Chapter 3: Is it worth it?

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Miner 49er Wizarding Hospital. San Francisco. The next day.

Ryder walked down the long hallway of the Wizarding Hospital on the West Coast. Miner 49er Wizarding Hospital. Named after the occupation of the 49er during the California Gold Rush. with Maria in tow. A Healer was walking next to him. "What's his condition, Kofsky?" Ryder asked. 

"We've got him stable for now." The Healer named Kofsky answered. "But... I'm not sure I understand this whole situation." 

"What about?" Ryder asked.

"Well, it's just that, he's a No Mag... but... when we ran certain tests, he's got traces of magic like he can wield it." Kofsky answered. "I've never seen anything like this before. How did he get it?"

"If I did tell you, I wouldn't be keeping it for you and explain to both you and the other healers." Ryder answered. "Listen. I don't know what's going on either. Just do your job. And let me worry about the rest." He demanded. 

And Kofsky left Ryder and Maria Santiago was a Hispanic Woman with medium sized black hair and wearing off a cammo jacket under a long black shirt and a pair of jeans. "We've also got a dead undercover agent at that crime spree. Worse, a No Mag born. What the fuck are we gonna do about that, Jimmy?" She asked. 

"Oh, my God, Maria. I don't have all the answers right now." Ryder replied annoyed. 

"I understand that." Maria said. "But you may not be able to use that excuse on Braga." She pointed out.

"Let me deal with Braga." Ryder insisted. And that was when a bald, middle aged man walked inside. A wand by his side, and him in Wizards Robes and a swagger to show that he was the one in charge. His blank expression as he walked up to Ryder. "Speak of the devil." 

"Your shit, Jimmy. Not mine." Maria said as she walked away. 

"Asshole." Ryder commented. And that left him to deal with Braga. A high ranking Auror who was also in charge of Magical Law Enforcement in M.A.C.U.S.A. In short, he was Ryder's boss. And the one Auror no one wanted to mess with. 

"How far are you from retirement, Jimmy?" Braga asked in a neutral tone.

"Well, I'd have to check my calendar, Braga. But..." Ryder started to say sarcastically. "Still a couple of years more than you." 

"Oh, I was just asking because... what the fuck was that mess in the Mojave?" Braga asked now with a still neutral tone, but it was more commanding. "You have any idea of the media shit storm we're about to get?" 

"Don't talk to me about Media Shit Storms, Braga. I'm well aware of it." Ryder shot back. "I've dealt with the British Daily Prophet-" 

"And this is going to be worse. We've got an explosion going off in Detroit with an F.B.I Agent. We've got a Terrorist attack in the U.K. which is sending panic in there. A Death Eater sign, and now another explosion happens in the Mojave with a dead agent and a No Mag being treated in this fucking Hospital." Braga interrupted and listing all that they were in. 

"Really? I had no idea." Ryder replied sarcastically. 

"Fuck you, Ryder. If it wasn't for President Sanders protecting you, your ass would be fired by me." Braga hissed at Ryder getting close to his face. 

"Oh, Fuck me?" Ryder asked. "Fuck you, Braga. You know, I've been out on the front lines and you've been doing shit. And it wasn't like I wasn't doing anything in Britain during the Trotsky Crisis either. I was getting Britain under order, and dealing with Slayton. You did shit. And you did shit when the Crooked Man was first on the rise. You going to do the same now that he's making a comeback?" 

Neither men moved an inch. "This happened under your watch, Ryder. Fix it." Braga demanded before walking away.

Those interactions were nothing new to Ryder. Ever since he arrived at M.A.C.U.S.A, he and Marion Braga had no shortage of clashes. Braga was a hot head and always ready to whack a person even for the slightest screw up. At first, Ryder thought it was because he was under stress. But as time went on, he realized that Braga was an asshole. And wanted everything done his way or the highway. If not for Ryder going off to Britain in the war in the 70s, it would've been worse. And a part of that was the Crooked Man. One of the most notorious Wizard Criminals in all of North America. 

"Son of a bitch." Ryder commented at Braga. And then he went into the room where Jason Baker was lying down. 

