EP 8: Love

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Arno is seen on top of a roof, sitting and having another bottle of wine and drinks from the bottle, but he isn't drunk yet. Arno couldn't stop thinking about how he almost got his revenge for him and his guild. The lives that he lost that day, it still haunts him to this point. Arno is watching the view of Linda, the safe zone where is at right now.

Arno then heard footsteps approaching. He looks to that it was Sinon again.

Arno: *looks away* What do you want?

Sinon: *sits down next to Arno* I came here to be with you.

Arno: I told you, I wanted to be alone.

Sinon: I'm not leaving you alone.

Arno looks at Sinon again to see that she had a sad face, looking at Arno. She cares about what happened to him for a year. Sinon puts her hand on Arno's left hand and holds it. Arno felt the warmth of Sinon's hand, for the first time in his life in a game, he felt a girl's hand being held.

Sinon: *gets close to Arno and leans in on his shoulder* I don't want you hurting yourself like this. Since you told me everything that happened, about your guild and about what Richter did, it made me feel so bad for you. It felt like a part of me wanted to help you, but I do want to help you. I want to stay by your side, until we beat this game and until the end.

Sinon puts her hand on Arno's cheek and leans in to kiss him on his lips. Arno was shocked, he wasn't expecting Sinon to do this, but he accepted it. Arno closes his eyes and kisses Sinon back. The two of them were in this moment for a really good while as they let go for air. Arno pulls in Sinon to wrap his arm around her shoulder.

Arno: I wasn't expecting that.

Sinon: Well, you did now.

Arno: How long were you planning this?

Sinon: Whenever I first met you.

Arno: *chuckles* Really?

Sinon: Okay. Ever since I saw you passed out drunk on the ground in the town. You were so sad and it felt like you lost everything. *leans on Arno's shoulder* I couldn't imagine what it felt like.

Arno: I know. All of the pain that was caused by the past I had for a year. I was kicked out of the Brotherhood because of my recklessness.

Sinon: Brotherhood?

Arno: It was like a guild, a guild with Assassins, but these Assassins, they fight for the liberty of mankind. One of them told me that. I'd rather not talk about it.

Sinon: If you say so. *looks at view* Hey, let's go back to the inn.

Arno: The place where I woke up from a hangover?

Sinon: *chuckles* Yeah, that place.

Arno: Alright. The inn it is.


Arno is seen inside the inn where Sinon had bought from where she had Arno sleep in one of the beds while he was passed out drunk. Arno is wearing a short sleeve white shirt with brown pants and barefoot on his bed with his hidden blades off of his wrists to close his eyes and relax in bed.

Arno then heard ruffling on the bed as if someone was going on the bed with him. He looks to see who was in the bed, it was Sinon in the bed with Arno, wearing half of her clothing as she was covered by the blanket.

Arno blushes a bit from seeing the sight of Sinon as she sees Arno's face.

Sinon: *chuckles* What's wrong?

Arno: N-Nothing... It's just, uh...

Sinon: You never slept with a girl before?

Arno: I... No, I never did.

Sinon: Well, first time's all around, then.

Arno: Yeah, I guess you can say that.

Sinon: *giggles*

Arno: Oh, come on, you're making me feel even more embarrassed.

Sinon laughs at Arno's shyness. As the two of them get comfortable, Sinon turns off the lights as she's now lying down on Arno, staying next to him.

Arno: Do you think Richter will bother you again?

Sinon: Maybe not. Besides, you did scare him off, and he felt terrified when you threatened him.

Arno: I'm guessing we won't be seeing him anytime soon. I think I saw him almost peed himself when I used my hidden blade on him.

Sinon: *laughs slightly* I think I did too.

Arno: Yeah, we won't be seeing him anytime soon.

As Arno and Sinon laughed together, they started to feel tired and slowly falling asleep.

Arno: Well, we'll see what we can do tomorrow.

Sinon: We'll see.

Arno: Bonne nuit, (goodnight) Sinon.

Sinon: Hmm? What did you say?

Arno: I said goodnight in French.

Sinon: Since when did you learn how to speak French?

Arno: Since I took French lessons.

Sinon: Really?

Arno: Yeah, since I was a kid. Okay, I'll say it for real this time. Goodnight, Sinon.

