EP 9: The New Sword

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Floor 61: Selmburg

Arno and Sinon are on a sail boat in the water where they can see the sunset reflected in the water. Sinon was sitting watching the view while Arno was driving the boat.

Arno: It's beautiful, ain't it?

Sinon: Yes. This is even better than sitting under the tree.

Arno: Indeed.

As the lovely couple were on the boat admiring the water and the sunset, Arno speaks to Sinon.

Arno: It's getting a bit quiet here. How about I sing a sea shanty

Sinon: A sea shanty?

Arno: Yeah. It's like one of those pirates did many many years ago. I thought I might give it a shot.

Sinon: *smiles* Okay, captain. Let's see what you can do.

Arno: Be ready to be amazed.

Arno clears his throat and sings.

A/n: This is for all you AC4: Black Flag fans out there.

Arno: I thought I heard the old man say
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Tomorrow ye will get your pay
And it's time for us to leave her
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her
Oh, the winds blew foul and the sea ran high
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
She shipped it green and none went by
And it's time for us to leave her
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her
I hate to sail on this rotten tub
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
No grog allowed and rotten grub
And it's time for us to leave her
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her
We swear by rote for want of more
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
But now we're through so we'll go on shore
And it's time for us to leave her
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

After singing the sea shanty, Sinon was very amazed by Arno's singing and applause to him.

Sinon: That was amazing. I didn't know you had it in you.

Arno: Well, I did practice for the time being.

Sinon: Well, you did wonderful.

Arno: Why, thank you. That probably made you have the best evening ever.

Sinon: It sure did.

Arno then went back to the docks and docked the boat. Arno got off the boat first for him to turn around to offer his hand to Sinon to help her down.

Arno: Allow me to help you down, ma dame. (my lady)

Sinon smiles as she takes Arno's hand to get off the boat with Arno's support. The two couples then hold hands as they walk on the floor of Selmburg. Arno and Sinon then saw a teleporter light for them to see someone appearing. They saw Kirito and Asuna traveling here.

Sinon: Who are they?

Arno: Oh, those are friends of mine. Kirito! Asuna!

Sinon goes with Arno to introduce her to Kirito and Asuna. As the two notice Arno and Sinon, they approach and speak.

Kirito: Hey, Arno! It's been a while.

Arno: It has been, my friend. Asuna, good to see you again.

Asuna: Likewise, Arno.

Kirito: I see you're not drunk and depressed anymore?

Asuna: Wait, he was drunk?

Kirito: A while back, yeah.

Arno: I left that behind a few months ago, until someone saved me.

Arno mentioned Sinon as they were still holding hands.

Kirito: Who's this, Arno?

Arno: Kirito, Asuna, meet Sinon. She's the one who saved me from all the mistakes I've made, and she stopped me from getting revenge.

Sinon: Hi.

Kirito: Hello, Sinon.

Asuna: So, what are two doing here?

Arno: We were just on a boat, Sinon was enjoying the view of the sunset while I was driving and I sang her a sea shanty.

Kirito: A sea shanty?

Arno: Well, yeah. It's what the pirates did while they were sailing the seven seas.

Kirito: Oh, yeah that.

Arno: Yeah, Sinon loved my singing.

Sinon blushes and smiles at Arno.

Asuna: *noticed Arno and Sinon are holding hands* Wait, are you two dating?

Arno: Of course. We've been together for... How long has it been? Oh, a few months.

Sinon: We started dating back in June.

Kirito: You got lucky, bro.

Arno: Well, I'm sure you'll find someone on your own time.

Kirito: Uh... *looks away* Like I have time for that.

Arno: Trust me, man. You'll know what it means to fall in love. Anyway, what are you two doing here?

Kirito: Well, in case you haven't heard, I hunted a Ragout Rabbit.

Arno: What? Those animals are rare.

Kirito: I know. I don't have the skill to cook it though, so that's why Asuna is taking me to her place and cook it up for me.

Asuna: *clears throat*

Kirito: Oh, sorry. I mean, half for me and her.

Arno: Ah. So, you decided to go to spend time with Asuna as she's taking you to her place.