Ryder opened the door to see that Jason was stable but he was still asleep. Healers had completely healed up his arms, his bones, his body. All that was left to do was wake him up. "How is he, McConnel?" Ryder asked.

The Healer known as McConnel looked at Ryder. "We've got him stable for now. If you're ready, we can use Enverate." He answered. 

"No, bad idea." Ryder ordered. "You cast Enverate on him, he goes into hysterics, he runs lose in the Hospital, he panics, and he causes unintended damage with his uncontrollable new magic. And that's not easy to repair. Trust me, I've been down this road before." He explained. 

"So, cast it on him but slowly, so that way he won't have his full energy?" McConnel asked.

"Do it." Ryder ordered.

"Before we do, Agent Ryder. Um... it's just that-" McConnel started to say.

"Treating a No Mag?" Ryder asked.

"No sir, it's not just that. He's got Magical Abilities, but he's been a No Mag his entire life. And this isn't a fake Wizard like Jacob Kowalski nearly 60 years ago." McConnel answered. 

"Okay, are we still talking about this shit?" Ryder asked annoyed. "No? Good. Now cast the spell, and get out, I'm going to speak to him alone." He ordered.

The Healer casted a minor Enverate charm on Jason. And then left the room. "Try not to stay too long."  

The last thing Jason remembered was an explosion in the desert. And Sam and his friends all arguing and using... magic. As Jason opened his eyes, he thought he would be back in his Shithole Apartment. His alarm clock had most likely gotten off by this point. And he would be late for work. "Oh... what happened last night?" He asked. "I've got to lay off the Bud Lite." And he looked around to see that he was in a Hospital Bed. "Am I in a fucking Hospital?" He looked around to see his bed. He wasn't handcuffed to the Gurney at the very least as he rubbed his head to look around him. And he looked outside to see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance. "San Francisco?"  

"See you know your location." Ryder had said. Jason turned to see a man in a Cammo Jacket in front of him. "Hello, Mr. Baker." Ryder greeted.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jason asked. 

"My name is James Ryder." Ryder introduced. "I've got a few questions for you about what happened last night." 

"Oh shit. It wasn't a dream." Jason smacked his head.

"If it was, you wouldn't be in a Hospital Bed." Ryder said. 

"Fuck, that means you're F.B.I." Jason commented knowing where this was going. 

"No." Ryder replied.

"C.I.A?" Jason asked.

"No." Ryder answered.

"N.S.A?" Jason asked.

"I'm not a Government Agent." Ryder said. "Actually, no. I am a Government Agent. But not... that Government." 

"What?" Jason asked not following anything that was going on. "You Canadian?"

"Okay, we're just talking in circles." Ryder figured. "Now I've got some things that I want to ask you. And some things that I also need to explain to you. I already know your name so let's not beat up that dead bush." 

Jason looked to his left, then back to Ryder, then to his right, then back to Ryder. "So... how does this work? I talk first? You talk first?" He asked. 

"Let's start with last night and what happened in the Mojave." Ryder answered. 

Jason sighed. This guy was a Cop or an F.B.I Agent and he didn't buy the whole no Government Routine. "Alright, Cop. I'll cooperate." He figured. "I guess I'll start at the beginning, um... let's see. A couple of days ago, I got fired from my job. Some rich bitch, long story. I meet an old friend, Sam Norwood, tells me he's got a job for us to do and it'll pay in $50,000. I need the money to pay my debt and my rent on my shitty apartment, and I just lost my job. So I accepted. We got this cargo with a destination to the Mojave in Nevada. I didn't have anything to lose, so I accepted-" 

"Stop right there." Ryder interrupted. "This Cargo... what did it look like?" He asked. 

"Glowing Blue and... it was all stuffed in a crate. Looked like a fucking explosive." Jason answered. 

"Yep, that's what I thought." Ryder commented. "Okay, continue. You got the Cargo of explosives and you drove from L.A to Vegas?" He asked.

