Chapter 21: Demons Of The Volcano World

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The gray cat demon clutched the lime cat in his talons. He was born with particularly large talons that were more like dragons feet than paws. The other evil spirits did not have this but he did. The cat did not know why Lord Terrath wanted this particular cat. He wrinkled his white muzzle in confusion at the orders his leader was given. Why does our king want this cat? What did she do to him to become wanted? He thought as they came to the top of the volcano, lava bubbled and sizzled it was a hot orange color and looked very bright since it was nighttime. The gray cat lazily flew to a small entrance in the volcano clutching the lime cats  armored shoulders tighter. It began getting hotter for the prisoner because she had long fur. The volcano opened up into a room with an iron cage dangling from the roof by chains. It dangled over a pit of lava and there was an old lock on it that required a key to access the cage. Magma flew in his red eyes held many emotions: anger, greed and gluttony. The cat knew that his leader thirsted for blood. Magma is very powerful! Everything about him is amazing! The cat thought while admiring his leader, the wolf then pulled a key out of his mouth and stuck it in the old lock. The cat knew that Magma liked to swallow his key to keep it hidden. The old metal creaked then with a clunk the lock opened the door. The wolf turned his head to face the cat.
"N take the prisoner and put her in the cage." Magma commanded swallowing the key again, the cat (N) nodded and uncurled his talons from the prisoners shoulders. She breathed heavily and clutched her shoulder. The armored Persian looked up at Magma and glared.
"My village will come for me!" She snarled, the wolf snarled and yawned getting down on his knees to look her straight in the eyes. He smiled slyly and took her chin in his paw and lifted it. Magma stuck his long tongue out.
"Oh sweety you'll never get help. They will just die before they even get here." He snarled, his fangs glinted as they caught the light from the lava. N felt happiness and admiration go through him and he purred. No he is not gay before you ask, he just looks up to Magma. Magma did not notice however and swayed his tail gently. The prisoner snarled and brought her gauntlets up. The evil spirit growled and grabbed her wrists with strong hands. "Not so fast kitty." He growled,
"N! Stop standing around you stupid fur stack! Get her!" N stiffened. Of course! How silly of me! He thought grabbing her and putting her in the cage, he shut the door and and cage automatically locked. The prisoner began to cry as she buried her head in her knees. N and Magma both smiled evilly. The group of evil spirits then left two guards in charge of the prisoner. The remaining ones then left and used a magical spell to conceal the entrance to the volcano lair.

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