Chapter 1: A Typical Day.

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Los Angeles.

6:00 AM. The Alarm had gone off in a Dark Apartment on the West Coast in Downtown Los Angeles. A hand smashed on the Snooze Button. On a Mattress without a bedframe. A Sleeping Bag as his blanket. And on it, was a 24 Year Old Man with short Black Hair and Brown Eyes. He stood up and stretched out his back, cracking it. The Alarm went off again. 

"Ah! I'm up! I'm up!" The Man yelled. The Dark Apartment barely had any furniture in it. A Mattress, a pillow, a lamp post. His Kitchen contained a dirty pot on a makeshift stove. A Fridge that looked like it came from the 60s. The opened and smashed cabinets barely containing any plates. And also a small T.V that had static surrounding it. And the sound humming. He looked at the barely visible picture that showed off the score of last night's game. Los Angeles Dodgers: 2. Texas Rangers: 7.

"Shit." The man complained. "Dodgers lost again." And then went about his day. Showering with grungy Soap as he could barely afford Shampoo with cold water as the Apartment Complex where he lived was out of Hot Water. Dressing up in Denim Blue Jeans, A worn down T-Shirt, and a Hoodie. His breakfast consisting of a small box of Stale Cornflakes. This was just the life of Jason Baker. 

He lived alone in the roughest part of Los Angeles in a dingy Apartment Complex. He tried looking for milk but found that he was out. But he was able to find a bottle of Bud Lite. Which is what he would have to use. "Only thing missing is a Cheeseburger." He said as he looked at the time on his alarm. "Better get moving." He said as he opened the door. But before he did, he looked at one of the walls outside his door. And he banged on it. There was a Cat meowing in the walls. 

"Rocky got in the walls again!" Jason shouted down the halls. 

Jason walked down the filthy and rotten halls with a bunch of wooden doors. And then down the wooden stairs where there was a slightly bigger static filled T.V. Banged on by Jason's Landlord, Louie, a Fat man with dirty mustard stains on a Hawaiian Shirt. And a Cigar in his mouth. He was still busy on the T.V. and Jason started to make for the door. 

"Baker!" Louie shouted without looking back. 

Jason rolled his eyes before turning back to face his Landlord. "Louie! Hey, you're looking great! Did you lose weight- fuck it, you still look terrible." He replied. 

"Don't fuck with me, Baker!" Louie turned around. "I could get off this fucking seat right now and kick your ass for that smart talk. And hey, maybe I'll add an additional 25% on your rent fee." 

"Oh... you're gonna put even more money on a piece of shit. I'm terrified." Jason shot back bored, having been used to the threats that Louie made. "Look, I told you, you'll have your money by the end of the week. It ain't easy to get money as a Repo Man." 

"You Repo Cars, why don't you just sell them?" Louie asked. 

"Unlike you, I have fucking morals." Jason answered. "And would it kill you to put in hot water in this place?" 

"That's lucky you've got all to complain about." Louie replied. "But if I were you, I'd be less worried about the hot water, and more about your rent being 2 weeks due! And I want my money!" 

"Didn't I just tell you that you'll have your money by the end of the week?" Jason asked.

"You did, but you're all bark and no bite." Louie said. "Now pay up!"   

"I don't have the money on me. How many times do I have to tell you?" Jason reminded. 

"Bullshit! How do I not know your money isn't filled with cash up in there?!" Louie interrogated. And that was how Louie operated. It was no big surprise to Jason that Louie was acting like a big baby. And that was when Jason noticed a 9mm pistol being pulled on him by Louie. 

"Oh, that's being real fucking mature of you, Louie." Jason commented. 

"Listen, Baker. I don't need to explain to you how the world works. And it's through money-" 

"Okay! Okay!" Jason interrupted not wanting to go into all the crap that he usually went into. "Just give me some time! That's all I'm asking!" 

There was an awkward silence for both men. "Alright." Louie decided putting the pistol away. "Because I like you. I'll give you till the end of the week to come up with the money. Bring it to me, or else." He demanded.

"Or else what?" Jason asked. "You're going to kill me?"

"Nah. But I am going to shoot up your ass if you come within 10 yards of this place." Louie answered.  

"I don't know which would be more painful." Jason thought as he walked out of his apartment and down onto the streets where gun shots could be heard and police sirens wailed. 

