Chapter 41: The End

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Terrath and Wolfie fought for a bit longer before the wolf disappeared into thin air. He reappeared on Leaf's back behind Rose.
"Rose, we must hurry up and gather an army. Terrath launches his attack tonight. This is the end, the final battle," Wolfie said.
"I had a funny feeling that it was," Leaf agreed.
There was a troubling silence as the three flew off to Woodburrow. Leaf broke the silence.
"Rose? You have your dagger right?" He asked.
The pink tabby nodded. "You think I'd forget it? It's our one shot at victory."
"Do you have both of them?" Wolfie asked. "You never know when you might need another, even if one of them isn't a magical blade that will kill a tyrant dragon."
"Of course. Bramble gave me this one. How could I ever forget it?" Rose answered.
There was another long silence. Leaf suddenly dove down and landed in Woodburrow Forest. The two got off him and ran towards Woodburrow Village, Leaf trailing behind. They busted through the entrance and stood in the middle of the village.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared. Bramble and Oak pushed their way to the front.
"What happened!? Who is that wolf!?" Bramble demanded.
Wolfie stepped forth. "Who I am will shock and surprise most of you. So, I must ask that you calm yourselves down and prepare for this." He drew a breath. "I am the reincarnated version of Wolfie the Great, slayer of Axemillious the Terrible. Tawnya recreated my body from my broken down essence, as you all may know, I was digested by Terrath the Destroyer but living essence never is destroyed. Tawnya found my essence and recreated me just in time to save Rose from Terrath. He had stolen her belt and daggers so she was defenseless. With the help of me and Vermilion's dead spirit, Leaf and Rose were able to escape Terrath unharmed."
Everyone gasped, the crowd began to murmur.
"Wolfie the Great? Back from the dead?"
"Can't be possible!"
"This must be a faker!"
"But he wears the hide of Axemillious."
"So? There could be several black and silver dragons out there!"
Everyone began to argue.
"Animals! Stop!" Oak yelled. "Let Rose and Wolfie speak!"
The crowd stopped arguing.
"May I speak?" Leaf asked.
"Go ahead, the floor is yours," Wolfie answered, stepping back.
The green dragon stepped forward and drew up to full height. "Listen! Animals! Terrath will attack us tonight! We must stop arguing and put armor on! Sharpen our swords! Repair our shields! We will not let some tyrant take our lands! We need to gather help from every village! Come on!" He shouted.
"I'll gather teams to go get everyone from every village!" Pike volunteered.
"I'll get weapons!" Oak volunteered.
"I'll repair every weapon that needs it!" Minty volunteered.
Pike began assembling teams to go to the other villages. Oak and Minty went to the Blacksmith Shop.
Rose rubbed Leaf's shoulder. "That was really brave of you."
The green dragon smiled. "It is my duty as your protector."
There was a loud, demonic screech and everything grew silent. A cockatrice came down from the sky and scooped up Bramble in it's talons. The bobcat persian mix screamed as he was taken away.
"DAD!!!! NOOO!!!" Rose shrieked, dropping to her knees and crying.
Petunia instantly came to her side and tried to comfort her.
"We must work faster! We need to hurry and save Bramble!" Wolfie ordered.
The animals started working faster. Minty came up to Rose and gave her a red and yellow leather dragon saddle with silver buckles and brown leather straps.
"Here is the saddle you asked for," Minty said.
Rose nodded and shakily put it on Leaf, it was a perfect fit.
Pike's team came back with armored animals and Water Lizolfs with weapons.
Rose dried her tears as Oak came up to her.
"Rose, I just want to let you know that if anything happens to the both of us during this battle, that I love you and will never stop loving you. Even if you don't feel the same," He said, gripping her paws in his.
Rose looked at him, her heart pounding in a mixture of fear and love. "Oh Oak, I do love you."
Oak's orange eyes lit up. "Do you really mean it?"
"Yes," Rose answered, bringing his face to hers. The two kissed and Oak handed her an iron sword.
"Just in case you need to fight anyone on the way," he explained.
Rose smiled. "Thank you Oak."
"You're welcome," he replied.
Rose got on Leaf and everyone else got on a horse. They rode off towards Terrath's Land. They blasted through Woodburrow Forest and came out on Woodburrow Plain where they found a big, brown lump of fur.
Rose got off Leaf and found that it was Bramble. He was not breathing and had talon marks across his whole body. She shook him and pumped his chest.
"Please..... no...... don't..... be dead!" She choked. But it was no use, Bramble was already dead. Rose seemed to lose all energy and slumped over her dead father. She cried a sad, mournful cry that bounced off the trees and went across the plains.
Her soul filled with vengeance, sorrow, and hate. Her green eyes slitted and she unsheathed her claws. "YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS TERRATH!!!!" Rose screamed. "I WILL STAB MY DAGGER THROUGH YOUR NECK AND TWIST TO BRING YOU THE WORST PAIN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE!!!"
She finished with a choked sob.
Demonic screams filled the area as Terrath's army came down from Pine Town.
"Worst pain I could ever imagine? Let me guess, your gonna make me wish that Wolfie had killed me as a child? Hah! Your wrong!" The black and silver dragon chuckled. "Let's settle this war. When either Rose or me dies the army with the fallen general loses and the winner gets all this land!"
Rose said nothing and got back on Leaf.
