Chapter 2: The Job.

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The good news was that Ed's Garage was not hard to find in South L.A. The Bad news was that his car had seen and heard better days. It was spritzing and spluttering all the way, and Jason was lucky that he was able to get there on time. The sun was starting to set and the night sky was coming all over L.A. Jason got out of his car and felt the hot dry air of the Summer Night. "Wonder how the Dodgers are doing tonight." Jason thought. 

That was when he saw Sam waiting by the Garage. "Hey, Hotshot. You made it!" Sam greeted. 

"Well, barely." Jason replied as he took a look at his nearly dead car. 

"I'll take care of that." Sam assured. "Hey! Can you take care of that car, we're going to need it for tomorrow!" He demanded some workers. And the other workers began to push it into the garage. "Come on, Jason. I'll let you meet Eddie." He put a hand on Jason's shoulder. While Jason's back was turned, the Workers all started to take out their wands. "Wingardium Leviosa." They all shouted levitating the car into the garage. 

"Okay, now fair warning when you meet Eddie. Let me do the talking. And if you hear some strange words that sound like shit, just ignore that. It's a thing." Sam advised while keeping Jason from seeing the magic going on behind him.

"Gang slang?" Jason asked.

"Not quite." Sam answered as he opened the door.  

Jason and Sam walked in to see Eddie who was a big muscley Caucasian guy whose arms were covered in tattoos. All while a woman was on his lap and smoking some weed. It was the type of shit that Jason would see in movies. "Eddie." Sam greeted. "Have I got good news for you." 

Eddie didn't look all that impressed. "Good news would indeed be good." He slapped the woman off his lap. And that was when he noticed Jason. "And you brought a friend with you?" He asked.   

"Not just a friend. A No Mag friend. He'll keep M.A.C.U.S.A off your back." Sam said.

"You got a name, kid?" Eddie asked. 

"Jason Baker." Jason answered.

"Hm. Direct with me. I like you." Eddie replied. "Now let's talk some more. The job is fucking simple. We've got some material. Now be careful because it's extremely explosive." 

"Drugs?" Jason asked.

"Let's just say it's... weapons." Eddie answered. "And it's for something very important. Something that's going to change politics. Finally force some heads to roll. The problem is, there's a group of Marauders who would like nothing more than to steal this shit and fuck over America." 

"So... you guys are what? Homeland Security?" Jason asked.

"Yeah." Eddie answered. "Though we generally don't fucking broadcast it." 

"Sorry." Jason replied. 

"Lay off, Eddie. He's a No Mag. You know how they get." Sam told him. 

"Of course." Eddie remembered. "The Cargo isn't safe in L.A. And the Marauders are closing in on us. Paramilitary Organization, that type of shit. Fortunately... they won't be following the trail of a No Mag, like Jason over here. We need you to deliver the Cargo to its destination."  

Jason, Sam, and Eddie started walking over to another area of the Garage. And Jason could see some type of glowing items being lifted into crates in the window. "Um, what kind of explosives are these, anyway? And are they supposed to be glowing?" Jason asked. 

"That's none of your concern!" Eddie answered making Jason focus on back on him while the blinds were closed shut. "Just make sure you get it to where it's going." 

"And where exactly is it going?" Jason asked.

"The Mojave. We've got a drop off point in the desert. Outside the Vegas Strip. Nevada." Sam answered.  

"The Job's simple. You bring the Cargo to the Mojave. And they'll give you the money. When all is said and done. You bring the money here. And we'll divide up the profits." Eddie explained. 

"Sam said that it was 50,000." Jason commented. "Each." 

Eddie stopped for a moment. But then he looked at Jason. "Of course. You'll have your money." He grinned at Jason. "Megan! Get over here!" 

Jason saw the girl from before walk up to the three. "We've got company. Get the Cargo loaded up and onto the Car. See to it that it's fully stocked and ready to go. I don't want Sam and the No Mag getting stranded in the middle of fucking nowhere." Eddie ordered. 

"Whatever you say, boss." The Woman known as Megan rolled her eyes. 

"Now. Jason. Megan will show you to your room. You can crash in the pad above the garage for the night, you and Sam roll out in the morning." Eddie said. "And don't fuck this up. One of the Marauders attacked a shipment in Detroit and blew up a fucking Warehouse. So... you know. Be careful."  

"Yeah, I heard about that shit. Damn man." Sam agreed. 

"Holy fucking shit." Jason thought wondering what he got himself into. 

Megan had taken Jason up the stairs right as Jason was looking at all the crates. "Sounds like there's not going to be much leg room for us." Jason commented. 

"You'll have all the leg room you need. It's all going into the trunk." Megan said. 

Jason looked baffled. "All that shit. One crate wouldn't even fit in my whole car. How are you going to-" He started to ask.

"Let Eddie and Sam handle that. We have ways." Megan answered. 

"Are you people for real?" Jason asked in disbelief.

