Chapter 28: Spirits

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Breeze looked at Pike.
Who will take over as temporary village chief? He thought. The silver tabby broke away from Violet's hug and walked over to the blacksmiths shop. He came back out with a red shorthair with blue patches and green eyes, his bushy eyebrows expressed confusion. What was funny was that all of the blacksmiths seemed to have thick, bushy eyebrows. At least, Breeze found it funny.
"Minty, I am trusting you to be village chief while I'm gone." Pike said seriously. "Are you up for it?" The splotchy shorthair (Minty) nodded.
"Ready as my hammer on hot metal." He said in his higher pitched voice than you'd think. Minty looked like a tough guy but he sounded like a banshee! Pike nodded.
"You've seen me lead and you know the rules, I trust you to make the right decision. You would be the third animal I would choose to lead in my place under Storm and Bramble." The silver tabby said. Minty frowned at the mention of how he was third but didn't say anything.
"Right." The shorthair said, walking to the entrance. "I will walk with you till you reach the border of Woodburrow and Pine Town then I will go back to the village. Pixie Lake should be in the Pines." Pike nodded.
"That is very kind of you Minty." He said, smiling. Spruce tapped his black foot impatiently.
"Are we going to go or not?" He grumbled. "You have to remember, our healer's life is in stake here!" The silver tabby frowned and nodded.
"Yes of course, you're right Spruce." He said, starting to walk. The group followed, after 30 minutes Breeze's legs began to ache.
Ugh! I'm tired, I'm not usually picked for missions so I don't walk very much. Plus I'm used to using my wings instead of my skinny legs. He thought, looking down at his thin, yellow legs.
"Hey Pike?" Breeze asked.
"What?" He asked.
"Can I fly instead of walk?" Breeze asked.
"I don't see why not." Pike replied. He silently let out a "Yes!" and flapped his wings. Breeze took off and backtracked to hover-fly above the group.
"I wish I could fly." Sky pouted.
"Well, I could carry you." The falcon offered. Sky was about to accept when Pike interrupted.
"She doesn't need it but thank you for the offer Breeze." He interrupted. The blue wolf frowned but kept walking.
Pike doesn't need to be so mean, I could carry her. I just can't carry more than one animal without hassle. Breeze thought, flying down a bit lower to talk to Sky. He landed and walked next to her.
"If you want, I could carry you." He offered, smiling somewhat even though birds don't have teeth. The blue wolf smiled, her hazel eyes sparkling.
"I would like to fly." Sky said.
"Your name is ironic, your name is Sky but you have never flown before." Breeze joked. She laughed. He crouched down so she could get on his back, Sky got on and he flew into the air. He backtracked again and hover-flew over the group.
"This is fun." She said. After a while they arrived at the border and said goodbye to Minty, traveling farther until they reached Pixie Lake. Catterflies and Spirits flew around, they stopped when a lavender Catterfly pointed at the newcomers. Breeze nervously landed and Sky climbed off his back. Catterflies look like this

They are usually lavender but some are different colors. I feel like I have already said this before in a chapter but whatever.
"Who are these newcomers?" A male white shorthair spirit with yellow eyes asked. Pike stepped up.
"I am Pike, the white falcon is Breeze, the orange shorthair is Storm, the dark blue wolf is Sky, the orange fox is Spruce, the teal wolf is Pond, and the lavender bobcat is Violet." He answered, nodding to his companions as he called their names.
"What is your business?" A female grey wolf spirit with yellow eyes asked. The white shorthair turned to her.
"Birch, I will handle the newcomers." He said gently, the wolf (Birch) nodded and flew off. The white shorthair turned toward the rescue party.
"My name is Mist, what is your reason for coming here?" The cat asked.
"Well Mist, our friends are captured by evil spirits and turned into them and we need help battling them." Storm explained. Mist nodded, suddenly grim.
"Alright, I will take two spirits with me. Birch! Midnight! Come!" He called. Birch cane with a black female Persian spirit with grey stripes and green eyes.
"Ready for battle!" Birch yelled. Mist laughed and the Persian (Midnight) nodded. Breeze swallowed nervously.
This is it, after this there are no more chances...

I don't know why but I ship Breeze X Sky even though that would never work. They are just friends after all. Or are they?

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