Chapter 3: SunShadow's Reign Part 1: The Day Woodburrow Died

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A few weeks passed by before Rose was allowed to leave bed. Being bedridden for three weeks had really taken a toll on her. River had delayed her fishing trip to make sure that Rose was going to be alright. When Rose got out of bed, River greeted her.
"Are you feeling good? I was about to go fishing and I wanted to know if you were alright."
Rose nodded. "I am fine. No need to worry."
River smiled and hugged her. "You are so grown up."
She blushed a bit. "Mom. Quit it."
River chuckled and grabbed her fishing pole and tackle box. "I'll be back. I'll try to catch some salmon, I know it's your favorite."
Rose nodded. "Bye mom."
River left the village.
River walked to her usual fishing spot, Lake Tawnya. If she wasn't able to catch anything she would go to Hope River in Woodburrow Plain.
She sat down on the bank and got her fishing pole. River then strung a worm on the hook. She casted and waited for a fish to bite.
A small pack of chupacabras ran through Woodburrow Forest. They looked for prey. They looked like a mix of different animals. They had a wolf's head, upper body, and arms, a lizard's lower body, legs, and tail, had a snake's fangs that were used to suck blood, a porcupine's quills, and long, swordlike claws.
Their alpha ran at the front. He had a blue lightning bolt shape across his right eye. The alpha male paused to sniff the air, he smelled cat, only one. The cat was at Lake Tawnya. He raised one claw to signal the pack to stop.
"What is it Alpha Lighting?" A chupacabra asked.
"Don't you smell the cat at Lake Tawnya fool!?" Lightning snarled.
The same chupacabra licked his lips. "Is the cat from Woodburrow? I heard that Woodburrow animals smell like trees—"
"Hush fool!" Lightning snarled. "That is common knowledge and you will let the cat know we are nearby!"
The chupacabra recoiled at this and muttered something under his breath.
Lightning whipped his head around to face the chupacabra. "What did you say!? You know what happens to traitors! I am your alpha and you listen to me!" He whispered loudly, lashing his blue lizard tail.
The other chupacabras licked their lips. According to their law that was written by the first alpha, a traitor must have their blood drained by every single chupacabra in the pack and the alpha would be the one to have the last drops.
The chupacabra shivered. "Nothing sir!" He whispered loudly.
Lightning narrowed his eyes and raised one claw.
The others advanced upon the traitor.
The traitor screeched in fear and was quickly surrounded by chupacabras. They sunk their long fangs into his neck and sucked his blood.
Lightning advanced upon the traitor and drank the last bits of blood.
The traitor fell to the ground, dead. No blood came out of his neck, he was sucked dry.
Lightning chuckled and looked at the rest of his pack. "Let this be a valuable lesson to all of you!"
They nodded and soon headed to Lake Tawnya.
They stopped at the bushes and watched River fish.
"Good. She's distracted. You guys have already eaten so I'll take this one," Lightning whispered.
The others knew very well not to say anything, even if they were starving to death.
Lightning slowly approached River from behind, carefully stepping on the sandy bank with his blue lizard feet.
She had no idea that the chupacabra was there.
River's rod was yanked by a fish. She pulled on it, reeling it in.
It was now or never.
Lightning pounced on River from behind.
She screamed.
His larger weight and body kept her down.
River dropped her fishing pole, letting the fish rip the worm off and swim away. She struggled violently, thrashing her limbs in a vain attempt to hit Lightning.
He chuckled and pushed her face down into the sand, smothering her.
River lashed out more violently this time, tearing scales from his tail and tearing a lump of scales from his leg. Her growls and screams were muffled by the sand.
Lightning cursed and tore off the cape around her neck that kept him from drinking her blood, he then sunk his fangs into her neck.
River screeched loudly and he ended her life by sucking all the blood from her body.
She fell limp.
He chuckled triumphantly, licking blood from his fangs. His leg was bleeding from the missing scales. Lightning stood up and inspected the tackle box. He fiddled with the latch, struggling to open it with his overly sized claws. At last he opened it and peeked at the goodies inside.
There was a jar of worms and a few fishing hooks. Lighting grabbed the jar and struggled to open it. He then gave up and slammed it against a rock, shattering the glass open. The worms wriggled around in the dirt that had now spilled out.
He grabbed as many worms as he could find and ate them. Lightning then got up and shredded her cape into tiny pieces then he and his pack went back to their cave.
The neighs and hoofbeats of horses thundered in the distance. Suddenly a few cats riding horses broke through the bushes. They had heard River's cry and came to investigate. They saw her bloodless body by the water's edge and were surprised. An orange tabby with blue eyes an a blue cloth cloak jumped off his horse. He inspected the scene, seeing the large fang holes in his brother's wife's neck.
"Men. River was killed by a chupacabra. She has fang marks in her neck," the cat growled.
"Are you certain it was a chupacabra, Storm?" One of the other cats asked.
"Certain. There is no blood around her body at all, her cape is torn, and the fang marks are so big. We need to do something about the chupacabras in our forest," Storm answered. "For now, we must bring the body back to the village and break the news to my brother, Rose, and Petunia."
He grabbed the body and lifted it up. Storm then put it on his horse and got on.
They rode back to the village.
Rose had heard terrible noises coming from Lake Tawnya and hoped River was alright. She paced around the village entrance, waiting for the search party to return. They eventually did, Storm was at the lead.
She felt a bit of dread because of the somber face Storm was making. The other two cats were somber as well.
"Did..... did she—" Rose stopped.
Storm looked down, tearing up. "Yes Rose..... R....River is dead." He got off his horse and brought her body down and sat it on the ground. "We arrived too late to save her from the chupacabras."
Rose teared up upon seeing her mother. She fell to the ground and crawled towards River's body. Rose sobbed uncontrollably and collapsed upon the body. She cried and breathed in her mother's fishy scent.
Bramble walked over to Rose and cried as well. Petunia joined them.
The whole village then gathered for the funeral. They wore black. Storm and Bramble carried the body out for burial after the service. Storm and Bramble came back and the village was extremely quiet for a while.
Then a strange bobcat/cat mix entered the village. He was three different colors. His right side was orange and his left side was black. He had tan on his chin that ran down to his chest fur and abdomen. He had green slitted eyes and short fur. The hybrid walked as if he was important and regal. "Hello inhabitants of Woodburrow. I am your new chief, SunShadow."
Everyone narrowed their eyes at the newcomer, Rose was extremely suspicious.
"Who are you!?" Bramble snarled.
SunShadow huffed, "I just said my name!"
"You aren't our chief! Pike is!" Storm snarled, withdrawing his sword. "I suggest you leave before I slice you into pieces!"
Pike walked over to Bramble and Storm. "Step aside you two. He wants me, not you." He glared at SunShadow. "I am Chief Pike of Woodburrow Village. If you think you can barge in and act like you own this land, you have another thing coming!"
SunShadow grinned a nasty grin. "I thought you'd say that." He snapped his fingers.
Then a whole gang of different animals came into the village.

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