"Just drive the fucking car tomorrow, okay?" Megan showed Jason to the pad. 

"I'd better not wake up and find myself dangling upside down about to chopped in two in a Slaughter House. Or I'm going to be pissed." Jason said. 

"We're not barbarians, No Mag. That's just fucking brutal. Now get some rest. It's a long drive from L.A to Vegas." Megan replied. 

But Jason couldn't sleep. He found himself wondering what shit he was in. And another thing with Sam and Eddie. Just who were these guys? And why was Sam coming for Jason now? The timing was off. The people were weird. It was almost as if Jason was in a crazy house. But he was dirt poor and had nothing to lose. So bring on the crazy town. And what was this Illvermorny School exactly? Was that where everyone met? Somehow Jason didn't think so. And how does Sam, a virtual poor kid get accepted into a Private School that Jason never even heard of? And on the East Coast? "What kind of place did I just step into?" He asked himself. Until finally, Jason went to sleep. 

When Jason awoke, he wasn't in his apartment. He wasn't even in the slammer. He was back above the Garage where he accepted the job to deliver cargo for a guy named Eddie. And it was Sam who walked right through the door. "Hey, Jason. You're awake!" Sam greeted. 

"Ugh. What time is it?" Jason asked as he looked at the clock. 9:10am. 

"It's morning. Come on. We've got a job to do. Your car is also ready." Sam informed as he tossed a pack of Pop Tarts right at Jason. 

"My car is ready?" Jason asked.

He ate his Pop Tarts on his way down the stairs to the Garage where his car was waiting. Still beat up and Jason didn't seem to notice a difference. Until the car started up and actually sounded healthy. Jason also noticed all the crates were missing. "Ah, Jason. Good morning." Eddie greeted. 

"The Cargo is ready as you wanted it, boss." One of the mechanics informed.

"In the trunk?" Eddie asked. 

"Yep." The Mechanic answered. 

"How did you fit that all in my car?" Jason asked.

"We have ways. You've clearly never heard of closet space, have you, kid?" Eddie asked. 

"Bullshit." Jason commented. 

"You want your money, or not?" Eddie asked. For a No Mag, Jason was certainly confused on some things.

"I'll be quiet." Jason answered. 

"Good. Now remember. It's about a 5 hour drive once you get out of L.A. Sam will be your navigator. And... let him do the talking when you meet our clients." Eddie instructed. "You don't want to fuck this up by talking. Got it?" 

"Got it." Jason replied.

"Good." Eddie said. 

Sam also walked in with some snacks that were in his hands. And that made everyone look at him. "It's a 5 hour drive. I'm going to be starving." Sam said. 

Jason also noticed that Sam was carrying some Snickers bars, Milky ways, bags of Potato Chips, some other sweets that Jason didn't recognize. 

"No Mag. You're driving." Eddie informed. "Now get in the car." 

"Now I'm being ordered in my own fucking car." Jason thought as he got in the car. Sam coming in on the Passenger side. 

"Nice digs." Sam commented climbing in. 

"Sam, who the fuck are these guys?" Jason asked. 

"Guys who are trying to fight for the Greater Good. Look, it's under control." Sam assured. "We can discuss this when we're out of the Garage." 

Eddie tapped on the window, which Jason rolled down. "I've got to warn you boys, the Marauders might catch up to you. They'll have strange clothing, they'll want to talk to you. Sam will recognize them. Play it cool and you should be fine. Jason, you're no Mag. So they'll look the other way." He explained. 

"Get to the Mojave. Drop off the Cargo, take the money, come back." Jason recapped annoyed. 

"And don't fuck it up." Eddie added.

"Yeah, I got that impression." Jason commented as the car took off. 

But now that he and Sam were finally alone. Jason let Sam know how he felt. "Sam... what the fuck is going on?" 

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Who are these guys?" Jason asked. "Why does my car sound completely healthy overnight? How do they fit entire crates of cargo in my trunk and it doesn't feel any different? What do they mean by No Mag? I swear to God, this is the exact same bullshit from when we were kids." There was a lot of confusion and Jason could not contain what was on his mind anymore. 

"That's... difficult to explain." Sam answered with a heavy sigh. 

"And how did you end up in a school like Illvermorny? What the fuck even is that?" Jason asked. And he knew that Sam wasn't going to be able to talk around it. "And don't give me any shit on it's a long story. We've got plenty of time to talk about it." 

"We can discuss all of that when we're safely back with the money." Sam answered. "And I don't feel... comfortable talking about it here. In Los Angeles at least." 

"Oh my god." Jason rolled his eyes. "How much longer are we going to pretend like this?" 

That was when Sam started fiddling with the radio. "Did you do something to my radio?" Jason asked.

"Just wanted to listen to this special broadcast." Sam answered. "I'll put it back."  

The Radio started to faze a little. 

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Jason grunted as he took a right turn.

"Get us to the Interstate." Sam instructed. 

