EP 10: Crimson Killing Intent

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A/n: There is going to be a special moment at the end of this.

October 20, 2024

Floor 75: Collinia

Arno: You what?!

Kirito: Yeah, now I'm stuck in this situation.

Kirito told Arno and Sinon during a dungeon raid and a boss fight, he used a dual wield skill that allowed him to use 2 swords at a time. Kirito, Asuna and Klein managed to beat the boss, but it was all Kirito who did it, he nearly died after all the fighting with the dungeon boss. Asuna also told Arno and Sinon that she was going to leave the Knights of the Blood Oath to be with Kirito, but they didn't allow her to leave. So instead, Kirito will have to challenge Heathcliff, the commander of the guild to use his dual wield skill to fight Heathcliff. Kirito also told them that if he wins, Asuna will stay by Kirito's side, but if he loses the battle, Kirito will have to join the Knights of the Blood Oath.

Asuna: My God, you're such an idiot! How could you agree to a duel?!

Kirito: *holds up hands in defense* Okay! Calm down! I'm sorry! It's not like he gave me any other choice!

Asuna: The other day, when you used your dual wielding skill, I've never seen anything like that before. The thing is, the commander has his own unique skill, too.

Kirito: I know. I've seen it a bunch of times myself. The Divine Blade. It maximizes his offensive and defensive moves. His attack is strong, but his defense is incredible.

Asuna: No one's ever seen the commander's HP bar dip down into the yellow zone before. His invincibility is way beyond the normal game balance!

Kirito: I know.

Asuna: What if you lose? I don't care if I don't get my leave of absence. I care about you having to join the Knights of the Blood Oath.

Kirito: *stands up* Well, I'm not planning on losing easily. *looks at Asuna* Hmph.

Arno: I'm calling that you're jinxing this.

Sinon: *hits Arno with elbow on his arm*

Arno: Ow!

Sinon: Don't be a pushover.

Arno: *sighs* You're right. Good luck out there, Kirito.

Kirito: Thanks. I'm gonna need it.


Arno and Sinon were in the crowd as they found their spot to watch Kirito fight Heathcliff.

Arno: I really hope he will win this.

Sinon: He will, just watch.

Arno: Good luck, buddy.

Arno and Sinon watch as the battle is about to start.


A/n: I didn't feel like typing the fight scene. So, watch the video if you want.

Arno and Sinon were shocked to see what just happened to Kirito. He almost got a good strike at Heathcliff.

Arno: What the hell just happened?

Sinon: I don't know. Kirito was about to land a strike on Heathcliff, but he sidestepped and got Kirito his HP to yellow.

Arno: Bon sang (Damn it).

Arno looks at Heathcliff to get a bad feeling of something. A feeling that he doesn't look like any player can sidestep an attack like that.

October 22, 2024

Floor 50: Algade

Agil's shop

Arno and Sinon were waiting outside for Kirito and Asuna.

Arno: I still can't believe he lost.

Sinon: Well, it happened. We gotta move on from that.

Arno: I called it, you know.

Sinon: I guess you did.

Arno: Do you think he'll probably just be with the guild for a while? I didn't like the way that Heathcliff guy took out Kirito so easily. It almost felt like he saw his attack was coming, like seeing through the future or had like a cheat system.

Sinon: *raises an eyebrow* Do you really think he did that?

Arno: I just have a hunch that Heathcliff did do that. And that Kuradeel guy, from the other day. I didn't like how he followed Asuna. He must have been keeping track of where she was going that day.

Sinon: What do you mean by that?

Arno: My guess is that he was trying to lure her out of the safe zone... to kill her.

Sinon: What? There's no way that he can do that.

Arno: Think about it, Sinon. When I fought him the other day, he gave me a laugh that almost felt like a crazy one. Like almost a psychopath would do.

Sinon: Arno, what are you trying to get from this?

Arno: My guess is that he's with the Laughing Coffin.

Sinon: What? You can't be serious.

Arno: I am. Kuradeel is a member of the Laughing Coffin, I just know it.

Sinon: That sounds ridiculous.

Arno: Oh, but I know when I see it, I'll say I told you so.

Sinon: I hope you're right.

Arno: I know I am.

Arno and Sinon hear the door opening to see Asuna coming out and for Kirito to be in his own outfit to be in the Knights of the Blood Oath.

Arno: What...?

Kirito: Yeah, I know. I don't like it either, but I gotta go with it for now.

Arno: You and me both. Try to like, you know, go with the flow for now.

Kirito: I'll try my best to do what you said.

Arno: Well, if anything happens, just message one of us, okay?

Kirito: You got it.

Kirito and Asuna walk away from Arno and Sinon for them to leave.

Sinon: Arno?

Arno: I'm gonna go to Grandzam tomorrow and keep an eye on Kirito.

Sinon: I don't think they'll allow you to. You're not with the Knights of the Blood Oath.

Arno: *turns around to Sinon* Who said I needed a uniform.

