Chapter 20: Water Lion

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Yes I know the picture of the bobcat does not have stripes but, the original version of him had no stripes but, I changed my mind so on with the story!
The bobcat grunted because the Lizolf was a heavy burden to carry. He did not really know what he planned to do with it in the first place. It's a threat so you are going to keep it as prisoner of course. He thought to himself with a smug smirk,
"Of course I am the greatest!" The bobcat said, he finally came to the village and drug the creature that last few feet forward. Shocked gasps came from the animals in Woodburrow and some of them started screaming. Pike shiver through them and came in front of him.
"Oak why did you bring a dangerous creature into the village!?" He snarled his silver fur bristling,
"I gave it a tranquilizing arrow to the back thank you very much." Oak sniffed, Pike did not look impressed however and looked very angry.
"You brought it alive in the village! It could come to life any second and kill us all!" He snarled, "One tranquilizing arrow does not knock a powerful male Lizolf like that out for too long!" Oak did not really care and did not take him seriously.
"I brought him because I thought it was weird that there was an aquatic Lizolf in the forest." He murmured, Pike facepawed and let out an irritated hiss.
"Put that thing back where it came from or so help me-" He did not get to finished because there was a groan and the Lizolf woke, Holy shiz! He thought with a small yelp running for Blizzard's tree to climb up, Pike backed up and everyone drew out their weapons waiting for the beast to attack. Oak clambered up the tree and pulled out his bow and arrows. The Lizolf rubbed his head gently and looked at everyone before him with wide eyes. I will take you down no matter what! You won't come to this village ever again! He thought before realizing that he was the one who brought the danger to the village not the Lizolf, he loaded a lightning arrow into his bow and waited. The Lizolf blinked a few times and sighed.
"Hello animals of Woodburrow." He rumbled, There were gasps from the crowd.
"Lizolf's can talk!?" Petunia gasped, Oak was a bit surprised himself but, did not want to admit it to the villagers.
"Of course I knew that its common knowledge!" He lied with a smirk, Pike glared at him as if to say 'You got us into this so shut your trap you stupid fur stack!' Oak angrily twitched his stubby tail and listened to the beast talk.
"My name is Koi. I am from the ocean but, was visiting Magmaborne." He continued,
"How were you able to survive!? It is over 250 degrees there!" Blizzard hissed from the crowd, "Long story." The beast answered, "To make it short your Medic was captured by the ruffians." There were gasps then murmurs
"Is he talking about Forest?" "Who are the ruffians and are they apart of The Taken?" They murmured,
"Who are the ruffians?" Pike asked,
"Winged demons that come out of the sky and they raided the village killing everyone but me. They come in different species kind of like you Woodburrow villagers." Koi answered getting a little nervous,
"Evil spirits it sounds like." Pike murmured, he turned around and faced the crowd. "Listen villagers! We need a team of strong, smart and swift animals to rescue Forest! Anyone up for it?" The silver tabby shouted, This is my chance! I could be famous and the whole world would love me! I have to do it! Oak thought with an excited meow, he put his bow and arrows back.
"I will volunteer!" The bobcat shouted excitedly, he jumped down the tree and ran to the crowd. "I WILL VOLUNTEER!!!" He shouted excitedly, Pike snorted and rolled his eyes.
"Calm down Oak fine you will volunteer." He huffed crossing his arms, "Anyone else?" The silver tabby asked, a pink tabby arm shot up and Rose stepped out of the crowd.
"I will volunteer." She meowed, Petunia followed. "If She is going I will too!" The black and white cat said determinedly, Pike nodded as Bramble stepped out too grabbing both of his daughter's shoulders. "Me too I have to make sure my children will be safe." He said,
"That should be enough." Pike said turning around to face Koi, then Blizzard stepped out.
"They need a medic. I have potions that can heal burns, I will come too." He said running to his shop, he came out a few minutes later with a bag filled with glass bottles that rattled against each other as he walked. He nodded and signaled for the rescue team to follow him as they walked out of the village.

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