Chapter 4: One of us now.

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The next morning, Jason had followed Ryder over to a nearby carriage waiting for them in San Francisco. Jason had also been given some new clothes that were actually wearable instead of the garbage that he was used to wearing back in L.A. A better shirt, better fitting jeans, and a fresher pair of sneakers, as well as a hoodie. Ryder had also asked Jason if there was anything he wanted to take with him from his old place. But Jason refused. He said there wasn't anything he wanted from his place. Especially when everything was shit.

"Well, Jason. If you're going to be one of us. You'll need what every Wizard needs. And that would be a wand." Ryder informed.

"Okay, great. You've got one I can use?" Jason asked.

And that made Ryder laugh. "Well, not on me. And don't bother asking any other person in the No Mag world, nobody sells wands there." He answered. And he led Jason over to the Carriage. Which was pulled by a driver. And also pulled by some type of very starved off dark horses with wings. 

"Uh... Jimmy? What the hell are those?" Jason asked looking at the Horses. 

Ryder could see what Jason was looking at. "Oh, those are Thestrals." He answered. "Nice creatures. Great sense of direction." 

"They look more like they've been starved and then crawled out of a fucking graveyard." Jason said. 

One of the Thestrals kicked Jason in the stomach at that comment. "Ow. Shit." Jason grumbled while Ryder laughed.

"Careful, they have great sensitivity." Ryder warned. 

"Yeah... got it." Jason said getting up and clutching his stomach. "Least they didn't kick me in the balls." He thought.

"Something you gotta understand about Thestrals. You can see them only until after you've witnessed death. And that's human death." Ryder informed. 

"I see a lot of shit in the street. And how does that work anyway? Real death or fake death like the movies? Or if you've seen death on T.V?" Jason asked.

"Real death and in person." Ryder answered. "Face to face. I mean it wouldn't work if you've killed a living thing like a dog or run over roadkill, or insects, or you get the idea." And he got into the Carriage. 

Jason also got in the carriage. "Can I assume that Thestrals fly?" He asked.

"Yep." Ryder answered. "Some people see Thestrals as unlucky, a bad sign of things to come. It's all bullshit." 

Jason looked back at the Thestrals. "Aside from kicking me in the gut. They don't seem so bad." He replied.

"You had it coming." Ryder said. 

"Thestrals don't crawl out of a Graveyard, do they?" Jason asked not wanting to deal with any Zombie Shit. 

"No. That's the Inferi." Ryder answered.

"The what?" Jason asked.

"I'll tell you later." Ryder said. And the Thestrals had flown into the air.

"Woah!" Jason yelled holding onto something while Ryder remained still on the other side. 

"Don't feel so bad. It's like flying on a plane. You ever flown before?" Ryder asked.

"I've never been on a plane before." Jason answered. "It's always been driving. And that's not to places far." He looked down below him. Everything felt very small to him. Now they were at cloud level. And Jason could see they were flying above the clouds. 

"Thestrals have a good sense of direction." Ryder said. "They won't get you lost." 

"Do all Wizards travel like this?" Jason asked.

"Some do. Most travel by either broom, or Portkey, or Apparation." Ryder answered.  "Since you're a little new to this, we're going this way. Plus it gives us more time to get you acquainted with the Wizarding World."  

"Brooms as in... The Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz riding on a broom?" Jason asked.

"Exactly." Ryder answered. "Quidditch Riders also use them to play Quidditch." 

"Quidditch. That's what Sam was listening to on the Radio. The International Quidditch Cup." Jason remembered seeing as how Sam made him listen to that while on their drive to the Mojave.

"Sam made you listen?" Ryder asked surprised. And then he chuckled. "Well, it was the Quidditch World Cup. Even if the U.S wasn't in it." His thoughts now drifting to the Quidditch U.S. National Team which was a joke. Even by Quidditch Standards. "Bunch of fucking idiots, the National Team. The Philadelphia Bells could crush them and the Bells haven't had a winning season since the 50s." He then looked at Jason confused. "You don't follow sports, do you?"  

