Chapter 38: Capture

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Rose came back out of The Valley of Thorns and saw Leaf.
"Did you get the dagger of light?" He asked. Rose nodded and unsheathed the golden weapon. The lime dragon's eyes widened.
"It's more beautiful than I imagined...." Leaf breathed. There was a screech and a flock of bats flew towards them. Rose and Leaf both ducked until they passed. She raised up and looked back.
"What was that about?" Rose murmured. Leaf shrugged. She then felt a sharp pain to the back of her head and she blacked out.
Rose woke chained to a wall. Her muzzle bound tightly shut with a chain. Leaf was chained up beside her. Terrath loomed in front of them, his purple eyes glinting coldly.
"Welcome. I hope you're comfortable," He sneered. Rose snarled. Terrath reached down and took the chain off her muzzle.
"What do you want us for you Hellish beast!?" She spat, bristling. Rose slitted her green eyes. The great, black dragon snorted and clenched the chain in his talon.
"Maybe I should put this back on," He growled softly.
"Take one step towards me and I'll end you!" Rose snarled. Terrath rolled his eyes and tossed the chain in the air, catching it again.
"I'm so glad that me and SunShadow were able to find you. Our sweet Frost Demon died and we were alerted that you had the dagger. Me and him went on the scene and knocked you two out," he explained.
"W...what do you plan to do with us?" Leaf asked timidly.
"I don't want anything to do with you but I captured you anyways so you couldn't run and tell," Terrath growled. "I want Rose so she can't kill me when the time comes. I was not oblivious to the prophecy." Rose struggled to try to reach her dagger but Terrath was quicker and tore her belt off.
"I can't touch the dagger of light but I can tear your belt off so you can't use it," He smirked. Rose heard pawsteps and saw Vermilion in the shadows, his blue eyes glinting.
"I plan to get your father and your sister here so you can see them one last time before I execute you and Leaf," Terrath sneered. "I'm not all bad. I'm giving you both a last meal too. Tiger! SunShadow! Go get Bramble and Petunia and bring them here!" The two he called nodded and ran out of the castle.
"Yes you are all bad! Look at you! You plan to kill me and Rose and enslave the world!" Leaf hissed. Terrath rolled his eyes again and slapped Leaf sharply across the face with his whip-like tail end. Blood sprayed the ground and a nasty wound was now on Leaf's jaw. Her friend shut up instantly and just glared at Terrath.
"Eclipse! Winter! Drake! Vermilion! Watch Rose and Leaf! Guard them with your life!" He snarled. The four positioned themselves around the two and Terrath stomped off. Rose looked at Vermilion with sadness.
"Vermilion! You helped me survive the mountains! You must help us!" She yowled. The dark red and black wolf looked at her sadly.
"I cannot help you now. Please forgive me," Vermilion sighed softly.
"You can join the resistance! We can fight together! We can win the war!" Rose cried. The wolf dipped his head.
"I cannot," He murmured.
"Quiet!" Drake snarled, smacking her in the back of the head with his tail. The last thing she saw before passing out was Vermilion's pained face and a small tear fall from his eye.....

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