Chapter 36: Welcome Home

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Rose saw Woodburrow Village in sight and Leaf landed in the spot where SunShadow had left her previously.
"Is this it?" The lime dragon asked. Rose nodded and the two walked into the village. They were greeted by shocked yowls and frightened whimpers.
"Rose! A dragon followed you into the village!" She yowled. Woodburrow's best fighters came forth: Bramble, Storm, Pike, and Minty. They unsheathed their weapons and bared their teeth, letting out challenging snarls.
"Stop!" The pink tabby hissed. "He's a friend!"
"Are you sure?" Bramble asked warily.
"Yes!" Rose hissed. The males sheathed their weapons.
"Why exactly have you brought a dragon to us?" Pike asked. The Persian sharply inhaled and explained what Tawnya had told her.
"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Bramble asked.
"Because Tawnya told me after I ran away from you." She growled softly. The bobcat Persian mix frowned and lowered his ears. "And who wants to come back to their father after they ground you to the village forever." Storm looked at Bramble, confused.
"What is she talking about?" The orange shorthair asked.
"I... uh don't want to talk about it right now." Bramble sighed. Storm looked suspiciously from Bramble to Rose. Pike broke the silence.
"Where are we going to keep this beast?" He asked. Rose and Leaf both shrugged.
"Let's keep him near her hut." Minty suggested. "We'll need to build a nest for him though." The males nodded and went to the Blacksmith's Shop to get materials. Rose got an idea and went in with them.
"Hey Minty, could you make me a saddle for my dragon?" She asked. The blue and red splotched cat nodded.
"Sure but that will cost you thirty gold pieces." He said. Rose nodded and handed him the money.
"It'll be ready in five hours." Minty said. The pink tabby walked away. Leaf walked up to her looking serious.
"Rose, I gotta talk to you. We can't do it here. Could we talk outside?" He asked.
"Of course." Rose answered.
I wonder what this is about. She thought. The two walked out to the Pine Town border. Leaf then stopped and turned to her.
"Rose, What I'm about to tell you is going to be very important. Do not share this with anyone you don't trust. If this information gets to Terrath's Castle, we will be in grave danger. Listen closely." Leaf took in a deep breath. "Did Tawnya tell you of the dagger of light?" Rose nodded.
"Tawnya told me that I needed to find the blade of light in the thorns." She answered. Leaf nodded.
"Okay well, that time is now. You need to get the blade and slay Terrath just as the prophecy states. If this is not done, doom will surely come on us all. Terrath cannot live another day. You must accept the call of destiny." The dragon said. The pink tabby froze.
"But I'm only fifteen! I cannot slay an immortal dragon like Terrath!" She hissed. Leaf shook his head.
"You must! We'll all die if you don't!" He insisted.
"They should choose someone else! I'll bet Pike or Storm could slay Terrath!" Rose insisted. Leaf shook his head again.
"The light dagger will burn others that touch it that aren't you. You are the only one to wield it. That is the only weapon that can kill Terrath. Others may pierce and draw blood, but that one will strike his life artery and kill him." Leaf said. She shook, the weight of her responsibility settled on her shoulders.
"Fine." She sighed. "Where is the dagger of light?"
"In the Valley of Thorns in the heart shaped box." Leaf answered. "But I must warn you, once you enter the Valley of Thorns, you can't have help or weapons. Many have died being lost in there. You must find the blade yourself. I will take you there, but I cannot guide you." Rose let out a shaky sigh and nodded.
"I better tell the village that I'm leaving." She said. Leaf shook his head.
"No need, I will tell them." He said, walking off. "I'll be back in a minute." Leaf returned a few minutes later and let out a frustrated sigh.
"What's wrong?" Rose asked.
"That bobcat Persian hybrid was bugging me and didn't want you to leave even though I reassured him that I'm your protector." He sighed, touching one horn briefly. Rose scrambled onto his back and the dragon flew towards Terrath's Land.
"Why are we heading here?" She asked.
"The Valley of Thorns is near Terrath's Land." Leaf explained. Rose nodded as she saw a gray foggy place filled with brambles and thorns.
This is it. She thought. This is the Valley of Thorns.

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