Sinon: Wait, are you saying you're--

Arno: Yup. I'm going to be at Grandzam looking for a perfect spot to see Kirito, and I might tail one of them, too.

Sinon: What if you get caught?

Arno: I won't. I'm an expert at sneaking. All I gotta do is keep my distance and they won't suspect a thing.

Sinon was a bit worried about what Arno was going to do tomorrow.

Sinon: Let me go with you, instead.

Arno: No. You head back to Lindas and stay at your place, it'll be safe there.

Sinon: But--

Arno: Sinon... *holds Sinon's hand* You can't come with me. You don't have the skills like I do. Just stay at Lindas. I promise, I'll be back before you know it.

Sinon sighs in defeat as she couldn't convince Arno for her to go with him.

Sinon: Okay. Just be careful out there, and good luck.

Arno: *chuckles* I make my own luck.

Sinon chuckles and smiles at Arno's words.

October 23, 2024

Floor 55: Grandzam

Arno is on top of one of the buildings near the castle where the guild's headquarters are. He looks at the western wall to see Kirito walking out to see Godfrey and Kuradeel.

Arno: What's he doing there? I better keep an eye on him. I don't like where this is going.

Arno sees the trio of the guild setting off to clear a dungeon as he heard them saying they were going to start tailing them.

A few minutes have passed since they set off, Arno sees them in a canyon as they stop for a lunch break as he was watching from above.

Arno: I'm watching you, Kuradeel.

As Arno was watching them, he noises behind him. He turned around to see monsters waiting. Arno gets out his sword to get ready.

Arno: Damn it, I don't have time for this.

Arno charges forward as he slashes one of the monsters and dodges out of the way. Arno easily takes out two monsters and kills the other one easily.

Arno: Alright. Time to check back on that bastard.

Arno goes back to the edge and sees Asuna coming to Kirito's rescue as she is fighting Kuradeel.

Arno: Atta girl. I knew something was off about him.

Asuna managed to fight Kuradeel as he dropped his weapon in surrender.

Kuradeel: I give up! I surrender! *gets on his knees* Please don't kill me! *gets on his hands* I'll leave the guild! You'll never see me again! I promise! Please!

Asuna grips her sword in a stabbing position and gets ready to strike down Kuradeel.

Kuradeel: I don't wanna die!

Asuna stops her sword when she heard Kuradeel's cry for mercy. Asuna steps back for Kuradeel to chuckle and catches her off guard and grabs his sword to knock Asuna's sword out of her hand.

Arno: Damn it!

Kuradeel: The oldest trick in the book, and you fell for it, bitch!

As Kuradeel was about to strike down Asuna, Arno jumps in the air and goes to drop down on Kuradeel, knocking down in the process. Arno backflips off of Kuradeel for him to get up slowly to see Arno again.

Kuradeel: You again?! *laughs* This should be fun!

Arno draws his sword and gets ready to fight Kuradeel again. Kuradeel charges at Arno and swings down for Arno to block Kuradeel's strike.

Arno: I knew you were part of the Laughing Coffin, you bastard! *swing his sword at Kuradeel to land a hit*

Kuradeel: A wonderful guess coming from you, boy!

Kuradeel swung his sword again for Arno to parry and kicks Kuradeel on his leg to stagger him and lands 3 strikes at him. Kuradeel's HP was yellow, almost for Arno to finish him off.

Kuradeel: Damn you!

Kuradeel throws a dagger at Arno to deflect it for him to tackle Arno down on the ground to disarm him as well by knocking his sword out of his hand. Kuradeel started punching Arno in the face multiple times as he tried to stop Kuradeel, but he was too strong.

Kuradeel: You're just a pathetic boy playing hero like the others. Your blades will be a great trophy for me.

Kuradeel puts both hands on Arno's throat, choking him, for Arno to try to get free.

Kuradeel: *smiles crazy* When I'm done with you, I'll go after that girl of yours and pay her a visit. She wouldn't mind if I do.

Kuradeel laughs maniacally as Arno feels anger about what Kuradeel said. Arno unsheathes his left hidden blade and stabs Kuradeel in his neck, gasping in shock.

Data realm

Kuradeel lets go of Arno and holds his neck as he falls to the ground, his HP slowly going down. Arno gets up and goes to Kuradeel and watches him as his HP is going down.

Kuradeel: God damn you. You murdered me.

Arno: No. You murdered a Blood Oath so that you can gain the advantage of killing Kirito and Asuna. I wouldn't let that happen. I watched you as you three were going to the dungeon, and sensed that you were a Laughing Coffin member.

Kuradeel: *laughs weakly and coughs* Even if you kill me, more will come... And they will kill you all.

Arno: I'll be ready to put my blades in their throats when they do. And I will bring everything single one of them to their downfall.

Kuradeel gasps in fear as he heard Arno's words. He lies down on the ground for his HP to be red.