A bit later and Jason finally made it onto the San Bernadino Freeway. All the while Sam was playing with the radio again. "Aha! There we go!" He announced.

"And now welcome back to our live coverage of the 442nd Quidditch World Cup! The atmosphere here is tense in Britain as we are ready to give you the all day coverage of the match between Ireland and Bulgaria." An announcer was saying over the radio and fans were cheering.

"The what and the what?" Jason asked. He must've misheard that wrong. 

"Oh, that's just the World Cup." Sam answered. "Ireland and Bulgaria are playing for it." 

"I didn't know the World Cup was this year." Jason replied. But then again, he never followed Soccer.

"It's a special kind of World Cup." Sam said. 

"There it is again. There it is again." Jason cried.

"What?" Sam asked.

"You're being very vague again." Jason answered. "And did he just say... what the fuck did he say?" 

"Quidditch." Sam answered.

"I have never heard of that fucking sport in my entire life." Jason replied.

"Of course you haven't, you're into Baseball and Football." Sam said. "And this is Quidditch." 

"It sounds like you made it up." Jason replied. "Quidditch? What kind of sport is that?" 

"It's the sport of all fucking sports." Sam answered. "Anyway, shut up. I want to hear this." 

And he could hear 2 voices being heard. 

"I'm Earl Davis along with my partner Mike Graham. I have to tell you what. The atmosphere is truly alive." The Announcer known as Earl started.

"That we are agreed on, Earl." The other announcer known as Mike replied. "And considering the way that Ireland played all through out the cup. They are the clear favorites." 

"Don't count your rollers, Mike. Now let's talk about the Ireland team. They're racing on the brand new Firebolts, and that is state of the art broom riding. And I got to say, that has made all the difference in the Irish Performance in the tourney." Earl said. 

"Did... they just say... brooms?" Jason asked. 

"And their players. Connolly. He was on fire last game, I mean, holy smokes." Earl added. 

"OH! You want to talk about players! Just look at Viktor Krum! Just 17 years old and already people are calling him the G.O.A.T! The dude is about to begin his 7th year at Durmstrangs!" Mike was now shouting. 

Jason could not follow anything that was going on. Any of it. He had never heard of any of those players they were talking about despite the people talking on the radio about how they were the greatest things since sliced bread. But Sam was. And he was listening with intent. 

"Hey, maybe we'll get lucky and people will be so focused on this, that they won't notice we're driving to Vegas." Sam suggested to Jason. 

"Sam, you're into some weird shit." Jason commented. "I mean what kind of fucking sport plays with brooms. And how is it a World Event? This does not sound like Soccer." 

"I keep telling you. It's Quidditch." Sam corrected. "Big difference." 

"And how is this Quidditch a World Sport? I've never even fucking heard of it." Jason said. "What are the rules?" 

"Just drive. It's not for you to understand." Sam replied annoyed as if he had to explain this all to a small child. Jason could also see Sam reading a type of paper and Jason could swear that he saw some pictures moving right as Sam was eating some type of Jelly Beans. "OH!" Sam threw the paper away after reading the headline: 'Kraken crushed by Hammers. 300-180.' "Kraken lost again!" 

Jason could just turn his attention to the passing of cars as they were honking their horns. "Should've left earlier." He thought. 

"Hey, want one?" Sam asked handing off what looked like a Jelly Bean.

"Jelly Bean?" Jason asked. 

"Yeah. They call it Every Flavored Beans." Sam answered.

"I swear, these gourmet Jelly Beans are getting weird." Jason commented. "What kind of flavor are these?"

"I have no idea, they could be anything." Sam figured. 

Jason tried one. And he tasted... "Bacon Flavor?" He asked. 

"What?! Oh shit. All I got was Plastic." Sam complained.

"There's a Plastic Flavored Jelly Bean? Jesus." Jason asked. "Can I have a bag of Chips?" 

"Sure." Sam tossed Jason a pack. 

About 2 hours later, and Jason and Sam finally started to get out of the city. The L.A, traffic was real shit. "You know, they've got to do something about the L.A. Traffic." Jason commented. "Too bad your friends couldn't let the car fly." 

"Oh, they could. But that would attract attention we wouldn't want to." Sam replied. "I mean, just imagine people in L.A looking at a car flying?" He asked. 

"Sam, cars only fly in Back to the Future." Jason answered thinking that it was a joke.

"And that one time in London 2 years ago with 2 fucking idiots going on a Joy Ride. Seven people saw it." Sam added.

"What?" Jason asked.

"Nothing." Sam answered. And then he ate something chocolate quickly putting it into his mouth and then looking at what looked like a Card. "Already got that one." He said putting it in his back.

"Already got what?" Jason asked.

"Just a Card of a famous person." Sam answered.

"Oh, like those Baseball Cards." Jason figured. 

"Yeah." Sam replied. "Exactly." And he looked in front of him. Only to see a Check Point. "Uh oh." 

