Season 4 Ch.2 Welcome Home 🍋🍋🍋

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13 days has passed since Pieck arrived. Zeke founded who the new Armored Titan is gonma be. A guy called Porco Galliard. He said, he'll take care of him. I don't trust him, but we don't have another choice.

Right now, I decided to let everyone stay in our safe house. We have all the things we need. Something my scouts have noted is, the enemy has weak defenses. If Erwin launches phase 3, Marley would fall.

Currently, I was sitting on a couch with Pieck. I must say, she does weird things... per example, she walks on 4 per some reason. And, she sits on the sofa like a cat.

I asked her about that, it seems it feels natural to her to walk around lile that. She only does it when she's alone, or around me. The cat thing... don't ask me, when I'm sitting on the couch, she just sits next to me like that.

I've been talking to her more lately. She is very kind and sweet. The first days, it was hard for me to break her shell, but I managed.

She likes to talk about her warriors, and how much she cares about them. She trusts I'll do the right thing with all the Marley thing. She just doesn't want me to kill her.

She is tired of this world, of its people. She wants to retire, and live a normal life, away from this world. I can use that, and make her join us.

I made yet another promise with her. She joins me, and I'll make sure she can live away from this shit. It's not hard to do that, I'll just buy a house for her in Shiganshina or something.

Pieck:"Hey, Y/N... how will your friends react to me?"


Pieck:"I mean, if they now I'm the cart titan, they won't welcome me with open arms."

Y/N:"You didn't kill anyone. And besides, as long as you help us, no one will hurt you. That, I promise."

Pieck:"You better. I'm so tired of this titan. Of behaving like this."

Y/N:"I think is cute. You act like a cat."

She chuckles, and looks at me

Pieck:"Wanna adopt me as your pet?" *laughs*

Y/N:"I wouldn't mind. What do cats eat?"

We share a laugh. Maybe... she really is on our side...

The door suddenly opens. Zeke comes in, with a very tall blonde woman.

Y/N:"Who is she?"

???:"My name is Yelena. I'm the one who discovered who the new Armored Titan is. Porco Galliard. I don't like working wit-"

Y/N:"I see. Zeke, I have some questions, and I want answers."

Yelena:"Hey, I'm talking he-"

Zeke:"Go ahead then. Ask away."

Yelena sighs, and sits next to Pieck. Pieck moved closer to me. They don't like each other or something?

Y/N:"What's the rumbling?"

Zeke:"Simple. It's what would happen if you let the colossals out. They would roam the world, and destroy everything we know."

Y/N:"I could command them. Make them go towards one nation, instead of the entire world."

Zeke:"I hope you could do that, but try not to open the walls to begin with. The colossals are Eldia's trump card. Without them, you'll be fucked."

Y/N:"As far as I'm concerned, the other nations aren't threats. Marley is."

Zeke:"Yes, but killing millions of inocents is not the solution. We can find a better one."

Y/N:"I know."

Zeke:"Anything else you want to know?"

Y/N:"My scouts told me something about a ninth titan. Who is she or him? What are it's powers?"

Zeke:"Ah, yes. The Warhammer titan. Don't worry about her, she is not that powerful as everyone says. Once the armored is either with us, or dead, The Warhammed won't be a problem anymore."

Y/N:"Okay. That was all."

Zeke:"Good. Now, I'll tell you why am I here. I want you to take Yelena away from here."

Y/N:"More people?"

Zeke:"I'm trying to save as many as I can. Yelena can be a good asset for your team. She is smart, and will do anything to win a war. Let her go with you."

Y/N:"What are you planning?"

Zeke:"I alredy told you. I'm gonna save as many as I can."

I thought about this. If I say no, Zeke could end our deal. I don't really need him, but, if he tells Marely of our location, we'll be fucked. I'll play along. For now...


Zeke:"Good. Yelena, stay here. He is your commander from now on. I'll take care of Porco. Tomorrow on the docks?"


Zeke:"Good. See you later, brother."

Y/N:"One more thing. Do you believe in happy endings?"


Y/N:"I don't. So don't die."

Zeke nods, and leaves the building.

Pieck:"He is going to kill Porco, right?"

Y/N:"No idea."

Yelena stanss up, and looks at me.

Yelena:"What should I do?"

Y/N:"Rest. Tomorrow we are going home. You will report to Commander Erwin, and tell everything you know about Marley."

Yelena:"It will be done."

After that chat, I reunited with all the scouts. They were upstairs, talking with each other. Upon seeing Yelena, they got up.

Y/N:"Calm down. She is with us. This is Yelena, the one helping us taking care of the new Armored Titan. She will come with us."

Akame:"Sir, are you sure this is a good idea?"


Eren:"What if they betray us?"

Y/N:"I'll kill them all."

Yelena gulps.

Yelena:"You won't have to do that, I'm planning on betraying Marley anyways."