Asuna: *blushes* Wha-- It's not like that! I'm just taking Kirito to my place and cook the rabbit and that's it, nothing else!

Arno smirks and raises his one eyebrow.

Asuna: Don't give me that look, Arno!

Arno: *chuckles* I'm just messing with you. You two enjoy a lovely meal. Me and Sinon have other plans for this time.

Sinon: It was nice knowing you two.

Kirito: You too, Sinon.

Arno: Have fun, you two.

As Arno and Sinon left Kirito and Asuna, they started to walk around Selmburg, exploring each side of the town, all to themselves, while there were barely any players on the floor.

Sinon: This place is sort of quiet.

Arno: Well, it means we have it all to ourselves.

Sinon: I don't like how quiet it is.

Arno: No worries. I'm right by your side.

Sinon: *smiles at Arno* I guess you're right.

The two couples continued to walk as they stopped by a tower.

Sinon: Wow, check it out. That must be so tall.

Arno: I can almost climb that thing.

Sinon: *chuckles* I doubt that you can climb something that tall.

Sinon looks at Arno, but he wasn't next to her. She then started to look around for Arno.

Sinon: Arno?!

Sinon looks back at the tower for her to focus and sees Arno climbing to the top of the tower.

Sinon: Arno! Are you insane?!

Arno: This is what I usually do most of the time!

Sinon: You're going to fall and get killed!

Arno: Don't worry about it! I'm an expert at this!

Sinon continues to watch Arno climbing the tower, worried that he might fall. Arno managed to reach the top of the tower and sees the entire view of the town.

Arno: Wow. What a view.

Sinon: Okay, Arno, can you please come down?! You're making me feel more worried!

Arno sees a haystack for him to do his amazing performance.

Arno: You want me to come down?! Okay!

Arno raises his arms out wide and jumps off the tower to perform the Leap of Faith.


Sinon: Oh my god!

Arno then flips his body to position his back and lands in the haystack. Sinon watched as Arno landed in the haystack for her to go to where he landed.

Sinon: Arno? Arno?!

Sinon didn't hear Arno as she was getting teared up. Then, Arno gets out of the haystack and surprises Sinon.

Sinon: Ahhh!

Arno: Whooo! That never gets old!

Arno sees Sinon angry. She then slaps Arno on his left cheek to leave a hand mark on it.

Arno: Ow! *holds left cheek*

Sinon: Don't you ever do that again, you idiot!

Arno: Where did that come from?

Sinon: Why did you do that?!

Arno: I thought it'd be fun!

Sinon: Fun?! You call that fun?! Jumping off a tower that high to land in a haystack! Is that fun?! You almost got yourself killed when you did that!

Arno: But I'm still alive, aren't I? I was just having fun, that's all.

Sinon: *growls*

Arno: *gasps*


Sinon slaps Arno again so hard this time, that it echoed throughout the town.

Selmburg inn


Arno is seen in the bedroom as he is looking at his watch. The watch was still broken nonetheless, but it always helped Arno calm down. Arno puts the watch on the night stand where it is next to the bed as he hears Sinon to lay down with Arno while wearing a white long sleeve shirt this time. Arno lies down next to Sinon.

Arno: Are you still mad at me?

Sinon: A little, but not that much.

Arno: I swear to you, I will not pull a stunt like that ever again. I promise.

Sinon: *smiles* Okay.

Sinon gets closer to Arno and stays by his side.

Arno: Tomorrow is gonna be great.

Sinon: Why's that?

Arno: Well, I was thinking we will go out to explore a forest. You know, hear the birds chirping and so on.

Sinon: I think that'd be nice.

Arno holds Sinon's hand for them to interlock their fingers as they start to sleep for the rest of the night.


Arno wakes up to see the sunrise from the window as he sees Sinon already awake and dressed.

Sinon: Good morning, Arno.

Arno: Good morning, Sinon.

Sinon: I didn't want to wake you, so I decided not to.

Arno sits up from his side of the bed and stretches.