And a hope from Jason that Louie would be the only spoiled brat he would have to deal with on that day. 

It wasn't though. Jason found himself doing repo work on a Rich Family's car and taking possession of it. And a 16 year old blonde white girl was bitching and complaining to Jason.   

"So just because I miss one payment, you're taking my car?!" The Girl asked in outrage. 

"Sorry, miss. I'm just doing my job. Your car hasn't made its payment. And by law, I have to take it." Jason was calmly telling the girl. Though he was happy about taking away something from an entitled girl. 

"Do you know who my FATHER IS!? HE's the CEO of TOMSIN Tech! He can ruin your life with one phone call! That Car was a Sweet 16 present!" 

"I don't care if it was part of the Bar Mitzvah package. I still have to take it!" Jason said as he headed up the tow.


"If you have a grievance. You're more than welcome to take it up with the company." Jason said as he got into the Repo Truck. 

"AH!" The Girl started screaming. "I'M GOING TO GET YOU FIRED! YOU'RE SO RUDE! YOU'RE SO- I WANT MY CAR!" And she started getting on the ground kicking and screaming her feet. "I WANT MY CAR! I DONT' HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM!" 

Jason found that ironic considering the 7 other cars that Jason saw in the Driveway. "Jesus Christ." He commented driving away. He also ignored all the screaming and whining from the girl who was still on the ground and throwing the biggest temper tantrum. "Bitch has 7 cars. Fucking ridiculous." 

Nevertheless, Jason had returned to his work place which was right near Interstate 5. And Jason had sat down on the curb while eating a McDonald's Quarter Pounder. The Cheapest Meal he could find. And also seeing all the cars pass by. Or rather the cars that were going at a Snail's pace. And all Jason had to drive was his old beat up 1980s Blue Ford Sierra Cosworth. This was the only life he ever knew. His Mother died when he was young. And his Dad. Well, he and Jason were not on speaking terms. 

The Old Man was not in Jason's handbook. He also saw a horn honking at a driver. And then the two started to get into a brawl. Jason just stayed on the curb wanting to stay clear out of it. It was also unfortunate when a cop just happened to be driving by and then arresting the two for domestic disturbance. Jason had seen these all the time. And still he did nothing. This was just how his life when.

"Fucking Los Angeles." Jason commented.

"Oh my Holy Ghost. Is that you, Hotshot?" Jason heard a voice coming from behind him. A Man who was nearly the same age as Jason. A White Man with spiked brown hair and wearing some pretty respectable clothing that would distance himself from the attention of the poorest in L.A.

Jason stood up confused. Nobody had called him Hotshot since he was a kid. And that was from an old friend. "Uh, do I know you, pal?" He asked. 

"Come on, you don't remember me?" The Man asked with a friendly tone and a bit of a Boston Accent. "Sammy N?" 

And that's when Jason's eyes widened. "Sam Norwood?!" He asked giving his old childhood friend a hug. "Son of a bitch! I haven't fucking seen you since we were-" 

"11. Yeah, it's been a while yeh Son of a Bitch." Sam agreed. 

"What are you doing back here in shit hole, U.S.A?" Jason asked. 

"Thought, I'd come back to my Childhood home. 14 years in Massachusetts and back to my roots." Sam answered. "You uh... you want to get a drink and catch up? I know a pretty good bar." He asked. 

"I'm kind of tight on money right now." Jason reminded.

"Oh, don't worry about that. My treat." Sam assured. 

A bottle of Bud lite was given to Jason. And the two were sharing a laugh. And Jason telling Sam about what had been going on with him. "Wow. The Public Schools here are shit." Sam commented.  

"Would've enjoyed it more if you were by my side." Jason replied. "You know there's something that always bothered me. How do you of all people, get to go off to a Private School on the other side of the Country that no teacher had ever heard of?" He asked. 

"Oh, it was a Private School for people who are... special." Sam answered. "And not in the Mental way." 

"Not accusing you, man." Jason assured. "It's just... I never would've... you know... figured... you... I mean, don't get me wrong. When we hung out. The wildest shit went down whenever you were around. The Stairs on the playground just turning into a slide. The Basketball hoops shrinking and then rising back up-"  

"Baby Strollers moving like something out of Ghostbusters 2." Sam added.

"Yeah. I swear to God. It was something out of Damn T.V. Like Batman." Jason replied. 

