Final Episode. Happy Ending?

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This is it. Time for our revenge. Erwin has been making all the preparations for give me the green light to launch phase 3. In the meantime, I've been training my powers so I don't fuck everything up.

Yelena told us about the other 2 factions that we should be aware of. Ugh, more loose ends.

The first one, is the Hizuru faction. They are good people, and weren't interested in entering a war with us. When Erwin sended Levi, Mikasa, Akame and I to Hizuru to negotiate with them.

The thing is, what the fuckers want is something I refused to give. In order to simbolized union with them, they wanted one of us, to marry one of their warriors. They wanted Mikasa to marry one of them.

If Levi wasn't there, I would probably have began yet another war, because I was absolutely libid at that moment. After a long a big discussion, we managed to get a simple peace treaty. We weren't allies, but we agreed on not damaging each other.

After that, we went to the other faction. The Middle Eastern Alliance. This guys were almost defeated alredy. They had interesting technology, yet they were losing the war. The moment we arrived and told them our plan, they inmediatly agreed. They were desesperate to win the war.

They only wanted 1 thing. They wanted Eldia to be their allies. Which means, in case of agression from another faction, we will have to defend them, and viceversa.

We agreed on those terms. After all, we have a peace treaty with Hizuru.

After finally returning home, with everything ready, Erwin told me to do it. To send them.

Currently, I was at the docks, looking straight at Marley. I wanted to clear my thoughts before actually doing it.

I was about to send the colossals, till a voice stopped me.

Zeke:"Y/N, what are you doing?! I thought we had a deal!"

I turned my head, no expression on my face.

Y/N:"I said I was going to destroy Marley."

Zeke:"And?! You can destroy them from the inside! There's no need to kill millions of people! Are you all really okay with this?!"

All my friends were there, waiting for me to do it. Some of them, like Eren, Akame, or Floch (even if he is not my friend) were ok with what I was about to do.

Other's had their doubts, like Connie or Jean, but decided to support me. It was the best thing for our future.

Lastly, other's didn't support my idea at all, like Mikasa. She thought there was no need to do this massacre. I dissagree...

Mikasa:"Y/N, even if I don't want to side with him, he is right. You don't have to do it. Please, think!"

Eren:"What the hell are you talking about, Mikasa?! Have you forgotten the reason all of this happened was their fault?! We've been trapped on those walls for years! Thousends of us died against the titans! Are you really going to forgive them that easy?!"

Mikasa:"I never said that! They are monsters, but, if you do it, you will be like them!"

Annie:"I don't see your point. Sometimes, to defeat a monster, you must become one."

Zeke:"How can you agree on this?! You are from Marley! It's your hometown!"

Annie:"And why do I have to help you? I don't owe you nothing. You send me here, to kill innocent people, just to steal some powers, so your nation can keep killing innocent people without to worry about a retaliation."

Ymir:"She is right. They call us demons, yet, is the other way around."

Zeke:"Still, there-"


Y/N:"I've made a decision..."

Sometimes, to save lives, you must fight others.


He looked at me, desesperation on his eyes.

Y/N:"Do you believe in happy endings?"

He looks at me confused, till a wave of realisation hits him.

Zeke:"I can't let you do it. I'm sorry."

Y/N:"Me too."

He transforms into his monkey titan. He tries to stomp me, but Levi cuts his leg. I walk away, knowing Levi will be completely fine.

The monkey tries to hit Levi, but he starts to spin on his arm, going towards his nape. He cuts it, and brings Zeke outside, cutting his arms and legs.

Levi:"Huh... this seems...familiar."

Zeke:"Monsters! All of you! You will kill-"

Levi shuts him by placing bis blade on his mouth.

Levi:"Shut it."

Erwin, and the rest of the scouts appear. He looks at Zeke, and goes towards him.

Erwin:"Zeke Jaeger, we finally meet. I must thank you. Without you and your warriors interfering, we couldn't have reached this far. So, thank you. Now, rest."

Levi nods, and decapiates him, ending his life.

Erwin turns to me, and goes towards me.

Erwin:"Once you do this, the war will be over. We can finally all of us rest. So, are you ready?"

I open my palm, and bring my hand closer to my mouth. I bite, and transform. After that, I tried to concentrate on the colossals on the walls, but someone was annoying me.

Mikasa:"Y/N please, think about this! You are not thinking straight!"

Levi:"Eren. Shut her up."