"Yeah. But when we got there, we ran into this guy who called himself Canseco. Sam gave him the Cargo and he got duffel bags of Gold. Two other guys were there too. A guy named Vinny and a guy named C.J. They were transporting cargo too." Jason answered. But then he dropped his bomb. "And then... the weirdest shit happened. Sam takes out a Crate, really big. It could not fit in the Duffle bag and just took it out like it was nothing!" 

"Undetectable Extension Charm." Ryder explained.

"The fuck?" Jason asked. 

"In a minute. Continue." Ryder instructed.

"Okay..." Jason figured. "Anyway... then we found out the Money was fake. I got mad because I was getting swindled again." 

"Well I can understand why you'd be pissed off." Ryder said. 

"And then Canseco drew out this stick, shot a green energy beam like it was some Sci-Fi shit and just shot at Sam killing him. Then there was a whole fight. Beams of energy all shooting from each other. My Car blew up and I picked up Sam's stick to see if it would do anything, and then... I crashed into a crate. And then... I woke up here. That's it." Jason continued. 

Ryder nodded. "I see. Thank you." He thanked. 

"Look um... what was your name? Ryder?" Jason asked.

"Yeah." Ryder answered. "And it's Agent Ryder to you." 

"Not to sound rude, but I have no idea what the fuck happened last night." Jason commented.

Ryder sighed. It was time to tell Jason everything. He remembered hearing from Britain about the time when a Half Giant named Hagrid told a kid that he was a Wizard. Now the same thing was about to happen. 

"I mean, crates pulled out of bags, energy beams, a car just repaired like that. People shouting as they held sticks-" Jason started to list.

"Sam was a Wizard, Jason." Ryder interrupted.

Jason looked at Ryder like he had spiders crawling out of his eyes. "Excuse me?" He asked.

"Sam was a Wizard." Ryder repeated. "He was a good one too. And all those other people were Wizards too. Skilled in magic." 

And Jason started to laugh. "Bullshit." He said. "There's no such thing as Magic-" 

But Ryder had taken out his wand to prove it. "Wingardium Leviosa!" He shot making Jason rise in the air. 

"What the hell?" Jason asked. "How are you doing that?" And then Ryder made Jason crash on one of the bedside tray tables. Jason fell off and smashed up the table. And that made Jason get off the floor and stare in disbelief.

"Magic." Ryder answered. "That was a levitation charm called Wingardium Leviosa. And this... Reparo." He shot it at the table. "Is the repair charm. So what do you say now, Doubty McNonbelief?" 

"Okay... that was... something..." Jason admitted trying to find his words right.

"Jason... let me put it to you this way. Has any weird shit happened that you just couldn't explain?" Ryder asked. "Anything when you and Sam were kids?"  

"Well, yeah. Lots of weird things. Vanishing glass, things that moved without understanding. Boulders smashing in two. And other things." Jason listed. "I'd go on, but I think you... kind of... get the picture." 

"And he left when he was 11." Ryder added. "Not an explanation other than he'd been accepted into a Prestigious Private School in Massachusetts?" 

"Yeah, Illvermorny." Jason answered. "But I've never heard of that school before." 

"Because it's technically not a school that exists. At least not by No Mag extent." Ryder answered. "It was also my Alma Mater. And everyone else here." 

"And another thing. What the fuck does No Mag mean?" Jason asked.

"Non Magical. I know, terrible slang." Ryder answered. 

Jason raised an eyebrow.

"I don't make the rules." Ryder shrugged. 

"Alright, so certain people are Wizards. And they're living in America?" Jason asked still confused. 

"Not just in America. All over the world." Ryder explained. 

"All over the world?!" Jason asked. "You know... I don't know if you're pulling my leg, or if any of this is all just some bullshit prank show, but if it is... then wow. You got me!" He started laugh. "Okay. This is all just some dream and now I'm going to wake up and pretend that this never happened, so now please leave- OW!" He noticed that Ryder pinched him.

"You're not dreaming." Ryder assured. "Want another pinch?" He reached out for Jason and pinched him again.