Sinon: *smiles* Goodnight, Arno.

Arno and Sinon closed their eyes to sleep through the night.

Sinon: *whisper* I think it's cute when you speak French.

Arno smiles while his eyes are closed and he finally sleeps through the night with Sinon.

The next day

June 29, 2024

Lindas Fields

An arrow was missed from a target, hitting a tree. It shows Arno with a blue long sleeve shirt with an armor chest plate on him, brown full gloves, black pants and brown boots, trying to learn how to use a bow and arrow. Arno pulls back the arrow and struggles to aim it. He then released the arrow as it missed the target again.

Arno: Augh, damn.

Sinon approaches Arno to see him struggling with the bow and arrow.

Sinon: What are you doing?

Arno: I'm trying to learn how to use a bow and arrow, but I keep on messing up.

Arno equips another arrow on the bow to aim for the target, but fails again.

Arno: Crap.

Sinon: You're doing it wrong.

Arno: I am?

Sinon equips her bow and arrows in her quiver.

Sinon: Watch and learn.

Sinon easily aims her bow and fires the arrow to the center of the target where Arno was aiming.

Arno: Woah.

Sinon: In order to properly use a bow and arrow, it takes practice. You have to know where to hit your target. When you get an arrow from your quiver, be sure to load it on the bow string. *loads a bow on the string* You have to use two or three fingers to keep the arrow straight, I prefer to use two fingers, my second and third finger. Slowly adjust your shoulder where your arm is and make sure you get your posture right to keep it steady, and use your back as well. After that, breathe in for five seconds and breathe out to release.

Sinon demonstrates to Arno as she inhales in for a few seconds and exhales to release the arrow on the other target.

Arno: Amazing.

Sinon: Now, let's see you do it.

Arno: Okay.

Arno equips an arrow and loads it to the string to focus and does what Sinon told him. He pulls back the string with his second and third finger and uses his index finger to assist the aiming. Arno inhales and exhales as he releases the arrow as he hits the target in the middle. Arno saw what he did and was happy about it.

Arno: I did it!

Sinon: Good work! Keep practicing, and you'll be better in no time.

Arno: Say, since you're so skilled with a bow and arrow, what's your archery skill?

Sinon: *smirks* Maxed it out last month.

Arno: No way!

Sinon: Well, better keep practicing what I taught you.

Arno smiles at Sinon and keeps on practicing for what she taught him.


Arno and Sinon were sitting under a tree in Lindas looking at the sunset.

Arno: My Archery skills are at level 15. I'm getting the hang of this.

Sinon: See what happens when you practice?

Arno: Yeah. I'll be able to do all sorts of skills with this.

Sinon: Well, don't get too careless, you still have a long way to go.

Arno: Oh? I didn't know that I was being a student to the finest Archer of SAO.

Sinon: And I didn't know that we ended up dating each other.

Arno and Sinon shared a laugh with each other to enjoy this moment between the both of them. They held hands as they were sitting close to each other, watching the sunset.

Arno: This spot and view of the sunset is amazing, right?

Sinon: It's beautiful.

Arno: I wonder how long we'll be able to beat this game. We would return back to the real world, at last.

Sinon: I hope so.

Arno: *looks at Sinon* Hey, if we do make it back to the real world, I was thinking that we can meet each other.

Sinon: *looks at Arno and smiles* That sounds great!

Arno and Sinon hug each other for the best moment they had to themselves as they stayed for a while. They then look at each other's faces and share a kiss together under the tree as the wind blows smoothly between the romantic moments the two of them have had together. They then let go as they look at each other's eyes.

Arno: Let's be together, until we beat this game. And then we can meet each other in real life.

Sinon: *nods* Yeah. That would be great for us. As long as we have each other, we can make it through this, together.

Arno: *smiles* Then it's settled. We'll be together until the end of the game.

Arno and Sinon look at the sunset where they were sitting, enjoying the view of the sky as well for them to be together at the very moment until they will beat the game and will meet each other in the real world.


A/n: Sorry if this was short. I am kinda bad at making romance chapters and scenes, but I hope I did okay bringing Arno and Sinon together in this. I hope you enjoyed it.



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