Arno: It's fine. *sits on the edge of the bed*

Sinon: Oh, while you were sleeping, I made something for you.

Arno: What is it?

Sinon opens her menu and sends something to Arno to appear on his menu. Arno then looks at the clothing menu and sees the word "Sinon's Gift".

Arno: What's this?

Sinon: Put it on and see.

Arno gets out of the bed and equips the outfit that Sinon got him.

Arno: My Assassin outfit?

Sinon: I made a few changes to it to look better. I hope you like it.

Arno removes his hood and smiles at Sinon.

Arno: I love it. Thank you.

Arno hugs Sinon for her to hug him back.

Sinon: You're welcome, Arno.

October 18, 2024

Floor 74: Calmdet

Arno and Sinon teleported to see Kirito waiting for Asuna.

Arno: Kirito.

Kirito: *sees Arno and Sinon* Hey, you two. *sees Arno's new outfit* Nice outfit, Arno. You're becoming an Assassin again?

Arno: Well, no. Since I'm banished from the Creed, I got my own. Sinon made me this.

Kirito: She did?

Sinon: Of course I did. For Arno's sake.

Kirito: Wow, she really does love you.

Arno: I know she does. So, waiting for Asuna?

Kirito: Yeah, but I don't know where she is. *yawns*

The trio sees the teleporter light up to hear Asuna.

Asuna: Ahhh, watch out!

Asuna crashes into Kirito as they fell on the ground. Kirito groans softly in pain, as he tries to get up, his hand was touching an unfortunate spot on Asuna.

Kirito: What is this thing?

Kirito squishes it again.

Kirito: Hmm. Squishy.

Arno: Uh, Kirito, your hand is on her--

Asuna gasps and screams to smack Kirito away, causing him to fly in the air and roll to hit a pillar.

Arno: Unfortunate spot... That's gonna leave a mark.

Sinon: Yeah.

Kirito whimpers in pain as he gets up. He looks at Asuna, covering herself where his hand was. As Kirito looks at his hand in embarrassment, he awkwardly waves at Asuna.

Kirito: Um, hey! Good morning, Asuna!

Asuna grunts at Kirito for him to get scared. She gets up and runs behind Kirito to see Kuradeel.

Kirito: What's wrong?

The group sees Kuradeel teleported at the gate to see Asuna.

Kuradeel: Why are you behaving like this, ma'am? I'm only following orders. Please, let's go back to headquarters.

Asuna: I won't, especially not with you! And why were you lurking around my house in the morning, huh?!

Arno: He did what?!

Kuradeel: You have a bad habit of leaving without any warning. So for the past month, part of my mission has been to keep an eye on you in Selmburg.

Asuna: W-What?! Who ordered this? It wasn't the commander!

Kuradeel: With all due respect, ma'am, my mission is to guard you, no matter where you are, including your home.

Asuna: *gasps* No, it doesn't, you idiot!

Kuradeel sighs and steps off the platform as he goes to Asuna.

Kuradeel: I wish you would be a little more understanding about this, ma'am. Now then, let's return to headquarters.

Kuradeel grabs Asuna's wrist as he starts to take her back to the teleporter. Arno then grabs Kuradeel's wrist and he sees Arno.

Arno: Sorry, but I'm afraid that she's not going anywhere with you.

Asuna managed to get out of Kuradeel's grasp as Arno let go of Kuradeel's wrist.

Arno: Who in their rightful mind said that you had to keep an eye on your second-in-command wherever she goes? That's just stalking her at this point. My friend here will be keeping an eye on her instead.

Kuradeel: Insolent fool! Do you know who I am? I'm a member of the glorious Knights of the Blood Oath! A low-level player like him couldn't protect her!

Arno: I don't give a damn who you are. Kirito can do a better job than you, abruti (jerk).

Kuradeel: What did you just call me?!

Arno: I said I called you a jerk.

Kuradeel: *gasping in anger* You've got a big mouth, kid. So I'm going to give you a chance to prove just how tough you really are.

Kuradeel opens the menu to send a duel request to Arno as he sees the application. Arno looks at Asuna and she nods at him.

Arno: Are you sure about this?