"Um... Rose, you are hurting me," He whispered.
She then realized that she had dug her claws into the back of his neck. "Sorry."
Rose uncurled her claws and unsheathed The Dagger of Light.
"Attack!" Terrath and Rose roared at the same time. Rain began to fall and the two armies ran at each other yelling out challenging war cries. The two armies clashed and began swiping weapons at each other. Leaf flew up towards the sky and went towards Terrath.
An orange female persian had spotted them and shot an arrow into the sky. It hit Rose in the thigh and she fell of Leaf. She plummeted towards the ground at an alarming speed.
Leaf let out a shocked cry and tried to grasp her in one talon. The persian shot another arrow that hit the membrane of Leaf's wing, creating a hole. He kept flying down and caught Rose in his talons. She had dropped The Dagger of Light as she fell and Leaf caught it with his tail. The scales began to sizzle and melt but he didn't drop it.
Leaf handed it back to Rose which burned his talon as well. He tore a piece of cloth off her cape and pulled the arrow from her thigh. He made her a tourniquet with the brown cloth cloth and arrow and tied it around the wound tightly to stop the blood flow.
"Leaf you didn't have to risk your life for me," Rose murmured.
"Yes I did. I am your guardian and I am with you always," Leaf said, holding her briefly against his chest before putting her on his back. "Come on, we have a dragon to slay."
Rose nodded and sat up, clutching the dagger. Leaf rose into the air and kept flying towards Terrath. Other animals began to notice and shot arrows up at the two. Leaf dodged all of them and was so close to Terrath that he could see every individual scratch on his helmet.
"Alright Rose, this is it. I'm going to drop you then distract Terrath. I'm gonna need you to drop onto his shoulder and climb up his neck. Once you can feel his life-pumping artery throbbing, stab him there and it will all be over," Leaf instructed. "Try not to get injured. When I give the signal I want you to jump off."
Rose nodded. "I'm prepared. Swords and shields fight together and so will we."
Leaf nodded and hovered above Terrath's mask. "Alright! Jump!" He instructed.
She stood up and jumped off the safety of her dragon's back. Rose plummeted downward and aimed herself for Terrath's scaly, black shoulder. She landed on one of the silver spikes on his shoulder and began to climb up his neck, using scales as footholds.
"Hey Terrath! Look at me you big buffoon!" Leaf roared.
The black dragon focused his eyes on Leaf. "Ugh! You flying scum!" He snarled, swatting at him.
Rose kept climbing up his neck. She heard the thumping of Terrath's four hearts working the blood through his body.
Leaf had been struck by Terrath's talon and was plummeting to the ground. Rose now had to act fast.
She reached for another scale but the rain made her slip, Rose slid down his neck. She was stopped and felt three spirits wreath around her.
They made themselves visible and she saw that it was River, Vermilion, and Bramble. They helped her up his neck and she stabbed the dagger into the life-artery.
It was all over after that.
Terrath howled in pain. His blood fell onto a rose, crushing it. Rose pulled out her dagger then there was a blinding explosion of light.
That was all she could remember.
Rose was flung backward as the black dragon's body disappeared into the light.
Then she was back at the beginning.
A pink tabby hind paw splashed through a puddle. There was a shortness of breath then an orange tabby hind paw splashed through the same puddle. A pink tabby female was being chased by someone. She looked wildly back at her pursuer with scared green eyes. It was a orange male bobcat with blue stripes and blue eyes. He had a torn up green cloth cape and clutched a mace tightly in his paw.
The broken bridge came into view. No one had fixed it since it had broken. It was suspended over a gorge with a flowing river. One step and she would fall to her demise.
She was about to jump over the bridge but water came in from all sides around her and swallowed her and the bobcat up in the water. She flailed in the water.
Rose had water thrown on her. She spluttered and coughed. Her makeshift tourniquet was still on her thigh. A stranger stood in front of her, holding an empty bucket that dripped water. It was a female calico persian with green eyes.
"Oh! You're awake! That was an awful fall that you had!" The cat exclaimed. Her voice reminded Rose of Petunia.
"Who are you?" Rose asked.
"I apologize. I'm Pebble," the calico answered.
"Where am I?" The pink tabby asked.
"You are by Hope River. I live here with my friend Silver. Me and him found you and a green dragon by the water's edge. There was blood and bodies everywhere!" Pebble answered.
A gray male tabby with yellow eyes and a small tooth that stuck out from underneath his bottom lip came out of a small hut nearby. He had a torn up brown cloth cape.
"Ah, she's awake," the newcomer said. This one reminded Rose of Pike.
"You must be Silver," Rose said.
The gray tabby nodded. "That's me. I was just patching up this dragon's wing."
"Is he a green dragon?" The pink tabby asked.
Silver nodded. "Is he your friend or something?"
Rose nodded. "May I see him?"
Silver nodded. "Follow me."
The pink tabby looked into the sky and saw three shimmers. They twinkled then she saw the spirits of River, Vermilion, and Bramble.
"Goodbye Rose. Have an excellent life," they said.
Rose nodded as River and Vermilion disappeared. Bramble lingered he nodded to her. "I will allow you to marry Oak when you are older. Tell Petunia that she can marry too when she is older."
"I will," Rose murmured.
Bramble nodded and disappeared.
"Goodbye father..."


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