Eren restrained her, placing his hands on her mouth. She bite him, but he didn't care.

Armin went to her, and tried to make her think.

Okay, Y/N, focus...

I finally can concentrate on the colossals. There were millions of them. Is starting to hurt...

No! Concentrate! I can do this!

Thoughts of destroying Marley runs through my head...

After that, I roared, sending the order. I really don't know what happened, but my titan colapsed. Jean got me out of my titan, and brought me to the others. I was coughing blood.

Erwin:"Are you okay? How do you feel?"

Y/N:"Like if a titan punched me on the head..."

Suddenly, we start to hear louds booms in the distance. The colossals were breaking the walls, getting out of them, marching towards Marley.

Erwin:"You did it... Y/N?"

I was getting weaker, my consciousness fading...

Jean:"Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong buddy?!"

I suddenly puke blood. I can't move anything. Some of my friends shout in surprise. I drop to the floor. I can't hear anything... I can't see anything...


Author:"Did you really believe I would kill you? SIKE!"

Suddenly, I feel a liquid going down my throat. After that, I manage to open my eyes. Armin was there, a vial on his hand. What did he just do?

Armin:"It worked! Commander Erwin, it worked!"

It was noon alredy. When I sended the colossals, it was day...

I look at myself. I was on the ground, prone. The sounds of footsteps can be heared on my left. When I looked at said direction, I could see millions of colossals going straight to Marley.

When I looked to my right, my friends were looking at me, tears on their eyes. All of them came running at me. But, there was a girl with a blue scarf, that were faster than them.

She laid on top of me, hugging me really tight, not letting go.

Mikasa:"Idiot! You were dead for 3 hours! 3 hours! You made me a promise, and you almost break it!"


Y/N:"But... I didn't, right?"

Mikasa looked at me, and cried, hiding her head on my neck.

Y/N:"I'm sorry... for all of this. There was-"

Mikasa:"Shut it. It is over alredy, it doesn't matter. Let's just go home, okay?"

Erwin:"Not so fast."

Erwin appeared, a serious expression on his face. He then softens it, a smile on his face.

Erwin:"You got us worried for a second. Armin, what did you give him?"

Armin:"My solution, sir. I'm sorry, but, he may have lost his powers."

Erwin:"Don't worry. It is over now. There's no need for more of those powers, the war has ended. Now, is time to go home."

Erwin ordered his troops to grab some carts, and get us home.

Eren carried me to one of those carts. He sat next to me, so did Mikasa, Armin, Annie and Ymir.

Eren:"Hey, Y/N."


Eren:"We did it. Our promise. When we were kids, do you remember? We've done it!"

I bring him for a hug. He hugs back, and pats my back.

Y/N:"Yes... we did it."

Did I made the right choice?


Big footsteps. Screams. That's all you can hear on Marley. Their defenses were useless against the colossals. They can't do anything.

Millions of Marlenians died that day, forcing them to evacuate Marley, and search for another place to go.

The Middle Eastern Alliance put their differencies aside and accepted the refugees, helping that poor people the best way they could. Even if they wouldn't admit it, they were glad Marley was destroyed. The war was over.

The Hizuru faction took some refugees aswell. They tried to put pressure on Eldia, trying to make Mikasa Ackerman marry one of them.

But, they had to stop one day. She married someone. She married the same man that defeated an entire nation. They don't want to risk their peace, so they let her be.

After the war, the Middle Eastern Alliance, in return for their help on the war, gave Eldia not only schemes, but enough resources to upgrade their technology. Eldia managed to develop what was once pretty much "unknown" to them, like those cars, or even trains.

Without the walls, the people in Paradis felt insecure, a feeling that dissappeared after the years. All titans have finally been eradicated, there were no more of them hiding.

5 years has passed since then, and, a lot of things changed...

Commander Erwin retired, happy to bring peace not only for his people, but for the entire world. Yet, a new commander had to take his position. That one, was Commander Armin Arlert.

Thanks to his great mind, and quick thinking, Captain Hanji Zoe recomended him for the task. He accepted. While he was on charge, he made a lot of improvenents, like the discover of a new material. Oil.

Queen Historia, let Armin decide what she should do with their kingdom. She never wanted to rule, she wanted to help the children. And that's exactly what she has been doing, with the help of his friends.

Eren Jaeger, got married shortly after his brother. Mina Carolina retired, and had a daughter with Eren. They called her, Carla.

Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Floch Forster and Marlo Freudenberg joined Eren on his new squad. The Eren squad. He managed to be the best soldier Eldia had.

Levi and his squad, went all their own way. Levi decided to stay in the military, becoming an instructor. He made sure all the caders knew how important was to clean things.

Eld, Oruo and Gunther opened up a tabern. They always wanted to retire some day, and be the owners of one. So they did. The tabern got a lot of popularity, and a lot of scouts went there, wanting to hear the battles and stories from the heroes.

Petra decided to follow a certain Jaeger, retiring, and going with him. It seems, the Jaeger managed to charm another girl...

Yelena stayed with Armin, helping him on his new work. Yet, it seems, that is not the only reason she stayed with the new commander. It seems, she actually enjoyed being around him.

Pieck moved in with the Jaeger, not wanting to be alone. Or, that's what she said to him. She had another reasons she didn't want to share with him. Like, per example, how her heart wanted him to notice her.

But, what happened to our hero? Well, why don't we take a look?

On a big house, outside Wall Maria, we can see a window opened. If we enter said window, a man, around his mid 20's is peacefully sleeping on his bed.

Suddenly, the door is opened by a woman with black hair, and a blue scarf around her neck.



Mikasa:"Sweetie, is time to get up..."

Y/N:"Mika... let me sleep five more minutes..."

Mikasa:"Y/N, Izuki wants to see her daddy, and it's 9:00 AM. It's time to wake up."

Y/N:"Just 5 more minutes and I'll go, I swear."

Mikasa:*Sigh* "You let me no choice."

Mikasa got on the bed and tickled me. I got up, grabbed her, and tickled her. She starts laughing really hard.


Y/N:"You wanted this, not me!"

After a while, she lays on the bed, looking at me. I got on her, and kissed her. Yet, it was interrupted by another one of my girls.

Annie:"You really want to do that with your daughter downstairs?"

Y/N:"Nice way of ruining the mood, dear..."

Annie:"I love you too. Now, get up. Our daughter wants you."

Y/N:"Yeah, I'm on it."

I got up, gave Annie a quick kiss, and went down the stairs. When I entred the kitchen, I see Sasha and Petra cooking something, and Pieck on a chair, with my daughter on her lap.

Y/N:"Hey there eveyone."

I sat next to Pieck, who gave me a kiss on the cheek.


Y/N:"Hey there, little sunshine!"

She runs to me, and climbs my lap. She is very similar to Mikasa, someone could say, she is her little sister or something. When she turned 4, Eren gave her his scarf from her birthday. Like her mother, she never separates from her scarf.

Izuki:"Daddy, mommy Ymir said we are going to the docks, to see the ocean!"

Y/N:"That's great! Where's Ymir, though?"

Pieck:"She went to buy some things, don't worry."

After my retirement, I decided to buy a bigger house, so all of my girlfriends could live with me. The house was bigger than expected, and Petra decided to come with us. After a while, Pieck moved in too.

I gifted our house in Shiganshina to Eren, who is living there with his daughter and wife.

I hear a knock on the front door.

Y/N:"I'll open the door."

I give Izuki to Mikasa, who hold her like a baby. Mikasa is even more overprotective with Izuki than with me. She says, she doesn't want this cruel world to hurt our daughter. She does has a point...

I open the door to see my brother, with her wife and daughter.

Y/N:"Oh, hello there guys! Please, come in!"

Mina, who had her daughter on her embrace, let her on the ground. She runs towards me, and hugs my leg.

I kneel and ruffle her hair.

Y/N:"Hey there little champ!"

Carla:"Hello! Uncle Y/N, will you show me the cape again?! Please?"

Y/N:"Haha, I'll see what I can do. Why don't you go and greet Izuki?"


She wants to follow her father, and become a scout one day. Heh, like father like son... well, daughter in this case.

Mina:"Hey there, Y/N."

She hugs me, and steps aside, letting Eren come in.

Eren:"Hey there, bro."


We both hug, and we all go towards the kitchen. Carla was alredy annoying Annie, teasing her about her height. Mina went inside the kitchen, trying to stop her daughter.

Eren:"Heh, in the end, everything worked out, huh?"

Y/N:"Yeah... I think I made the right choice."

Eren:"Indeed. Hey, wanna go later to Eld's tabern?"



Maybe I should believe in happy endings...

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