Chapter 8: SunShadow's Reign Part 6

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Bone flexed his claws and Obsidian showed his teeth. Rose could tell that a fight was about to break out. Bone leaped on Pike and Obsidian leaped on Rose. She slashed her claws across Obsidian's muzzle. He winced but, then he swiped his razor-sharp claws across Rose's cheek, her cheek became wet with blood. Bramble, Blizzard, Forest, Petunia and Storm must have heard the fighting because they joined in to help. Bramble grappled with Coal, Blizzard with Diamond, Poison with Forest, Petunia with Drake and Winter with Storm. The other villagers tried to help out in the fight but, ran in fear as Drake breathed fire to scare them away. The battle was long and painful. Several were injured and few were dead. (I'm talking about the villagers when I say several were injured and few were dead.) Drake must have killed the ones that were close to him with his fire. Rose was beginning to doubt if anyone would survive this. SunShadow's gang members were fierce and willing to fight to the death. Just when Obsidian was about to deliver the killing blow, a magical golden light bathed the village. In it appeared a graceful female fox with orange fur, black paws, a white tail tip and chest fur, sparkling blue eyes and a ball of purple magic in one paw. The light covered the fox and made her seem almost invisible. Everyone stopped fighting and stared in awe at the magical fox.
"I am Tawnya god of the magical forces and I have come to vanquish the evil that plagues this village." The fox boomed,
"What could something as weak as you do to stop us?" Drake snorted, anger burned like blue fire in Tawnya's eyes.
"Show some respect foolish one!" Tawnya snarled, she used telekinesis to pick up Drake. He looked very confused as he was lifted into the air. Tawnya then teleported him away. SunShadow's gang looked fearfully at Tawnya. She picked up every gang member and teleported them away as well. Rose's fur spiked up. What just happened? She thought, Tawnya seemed to notice everyone's fear because she said,
"Don't worry I don't hurt the ones that are pure of heart."
"Tawnya? Where did you send the gang off to?" Pike asked,
"I sent them to your dungeon." Tawnya answered, "Did you make sure to chain them up?" Pike asked anxiously,
"Of course!" Tawnya laughed, "I'm not stupid!" Pike seemed to shrink beneath his pelt in embarrassment. "Goodbye may we meet again in the future." Tawnya boomed, then as quick as a viper she disappeared in a blinding flash of light...

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