"I'm a Dodgers fan. And a Rams fan." Jason answered. "Um... Baseball and Foot-" 

"I know what those two sports are, Jason. I'm not as No Mag phobia as you might think. It's Quidditch for me though." Ryder assured.

"You got a team?" Jason asked.

"New Jersey Horntails." Ryder answered. "Jersey born and raised." 

Jason nodded. He never met someone from the East Coast before. "All I've known is the West. Golden Coast. Well, it's the Shitty coast actually." 

"Jason, New Jersey is America's Toxic Waste Dump. I think I know about shitty coasts." Ryder replied. 

Jason laughed at that. "Don't you just do whatever New York fucking does?" He asked.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that." Ryder answered. Which was a big fat yes to Jason. 

Jason continued to look at the ground below him. He was not in the West anymore. He was going East. One kid from the Ghetto now he was on a flying carriage. "You look like you'll be expecting a Dragon attack." Ryder noted.

Jason looked at Ryder. "They do that?" He asked.

"Eh... not since the 1800s. It happened to Sean Cormag though." Ryder answered.

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Exactly." Ryder sighed. 

"So why do I need a wand exactly? Couldn't I just use Sam's?" Jason asked.

"Wands choose a Wizard, Jason." Ryder answered. "You could use Sam's wand but your magic won't be as powerful. Trust me. Your own wand will serve you much better. Plus your magic will be easier to control with a wand. We could make you Wandless, but it takes plenty of time and preparation to get right." 

"So we'll find it somewhere in the East?" Jason asked.

"If you know where to go." Ryder answered. "The best part is that we don't even have to get your school supplies cause you're not going to school. Then again, if you were a first year, you couldn't bring your wand home with you. You'd have to leave it at School." 

"Why?" Jason asked.

"For the same reason you don't give an 11 year old your credit card." Ryder answered. 

"Makes sense." Jason replied. "Hey. What city are we going to anyway?" 

"The Old Capital of America. Philadelphia." Ryder answered. 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ryder and Jason had landed on the outskirts of the city of Philly. The Home of Cheesesteaks, the Declaration of Independence, the Liberty Bell, Rocky Balboa, and the most Aggressive Sports Fans one would ever meet. Jason looked around him. He was defiantly not in Los Angeles anymore. 

And Jason and Ryder had to navigate past the rounds of Philly Traffic. Jason could also see a bunch of Phillies and Eagles fans moving through the crowd. Wanting the season to be their season. And would fail. As usual. 

"Welcome to Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love. Ironic name. Because they hate outsiders." Ryder introduced. And he walked up to a building near the Uptown and by the steps of the Franklin Institute to a building that looked like it was divorced from the rest of the city. Upon first glance, it looked like a building that someone would live in. A very disgruntled building. And Ryder opened the black door. "Looks like the Leaky Cauldron in London." He said to Jason who was following him. 

"The what?" Jason asked as he walked in to see the place, and it looked like originally a Printshop for making Copies. 

A young man with a bandana in his hair and strange looking goggles that Jason could swear made him weird even by Philly Standards. "Good day to you." He said to Ryder and Jason. "How can I help you?" 

"I'm here on a Special Order." Ryder answered as he pulled out his wand. "Some new Wood that's just come in. Some for the Fresh Fish." He whispered to the Shop Keepers ear. 

"Ah, yes. New Wood. Oh we got plenty of that." The Man replied. "Follow me into the back." He walked to the back with Jason and Ryder following behind a curtain and down a flight of stairs with a sign that said: 'Employees Only. Don't even think about entering, you little brats.' "Edith. Watch the Printers!" He yelled. 

Jason also turned to see an older woman standing guard with a Shotgun in her hands. "Oh shit." He thought. 

But just when Jason thought it couldn't get any stranger. The Young Man who had a backpack on his hand, shed off some of the leather. To reveal a metal pack with multiple metal arms and claws on the back like it was multiple hands. "So, new blood enters these halls. What are the odds?" And then he bowed all his arms. "John Redford. Wandmaker and Printer, at your service." He introduced. "As you can see, we take security very well here." 

"So the Printshop is a disguise?" Jason asked.

"Yep. Perfect place to build in a building like this where no one can disturb my work." John answered. 