Asuna: Don't worry. I'll tell the commander how this happened.

Arno: Okay.

Arno accepts the duel as a timer shows up and a menu of Arno vs Kuradeel. Kuradeel draws his sword to get ready to attack.

Kuradeel: Please move to a safe distance, ma'am. I'm going to prove beyond any doubt that I am the only one who can protect you!

Arno: You're going to lose so easily, Kuradeel. I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Kuradeel: Shut up and duel!

Arno draws his sword and goes into his fighting stance to get ready to fight Kuradeel.

Sinon: Be careful, Arno.

Arno: Don't worry, Sinon. I know what I'm doing.

As the timer reaches zero, the duel starts.


As Kuradeel charges at Arno, he uses his sword skill and swings down for Arno to dodge out of the way. Arno strikes Kuradeel once with his sword as steps back to get some distance as the two of them circle around.

Kuradeel: You're persistent, I'll give you that.

Arno: I wouldn't call that persistent, I call that beating your ass.

Kuradeel: Look who's being a smart ass.

Arno sees Kuradeel charge at him again swinging his sword left and right for Arno to block the first strike and parry the second strike. Arno staggered Kuradeel as he punched him with his off-hand in the face to damage Kuradeel. Arno Kuradeel started to swing their swords at each other to try to get a hit. They then got in sword lock for Kuradeel to knock Arno's sword to the ground.

Kuradeel: *smirks* What are you going to do without your sword now?

Kuradeel swings his sword downward to laugh at Arno, but then he unsheathes one of his hidden blades to block the sword making Kuradeel's laugh and smirk go away.

Kuradeel: What?!

Arno then kicks Kuradeel's leg to knock him on the ground on his knee for Arno to point his hidden blade at Kuradeel's throat. Kuradeel stood still as he was in shock about what Arno had done.

Arno: I suspect you yield, Kuradeel. You've lost.

Kuradeel: Okay, okay. I yield.

The menu announced that Arno won the duel as he sheathed his hidden blade to retrieve his sword to sheath it as well. Not paying attention, Kuradeel was charging at Arno again for him to not react in time. Before Kuradeel was about to hit Arno, Asuna blocks the sword for her to push back Kuradeel.

Kuradeel: Asuna! I don't know how, but he cheated! You saw how he blocked my sword with that wrist blade he had! He must have used some kind of trick! There's no other way I could've lost to a pathetic player like him!

Asuna: Kuradeel. As second-in-command of the Knights of the Blood Oath, I'm relieving your duties as my bodyguard.

Kuradeel: *gasps*

Asuna: You're to return to headquarters and wait for further orders.

Kuradeel: You-- You can't be serious! *to Arno* Damn you!

Arno: I've been damned enough times, Kuradeel. Unless you want to fight again, be my guest. I can do this all day.

Kuradeel growls at Arno for him to grunt and sigh and walk away to go to the teleporter and teleports out of the town.

Asuna exhales for Arno to catch her for Asuna to stand up again to look at Arno.

Asuna: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to drag you into that.

Arno: It's alright. He was being a jerk, so I had to step in and protect you from him. Kirito was worried about you. I decided to do all the fighting instead.

Asuna: Well, thank you, Arno.

Arno: You're welcome, Asuna.

Kirito walks up to Asuna to see if she is doing alright.

Kirito: Are you okay?

Asuna: Yeah, I am. The guild's getting on my nerves, is all, maybe 'cause I've been so focused on clearing the game, or maybe 'cause I'm so demanding of the other members in the guild.

Kirito: Yeah, I get that. But you didn't have much of a choice. Think about it. If you'd done things any different, you think your guild would've gotten as far as they have?

Asuna: *looks at Kirito*

Kirito: I mean, what do I know? I just mess around as a solo player, right? The thing is, if you take a day off to team up with a loser like me, so what? That's your decision to make. In my opinion, no one's got the right to complain. Screw 'em.

Asuna looks at Kirito to blink a few times and smiles at him. Then, she came up with something in her mind.

