Chapter 2: The Dream

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Once Rose had fallen asleep, she began to dream.
She was in a dead forest. Withered trees and brambles were all around her. The air smelled of death and fear. Broken swords were stuck in the trees and on the ground, their shards like broken glass someone forgot to pick up.
In the middle of it all was a large dragon, one larger and taller than the average dragon. He had black and silver scales, a gold helmet with emerald tipped horns, a gold jaw covering that had to screws on each side of the jaw attaching to the helmet to allow movement, it had four fake fangs on it, two on the top jaw, and two on the bottom, he had purple slitted eyes, purple wing membranes, and silver spikes that looked like crystals. The spikes on his head stuck out from holes on the top of the helmet.
He smiled when he saw Rose. His real fangs showing through the open part of the jaw covering. "Ah, Rose. I've been expecting you," the dragon said, sweeping aside a few shards of a broken sword with his tail.
"Who are you and how do you know my name!?" Rose demanded, unsheathing her dagger.
"For the first question, would you like my full name or what I go by?" The dragon asked.
"Both!" She snarled.
"Fine. Both names are what I go by. I am Terrath the Destroyer of Worlds," he answered, looking bored.
"Why are you here Terrath!?" Rose demanded, getting in a battle stance.
"I am here to warn you of a future tragedy," He answered. "Also, you can put your petty knife away. Your primitive weapons can't hurt me."
"I don't believe that, dragon!" She snarled. "What is the future tragedy!?"
"I will not give away crucial details. Someone you love will die and it will be my doing," Terrath answered.
"Not on my watch!" Rose snarled, running at Terrath with her dagger.
She tried to stab his leg with the dagger. It shattered when it hit his tough black scales.
Terrath raised one eyebrow. "Are you finished?"
"Not yet!" Rose huffed, unsheathing her claws.
She tried to rip the scales with her claws. They tore off when they hit the scales. Rose roared in pain and stared at her now bloody fingers.
Terrath yawned. "Are you finished now?"
She was breathing heavy and said nothing, the pain in her fingers making her close to tears.
"Well, if you are finished." Terrath picked Rose up.
The pink tabby flailed around in his grasp. "Let me go!"
He raised one eyebrow. "Okay." Terrath let her go.
She fell screaming.
He reached out one talon to catch her before she hit the ground. He then brought her back up to his face. "What is your problem!? Leave me alone!" Rose demanded.
"Never!" Terrath snarled. He tore a chunk from her left ear and tore her left eyelid. Terrath then dropped her.
Rose hit the ground, her ear and eye bleeding. She could see nothing out of her left eye. The fall had also winded her.
He took this to his advantage and hit her with his tail. One of his spikes hit her and caused a large gash to open on her hip.
She went sliding into a bramble bush, leaving a blood trail. Rose struggled but the thorns of the bush had her in a tight hold.
Terrath smirked and then opened his mouth. An orange light glowed at the back of his throat and then he breathed flames on the bramble bush.
Rose woke up from the nightmarish dream. She could not see out of her left eye. She became confused and looked down at her fingers. Her claws were missing and her fingertips were matted with blood. It was fresh.
She began to panic. Rose screamed.
There were pawsteps and Bramble bursted into the den. "Rose! What happened! You- AHHHHH!!!! FOREST! BLIZZARD! WE NEED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN ROSE'S DEN!!!"
Blizzard and a lime and green persian with orange eyes came into the den. This was Forest.
Forest carried a roll of bandages while Blizzard had a few potions and needle and thread.
"Rose. I'm gonna need you to sit up and be still," Forest coaxed.
The pink tabby whimpered and nodded. She sat up and was still, looking at Forest with her one good eye.
Forest ripped a piece off the bandage roll. She wiped Rose's ripped eyelid and ear off with it.
Blizzard tore a piece off the bandage roll and soaked it in a clear potion. He rubbed it on her eyelid and ear.
It stung uncontrollably and Rose was tempted to claw her ears off in pain. She whimpered.
"Good girl," Blizzard said. "I'm going to give you a painkiller. Please do not throw it up."
Rose nodded. "I won't."
He popped the cork off of a pale orange potion and gave it to Rose. "I'm going to sew your eyelid back together and the areas where the scratch started and ended. I want you to drink this."
She nodded and took the potion. Rose chugged it. It tasted like bitter medicine and she barely stopped herself from vomiting.
Blizzard got out his needle and thread while Forest wrapped her ear up.
"How did this happen!?" Bramble demanded.
"I was dreaming and I was in this dead forest. There was a big black and silver dragon and he said his name was Terrath. He did this to me."
The three gasped.
Blizzard looked at her seriously, narrowing his blue eyes. "This could either mean something good, or something terrible."
Bramble glared at him. "What do you mean Blizzard!? What aren't you telling us!?"
The pale blue half-lizard looked up at the bobcat-persian mix. "Terrath is an evil entity. Seeing him in her dreams could mean that she is destined to kill Terrath or destined to side with him and force us all into slavery."
Forest and Rose both flinched. "I.... I'm special?" She squeaked.
Blizzard said nothing more and began to stitch her wounds up. "Are there any others that I need to stitch?"
Bramble frowned when he changed the subject, but said nothing to the lizard-dragon.
She nodded and slid her blanket down. Rose laid on her uninjured side. "I have a gash on my hip."
He nodded and sewed it shut. Dabbing some of the clear liquid on it and cleaning it up. Blizzard put his talon on her shoulder. "Tell me if you have any other dreams with Terrath in them."
Rose nodded and the two left the room.
Bramble went over to her and hugged her. "I'd recommend if you stayed in your den until your wounds heal."
She sighed and nodded.
Looks like I'm not gonna be having good dreams of a long time....

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