"You seen Batman Forever?" Sam asked.

"And it was shit. What happened to Michael Keaton?" Jason asked. "But enough about that. What was that school you went to?" 

Sam looked at Jason. "Um... a place called Illvermorny. Massachusetts. You've probably never heard of it." He answered. 

"Yeah, I couldn't find any records of that place. Even some people around here who were from Massachusetts said that they've never heard of it." Jason replied.  

"It's complicated, and maybe I tell you more one day." Sam said. "What about you? What have you been doing?" 

"Trying to find work. I repo cars now. And live in piece of shit in Downtown L.A. Living off Minimum Wage." Jason answered. 

"Hence the crappy car. I see." Sam nodded his head. "Well then, have I got a deal you've got to listen to." 

"And to top it all up, I've got to get money by the end of the week, or I'm homeless." Jason continued. 

"A Silver Platter!" Sam grinned. And he looked straight more at Jason. Then he looked around him. "The real reason I came back to L.A is because... well, I need your help with something." 

The tone in Sam's voice had changed too. To one of paranoia. 

"You want to talk about it here?" Jason asked.

"No better place. People are talking and lost in their own worlds. It's perfect." Sam answered. "So... I got a job, from a client. Now he's willing to pay big money for someone to deliver a shipment to a specific location-" He started to explain.

But Jason cut him off. He knew where this was going and he didn't like it. "Sam, no. Okay, I'm not a drug dealer. Are you into that stuff now?"

"No! It's not-" Sam started to calm down. "It's not drugs. It's a different type of shipment. It's some different type of material that isn't drugs. And I need a driver who can cross state lines without attracting attention from some... certain people." 

Jason shook his head. "Look man. I'm sorry, but... I can't." He shot down. "This sounds like Gang Shit, already. And I'm not into that. I lost my Mom when I was 12. Fucking Gang shot her up."  

"Oh, I'm sorry. You still in touch with the Old Man?" Sam asked.

"I left his sorry ass when I was 18." Jason answered. Which was a hard no. 

"Jason, you don't have to get involved with the Gangster Life. All you need to do is drive a car. Let me worry about the rest. It's $50,000 each. You'll be paid handsomely. Plenty to get out of your shitty life. Get a better apartment, can get a better job. And... you'll get out of minimum wage. You're the only man I can trust with this." 

Jason really tuned an ear at the thought of 50,000 dollars. There was just one problem. It felt too good to be true. The idea of Jason getting 50,000 dollars. Jason could pay his Rent for the next 8 months without a worry, or get a better apartment. And he wouldn't have to worry about Louie, or taking Cars. Or any other crap. 

But on the other hand, it sounded like real Gang movement. And Jason drew the line there. He hated Gangs. He hated the Gang life. And he wanted no part to deal with it. He got up. "I'm sorry, Sam. But I'm not into the Gangster Shit. Thanks for the catchup." And he started to walk for the door. 

"Hey! Just... one thing before you go?" Sam offered. 

Jason turned around. "If you change your mind. Just call this number." And Sam handed Jason a Phone Number. 

Jason put it in his pants pocket. 

Jason began his journey back to his job place as he kept those thoughts about Sam in his head. It did really seem like a boat load of crazy timing. And he did like the idea of 50,000 Dollars in his pocket. But it came with the cost of going Gangster. And that was something that Jason couldn't do. Besides, he was getting his pay check so he could pay off Louie. And it would be through legitimate means without having to resort to something illegal. As he walked into the building though, he was expecting to get his pay check and be on his way. What he did not expect was to see a bunch of men in suits. Along with that same Teenager that Jason took the car away from. She was there with a huge smirk on her face going full blast. And there was his boss just sitting in his chair with his face in this palms. 

"Tax collectors already?" Jason asked.

The Teenager just glared daggers at Jason. "That's him! That's the guy who took my Car!" She yelled at the guys in suits. 

The Men in Suits just looked at Jason. "You the guy who took Miss. Martin's car?" The First one asked. 

"Yeah. She missed her payment and it was in our books. That's what Frank over there told me." Jason answered as he pointed to his boss, Frank. 

"Well, that's where we're going to have to disagree, Mr. Baker, was it?" The Second Guy in the Suit said. 

"Disagree on what?" Jason asked. 

