Chapter 39: Vermilion's Last Stand

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Vermilion stood in front of the great dragon Terrath. He looked up at the black beast without fear. He knew what was going to come of him. Vermilion clutched the folded paper in his black paw.
"What do you have to say for yourself!?" Terrath demanded. Vermilion's blue eyes glimmered for a moment.
"All I can say is that I do not regret helping our enemy," He answered, giving a swift nod to Rose.
Terrath growled, "How dare you."
"I am also not afraid of you," Vermilion continued. This made the dragon even more furious.
"Do you even know what is to come of you!?" Terrath sneered. The red and black wolf nodded remembering Flesh's words:
You will die today Vermilion. This is your last stand. You could help Rose and die, or stay with Terrath and live.
He had chosen to save Rose for, he loved her.
"Yes, yes I do know," Vermilion answered. Rose's eyes widened. Terrath narrowed his eyes and bright one talon down. The wolf dodged out of the way and one claw snagged his arm.
He hissed quietly in pain and the dragon pulled, ripping his arm off. Vermilion groaned and looked at what was left of his shoulder. A bloody, red limb laid limply on the ground.
"You son of a-" He snarled, using his other arm to send a blast of magic flying at Terrath. It hit the nose part of his helmet, making a small crack in the gold.
Terrath growled then chuckled, "I can contain your magic."
"Wrong," Vermilion growled. "No one can." The dragon frowned then struck his tail out. The wolf didn't predict or see it coming. There was a sickening sound and he looked down and saw that the tail went right through his stomach.
Vermilion's pupils dilated and he looked up at Terrath. He felt the blood rise into his mouth. Terrath kept the same unreadable look on his face.
"There, I contained it," Terrath growled. For a moment, memories flashed in Vermilion's head. How he fought the scarlet weasel, how the black weasel from the mountains had trained him, and finally, how his brother had made his nose bleed. For a moment, a small smile flickered across Vermilion's face. The sound of his blood hitting the floor drowned out all other sounds.
"See you in Hell Terrath," Vermilion gasped. The black dragon let out a low growl and pulled his tail out.
"Urk," The wolf gasped. He fell to his knees. "Just as Flesh predicted." Vermilion fell on his back.
"Before a man dies, a dozen thoughts circulate through his head. He feels relief that his pain will end, but fears the afterlife. All his sins crawl down him and he feels shame, though he can't change the past. In purgatory, the great one will choose Heaven or Hell for him. Is this not what I face?" He gasped. "My grips on life are becoming looser, as I draw my final breath, the calm wave of death washes over me."
Vermilion's eyes fluttered and he looked at Rose. He reached out with his remaining arm and dropped the folded paper. The wolf bled out into the floor. He didn't raise up again.
Rose hesitated before bending down and grasping the folded paper. She shook as she read what the doomed wolf had written,

Dear Rose,

Please don't cry one tear for me. Flesh had told me that I could have prevented my death. I decided to die for you. I wouldn't change a thing. I love you, my dear.

Yours truly,


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