"Uh oh, what?" Jason asked.

"Marauders." Sam answered. 

Jason found it strange that Marauders were by a check point. And that was why traffic was slow getting out of the city. 

"Okay, just act natural and tell them that we're going to Vegas." Sam advised. And he quickly shoved something behind his seat. 

Jason had been prepared for this. So he would play it cool. When it was his turn to proceed, he rolled down the window. To see what looked like Armed Security Guard. And Jason found it strange to see them having the letters M.A.C.U.S.A. "Hello, sir." He greeted.

"Where you headed?" The Officer asked.

"Las Vegas." Jason answered. "A friend and I are hoping to take a Guy Trip there and strike it rich." 

"Why not fly?" The Officer asked. 

"We're a little tight on money." Jason answered. "I just lost my job, so... I've got nothing to lose." 

"Identification, please?" The Officer requested. 

Jason handed over his Licensee. The Officer took a look at it. And Jason noticed the Officer had a stick. "Well, I suppose fake I.Ds are a big no no." He thought. 

But then he heard the Officer utter Revelio while holding the stick. And he shrugged. "No Mag." He said.

"Are we good?" Jason asked. 

The Officer handed back the I.D to Jason. "Yeah. Go ahead. Good luck in making your fortune. And remember that what happens in Vegas-" 

"Stays in Vegas." Jason didn't need to be told twice. And he drove ahead. 

Now there was nothing but open road ahead of them. Sam navigating. "What were Marauders doing as Security Guards?" Jason asked. 

"Must be deep cover or something. Trying to trick people." Sam answered. "But we are now home free. And if we encounter any more Marauders, we'll just make the same excuse." And he went back to cranking up the Radio and listening to the Broadcast of the Quidditch World Cup. And it was just noise to Jason.  

"Come on, Ireland..." Sam panted.

"What's up with you?" Jason asked.

"Well, here's the deal. Eddie and I had a little side bet before we left. I bet that Ireland would win, but he bet Bulgaria. And Bulgaria has Viktor Krum, so mind you that could be real bad." Sam started to go on. "Oh, you probably wouldn't get it. I picked Ireland and he picked Bulgaria." 

"And I have no idea what that shit means." Jason replied. 

"Pumpkin Pastry?" Sam offered.

"Thanks." Jason answered eating a Pastry that tasted exactly like a Pumpkin. "Where do you find this food?" He asked. "I got to go to this bakery." 

"It's a product of the greatest Candy Store in all America. And if you think that's good, you should see the stuff they have at Kowalski's Bakery." Sam answered. 

"Say... isn't there a store like that in Uptown L.A?" Jason asked. "The food is great there, and the shapes of the pastries is... very creative. It's like something out of an art studio." 

"Sure is. But the original one is in New York City." Sam answered. "Now that just has the greatest authenticity." 

"What am I missing out on?" Jason asked.

"A lot." Sam answered. His attention back to the Radio.

"And now after waiting for the bell. Let the Match begin!" Earl yelled on the radio. "It's been 4 years in the making. The Quaffle is released, and here we go! Troy's got the Quaffle, he's flying through Bulgaria's defenders." 

"That's a statement by Ireland! It tells Bulgaria: We come to play and we come to play aggressively." Mike shouted. 

"And it's- Oh! Huge shot by Troy and he will draw first blood for Ireland!" Earl announced.

"That's my boys right there!" Sam yelled. 

"Getting that Quaffle out of Levski's hands. You don't see it these days. And he rarely makes mistakes." Mike announced. "Well, in those mistakes, you better watch your back because Ireland will pounce." 

10 minutes had passed.

"It's Ireland. 30 to zip." Earl informed. 

"Ireland's got the lead, but don't count Bulgaria out just yet. I've seen Bulgaria backed to the wall, but they still manage to turn on the heat." Mike informed. 

"Troy's moving again and- Oh! Spoke too soon! Volkov and Vulchanov with the Bludger Block!" Earl shouted.

"NO!" Sam yelled making Jason jump. 

"Bulgaria is not giving up without a fight." Mike commented. 

"Ivanova has the Quaffle now, and. Boom! That's a score for Bulgaria!" Earl announced. 

"It's okay, it's okay." Sam said eating his Every Flavored beans. "We can come back from that. It's just one goal."

"It's Krum and Lynch now. Going for a dive." Earl continued. 

"They are falling like Meteors." Mike said. "And it looks like Krum is going to crash!"

There was a loud crashing sound.

"OH! Now that's a plough if ever I saw one." Earl commented. 

"Oh... that's gotta hurt." Sam commented. "I felt that right here, Jason." 

"I'm not following any of this." Jason said in a hushed tone. 

This went on for some time. Sam seemed pretty happy. And the people on the Radio were really into it. Apparently there were a few interruptions when some type of Bulgarian Mascot ran afoul on the field and started fighting with Leprechauns. There was also the penalty numbers of 315 penalties. Which would shatter the known record in Football. Blocks happening here and there. Bludgers and Quaffles being flown. And Sam being happy that Ireland won.