Asuna: Wow! Thank you for your opinion on the subject! *sheaths sword* Okay! I accept your offer, and I'll be taking the day off from the guild! *walks in front of Kirito and pats his shoulder* You can play forward today.

Kirito: Huh?! W-Wait a second! *catches up to Asuna* Aren't we supposed to take turns as forward?!

Asuna: Sorry! It's my day off, remember?

Kirito: Oh, come on!

Kirito and Asuna left the town to leave Arno and Sinon to themselves.

Arno: Those two are something else.

Sinon: *chuckles*

Floor 74: Forest

Arno and Sinon were traveling in a forest, exploring the nature of SAO. The forest was the best choice for the two couples to enjoy.

Sinon: Wow, it's beautiful out here.

Arno: Nature's best place to be in.

Sinon then stops in front of Arno for her to talk to him.

Sinon: So, what's the deal of being out here?

Arno: Hm?

Sinon: You said you want to explore the forest right? Is there a reason for us to be out here?

Arno: Well, I did see a quest for us to do before we left the inn. The quest is called Protect the Nest. It's a quest that we have to protect some little birds in a nest from a giant crow.

Sinon: Okay.

Arno: Since it attacks from a distance, we can try using a bow.

Sinon: Now I see where this is going.

Arno: Thanks to you for helping me get my Archery skills up, I can handle a bow and arrow just fine, am I right?

Sinon: *smiles* Hm, you are right. Okay, then, let's go!

Arno: Atta, girl!

Arno and Sinon made it to the quest area.

Arno: The nest is in that large tree up ahead. It's pretty high up there... Are you ready Sinon?

Sinon: All set.

Arno: Alright then, here we go! *equips bow with quiver of arrows*

Sinon climbed on to the tree to see the nest of the little birds.

Sinon: These are the little birds? They're cute!

Arno sees the giant crow coming towards them.

Arno: Sinon, here it comes!

The giant crow came within view of Arno and Sinon.

Sinon: So that's the giant crow... He's certainly large.

Arno: Let's take this thing down, Sinon!

Sinon: Right!

Arno: If it gets close, I'll fend it off and protect the nest.

Sinon: Got it.

Arno: Alright, let's do this!

Arno and Sinon fire their arrows at the giant crow to keep it away from the nest. After a few more shots on the crow, its HP is now yellow.

Arno: Nice! Its HP is down to yellow! Great work, Sinon!

Sinon: Don't forget you're doing the shooting, too!

Arno: Just a bit more... If we can keep this pace up...

Arno hears the crow and sees it moving faster, now.

Arno: I-It's moving faster?!

Sinon fires her bow again, but her shot missed.

Sinon: Grr... I missed!

Arno: *sees the crow going towards Sinon* Look out, Sinon! Get down! Quick!

Sinon: Wha-?!

Sinon sees the crow going towards her, but Arno shoots an arrow at it.

Arno: Get away from her!

The crow caws in pain and flew away for a second.

Arno: Are you okay Sinon?!

Sinon: Yeah... Just a little shaken up.

Arno: It changed its attack pattern. It acts like it's leaving... A feint, huh? And since it went after you... It's on a routine that gives priority to the damage dealer.

Sinon: I'm okay. Its speed is a problem, though...

Arno: What should we do? Should we try again and set up a system?

Sinon: ...We can do this. I'll aim carefully... and destroy it.

Arno: Got it. I'll cover you as best I can. Don't overdo it!

Sinon: I'll definitely hit my target, so don't worry about covering me. Focus on damaging it. It'll go faster that way, won't it?

The crow caws again, coming back to Arno and Sinon.

Arno: Here it comes again!

Sinon: Arno! Focus on attacking it!

Arno: Yeah, you got it!

Arno puts away his bow and arrow and quiver to draw his sword for Sinon to fire her arrows at the crow. Arno swings his sword at the crow to do most damage to it.

Arno: Gah! It's still alive?!

Sinon: There!

Sinon fires two more arrows at the crow for it to caw in death as it hits the ground and bursts into diamonds.

Arno: We did, Sinon!

Sinon: Yeah...

Arno: Hey, are you okay?

