Chapter 29: Bat Wings, Bird Wings

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Shadow Rose felt the control and power sweep through her new 15 year old body. It was transforming into its demon form: Thorn.
Yessss! Power! More power!!! She thought as Magma and the other evil spirits watched her transform.
"More added to our ranks." The wolf commented. Bramble, now Ash nodded.
"Yes, now we can make everyone we see an evil spirit!" Ash hissed.
"Let's not get too hasty, or Terrath might find you tasty." Magma warned. The bobcat hybrid nodded and stopped talking.
"We should wait for the others so we can kill them off." A gray shorthair with a white stripe on his nose and lime eyes and wings suggested.
"Good plan N." Magma complemented, red eyes glinting. N's lime eyes shown.
"Th....thank you sir!" He stammered.
The wolf nodded and started pacing around.
"I hope this doesn't take too long." He murmured. Thorn turned to Forest.
"Well you've been quiet!" She exclaimed. Forest looked at her sadly.
"I have nothing to say to you demons. Especially him." She hissed softly, pointing at Magma. The wolf sneered. After 30 minutes, the rescue team arrived. Pike and Storm were at the front with several spirits and Warriors behind them.
"Give is Forest back or suffer the price of death." Pike growled, whipping around his fishing pole and sliding out his claws. Storm nodded and brandished his sword. Magma's eyes widened in fear and he didn't move.
Is our leader becoming a weakling!? Thorn thought with a disgusted growl.
"MAN UP AND KILL THESE RESISTANCE MEMBERS!!!" She snarled. The wolf nodded and summoned his spear, the others did the same.
"Taken! Attack!" Magma roared, flapping his wings and charging at Pike. Ash went for Storm, Petunia (Now Wilt) went for Violet, Shade went for Breeze, and so on and so forth. Thorn tackled a male white shorthair spirit with yellow eyes. The spirit quickly retaliated and stabbed her in the heart with his spear.
Blinding pain.
The Taken disease poured from her heart and she fell over. The spirit flew further into battle and Thorn battled the loss of her strength.
No! Noooo! She thought, screaming in agony.
The venom left her body and disappeared into the black rock of the volcano. She was Rose again. Rose groaned and sat up, her heart had healed leaving no wound or scar behind. A screech got her attention and she saw Shade grappling with the spirit that saved her, his spear was thrown far away from him and the female fox demon was about to kill him! Rose ran and grabbed the spear, she charged at a Shade and the demon rolled out of the way. The Persian tried to stab her again and caught her arm. Shade screeched in pain and stumbled backwards, instead of blood gold threads came out of the wound. They wound around her neck and she choked, wrapping her paws around her neck. Shade started walking backwards and shaking her head side to side before she came up to a hole in the volcano and fell out. Her scream ricocheted off of the rock and echoed in Rose's ears.
I will never forget this... she thought, and she would be right. There was a painful sounding thud then a grinding noise, then silence.
She is dead. Rose thought. And I killed her. This thought hit her like a tidal wave. She stumbled backwards and fell down.
I killed another! How could I!? What would MOM say!? Rose thought, whimpering. Tawnya probably wouldn't except her when she died and she would go to the place of darkness and death: Hell, where Terrath would be her king. Magma took one scared look at the hole and flew away, his group following him. Bramble crouched down to her side and held her paw.
"Rose! Are you okay?" He asked nervously. Petunia crouched down beside her, concerned. Her green eyes flicked nervously from the hole to Rose and back again. Rose couldn't answer, she was too upset and worried about her afterlife. Koi grunted and pulled the bars apart to the cage, Forest leaped out and crouched beside Petunia. Her yellow and orange eyes were worried. She sat one paw on Rose's forehead.
"No fever, she's not hot." Forest said. Bramble looked at Forest.
"Will she be okay?" The hybrid asked.
"I'm not sure." The lime Persian murmured. "Rest is the best medicine, that's what Osprey used to say. We should take her back to the village and let her sleep." Bramble's ears twitched uncertainly.
"And Osprey was an old cat who was loosing his hearing and sight. He was slowly going insane." He retorted. "Medicine is the best medicine."
"You were 5 when Osprey was 40, how would you know!?" She retorted.
"You weren't even born yet, how would you know!?" Bramble snapped. Petunia lowered her ears.
"Guys! Rose is what is most important now!" She hissed softly. The two cats reluctantly nodded and picked Rose up. Their arguing had made her nauseous. The rescue team traveled and said goodbye to the spirits. They arrived at Woodburrow village and Bramble and Forest lowered her onto her bed. Rose instantly felt the weariness come out and she fell quickly asleep. The two cats left and she began to dream.

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