"And Krum has the Snitch! Unbelievable! Ireland only wins by 10! But it's still Ireland for the win! Oh my goodness!" Earl yelled. 

"That is one in a million right there!" Mike also yelled. 

"What the fuck? Did Ireland just... win?" Jason asked.

"You better believe they did, Jason!" Sam yelled. "Oh yeah. I am getting extra from Eddie when we get back!" 

"Wait how did that happen? Does getting one ball get you 150 points and that's it?" Jason asked.

"Okay, so what happens is if a Seeker from either team grabs the Snitch, the game automatically ends." Sam explained. "And that's what happened. See Viktor knew that he would never be able to catch up to Ireland so he wanted to cut the lead to 10." 

"Dumbass." Jason commented. "He should've waited for Bulgaria to score 2 more goals it seems." 

"Eh, I'm not Bulgaria." Sam replied. 

"Seriously though... what kind of game plays on brooms? And all this stuff about Firebolts and other weird shit. And you're into the stuff? I mean, bro... this is... this is... nuts." Jason was saying. "Sam... seriously... what is going on?" 

"Jason. Let's just make this delivery. And afterwards. I'll tell you everything." Sam offered.

"Everything?" Jason asked.

"You're driving all the way out to the Mojave. And everyone knows that patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a Nuclear Winter. So... you should know the truth." Sam answered. 

"Okay... but I want to know everything and I mean it." Jason said. 

Their journey continued on like this for the next hours. And then they had reached into Nevada. It was the furthest east that Jason ever went. All his life, he had been and lived in only California. But he had to do this to get paid. 

"The Cargo's all safe." Sam was saying to Jason while he was eating a bag of Doritos. "Don't worry about it, Hotshot."  

"If I didn't know about any better, this all seems like you and your friends are using magic." Jason commented. 

Sam looked at Jason. Jason looked back at Sam. And both started laughing out loud. Although Sam's was more of a nervous laugh. But Jason didn't seem to notice. "Magic." Jason shook his head. "That is the most bullshit thing I've ever heard in all my life." 

"You don't believe in magic?" Sam asked.

"I used to. Till my heart got broken by a street magician. It's all about misdirection and the bleeped up brain." Jason answered. He then looked at Sam.

"What Street Magician?" Sam asked. 

"HEY! LOOK OUT!" A Car on the other side nearly ran into them. Before Jason turned back to his side of the road. 

"Sorry pal!" Jason yelled. "Wow. I am not used to open roads." He told Sam. 

"Heh. You should see the street traffic in Boston. It can give L.A Traffic a run for its money." Sam commented. 

"Never been." Jason replied. "I've never even been outside the state." 

"You ever thought about leaving?" Sam asked. 

"What's there to leave for? I'm at minimum wage and always on my fucking feet. And the world just goes by and I'm left to pick up the pieces." Jason listed.

"I don't think so. You're meant for more, Jason. You just don't know it, yet." Sam replied.

"If it's a life of Gangsters, I'm not interested. Hell, I'm already out on a limb by doing this." Jason shot back. "And the only reason I'm doing this, is because you're my old friend, and you mention a good pay job. But if I find out this is a fucking screw over-" 

"It's not. This is legitimate." Sam commented. "I'd never lie to you. And if this is a Screw over. Then I'm getting fucking screwed over too. And about your landlord or whatever... I could help you. Two heads are better than one."

"Appreciate the offer, Sam. But I can handle Louie on my own. I've gotten this far." Jason kindly dismissed.

"The offer stands." Sam replied while eating a Chocolate Frog. And there was a frog ribbit. Until Sam quickly bit the head off. 

"Was that a frog?" Jason asked.

"That was me doing an impression of a frog." Sam answered. 

"Okay, that was pretty good." Jason praised.

"Thanks." Sam thanked. 

Finally Sam had directed the two to a spot in the desert with nothing around but open salty sand and dim lights in the distance. The Sun was setting behind them. "How much farther?" Jason asked.

"We're here." Sam answered. "Go off road." 

"What?" Jason asked.

"Just do it." Sam demanded.

And Jason got off the road. "You're going to really fuck over my car." 

"It just got repaired and it's nothing we can't fix." Sam assured. 

The Highway was soon out of sight, and Jason was now fixated on the rocky landscape. "This better be worth it, man." 

"It's the safest place from the Marauders." Sam grinned.  And then he touched the radio again. 

"How are you getting such good reception out in the middle of nowhere?" Jason asked. 

"You don't know much about Radios, do you?" Sam asked. "I want to see what they're talking about on the Radio in turns of highlights from the game." 

"The one with the crazy brooms?" Jason asked. 

"Yeah." Sam answered. And he could barely hear the static. But it wasn't game highlights. 

