Chapter 32: Reunion

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SunShadow looked up as a dark purple Persian with a big yellow spot on the right side of his face and orange eyes ran in.
Who is this? He thought. The stranger looked vaguely familiar and was as tall as he and MoonShadow were. He also had the same slitted eyes. The stranger panted and dashed toward him and Flesh. The pink rat narrowed her red eyes and put on her black hood, lowering her red sleeved arms. SunShadow sniffed the air and smelled Taken Disease on him. He bristled slightly and looked at MoonShadow who seemed to realize how similar the three were to each other. MoonShadow's eyes widened.
"Eclipse at Midnight? Is that you?" He asked. The stranger narrowed his eyes.
"How do you know me!?" The dark purple Persian hissed.
"You're our long lost brother!" SunShadow exclaimed. His eyes widened.
"Shadow of the Sun! Shadow of the Moon! It's you guys!" He exclaimed.
He's using our tribe names. SunShadow thought.
"We prefer to go by SunShadow and MoonShadow. I assume you go by MidnightEclipse?" SunShadow asked. The brother shook his head no.
"I go by Eclipse now." He said. The half black, half orange Persian nodded.
"Will you stay with us in Terrath's Kingdom?" He asked. Eclipse narrowed his eyes.
"This is that retched winged lizard's Kingdom!?" He hissed. Flesh growled and bared her teeth.
"Show some respect!" The rat hissed. "This is our future king's Kingdom!" Eclipse snorted.
"The Lizard King is the true ruler, after all he does control all reptiles. Have you seen him around The Killer!?" He hissed. Flesh shook her head no. Eclipse sighed.
"Forget it." He growled. "Have you seen a pink tabby female Persian run through here?" SunShadow flinched and both Flesh and MoonShadow looked at him accusingly.
"Does she have green eyes and a scarred left eye and a torn left ear?" MoonShadow asked. Eclipse nodded. SunShadow lowered his ears.
Rose must have brought him here, that means that she is somewhere in this castle! He thought.
"Uh, I'm going to get some fresh air. Could you take our brother and show him around the Kingdom?" SunShadow asked. MoonShadow narrowed his bright green eyes but nodded, standing up and nodding to Eclipse. The two went to the throne room and Flesh walked toward the kitchen. SunShadow ran to one of the stair sets and was blocked off by his cousin Shard. The white shorthair studied him with his one green and and his other red eye.
"SunShadow, What are you doing going to one of the towers?" Shard asked.
"Getting some fresh air." He lied.
"Why can't you just go outside?" The white cat asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Because I want to see past Terrath's Land and into Pine Town." SunShadow lied.
"Why are you so interested in Pine Town?" Shard asked.
"Why do you have to ask so many questions!?" He hissed, getting fed up with his cousin's questioning. The cat lowered his ears and walked past SunShadow. Suspicion lingered in his gaze. He didn't care however, he had to make sure Rose got home alive. After all, he owed her for bringing his brother to him. His tribe had taught him to be kind and courteous.
SunShadow arrived at the top of the tower and felt the cool autumn breeze blow in his face. He glanced over and saw the barely moving shape of Rose. SunShadow gasped and ran towards her. The pink tabby groaned and stared up at him, sudden panic showing in her green eyes. Rose quickly got up and unsheathed her dagger.
"You horrible animals won't lay a paw on me!" She hissed exhaustedly, her green eyes barely staying open. Rose fell over and SunShadow quickly dashed over. She fell in his arms and fell asleep. He picked her up and put her gently over his shoulder. SunShadow stood up and used his free hand to whistle.
A screech sounded and his cockatrice: Siren, flew over and landed on the tower. The Persian climbed on his back and gently sat Rose down. Siren shrieked at the tabby.
"Shh, calm down." SunShadow purred. "We need to protect her and bring her back to Woodburrow Village." The creature seemed to understand and picked Rose up gently in his talons.
Siren screeched again and took off. SunShadow heard pawsteps and turned to see Shard watching him fly off, an amused and angry expression on his face.
"I knew you were up to shady behavior! I'm telling Terrath!" Shard snarled. SunShadow bristled seeing him stomp back down the stairs. Siren flew further away and the castle was covered by the thick fog in Terrath's Land.
He sighed with relief, but was still scared.
Terrath will kill me if he knows what I did to help our sworn enemy! SunShadow thought. After about an hour, they arrived at Woodburrow. Siren turned his feathered head to look at SunShadow expectantly.
"Just set her down at the foot of that tree over there." He whispered. The cockatrice nodded and sat Rose down.
"Alright, now we go back to Terrath's Castle." SunShadow whispered. Siren nodded and flew away. He just hoped that Shard wouldn't be able to tell Terrath what happened, or else he'd be dead.

Flesh the Rat (I know it says mouse but she is a rat)

I do not have a picture of Shard or Siren.

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