Sinon: I'm a little tired-

Arno: Watch out!

Sinon: Huh- EEEEEEEK!

Sinon falls down from the tree.

Arno: Sinon!

Arno managed to catch Sinon, but he also fell on the ground for Sinon to be on Arno right now.

Sinon: Ow, ow, ow...

Arno: Grk...

Sinon: Okay, Wha-- Arno?!

Arno looks up at Sinon to see that she was on top of him, but then he sees half of her clothes were torn from the fall.

Sinon: I'm so sorry, Arno! I-

Arno: No, as long as you're... okay... It's fi--

Sinon: Don't push yourself any harder... Are you really okay?

Arno: Y-Yeah... I'm fine. That's not the problem...

Sinon: Hm? What's wrong?

Arno: It's just... you're sort of... disheveled, should I say...?

Sinon: Huh?... *looks down to see her clothes were torn* Gyaaaaaah!!!! *covers herself* Don't look at me!

Arno: I guess that might have happened when you fell, you hit some branches as you were falling.

Sinon: Who cares?! Just move, already!

Arno: Okay, okay! Get off me first...

Sinon gets off of Arno and stands up for Arno to get up from the ground too.

Sinon: ...

Sinon was still covering herself as she was looking at Arno with a mad face.

Arno: Er, I mean... sorry.

Sinon: Pervert.

Arno: I'm not! That was just--

Sinon: *smiles* I'm joking. I look like this because you were trying to protect me, right?

Arno: Yeah! That's it, that's it.

Sinon: So, I thank you for that. Luckily, I was prepared for this. I got some extra clothes for me.

Arno: Well, that's a relief.

Sinon: I'm going to change, but you better not look while I do so.

Arno: Uh, right.

Sinon: Go stand behind that tree and face forward and do not turn around.

Arno: Oui m'dame (yes, ma'am).

Arno goes behind the tree like Sinon told him to do and faces forward. Arno can hear Sinon opening her menu and changing clothes. After a few minutes of waiting, Sinon calls out to Arno.

Sinon: I'm done! You can come out, now!

Anro goes around the tree again to see Sinon's new clothing.

Arno: Wow. I like the new clothing.

Sinon: Thanks.

Arno: No, I mean, I really like it.

Sinon: *blushes* Can you not stare at me like that?

Arno: Oh, right. Sorry. Let's just continue. We'll get our rewards when we get back.

As Arno and Sinon continue to deep into the forest, they found a cave.

Arno: Wonder what we can find in here.

Sinon: It looks kinda dark.

Arno opens his menu and equips a crystal that can illuminate in the dark to turn it on.

Arno: Much better.

Sinon: That works.

Arno and Sinon enter the cave with light crystal to go deeper into the cave.

Sinon: I don't think there's anything in here.

Arno: Nonsense. There has to be something here.

Arno and Sinon kept on searching inside the cave, but they didn't find anything.

Arno: I guess you were right, Sinon. There's nothing in here.

Sinon: I told you.

Arno: Let's head back, then. We'll probably--

As Arno was about to finish his sentence and walk out of the cave with Sinon, he triggers a trap door for the both of them to scream as they fall. The two couples fell in darkness as they hit the ground for Sinon to fall on Arno again, for him to groan in pain.

Arno: Owwww!

Sinon: *sighs* ...

Arno: Sinon, are you alright?

Sinon: Yeah... I think I'm okay...

Arno: Good thing I got extra lighting crystals.

Sinon: Arno...?

Arno: Yeah?

Sinon: Something's touching me.

Arno: Hang on, let me get some light in here.

Arno gets out a second crystal to turn it on. As it turns on, Sinon screams.


Arno: Huh...?

Sinon: *blushes* Y-Y-You're...!

Arno looks at his hand to see that it was on Sinon's unfortunate spot.

Arno: Sinon... I'm... uh...

Sinon: Just hurry and get up!

Arno: I can't get up when you're on me!

Sinon quickly gets off of Arno and for him to get up. Sinon covers herself where Arno touched her as she blushes more and is angry at Arno.