Y/N:"Akame, show Yelena a place to sleep."

Akame nods, and accompanies Yelena somewhere. I went down again, and carried Pieck towards a bedroom. She can't properly go up stairs, so I do this for her.

Pieck:"I alredy told you, I can do it on my own!"

Y/N:"No you can't. Besides, I don't mind it."

I enter the dormitory. I had to clean it, it was nasty. Months of being with Levi does that to you...

I gently drop Pieck there. Before I could go away, she grabbed my arm.

Pieck:"Y/N... I really want to get out of here... you won't betray, right?"

Y/N:"You can ask Eren. Once I make a promise, I always hold unto them. So, don't worry. I won't. Now, rest, tomorrow we will leave."

She nods and close her eyes. I sat on a chair, sleeping in her room. I want to make sure she is okay, so, while I'm here, no one will try something funny.

Timeskip by Eren, seeing Pieck walking on 4 around the house, getting scared as fuck.

Finally, time to go home. We were waiting in the docks for our ship to come. Zeke had to arrive too.

Pieck and Akame were at my side. Eren was making sure all the scouts were there. Yelena was looking at the sea.

After a while, a man approaches us. Is Zeke. He looks at Eren, and nods. Eren gives him a nasty glare. He knows Zeke is family, yet he doesn't like him. I don't blame him.

Zeke goes towards me and smiles.

Zeke:"I'm here alredy. Where's the ship?"


She points to a ship getting close to the docks. The same one that brought us here.

Y/N:"What about the armored?"

Zeke:"He didn't like the idea of fighting against Marley, so... I took care of him."

Y/N:"I see."

The ship docks in front of us. Petra, Eld and Levi were there.

When everyone got in, Levi looked at the new people. He recognised Zeke.


Y/N:"There was no need of using my powers. All of them will help us. The blonde girl is someone with vital information. The one with the crutch is the cart titan. She does not want to be on Marley's side. Don't hurt her."

Levi:"I see. You founded what you wanted?"

I show him 2 vials. Eren looks my way the moment I show them.

Levi:"Is that..."

Y/N:"Yes. It heals me, and I'll keep the powers. Only enough for 2 of us. The other one is for Eren."

Levi took a glance at Eren. He was angry that I always have to sacrifice something for him, but I don't care. He is my brother, I'll do anything for him.

Levi:"Okay. Go down, and rest. One of your  girlfriends managed to enter the ship without us noticing her. Go and... do whatever you want. We'll set sails in no time."

I nod, and went straight to my personal room. I thought Mikasa or Annie would be the ones to something like that. But, when I entered my room, I really got a surprise...

Ymir was sitting on my bed, looking at the ground. When I opened the door, she smiled and hugged me.

Ymir:"I missed you..."

I return the hug, and kiss her head.

Y/N:"Ymir, It was just two weeks..."

Ymir:"Still... it was too much..."

Y/N:"Never thought you would be so lovey dovey, you know?"

Ymir:"Dumbass. Even if I'm joking around all day, doesn't mean I want you to treat me like a princess sometimes, you know?"

I lift her up and carried her on my arms towards my bed. She smiled, and hugged me tightly.

Ymir does not show affection to often, besides the usual kiss or hug. But, when she does, she makes sure she is the only thing on my mind.

Ymir:"It's not fair, you know?"

She tackles me on the bed, while kissing my body.

Ymir:"You made me wait so much..."


Y/N:"But now I'm here. And we can do all the things you want..."

Ymir:"Don't have to tell me twice."

She instantly undress, and throws her clothes away. Let me tell you something about Ymir. She may not have a big ass like Mikasa. But her boobs. Well...

She roughly gets mines off too, till I was on my boxers, my member desesperately wanting to be free.

I sat up, waiting for Ymir to do something. She playfully kissed my member, still inside my boxers.

Ymir tears my boxers, and puts my member on her mouth. I knew she liked it rough, but she is acting like an animal... I don't mind it though...

Ymir went down and up as fast as she could, licking all around my member. After a bit of sucking, she removed my member from her mouth, making a "pop" sound.

She licks my dick, while staring into my eyes.

Ymir:"You don't know... how much I wanted this."

Y/N:"Then keep going. Enjoy."

She smirks, and deepthroats me. The heat of her mouth engulfing my member combined with her sucking and licking made me cum in her mouth. Ymir gulped it all. Once I finished, she got my member out of her mouth, and jerks it off, making it stand at attention again.

Ymir:"So, what Mikasa said about your... stamina was not lies..."

Y/N:"She was talking about me on my titan form."

Ymir:"Suuree buddy, keep thinking that."

She sat on my lap, kissing my neck.

Ymir:"Ready for the real fun?"

Y/N:"Yeah, but Ymir, be careful, you may-"

Ymir:"Shhh, I know. Don't worry, it won't hurt me."

