Chapter 35: Leaf

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What a kind wolf. Rose thought as she walked deeper into the blizzard. A green silhouette was ahead and Rose ran faster.
Leaf! She thought. She approached the dragon and he glanced back at her.
"You're not one of those fakers are you?" Leaf asked.
"Fakers? What are you talking about?" Rose asked.
"There were a few animals that came past here claiming to be Rose, and I want to know if you are the real Rose." He explained. She twitched her ears.
"I am the real Rose." Rose answered. Leaf narrowed his eyes.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Of course!" She exclaimed. The dragon shut his eyes for a moment then reopened them.
"Yes of course." Leaf murmured. "Tawnya told me that you would be a pink tabby cat." He grinned.
"Greetings! I'm Leaf, Leaf the dragon!" Leaf said. He turned back around and Rose noticed that he was crouching in front of a frozen puddle.
"What are you doing there?" She asked.
"There is a big, frozen fish stuck in this puddle and I want it." Leaf answered. Rose took a better look and saw the fish, it was huge! She frowned.
"Maybe I could help." Rose said. The dragon shrugged.
"Knock yourself out." Leaf said, stepping out of the way. She unsheathed her dagger and scraped at the ice, it took a bit but she was finally able to scrape the rest of the ice away. Rose pulled the heavy fish out and sat it on the ground. Leaf beamed.
"Wow! You really are as special as Tawnya says!" He exclaimed, crouching down. Leaf sniffed the fish and took a bite.
"Since you helped me, I'll share this with you!" Rose smiled.
"Thank you." She purred. Rose ate the fish with the dragon. Leaf hardened his gaze.
"I vow to be your protector for the rest of my life!" He said determinedly. "I will not let you down!" Her green eyes shown.
"You don't have to." She said. "After all, it was Tawnya who told me to find you." Leaf narrowed his eyes.
"Oh, but I do. Tawnya told me that she created me to protect you from Terrath's wrath. I will do that duty til' my last breath." He said seriously. Rose nodded.
"Of course." She meowed. "Could you fly me home?" He nodded and crouched down. Rose got on and he took off.
"I live in Woodburrow Village." She said. Leaf nodded and flew to Woodburrow.

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