Chapter 27: Rescue Party

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It had been 2 days, Koi's rescue party had not returned. Pike twiddled his thumbs nervously.
What could have happened to them!? Did they get killed by evil spirits!? He thought with a nervous swallow. He wished that he had not thought of that. Storm came in his cave and looked at him.
"Are you alright Pike?" Storm asked. He shook his head no.
"It's been two days and the rescue party hasn't returned." Pike sighed. The orange shorthair frowned.
"I'm sure the journey has just taken a long time, after all no one in the village has ever gone to Magmaborne except for the great Wolfie himself." Storm said. Pike flinched at the mention of Wolfie, the wolf that slayed Axemillious the Terrible and was eaten by Terrath the Destroyer of Worlds.
"But Wolfie died centuries ago, Magmaborne  had to have changed by then." Pike insisted. Storm nodded and sighed.
"That doesn't change the fact that they very well may be okay." He said. The silver tabby nodded and sighed.
"I suppose so-" He didn't get to finish because the sound of wingbeats entered the village. Pike and Storm's ears stood up straight.
Oh no. The silver tabby thought, racing outside with Storm at his side. A dragon stood at the entrance, it was male, had black scales, light green underscales, green eyes, silver horns, silver spikes, silver claws and a few purple scales.
"Greetings, you must be the chief of Woodburrow. I am Malice." The dragon said. Storm growled and unsheathed his sword.
"Leave this place." He growled, brandishing his sword. Malice narrowed his eyes and Pike unsheathed his claws.
Our best fighters are gone! How will we fight this beast now? The silver tabby thought. The dragon swung his head to glare at Storm.
"I wish not to fight, I have come to warn you." Malice growled. Storm twitched his ears and narrowed his blue eyes, sword still drawn.
"Warn us about what?" Pike asked.
"That's what I'm getting to." The dragon retorted. "Anyways, I was flying around Magmaborne and saw a group of animals led by a Water Lizolf." Both Pike and Storm's ears shot up.
"What did the animals look like and what species were they?" Storm asked.
"There were two bobcats, both of them were brown with black stripes but one of them had a long tail and yellow eyes while the other had a stubby tail and orange eyes. There were two Persians, one of them was a pink tabby with a chipped left ear and a scarred left eye. The other was black and white but they both had green eyes. There was a lizard that had crippled legs, pale blue scales, blue eyes and blue spikes. Finally, there was a white Water Lizolf with orange and black patches of fur and purple eyes." Malice explained.
A crippled, blue lizard? Blizzard wasn't crippled when he left and all of those description are spot on to the rescue team... Pike thought with a horrible realization. They are in trouble! He turned to Storm and they both stared at each other in fear.
"We need to get a rescue party to rescue the rescue party!" Storm said. Pike nodded and turned to Malice.
"Did you see what happened to them?" He asked. Malice nodded.
"Yes, they went inside the volcano and were attacked by evil spirits. They got turned into evil spirits too." He answered. Pike's fear came back.
"No! Rose was just a child, so was Petunia..." He whimpered, covering his face with his paws. "I should have never let them go and just stuck with the village rules!"
Storm patted him on the back and Pike looked at him, he was determined.
"We will find them, don't worry Pike! This will all be alright!" The orange shorthair meowed. The silver tabby nodded and stood back up.
I'm village chief! I need to stay strong for my villagers! Pike thought, looking at Malice.
"Will you take us to Magmaborne?" The silver tabby asked. The dragon shook his head no and snorted.
"Of course not! I have things I need to do! Plus I'm with the evil spirits anyways! I just love seeing a good fight!" Malice laughed, flying away. Storm snarled and chased after him til he reached the entrance to the village.
"AND DON'T COME BACK YOU CURSED LIZARD!!!" He snarled, running back to Pike.
"We need to assemble a rescue team, will you help?" Pike asked. Storm nodded and ran to each hut, asking for animals willing to join. A white male falcon with blue eyes and a blue cape ran over to Pike.
"If I may." He started. "I would like to join the rescue team." The silver tabby nodded.
"Of course Breeze, you may join." Pike said. The falcon (Breeze) nodded and stayed beside him. Storm came back with a few villagers. One was a male orange fox with blue eyes, black paws, a black tail tip and a brown cape. Another was a female lavender bobcat with purple ear tips, purple dots underneath her eyes, yellow eyes and a purple cape. Another was a female dark blue wolf with hazel eyes and a purple cape. The last one was a male teal wolf with one blue eye and his other eye was half brown, he had green chest fur and a rainbow scale cape.
"Pike I chose to take these four." Storm said. Pike nodded.
"We will need to find some spirits to help us, after all their spears reverse the effects of evil spirit spears." The silver tabby said.
"I think there are some spirits around Pixie Lake." Breeze suggested, shifting his wings.
"Pixie Lake! But the Catterflies There could be dangerous!" The lavender bobcat exclaimed.
"Since when have Catterflies been dangerous Violet, you silly badger!" The fox snorted. The lavender bobcat (Violet) huffed. Pike just had a thought.
"Hey Violet, aren't you 18?" He asked. Violet nodded.
"Yeah, why?" She asked.
"Well, the rules say you have to be 21 to leave the village." Pike answered. Violet lowered her ears.
"So I can't go?" She whimpered. Pike felt a bit guilty.
"Okay fine, you can go." He sighed. Violet cheered and hugged him.
"You won't regret it! I promise!"
Okay I'm going to start showing all of the new characters introduced after the end of the chapters.
Malice the dragon I don't have a picture drawn of him yet.

Spruce the fox

Violet the bobcat

Sky the wolf

Pond the wolf

Breeze the falcon

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