"OW!" Jason yelled again. "DON'T DO THAT!" And he yelled it right as Ryder ducked out of the way and the bed flipped upside down. And it was something that made Jason widen his eyes. "What the- did I just... did I just do that?" He asked. 

"You did, Jason." Ryder laughed. "And that's what I wanted to talk to you about... see... you're a... you're a Wizard too. Sort of." 

"I'm a Wizard?" Jason asked.

"You were a No Mag before. But you are a Wizard now. And you've got magical abilities." Ryder answered. 

Jason looked at himself in a mirror and then at his own hands. And he had only one thing to say on his mind: "WHAT THE FUCK?!" 

The Hospital Hallway. 1 hour later.

"Okay. Okay... so... I'm a Wizard now because I smashed into an explosive crate with a stick in my hand?" Jason asked as he walked down the hallway with Ryder. And Jason was still trying to figure out everything. 

"Technically that explosion should've killed you." Ryder said.

"Well, I was holding Sam's wand when I got slammed into the crate. You think that maybe when it exploded, it transferred Wizarding Powers into... me?" Jason asked. 

"Hm. Never thought of it like that." Ryder admitted. "I suppose... in the explosion. Sam's Wand melted, and the Wand Core latched itself right into your blood stream."

"A Wand Core?" Jason asked.

"The Power Supply for a wand." Ryder answered. "And well... the Wand Core in your blood is the best theory we've got right now, I guess." 

Now all of sudden, it sounded like the origin story to a Superhero. Except this time, Jason was among other Supers. Or in his case, Wizards. "What about this... Illvermorny. Why did Sam go there?" Jason asked.

"Illvermorny is the School for North America where Witches and Wizards learn to harness their power." Ryder answered.

"All of them?" Jason asked.

"Yep." Ryder answered. "Students learn for 17 years, then they get a job at M.A.C.U.S.A." 

Jason couldn't believe it. Some people were so lucky that they get all the good stuff. "What's Macusa?" 

"Magical Congress of the United States of America." Ryder answered. 

"Wouldn't that be M.C.U.S.A?" Jason asked.

"It should be, but it isn't." Ryder shrugged. And he could tell that Jason was on edge about everything. Not that Ryder couldn't blame Jason for any of it. He remembered having to explain to No Mag Born about who they were when they became Wizards. 

"So... how does Magic work?" Jason asked. "Is it inherited?" 

"Not always." Ryder answered. "Magic is... very confusing to understand especially with how it's passed down. There are 3 different types of Wizards. The Pureblood Wizards. Wizards whose bloodlines are always passed from generations dating back to the original wielders Millenia ago. Halfbloods. Children born to one No Mag and one Wizard parent. And No Mag born. Wizards who have no magical parents. You are the odd man out. Consider yourself lucky." 

"Shit." Jason commented. "And what about kids if they don't get powers from parents?" He asked.

"Oh, those are called Squibs. They are aware of the Wizarding World. But they can't go to the Wizarding Schools, they can get jobs there but... no." Ryder explained.

"Sounds prejudice." Jason commented.

"It is." Ryder admitted. "Say... you um... want to get a bite? Gives us a chance to break the ice a little more, and I don't like to tell stories on an empty stomach." 

Jason liked the idea of getting food in his mouth. He hadn't eaten a proper meal since he met Sam at the bar. "Can it be a place for Cheeseburgers?" He asked.

Bar and Grill Restaurant. 

Jason could see a massive Cheeseburger in front of him, along with French Fries. And Jason dug in. Ryder thought it was a good idea to bring Jason over to a No Mag Bar and Grille. Get him more familiar. "This is a lot better than the Burgers in L.A." Jason said.  

Ryder laughed. "It's a lot better than those Ever Flavored Beans... I tell you. I got a Horse Hair Bean, and I lost my taste for them ever since." 

"So this... whole Wizarding World. It's part of our lives?" Jason asked. 

"It's in everyone's lives. Whether they know it or not." Ryder answered. "You'll have to accept that there are certain things you won't understand right away. The Wizarding World has existed just as long as the No Mag World has. We live among you in secret. Hidden from the world." 

"Why is that?" Jason asked. 