Sinon: What were you thinking?!

Arno: I-I didn't see where I was looking! It was dark!

Sinon: You didn't have to blindly try to hold onto something while it was dark!

Arno: It was an accident!

Sinon: An accident?!

Arno: Sinon, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you, swear.

Sinon stood silent for a second and calmed down.

Sinon: Okay. You better.

Arno: First, let's try to figure out how to get out of here.

Arno searched around where they fell to see something in the distance of the cave.

Arno: Whoa...

Sinon: What is it?

Sinon stands next to Arno and sees what Arno saw and her eyes widened in amazement.


Arno and Sinon were amazed by the sight of the cave that they saw some sort of hidden temple.

Sinon: What is that?

Arno: I don't know. It's like, a temple. An underground temple.

Sinon: How can there be a temple under a cave?

Arno: Your question is as good as mine.

Sinon: What should we do?

Arno: Well, since we're stuck down here, might as well go see what this temple is.

Arno turns around to see a way to go down for Sinon to follow. As they made it down where they saw the view, they went up some stairs and finally walked up the final stairs to see the entrance of the temple.

Arno and Sinon enter the hall where the light was coming from, for them to be in a room where there is a special sword on a stone.

Sinon: What is that?

Arno: It's a sword, but... it looks different than the other ones.

Arno goes up to the sword and looks at it.

Sinon: Are you planning on taking it?

Arno: I might.

Sinon: It could possibly be a trap.

Arno: I know. That's why I need to be quick about this.

Arno looks at the sword to see if it is going to trigger a trap, like the other dungeons. Arno slowly places his hand on the handle of the sword and quickly picks up. Arno looks around to see if he triggered a trap after he picked up the sword.

Arno: Okay. I think we're safe.

Sinon: *sighs in relief*

Arno checks the name of the sword from the menu.

Arno: The Sword of Eden. Never heard that name before.

Sinon: Could be a rare weapon.

Arno: It could be. I don't know what it does. It probably just does the same like any other sword.

Arno then sees a door that opened up to see a platform.

Arno: I guess that's our way out.

Sinon: I hope so.

Arno and Sinon went to the platform as it started to ascend like an elevator. They reached the top and saw a rock opening up a secret exit and went out of it to close behind them to be back in the woods.

Arno: Well, this was quite an adventure.

Sinon: I guess it really was.

Arno puts the sword away in his inventory.

Arno: I wonder what I can do with the sword I found. Maybe I'll save it when we are in a boss fight.

Sinon: Good choice.

Arno: Okay, let's head back town, and try to forget what happened between us.

Arno looks at Sinon to have an angry look again as she blushes.

Arno: *nervous* I said try to forget what happened between us, didn't I?

Sinon didn't say anything as she slaps Arno in the face again hard for it to echo throughout the forest for the birds to fly away.

Arno: Why?!

October 19, 2024

Floor 50: Algade

Arno and Sinon were walking in the market to see Kirito and Asuna again.

Arno: Hey, you two!

Kirito and Asuna turn around to see Arno and Sinon again.

Kirito: Oh, hey guys.

Arno: You won't believe what me and Sinon found. But I can't show you two here where it's crowded.

The four of them entered a nearby alley way where it is a private spot to show Kirito and Asuna the sword Arno and Sinon found in the underground temple.

Kirito: What is that?

Arno: It's called the Sword of Eden. Me and Sinon found it in an underground temple under a cave.

Asuna: What? There's no way there could be an underground temple in SAO! How did you find it?

Arno: Well, me and Sinon were exploring in the forest after...

Arno looks at Sinon with an angry look again as a sign of "don't even say it" to him.

Arno: After we completed a quest. We then saw this cave that we were searching for loot. As we were about to leave, a trap door opened for me and Sinon to fall down. That's how we found the temple and the sword.

Sinon: *smiles* It was quite an adventure for the two of us.

Kirito: That sounds awesome.

Arno: So, while we were away, tell us about what happened between you two?

Kirito and Asuna looked at each other with a nervous look on their faces and looked back at Arno and Sinon.

Kirito: It's... a long story...




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