will survive. Then, Let's go." Leafa said, as her wings appeared.

"Whoa!" Shoto said in surprise

"You can fly without an assist controller?" Kirito asked.

"Yeah, what about you two?" Leafa asked, looking at the duo.

"I just recently learned how to use this..." Kirito repiled.

"I didn't know anything, until just now." Shoto said, sheepishly.

"There's a trick to flying on your own. Both of you turn around, and don't use your controller." Leafa said, walking over to them.

"O-Okay." Kirito said, turning around as his black wings appeared.

"Whatever you say." Shoto said, doing the same, though his wings were red.

"Can you both tell where i'm touching you?" Leafa asked, touching their backs

They both nodded with a yes.

"Imagine virtual bones and muscles spreading out from here, then try to move them." Leafa said.

The two boys did as she instructed, before their wings soon began to tremble and wave.

"Like that!" Leafa said happily, removing her hands from both of them. Their wings were still twitching.

"Just like that. Try the same movement again, but stronger." Leafa said.

Shoto and Kirito stopped, each tool then took breath and did it again. They were trying their best. All of a sudden, Leafa pushed them both, which made them fly up into the trees.

"Oh, crap!" Leafa said, realizing her mistake.



In The Sky

Leafa and Yui flew up in the sky, looking for the two boys.

"Daddy! Uncle!" Yui cried out.

"Kirito! Shoto! Are you two okay!?" Leafa called out, looking around.

As both girls kept searching for them. They soon heard Shoto and Kirito panicking. They looked and saw saw them both flying around, but since they couldn't control the trajectory, they began spinning in the middle of the sky. 

"Make it stop!" Kirito cried out, as he went flying left.

"I'm having mixed feelings about this!" Shoto exclaimed, going right.

Leafa and Yui both looked at each other, before they both started laughing.

"I'm sorry, Daddy and Uncle!" Yui said, giggling.

"That's hilarious..." Leafa said, holding her sides in laughter.

Shoto noticed this and got angry, not to the point to where flames would dance around him, but to where a few embers and candle flames would appear, "HEY! INSTEAD OF LAUGHING LIKE GASSED UP- HYENAS! COULD YOU HELP US SO WE DON'T CRASH?!" He yelled. 

But Leafa only said "We could, but where's the fun in that?" and she continued to laugh, now furious flames erupted from every part of Shoto's body, his eyes pure white and his teeth were sharp. 

"LEAFA! I SWEAR! ONCE I LEARN HOW TO FLY, YOUR GONNA REGRET YOU EVER CROSSED PATHS WITH THE GREAT-GAH!" He couldn't finish because he crashed right into Kirito, which extinguished his flames, and the two fell to the cold hard ground. Which made the girls laugh even harder than last time.




Kirito and Shoto were both able to fly properly now, as they flew in different directions.

"This is great." Kirito said, happily.

"Agil was right! This game rules!" Shoto said as he floated in the air.

"I know, right? You've both got good instincts. Now, follow me." Leafa said as she started flying in another direction.

"Okay." Kirito said, as he and Shoto followed the girl.

"Go slow at first." Leafa said, looking back at them.

"Aww, come on! We're not amateurs!" Shoto grinned. "

"He's right. We can go faster." Kirito agreed.

"If you say so." Leafa said, before propelling forward like a bullet. Kirito and Shoto seeing that, smirked at each other as they also begin to accelerate. 

Leafa is flying with great speed, she smiled confidently and turned back. But she was surpised as she saw both Shoto and Kirito already close behind her.

"Is this the fastest we can go?" asked Kirito mockingly.

"I know you can do better than that, sweet cheeks!" Shoto teased.

"Don't blame me for whatever happens." Leafa said with a huff, before she shot forward even faster.  The duo then did the same as they tried catching up to Leafa.

Shoto heard panting and looked over at Yui, who was wiping her forehead.

"Are you okay, Yui?" He asked.

"I can't go on...I need a break!" Yui said, diving inside Kirito's chest pocket. She then poked her head out to catch some air.

Shoto, Kirito and Leafa all looked at each other before they started laughing.

"You two might be the only people ot who can handle this speed." Leafa said with a smile.



*Sylph Territory, Sylvein January 20, 2025*

After a while of flying, the three of them made it to the Slyph Territory, Sylvein.

"Wow!" Shoto exclaimed in awe at the sight of the town.

"We're here." Kirito said, looking down at the area.

"We'll land at the base of the central tower! Wait... Kirito, Shoto, do you guys do know how to land?" Leafa asked, looking at them.

Both boys looked at her blankly before realization hit them.

"No, we don't!" Kirito said.

"Um...Sorry! It's too late. Good luck you two! Please forgive me!" Leafa said before she flew down.

"Wait what!?" Kirito yelled out.

Shoto looked down at her. "Hey, you can't just leave us-GAH?!" He was cut off by a banana peel that came flying out of nowhere and landed right in his face. The sudden action startled him, causing to his red wings disappearing, leaving Shoto's eyes to widen in horror. "No... No!... NOOO!" He exclaimed as he began falling.

Crap!" Kirito yelled, both to his friend and to his impending crash.

"DAMN IT! WHHHHYYYYY!?" Shoto cried, as they both crashed into the wall of the central tower.

To be continued....

(Ending theme - Light of Hope)


Done! Hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter! So, Shoto became a Salamander, Kirito became a Spriggan, they met Yui again, killed Salamanders and, boom! Met Leafa! And as you can see, next Chapter we will meet Recon and a new character as well! Weee! And if all goes well, Shoto and Kirito will reach the World Tree soon! Stay tuned, for the next Chapter of Sword Art Online: Legends of Ancrad!... Maybe that wasn't the best time. Oh well, until next time, Stormy out!

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