"Let's just say... humanity might get into a paranoid wreck and descend into chaos." Ryder answered. "In the past, fanatics in power saw Magic as a sin. And decreed that anyone practicing the art should be destroyed. We've been hidden ever since. We have our world and they have theirs." 

"But things have changed, right?" Jason replied.

"Only in this century shall we say." Ryder confirmed. 

"So does M.A.C.U.S.A answer to the U.S Government?" Jason asked.

"Not exactly. The No Mag have their Government and M.A.C.U.S.A has theirs. We have a Congress, like the No Mag, a President that we elect, like the No Mag. But we don't take part in No Mag life." Ryder answered. 

"So you've been around the same time as the U.S?" Jason asked. 

"Longer. actually. Since the 1600s." Ryder answered. "Though, we did help our No Mag counterparts achieve independence from the British." He then whispered to Jason. "The British Wizarding World would have you believe that both our governments sat out in that war. But we really fought in secret." 

"Britain is a real sore fucking loser." Jason commented. "And the Wizarding World and the Regular World never really encounter each other?" He asked getting on topic.

"Um... no." Ryder ate a French Fry. "We have, but it's very rare when both are involved in the same conflict. No Mag just write it off as one of those things that Conspiracy Nuts like to talk about. And everyone dismisses them off." 

"Holy Fucking shit." Jason remembered now hearing about those homeless people seeing things on the streets. Preaching about monsters and demons and that type of stuff. "So those people are-" 

"Yep." Ryder answered. "It's weirdly fucked up when you think about it. All those crackpot theories are real. But no one gives a shit." Then he took a sip of Coke. "Anyway, back to M.A.C.U.S.A. You know how your Government has its own laws and customs and rules. Well, so does M.A.C.U.S.A. Different Departments that handle different levels and aspects of the Wizarding World and their lives." He explained.

"So what are you?" Jason asked as he took a swing of Coke. He understood though why there was no Bud Lite between them. 

"I'm an Auror. We fight off and protect America from Dark Wizards." Ryder answered.

"So, you're a Wizard Cop." Jason said in short.

"Wizard Cop. Solider. Even though we don't officially have a Wizard Military." Ryder confirmed. 

"Magic Cop." Jason figured. 

Ryder put down his glass and took another bite of his cheeseburgers. "Which brings us to our next order of business." He said. "The Crates." 

Jason figured this was coming. "I didn't know what those crates contained. And I didn't know how deadly they were." He said.

"I'm aware, Jason." Ryder said immediately. "Quick question, I can call you that, right?" 

"By all means." Jason answered.

"Great. The incident in the Mojave wasn't the only time a crate exploded. In fact, it's linked to an even bigger crime." Ryder said.

"A Wizarding Criminal Syndicate?" Jason asked. 

"Yeah. You don't sound surprised." Ryder noted. 

"Well, I just figured, it was only a matter of time before I learned you also have Wizarding Criminal Syndicates. Gangs, Mafia. That sick shit." Jason replied. And then he sighed. "My Mom was killed by Gang Violence. The No Mag kind." 

"My Condolences." Ryder wished. "This Wizarding Crime Syndicate is massive. Now these guys are into some sick type of fucking shit. I mean, really really fucked up. Trafficking Magical Creatures, Gambling, Human Trafficking, Drugs, Weapons, Assault, Theft, Murder, all the sick shit you can think of."  

"How widespread is it?" Jason asked.

"It's all over the Country." Ryder answered. "And run by a Son of a Bitch named The Crooked Man." 

"The Crooked Man." Jason repeated like it was a joke. 

"It's a stage name. No one knows his real name." Ryder explained. "This Dark Wizard mentored some of the most vicious criminals in the Wizarding World. One of them being Derek Slayton." 

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Derek Slayton. He and I were old Dormmates in Illvermorny. He was a Psychopathic real sick Son of a Bitch." Ryder answered. And Jason could tell that Ryder did not want to get into it so he didn't press the issue. "Anyway, Sam was a new rookie Auror who went deep undercover to try and take down the Crooked Man. He thought that by getting in close..." Ryder took another sip of Coke. "He could bring down the organization from the inside." 