"In related news, right after the Quidditch World Cup. A Terrorist Party believed to be none other than the Death Eaters, attacked the spectators of the sport and the camping zones." A Newscaster was saying.

"What the fuck?" Sam asked alarmed. And he turned the Radio up more.

"Terrorist attack?" Jason asked. 

"Eyewitness reports say that several strange looking people in Dark Cloaks and masks, not seen since the War of the 70s, moved through campsites burning everything as they went along and sending panic and chaos all throughout the scene. It was even reported a Dark Mark was casted above the sky after the Terrorists cleared off. Details are still coming in, but we'll be able to bring you up to date on more events when we come back." The News Caster continued. 

The Radio had just remained silent. And Sam was also silent. "What was that about?" Jason asked.

"I'm not sure." Sam answered. "Here. Pull up." 

The car stopped. Then remained silent. 

"And now we wait." Sam sighed. 

Jason looked at Sam who was still in shock at the news. "Death Eaters? I've never heard of that, you?" He asked. 

Sam shrugged. "From before my time, man." He said. "And they're mainly a British thing." 

"Fucking British." Jason commented. "Always fucking everything up. Just like they fucked up Pakistan and India, and they just love drawing lines everywhere, don't they?"

"Ugh. Tell me about it. And you should see their Prison System. Fucking fuck is what it is. Just some really big dark fucking shit. Like, holy shit, what the Fuck is wrong with your Prison System it's Jesus Christ, you'd rather want to go to fucking hell than that place." Sam commented.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just don't get up with that British Prison System. It's fucked up. Real shit." Sam answered. 

"Okay. Consider me warned." Jason replied. 

"Eyes up. Here they come." Sam informed.

It was at that moment, that a group of cars drove. Black Sleek Cars and a couple of Blue Trucks. 

"That them?" Jason asked. 

"Yep." Sam answered. "Wait in the car. Open the trunk." He instructed getting out of the car right as Jason opened up the trunk. And Jason could see from the back of the truck that Sam only had one large duffle bag that he pulled out. 

"Is he serious?" Jason asked in disbelief at the duffle bag. "What happened to the crates?" He asked himself. And he started to get out of the car.

He could then see a Black Man get out of his truck. "Norwood." He said. There was also a Skinny Blonde man in a Hawaiian Shirt also getting out of his truck. He had a smoke in his hand. 

"Hey fellas." Sam greeted. "How've you been? Any trouble?" He asked. 

"Oh, you know. An easy 8 hours from Texas." The Blonde Man said. 

"Well, that'll happen with traffic, Vinny." Sam replied. "You have trouble, C.J?" He asked. 

"Had to take a train from St. Louis. Now this better be worth it, I had to miss my Sentinels game." The Black Man answered.

"What's with the trucks man?" Sam asked.

"Took 'em." C.J answered. And a couple of other thugs had exited out of their cars and trucks too. 

"You brought in muscle?" Sam asked surprised. 

"Never know. You might need one. M.A.C.U.S.A is crawling up our asses now." C.J answered. "You have any trouble?" 

"Just a checkpoint out of L.A. Nothing to worry about." Sam replied. 

"Heh. Looks like C.J ain't the only one who brought in muscle." Vinny noted as he looked at Jason getting out of the vehicle and standing by the car.

"Nah man. He's cool." Sam assured. "No Mag. I put him under the Imperious Curse." He explained.

"I'm what?" Jason asked.

"Damn. You're hardcore, Sammy. If you really wanted some help getting past M.A.C.U.S.A. I would've loaned you some House Elves. Little fuckers can get past lines without attracting attention." Vinny commented. "And don't give 'em any clothes, it's all shit from there." 

That was when the final car opened. And a man who was bald, and covered in both face and body tattoos that Jason would think was a straight up Cartel Drug Lord. He walked right up with a swagger. 

"Oh shit." Jason commented. 

"Ah, Sammy! Good to see you, Mijo." The Figure greeted. 

"Hola, Canseco." Sammy greeted.  

"Where's Eddie? I thought he would be here." C.J asked. 

"Back in L.A. He's got some heat on him right now." Sam answered. "I took him instead." He pointed to Jason.

Canseco looked at Jason. Then he looked back at Sam. "How was your drive?" He asked.

"Alright." Sam answered. "L.A. Traffic fucking sucks though." 

Canseco nodded his head. "Well let's see it." 

Sam opened up the bag to reveal some glow emanating from it. "Good." Vinny grinned. "Now we just got to hope it's enough for what's next?" He asked. 

"With the plan?" Sam asked. "Anything I should know?"

"You know when the time comes, Sammy." Canseco answered. "I got to talk it over with 'him' first. You know how he gets." 

"Don't need to tell me twice." Vinny interrupted. "So... the money?" 

"Just making sure you've got it all, Sammy." Canseco said as he pulled out from the small duffle bag to Jason's astonishment was a massive crate that was incredibly bigger than the bag. 

