Chapter 13: Love From Both Sides

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Azure blushed and tucked his tail between his legs, folding his wings. Tawnya glanced over at his folded wings and narrowed her eyes her fur bristling.
"You are one of the ones that chose the darkness." She said her voice dangerously low, Azure sweated uneasily and his purple eyes darted from side to side. Oh no. Azure though swallowing uneasily,
"No I'm not you must be mistaken..." he stuttered, Forest's fur bristled and she glanced fearfully from Tawnya to Azure. Tawnya snarled.
"Then why do you have the wings of a demon and the spear of one!?" She snarled,
"I don't have wings or a spear." He lied tucking his wings further back and making his spear disappear. "Lies!!" She growled, "You think I can't tell a demon when I see one!?" There is no use lying any longer I must accept my fate. Of course I shouldn't have come here I forgot Tawnya the magic goddess lives here. But I did it for her. Its alright if I die at least she is safe. I forgot Tawnya was against the ones that followed Terrath.
"I am not a demon I prefer evil spirit." He stuttered, "It doesnt matter what you think because your nasty kind came to my lake and used it! This lake is for only the pure of heart!!! You shall face the wrath from the gods!!!" Tawnya roared her eyes glowing bright purple, Azure's ears lowered against his head and his eyes widened. Forest's eyes slitted and she laid her ears back snarling. Tawnya raised one paw and a purple aura glowed around Forest. "NOOOO!!!" Azure screamed diving for Forest. Tawnya lifted her paw higher and Forest floated over to her.
"You have taken this one captive and I take her back!" Tawnya growled turning the purple aura into a bubble. Forest slammed her paws on the inside of the bubble and clawed at it yelling something to him desperatly but, Azure could not make out the words. While he was distracted something hit him in the chest driving all of the breath out of his body. He gasped and fell backwards. The fight had only just begun.

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