"Jason, um... I don't know how to tell you this, but... um... that car belonged to... the Daughter of Isaac Tomsin." Frank said very intimidated by the two men in suits.

"And who the fuck is that?" Jason asked. 

"Isaac Tomsin..." Frank looked back at the guys in suits. "Isaac Tomsin, is the C.E.O of Tomsin Tech. A very wealthy Computer industry. With a lot of lawsuits and power that make small time businesses like us fade into nothing." He answered. 

"Now that the introductions are out of the way, Mr. Tomsin is a very busy man and doesn't like to be disturbed. Especially from calls from his distraught daughter." The First Suit guy said. 

"Tell his brat to pay next time and there won't be any problems." Jason shot back. 

"Jason..." Frank hissed at him to shut up. 

"That's not very nice." The Tomsin brat replied. "Gentlemen." And she snapped his fingers. 

"We have already decided to settle these matters. See, Mr. Tomsin has requested that we take his car back, since the car payment has already been paid prior to when you took it." The Second Suit Guy informed.  

"He's also decided to set an example on the people who are beneath him, such as yourself, and demanded that something be done." The First Suit Guy said.

Jason could see where this was going. "You're bullshitting me." He replied.

"This is not bullshit, Mr. Baker." The First Guy dismissed.

"I'm sorry, Jason." Frank grunted. "But... the company is putting pressure on me. And Miss. Tomsin wants you fired. So... hence-" 

Jason shook his head as to the bullshit that he was hearing. "Are you serious, right now? They can't do that!" He yelled. 

"I think you'll find that we can." The Second Suit Guy carried out a suitcase full of cash and gave it to Frank. "It's nothing personal. It's business." 

"It's both." Miss. Tomsin corrected. "Told you I'd get you fired." And she laughed right in Jason's face. 

"You know what, fuck you. Just give me my check. I'll use that to pay my rent." Jason demanded as he took his check. Which was taken away by the men in suits. 

"And also, Mr. Tomsin doesn't want you collecting your check either." The First Suit guy informed. 

"What?" Jason asked in disbelief. "Come on! I need that check to pay my fucking rent! Where else am I going to go?" 

"How about the streets. I hear they make good places for poor people." Miss. Tomsin smirked.

"You shut the fuck up, Bitch!" Jason yelled very mad. "And fuck everybody! That's my money! And you're fucking me over!" 

Frank just sat there and did nothing. 

"Frank, what the fuck?" Jason asked outraged.

"Jason, this is out of my hands." Frank informed. "I'm sorry." 

And it was very clear to Jason that the men in suits were going to get their way. The Ego Centric Assholes were going to get their way. And that was the way the world worked. "You're going to regret this! I'm going to find a lottery ticket..." And he started to make for the door. "And get richer than all of you! And run you out of business! One day!"

Jason walked out of the building and got into his car. Which was barely able to run. "YOU! STUPID! FUCKING! CAR!" And he hit the horn of his car. And the airbag slammed right in his face. In one fell swoop, he had lost his job, his way to pay his rent, and pretty soon, he was going to lose his home. And would most likely had to sleep in his car on the streets. All because a rich bitch didn't pay and didn't want to pay. Especially when she had 7 similar cars to the one that was repossessed. "What the fuck now?" He asked. 

Then he felt something in his pants pocket. A card from Sam. The phone number. However it was a call to a life with a Gangster. 

On the other hand. Jason needed money. And he needed it now. Sam was giving him a once in a life time deal. "All I got to do is drive." He said. 

He remembered driving over to a nearby payphone near the streets. Stopping his car, then getting out and going over to the Payphone. Putting in a Quarter from his other pocket. The Phone rang for a couple of minutes. "Hello?" He heard the voice of Sam. 

"Sam. Hey, it's Jason." Jason said. "So... that job you were talking about earlier... how much does it pay again?" He asked.  

"50,000 Dollars, each." Sam answered. 

"I'll do it. You need me to drive the car, right?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. That's all you've got to do." Sam answered. "No dealing with Gangs. Just deliver something, exchange it for money. And we've got 50,000 Dollars each." 

Jason looked around at the late afternoon that was now coming over the city. "I'll do it, but not because of Gang Shit. I need the money. I really... really need the money. Where do you want to meet?" He asked.

"Meet me by Ed's Garage. South Los Angeles." Sam answered.

"I know the place." Jason informed and then hanging up the phone. 

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