Chapter 12: A Secret

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Forest grabbed her satchel and put everything of hers in it Oh I hope I am not late for my meeting with Azure! Forest thought, she looked around and found a blank scroll. She ripped a piece of it off and grabbed a quill dipping it into the ink. She wrote I went to gather supplies from the other towns I will be back in a couple of days. -Forest She then put the note on her shelf and left. It was early in the morning so no one was awake in the village. She crept out of the village and went deep into the forest. There was a nice area where there was ivy covered trees and a medium sized rock in the middle of it all. She sat on the rock and waited for Azure. 30 minutes went by. Where is he? He should have been here by now. Forest thought shifting over and twitching her fluffy, lime tail. Just then a chupicabra-like creature jumped on her from behind. She screeched as the creature curled its black, scaly talons into the flesh on her shoulders, tearing out some of her fluffy fur. The creature was black, had a raven-like head, was covered in feathers and scales, it had a chipped gray beak, red eyes, cat-like paws with retractable claws, lizard legs, horrible talons and huge bird wings. It squaked and started flapping its wings and lifting into the air. Forest panicked. Its going to eat me! She thought with a gasp of horror as she imagined the slow, painful death she would have. She hissed trying to scare it away but, with no prevail. The creature lifted her higher into the air. She squealed in terror because she had not been taught how to fight and defend herself. Just then a pale blue blur smacked into the creature. It squacked in surprise and dropped her. She fell and hit the ground white pain shot through her body as she realized that she hit the rock she was sitting on. She glanced up weakly and saw that the pale blue blurr was none other than Azure. That was when her vision blurred and all she saw were blue and black blurrs flying around. Azure grabbed the creature's neck. The creature in respone snapped it's beak in his face tearing out one of his whiskers. Azure hissed in pain and summoned his evil spirit spear, stabbing the creature in the heart. The creature fell limp in his grasp Azure narrowed his eyes and let go of the dead creature. It fell motionless on the ground splattering blood on Forest's fur. She tried to stand up but stumbled and fell. Pain shot through her arm and Azure's warm, gentle gaze rested on her worry flashing in it. Azure flew down to her and grabbed her paw helping her stand up. She smiled weakly and Azure made her weight rest on him. I love him so much. She thought, Azure smiled back.
"Are you okay?" He asked,
"No I hurt all over." Forest sighed weakly, "What was that thing?" She added,
"That was a Raven. Ravens are like chupicabras except they are meaner. They were created by Terrath when he had a chupicabra prisoner and a raven prisoner. He thought it would be fun to horribly mutate them both together to see how horrifying it would look. He liked the result and made more of them, sending them out in the world. That is how Ravens were born. Now Ravens roam in every forest, desert, mountain and volcano. Their feathers and scales are harder than steel and they can shoot them out like a porcupine. This also allows them to adapt to any environment they are in." Azure explained, Forest grew drowsier and drowsier falling over. Azure grabbed her quiuckly pulling her back up.
"Hold on Forest I know of a place I can take you to, there is a lake that can heal wounds." Azure meowed, he got a good grip on her and flew deeper into the forest. He flew for a long time then finally found it. A crystal clear lake that seemed to sparkle with magic. Azure gently bent down and lowered Forest's body into the water. The lake glowed white and Forest's fur sparkled. Her injuries were healed and her eyes opened. The water also cleaned the blood from her body.
"Are you okay now?" He asked, Forest nodded because she felt amazing like a kitten again. Azure smiled and Forest purred in delight. The young tom heard and strange noise and pricked her ears. In the distance Tawnya floated over the surface of the pond. She stuck her black paw into the water and magic sparkled around it and flowed through the water. Tawnya's sparkly, gentle blue gaze came across them.
"You two are adorable together." She said with a smile, "I can tell you love each other very much."

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