Chapter 31: Toxicity

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This chapter was based off this song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rose staggered into the clearing. While running, she had scraped her hip on a low hanging branch. She had finally arrived at Jagged Peak, it didn't take to long either. It was still night. There was the silhouette of a Persian crouched over Jagged Peak. The watery moonlight barely showed that the cat's fur was dark purple. Violent waves endlessly crashed against Jagged Peak, spraying mist over the cat. He shifted and turned his head to face her. The light caught his face, showing that there was a large yellow spot on the right side of his face. He also had orange eyes that were slightly red from the salt water spray.
"Would you like to see the purified version of myself?" The Persian asked. Rose didn't know how to reply. How would she reply to this cat anyways!?
What does he mean? She thought. The cat twitched his ears, awaiting and answer.
"Sure." Rose said, though she had a bad feeling about this.
He grinned and pulled out a device she had never seen before. It was a glass tube full of a black tar-like liquid with a metal needle on the bottom of it and a small, metal piston on top.
What is that? She thought. The cat held the needle end up to his wrist.
"Behold! True righteousness! I will bathe in the blood of my enemies! The Lizard King will have Terrath at his knees!" He yowled. Rose flinched.
This cat is insane. SunShadow was right. She thought. He gently stuck the needle part into his wrist, a bit of blood welled out. The cat used his thumb to press the piston down, the liquid injected into his wrist and he got a mad grin on his face.
"This... is... true.... power!" He roared. Rose unsheathed her dagger. The Persian stared at her and flexed his claws.
Run. She thought.
"The word is now death. For the world is now without light!" He snarled, running at her. Rose bolted, going towards Terrath's Land. The cat was surprisingly almost as fast as her, the strange liquid must have given him super animal abilities.
Sacred silence of sleep? She thought. What's that? Rose found that she didn't want to know. SunShadow's long lost brother was a nut job! Rose climbed up a dead tree once she entered Terrath's Land. She leaped from tree to tree to confuse her chaser. Rose finally got to Terrath's Castle and reluctantly climbed up the wall till she reached one tower. Rain started pouring, drenching her fur and making her claws slide on the wet, black iron.
Don't fall! Don't fall! She thought. Fear drove her onward after she thought of her broken body, lying in the land of her enemy. Rose reached the tower and collapsed, breathing heavily. Her adrenaline faded and she was exhausted. The cat looked around for her when he came to the castle door, he couldn't find her. He let out a frustrated growl and came in the castle. Rose felt her eyes start to close.
No! I can't sleep now! I'm in enemy grounds! She thought. Exhaustion creeped like a hunting chupicabra and she quickly passed out.

I do not have a picture of MidnightEclipse (Eclipse)

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