She places her pussy on the tip of my member.

Ymir:"Let's get down to it, okay?"

She smashes her pussy on my dick, making me tear her hymen. I was worried for her, but she moaned. She... liked it?

That gave me an idea.

I grabbed her and make put her on 4. After that, I slapped her ass, getting a moan from her.

Ymir:"Oh, getting rough on me? You won't hurt me bad, right?"

She turned her head, an innocent look on her eyes. Fuck yes I will.

I start pounding on her, roughly, trying to reach as far as I could inside her. She moans loudly, not expecting me to be that rough.

Slowly, I start increasing my speed, making her moan even louder. This confirmed it, Ymir really likes it when I go rough.

I grab her ponytail, and pull back, making her head look at me. She has hearts on her eyes, her tongue outside her mouth.


I complied, thrusting into her as hard as I can. I was getting close to my limits. I have an idea though...

I pull out. Ymir looked at me, confused, till she felt something entering her ass. She widened her eyes, throwing a cute squeal. I want to hear more of those moans...

Ymir:"W-wait, what are-"

I start pounding on her, making her moan very loudly. From the look of her eyes, she was enjoying it a lot. I start kissing her neck, while I thrusted in, going as fast as I can.

Y/N:"I'm going to cum, Ymir."

Ymir:"Don't y-you dare- ngh~ to pull out!"

As you wish. I made a final thrust, shooting all of my sperm inside her little cute hole. After some minutes, I finished, removing my dick from her ass.

Ymir fell on the bed, cum leaking out of her ass. She was panting, while trying so say something. I couldn't understand it though.

After a while, Ymir turned around, and looks at me.

Ymir:"Second round?"

We went for it for hours, till she couldn't anymore. She enjoyed every second of it, that's for sure.


After I cleaned the mess we made, I pulled the blankets on us, and hugged Ymir. She layed on me, placing her head beneath mines, hugging me.

Ymir:"I love you, Y/N..."

Y/N:"I love you too, dear."

I kiss her head, and closed my eyes. It was night alredy, we've been here too much time.

Ymir:"I'm sleepy..."

Y/N:"Makes sense, we've been here all day."

Ymir:"Really? It felt like 5 minutes..."

Y/N:"Blame the Author, not me."


Y/N:"Nothing. Go to sleep, tomorrow is gonna be a long day."

She nodded, and closed her eyes. I did the same thing, falling asleep in no time...

Timeskip by the Author, fixing a wall.

When I woke up, I dressed up, and went outside with Ymir. Everyone was waiting for us at the docks. Even Historia was there.

When we got down, I got surrounded by my girlfriends, asking different questions at the same time...

I missed this.

After everything was sorted out, Zeke talked with Erwin. They made a peace agreement between each other. As long as we don't begin the rumbling, he won't attack us anymore. From now, we had to contact the other nations, and try to do the same with them.

Pieck and Yelena got interrogated. After that, Yelena got a place on the Scout Regiment, becoming a strategist. Pieck got what she wanted. She got out of the war, drinking Armin's cure. She lost her powers, but she was happy, living a normal life inside the walls. She even said, she has a crush on someone, but doesen't want to tell me who is the lucky guy...

Zeke returned to Marley. He wants to take care of some loose ends. I still think this is not over though. The ones moving the strings on Marley, are still alive.

That's the reason, Erwin made me train even more my powers. On our experiments, Hanji discovered it was way easier for me to control titans when I was transformed.

While transformed, I can control my shifter friends, while controling normal titans. The longer Hanji told me to control them, was 5 hours, making them do diferent actions as one. It's a big improvement.

About the cure... Erwin made me drink one, while Eren drink another vial. It burned, but it didn't kill us. Both Pieck and Zeke told us we shouldn't use our powers while we got that burning sensation on our throats. It could be bad. After a week, it dissappeared. We were okay, and our powers intact.

The last vial is for either Annie or Ymir. Erwin prefers Annie, but, he wants them to make the decision. Ymir sacrificed her powers, drinking Armin's solution, letting Annie drink the good one.

Why didn't we made more cures? Easy. No one knows how to. The only one that does, is in Marley, and can't produce anymore.

Akame and the other scouts got promoted. Akame was placed as my own soldier, completely loyal to me. It seems she was a Cadet from the 105° that joined the scouts recently. She only wanted to kill titans, and she is good at that. She never cared about anything else or anyone, till she meet me.

Something on her changed. She is pretty much my shadow. I don't mind it, she is strong, and clever. That's all I need on a partner.

Well, none of that matters. We are all happy now, Marley is pretty much not a threat anymore.

Besides, phase 3, was about to begin...

The Marlenians didn't know it at that time, but, their time was running out. And once it does, the sound of footsteps will we around Marley, destroying what was once, a big nation.

So, I'll make a question for YOU. Do you believe in happy endings?

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