Arno: Que personne ne se souvinne de ton nom. Pourrir en enfer. (May no one remember your name. Rot in hell).

Kuradeel bursts into crystals as Arno watched them fly in the air.

Back to SAO

Arno looks behind him to see Kirito on his knees for him to check on Kirito.

Arno: Are you alright?

Kirito: Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks for the save. You were tracking us this whole time?

Arno: I had to. I knew there was something wrong with Kuradeel. Luckily, I arrived in time to save both of you.

Kirito: Well, thank you, Arno.

Arno: You're welcome.

Asuna walks up behind Kirito and gets on her knees to try and hold on to his hand, but hesitates.

Asuna: I'm sorry... This was... All my fault, wasn't it?

Asuna begins to cry as Arno gives them some space. Kirito turns around to see Asuna crying.

Kirito: Asuna.

Asuna: I'm sorry. But I -- *gasps* I should... *cries* Stay away from you... For your sake...

Kirito grabs Asuna's shoulder for her to look at him. Kirito leans in to kiss Asuna.

Arno smiles as they finally kiss. Kirito and Asuna let's go and Kirito leans on Asuna.

Kirito: Asuna... My life belongs to you. I'll give it up for you. I wanna stay with you until the end.

Asuna: And I promise I'll do anything to protect you, too... Forever... No matter what. I swear.

Kirito: I'll do everything I can to make sure you get back to the real world. *looks at Asuna* Asuna, could I... Stay with you for the night?

Asuna gasps softly as she smiles and nods.

Asuna: Mm-hmm.

Arno: Well, I'll leave you two for your own time. I'll see you later.

Arno gets out a teleport crystal.

Arno: Teleport: Lindas.

Arno then teleported to Lindas to be with Sinon.

Floor 48: Lindas


Sinon is waiting in her room, sitting on her bed for Arno to return. As Sinon was still waiting, she heard the door open and closed to look and see Arno has returned. She sees Arno's HP was in the red, but not dead yet. Sinon gets up from her bed and runs to Arno to hug him as Arno does the same thing.

Sinon: You idiot...

Arno: I missed you too.

Sinon: I really thought you weren't going to come back. I thought you were dead.

Arno: I'm not. And it turns out, Kuradeel was a Laughing Coffin member.

Sinon: *looks at Arno* He was?

Arno: Yeah. I told you so.

Sinon chuckles softly as she hugs Arno again.

As the night was still young, Arno was in his bed clothes, white long sleeve button shirt and brown pants, lying down as Sinon was in her bed clothes, while reading a book and looks at Arno.

Sinon: Hey, Arno?

Arno: Yeah?

Sinon: Whenever we're in bed together, I feel safe, with you.

Arno: I feel the same way as you, Sinon.

Sinon: *chuckles softly* I really do enjoy being with you. No matter where we go.

Arno: You'll always have my back when we're fighting, right?

Sinon: Always.

Sinon smiles at Arno for them to look at each other for a few minutes.

Sinon: Arno...?

Arno: Yeah, what is it?

Sinon puts down the book on the night stand next to her and moves closer to Arno to hug him.

Sinon: I couldn't imagine what I would feel if you didn't come back. I would be so lonely if you didn't. *starts to cry* And I wouldn't have the chance to be with you forever...

Sinon continues to let out her tears on Arno as he hugs her.

Arno: Sinon.

Sinon looks at Arno and he puts his hand on her cheek and leans in to kiss her on her lips. Sinon kisses Arno back. They both stayed in the position that they are in for a good few seconds and they let go.

Arno: I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna be with you until the very end. We're going to beat this game and get back to the real world and meet up with each other.

Sinon smiles happily as she stops crying.

Arno: You mean so much to me. Even now in this world that we're trapped in, we can be with each other as long as we like. You really want me to be with you for the night?

Sinon: Yes.

Arno: Okay. I'll show you then.

Arno started to kiss Sinon deeply and so did her. Bringing them close to each other, Arno wraps his arms around Sinon's waist and for Sinon to wrap arms around Arno's neck keep kissing each other. Arno and Sinon let go for her to move in closer to him as she smiles.

Sinon: I love you, Arno.

Arno: I love you too, Sinon.

Arno and Sinon fell asleep for the night, together.


Arno wakes up to see Sinon sleeping by his side. He sits up to put his clothes back on looks at Sinon, covered in the blanket. Sinon slowly wakes up to see Arno awake as she smiles.

Sinon: Hey, Arno.

Arno: Hey. I was thinking about what we should do.

Sinon: What is it?

Arno: I heard on the SouthEast of floor 22, there's a tiny little village by a lake and a forest. We could get a house together. And then...

Sinon sits up.

Sinon: And then what?

Arno looks at Sinon to smile at her.

Arno: Then... We get married.

Sinon gasps in shock as she heard what Arno said. He holds her hand for him to keep smiling at her. Sinon tears up in happiness and smiles at Arno.

Sinon: Okay!




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