"Lot of good it did him." Jason commented. "Seeing as how he's fucking dead with a... Abra Cadabera Spell." 

"Avada Kedavra." Ryder corrected. "The Killing Curse. It's one of the three Unforgivable Curses. Causes instant death. A one Shot Kill." 

"Damn." Jason said. "And to think, he only got shot on the hand." 

"Whatever body part. If it hits you, you're dead." Ryder said. "But back to Sam. Now, Sam I believe was trying to get close to the Crooked Man by going after Canseco. And I think he also wanted to get a little pocket money for himself on the side." 

"That sounds like Sam. He always had a pension for going after another buck." Jason replied. 

"M.A.C.U.S.A's been after the Crooked Man for a long time, Jason. Since the 1960s. Things grew quiet in the 70s and 80s, but now, he's trying to make a second round. He has eyes and ears everywhere. I'd tell you that we need your help to take him down. But... we don't." Ryder explained.

"Real fucking confidence booster." Jason sarcastically commented.

"But what I can offer you is a chance to get even." Ryder said.

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Chance to get even?" He asked. "You want to recruit me?" 

"You said yourself that you don't like getting fucked over. Well, the guy that fucked you over is The Crooked Man. He runs the most powerful crime syndicate in America. And both the Wizarding World and the No Mag world are never going to be safe as long as he remains." Ryder answered. 

Jason stared back at his Cheeseburger. Los Angeles seemed like such a long time away. Now here he was talking to a stranger he didn't really know about a World he didn't even knew existed until today. "I... don't know." He answered. "I mean... I have a... life that I want to pick up." 

"It's not an easy decision. I understand that." Ryder admitted. "In fact, I'd raise some concerns if you jump off the cliff just like that. But, Jason. Your old life regardless of what you choose is over. You can't turn back from that. And you can't pick it up. You were given our abilities. I know it's not what you wanted. But... you're one of us now. So... you can take my hand and come with me on this adventure to fight off the people who fucked it over. Or... I can do it on my own. And you can live in one of our Wizarding Towns. New Life, and new friends. And you'd recieve a good payment fee and compensation for what's happened to you." 

Jason looked surprised. "You're giving me this choice?" He asked.

"A wise man once told me that it's not our abilities that define who we are. It's our choices." Ryder answered. "Whatever choice you make is up to you." 

Jason remained sitting. "The last time someone gave me this choice, it landed me right to where I am. How would this be any different?" He asked.

"I'll give you some time to think about it." Ryder informed before getting out of his seat. "I'll pay for your meal." 

Ryder sat the last of his coke which was now below the Ice line. "Agent Ryder?" He asked.

"Yes?" Ryder looked back.

"Is it worth it?" Jason asked after a pause. 

"Hell yeah." Ryder answered as he turned his back again. 

And that left Jason back to his drink. 

That evening, Jason walked down the pier. And watching the waves over the water. All around him, people were just going about their lives. Unaware of the world that was living among them. Now Jason was in that world. For Jason he never felt like others. Always on the bottom. Living in what he felt was shit. Trying to make a name for himself, but always falling short. Jason was Jason. But he didn't know what that mean. He looked beyond at the night sea. The Dark Water below the wood where he stood. And thought about what had just happened to him. 

All of the noise around him seemed so distant. He always got fucked over. By the Gangsters who killed his Mother, by society for what he was, by himself for getting into these situations. And most of all, what was his life before this? He wanted out of his life. He didn't want to be part of the sheep. And now someone was offering him a chance at a new life. His new magic abilities. Kill This Crooked Man. And contribute. He went about it for the next 2 hours going back and forth about it. Until he made a decision. 

He went back to the entrance of the Pier. He saw Ryder was still there and he was flipping a coin. "Ryder?" Jason asked. 

"Well, what's your answer?" Ryder asked. 

"I'll do it. You've got yourself an Auror." Jason answered. 

Ryder grinned. "Welcome aboard. Agent Baker." And both men shook hands. 

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