Chapter 16: Omen

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Battle raged all around her screams of animals could be heard and blood splattered the gound. Rose ran around trying to help but, it was useless they couldn't see her, feel her or hear her. Whats going on!? She thought, Why can't they see me!? A familiar scream could be heard and Rose dashed towards the sound. She saw Petunia grappling with a black and gray male mountain lion with yellow eyes, a torn red cloth cape, scars on both his chest and stomach and a large iron sword. Petunia grabbed her pitchfork and poked him with it. The mountain lion laughed and pinned the black and white she-cat down with one massive paw.
"No!" Rose shouted, but it was no use. He pulled his iron sword up and was poised to strike. Tears rolled down Petunia's cheek and she shut her green eyes tightly. Rose cried as well because she could do nothing to help.
"There you go nice kitty maybe this won't hurt! But wait it will a lot!" The mountain lion growled, "You will die just like your sister!" Rose and Petunia both flinched at this remark.
"Rose died a hero and you know that!" Petunia cried sheathing and unsheathing her claws, Died? Rose thought,
"I'm not dead." The pink tabby growled, the mountain lion struck stabbing Petunia in the stomach. Petunia writhed in agony and Rose could barely watch. Blood pooled around her sister turning her black and white fur red. He smiled and ran to another part of the battle. Rose crouched beside her sister and let out choked sobs.
"I can't live without you!" She cried, "I love you!" Petunia stopped breathing and stood still. Rose heard another cry only this time it was Bramble. She looked back at her sister and gave her one last hug. The pink tabby ran to where Bramble was and saw that he was fighting with the same orange and blue bobcat that was chasing her across the bridge. The bobcat had a iron mace and was swinging it around trying to scare Bramble. Rose noticed that his left arm was in gauze bandages and was hovering close to his body. Bramble gazed hard at him and let out a growl unsheathing his sword and pitchfork.
"You will die just as your daughter did." The bobcat hissed,
"No we will stop Terrath and The Taken someday somehow! Rose did not die in vain!" Bramble roared, Why is everyone saying I am dead? She thought as he jabbed his pitchfork at the bobcat who leaped into the air to avoid it, Bramble's eyes widened.
"Tiger don't we can help you be good!" He screeched, the bobcat (Tiger) smiled.
"I don't think so!" He hissed, Tiger lifted his mace into the air and smashed Bramble's skull open with it. Her father died and fell backwards. Rose cried again as she saw her dead father. She heard the roar of a dragon and ran to the noise. A green dragon that she had never seen before was grappling with a familiar yet unknown black and silver dragon who was much larger than the green one.
"Give it up! You know we are going to win!" The black and silver one roared, thats when Rose saw it: Terrath's gold helmet on the ground next to the black and silver dragon. That is Terrath. She realized, He just doesn't have his helmet on.
"No I was sent by Tawnya herself to protect Rose until my last breath! She may be dead but my duty is not over yet!" The green one roared sending a blast of fire at Terrath,
"Give it up Leaf you have nothing else to fight for. You are powerless and your strength is almost gone." He hissed,
"Never!" The green dragon (Leaf) hissed,
"Fine then have it your way." Terrath growled grabbing Leaf's neck and snapping it, he dropped the dead dragon and he landed right beside a familiar pink tabby corpse. Rose gasped when she saw the dagger tightly clutched in the corpses hand and the torn ear and scar on her face.
"That is me. I am dead." Rose croaked her throat going dry, she saw Tawnya in the distance the fox looked at her with sympathy.
"Go find the blade of light in the thorns and the dragon of the forest. Only then can you prevent this event from occuring. Now go!" The fox shouted, then Rose woke up. Her bed was soaked at first she thought she had wet the bed until she saw that it was only cold fear sweat. She sat upright breathing heavily. Petunia came in.
"Rose are you alright? I heard screaming." Petunia asked sitting down beside Rose on the bed, she shivered
"Ew this bed is wet." She said, Rose gasped and hugged her sister tightly tears streaming down her face. Petunia was surprised and hugged her back. "Did you have a bad dream?" She asked, Rose nodded and told her about it. The black and white she-cat gasped and ran out of the hut. She came back a few moments later with Bramble telling him the story. Then all of a sudden Pike ran past the hut looking as worried and stressed as a disturbed chicken.
"Forest is missing!"

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