Chapter 15: Healing

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Forest felt a twinge of anger stirr up inside of her. That mange pelted sorry excuse for a goddess! Why would they worship someone so wrong and stupid! Forest thought with a small deep throated growl, Tawnya gasped in surprise as Azure fell out of her paws and into the deep lake. Forest roared in fury and ran up to Tawnya. Why you little.... You could have KILLED him! She thought with a growl of fury, the goddess turned around and shoved Forest back with a powerful blast of magic. The lime persian stumbled then took a long bound leaping into the lake. She swam downward minnows, carp, bass and koi swam past her. She swam deeper and deeper struggling to keep her eyes open to look for Azure. She swam down more and saw a pale blue wad of fur sinking deeper and deeper into the depths. Azure! She thought with a panicked gasp which caused her to breath water in. Forest choked on the water and began to lose air, her lungs filling with water. Azure I am sorry, I failed you and now we will both be sent to our watery graves. Forest closed her eyes and let unconsiousness consume her. There was a flash of light and something brushed up against Forest's fur she woke from unconsciousness and saw that she was still underwater. Someone else was with her, a grayish blue tabby she-cat with a torn, green scale cape and a scar on her left eye. Her fur glittered with stars and Forest knew instantly who this was: River. I thought you were dead!? Forest thought, River turned around and looked at her, she was as beautiful as she was when she was alive and her fur was slick and well groomed.
"I am, Forest." She said not having any problem talking out loud underwater, "But I have gone to the place of stars where there are many things to eat and drink and places to rest and relax. There are no dangers worries or sorrows there, all is happy." She looked somberly away from Forest,
"You need to tell Rose of the prophecy." Forest flinched, How could I!? She is so young and inexperienced! She thought,
"You have seen her pink fur it is the color of the roses in the Valley of Thorns. She is the prophesied one no matter how old or experienced, she was the one chosen to save us all from Terrath." River said somberly, Forest took a glance downward and saw Azure sinking deeper and deeper. Forest's amber and yellow eyes widened and she swam farther down. She felt fur brush up against her and paws wrap around her a tail intertwined with hers and River swam faster than anything on the planet. They were getting closer to the ball of fur and Forest reached out with one paw and grabbed Azure's. River then turned around and swam upwards and before they knew they were back on solid ground and the bluish gray tabby was gone. Forest felt her stomach lurch and she vomited up what seemed to be a lake of water. Azure did the same groaning. Tawnya jumped back just as the vomit water was going to hit her. She disappeared without a word, Forest got up and coughed, her lungs were screaming in agony. She took a few quick shallow breaths and went unconscious.

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