"Holy shit." Jason commented to himself at the thought of that. And then there was another crate that was released. And about 10 more. 

"Okay, load 'em up on the trucks." Canseco ordered. 

"Wait just a minute." Sam ordered. "Money first." 

"Oh, right. Of course. You earned it." Canseco said. And he snapped his fingers for a bunch of his own guards to bring forth large duffle bags. "The Moneys about 500,000 in No Mag. Each. Have fun." 

"Pleasure doing business with you." Sam grinned. 

"Nice." Vinny said looking at the money.

"I can make enough to retire now." C.J commented.

"Alright, now get off. And be careful. After that attack in Britain, I have a good feeling that Security is going to be tight. We'll hand you more information." Canseco said. 

Sam had walked back to Jason with the money. "We've got it." He grinned. 

"Who were those guys?" Jason asked. 

"Some people." Sam answered. 

"You told me this wasn't any Gangster shit. Well that felt like Gangster shit." Jason replied.

"It's not Gangster shit." Sam assured. "Well, it is and it isn't. It's complicated. Look. We've got the money. Now let's get back to L.A." 

"Can I at least see the Money?" Jason asked.

"Here." Sam showed off the bag. 

Jason half expected to see rolls of Hundred Dollar Bills. But what he instead saw was... "Is this Gold?" He asked. 

"Yeah." Sam answered. "We'll hand the money off to Eddie. He'll convert the Gold into Cash. And you'll be set." 

"Fine. But this is the last thing we ever do." Jason replied having enough of the Gangster Life. "After we get back to L.A. I am gone-"

"Woah! Woah! Canseco!" Suddenly Vinny had started to get out from his car. 

Sam took out a stick and Jason also followed. 

And C.J was also looking at the duffle bag. 

"Is... there a problem?" Canseco asked while starting to take out a stick of his own. And was fidgeting with it. 

"These Galleons don't have Serial Numbers." Vinny accused. 

Sam started to look at the bag himself and realized that Vinny was telling the truth. In short, it was a scam. "Man! What the FUCK!?" He yelled. 

"Are they fucking us?" Jason asked.

"They are, No Mag!" Vinny answered for Sam. Then he turned to Canseco. "Did we ask for play money, or money we could ACTUALLY FUCKING USE?!" 

"Why did you have to open the bag, Vinny?" Canseco asked annoyed and rolling his eyes. 

"Man this is Bullshit!" C.J yelled. 

"I don't think you're really in a position to make threats. You know what he can do... what the Crooked Man can do?" Canseco asked as he and more of his goons started showing up. 

All Vinny and C.J could do was just sit there and pout. 

But Jason was furious. His rage seething and his face steamed. His fists clenching. "I got screwed out of my job, I got screwed out of my shit hole apartment, I got screwed into the Gang Life by Sam, now  I'm getting screwed out of money after going on a drive to Vegas!?" He asked outraged.

"Jason... this isn't the time, nor place-" Sam started to say.

"Fuck that!" Jason yelled going over to Canseco. "I want my fucking 50,000 Dollars! Right FUCKING NOW!" 

"Oh, shit." Sam commented. 

Canseco looked at Jason and Sam. A Stick in his hand. And he raised it at Jason's head. "Okay... what's with the stick?" Jason asked.

"Canseco, come on. There's no need for-" Sam started to say while he took his own stick out. 

"No Mag really are a bunch of little fuckers." Canseco commented. And he raised the stick in the air. "Avada Kedavra!" 

And a burst of green energy emerged from the stick that Canseco held. 

"Look out!" Sam pushed Jason out of the way, and the blast hit Sam and threw him to the ground. 

"Sam!" Jason yelled horrified. "Holy fucking shit! What just happened?" He asked trying to process it all. And it didn't look like Sam was breathing.

"Damn." C.J commented horrified but taking out his wand. 

"What?!" Vinny yelled horrified. "What the fuck did you just do?! What the FUCK!?" 

"Sammy." Jason started to try and nudge Sam back, but there wasn't a pulse. 

"You did this to him, Vinny! You opened the fucking bag here!" Canseco accused. 

"So, it's going to be like that, huh?" Vinny asked pointing his stick at Canseco.

"Son of a bitch." C.J sneered also pointing his stick. 

Jason couldn't believe what just happened. Somehow and he wasn't sure how, Canseco just killed Sam. And he knew what he had to do. Make the fucker pay. "Put 'em down!" He suddenly demanded picking up the stick.

"Or what?" Canseco asked.

"Or I'm going to find out what this stick does." Jason answered. 

"No Mag can't wield a Magic Wand, it's gonna do shit." Canseco called the bluff. But Jason wasn't bluffing. 

"Magic Wand?" Jason asked. His voice full of emotions. "Is that what that was? Magic?!"

While Canseco was distracted. Vinny saw an opportunity. "Bombarda!" He shot at Canseco. It exploded one of the Trucks right in front of Canseco. 

"Son of a bitch!" C.J also shouted as he shot Incendio at one of Canseco's goons. 

Jason saw this as his moment to escape. "Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT!" And he started to run for his car. 

"Bombarda!" C.J had shouted while aimed at Canseco.

"Protego!" Canseco blasted on himself. It blocked the Bombarda shot away and blew up Jason's car. 

Right in front of Jason too. "FUCK!" Jason yelled. He then turned and tried to take cover where he could from what looked like a fire fight. 

"Expulso!" One of C.J's guards blasted at one of Canseco's thugs. 

"Evanesco!" Vinny yelled blasting at one of the Canseco thugs making him vanish into nothing. 

"Incendio!" Canseco blasted at Vinny. "Burn you little fucker!" And he blasted fire straight at Vinny's face. 

"Ah!" Vinny yelled.

"Glacius!" C.J yelled at one of the goons. Turning him into Ice and then breaking him into a million pieces. 

"Holy Fucking Shit!" Jason yelled. It was absolute chaos what was going on. And he looked back at his stick. Sam's wand. "Come on, wand. Do something." 

"Accio!" Canseco shot and lifted C.J close to him. And then shot Diffindo right at his torso and chopped C.J in half. Blood spilling everywhere. 

Jason lifted the wand up in the air. "What was something they shouted? Um... Bombarda!" He shouted. 

Everyone looked at Jason. But all it did was blast Jason right into one of the Crates and full impact. 

Everything was happening so fast and at that moment, the only thing that anyone could hear at that moment, was a heart beat. Canseco looked in fear at he soared through the air. Vinny had started to make a run for it. And he was apparating away. And so were some of C.Js henchmen. 

"Shit." Canseco commented. He also started to run away and try to apparate. But he was too late. The impact that Jason felt surged all throughout and caused a massive blue explosion that felt like it would vaporize anything in its path. Everything except Jason. A surge of color and fire had surrounded him. Jason felt like everything was on fire. The searing pain on his skin. Like he was being absorbed into an Atomic Bomb. 

2 hours after blast.

The whole night had gone quiet. Whatever creatures were outside were now silent. Even the crickets didn't make a sound. At least until sirens started blaring. And a group of American Aurors for M.A.C.U.S.A were now walking along inspecting the damage. Among them was a man with brown hair, a short beard and Cammo Robes. He had an Agent Badge on him. His name was James Ryder. And he had a reputation among the Wizards of M.A.C.U.S.A. A good reputation. He was very skilled at his job. "Nick. What have we got?" He asked a fellow Auror.

"Well, Jimmy. We've got an explosion." The Auror known as Nick replied.

"I can see that, great observation." Ryder sarcastically commented noticing all the burnt up ground. "Like the explosion at the Warehouse in Detroit?" He asked.

"Bigger." Nick answered. "Bout the same radius as a Nuclear Warhead. And we found this wand. Core's gone." He picked up a burnt up wand. 

"Run diagnostics. I want to know who this wand belonged to." Ryder ordered.

"Already did." Nick replied. "It was in the possession of Miguel Canseco." He pointed to the burnt up dead figure of Canseco on the ground. "Doesn't look like he'll have much use for it anymore. And from the look of things, I'd say this was an arms deal gone wrong." He also pointed to a dead Sam Norwood on the ground. 

"Norwood?" Ryder ran over to the body.

"Killing Curse. Looks like someone shot it at Sam." Nick answered. 

"Jimmy!" Another Auror yelled. "We've got a live one here!" 

Ryder ran over. And he could see a team of Combat Medics tending an unconsious and badly wounded Jason Baker. 

"Who's he?" Ryder asked. 

"We're not sure. He's not in any of the files. I think he's a No Mag." The Auror answered. 

"Jimmy." Another Auror, a Hispanic Woman with dark hair was doing a scan with his wand on Jason.  

"Yes, Maria?" Ryder asked. 

"You need to see this." Maria informed. "He's a No Mag. But he's got traces of Magic on him." 

"What?" Ryder asked. "That's not possible, right?" 

"It should be impossible. Hell, he shouldn't even be alive." Maria replied. "He's got no record on him. He's never been registered, and all we could find was this I.D. It's a No Mag I.D." 

Ryder looked at the Driver's License. "And he can use... magic apparently?" He asked.

"That would be my guess. But... he's not in any of the registry of Magic." Maria answered. "What do you want to do?" 

Ryder looked at Jason. And then at Maria. "We bring him with us. To the Hospital. I want to know who this guy is. I want to know what he was doing here. I want to know why he can use magic. I want to know everything he knows." He ordered. 

"Braga's not going to like this, Jimmy. That's two explosions now. And you want to bring a No Mag-" Maria pointed out.

"Fuck Braga, Maria." Ryder shot back. "This is why we need to bring the No Mag with us, so we can prevent any more explosions." He then transfigured up a stretcher. "Well, he's not going to stay a No Mag for long." 

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