"Well what happens if someone needs a copy job done and walks in here?" Jason asked.

"Oh, then they print." John answered unlocking a door. The door was revealed to be a whole warehouse filled with rows upon rows of boxed up wands from left to right. And layers of wands being manufactured with all different kinds of Cores and wood being paired. "But here, this is where we belong. Us Wizards." And he was winking but Jason couldn't tell.  

He was too busy looking at the entire warehouse. "WOAH!" He yelled. 

"Impressive, isn't she?" Redford asked boasting. "Redford Wands has the best business in Wandmaking in all the World. Don't believe any of that shit from Ollivander. He's an Asshole and I can make any wand better than he can even without my ladies here." And he held out all his hands. 

Jason blinked. "Um... right." He looked at Ryder as if to ask if this guy was real. 

"He's a bit of a nutjob, but he's the best wandmaker this side of the Atlantic." Ryder explained. 

"So, what brings you here, Agent Ryder? Broken wand from you or the kid?" Redford asked.

"Nope. I'm getting him a new wand. He's a new recruit." Ryder answered. 

"New recruit to the Aurors?" Redford asked.

"To the Wizarding World as a matter of fact." Jason clarified.

Redford's hands stopped working. And he put off his goggles. "Say that again?" He asked.

"He's a No Mag who got magic." Ryder answered. "There was an accident, and now he's a Wizard." 

And Redford looked extremely happy. "Oho! A new fully grown Wizard who started as a No Mag! Now I've seen everything!" He yelled. "This'll be a fun experiment to try." He put his goggles over his eyes again. "Just hold still." 

"What is he doing-" Jason started to ask.

"I SAID HOLD STILL!" Redford yelled again.

"Shit! Sorry." Jason said while holding still.

"I wasn't kidding when I said he was a nutjob." Ryder muttered.

And Redford blinked his eyes in his goggles. "Mm hm. Hm? Hm. Uh huh. Yep. I see it now. Okay, let's see. There, there, and of course." He was also scribbling on a note. "Aha! Goddamn! The perfect wand!" And his arms reached out extending for a box in the far side of the Warehouse area. The arms grabbing a box and bringing it back at lightning speed. "Here you are." He declared. "I'd like to see Ollivander do this shit! Everything Britain can do! I can do fucking better!" 

Jason opened the wand. "Now, what you've got there, Mr..." Redford was looking for a name.

"Jason Baker." Jason answered.

"Baker. This is your wand. Brown, Alder, Unicorn Hair Core, Nine Inches, but very Flexible." Redford informed. "Now. Let's see the miracle." He grinned.  

Jason gripped the wand. And a powerful glow surged all throughout him. The wand had chosen him. "Damn." He commented. 

"Am I a Motherfucking genius, or am I a Motherfucking genius?" Redford sarcastically asked. "So what are you going to name it?" He asked.

"Name my wand? You for real?" Jason asked.

"I am for real. Every good weapon needs a name for it, bitch. So what are you going to call it?" Redford asked. 

Jason looked at his wand. He had a good name alright. "Colt." He said. 

Ryder and Redford looked at each other. 

"Bold name there, Jason." Ryder commented.

"What? I like Westerns." Jason explained. And he started to whip it out like it was a revolver.

"He's also from the Coast. West Coast." Ryder whispered to Redford. 

"I'll keep that in mind, Cowboy." Redford replied.

"Hey, you could tell that this wand was meant for me just by looking through your goggles?" Jason asked.

"Yep. Little Charm I've put on them. And on myself. I can detect the kind of wand you work best with, just looking through your soul, body, lifestyle and capabilities." Redford said. "U.S.A. All the fucking way." 

"Thanks, man." Jason said. 

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got to get some of these wands shipped off to Illvermorny. New School Year starting soon, and the little brats need their wands." Redford replied. "Have fun with the wand and try not to get it snapped." 

"Okay. You've got your wand now. Welcome to the Wizarding World, Jason Baker." Ryder declared and both men departed. 

Ryder and Jason returned back to the streets of Philly and back onto the Carriage. Jason looking at his new wand like a school kid. "Okay... anything else I need?" He asked. 

"You're all set." Ryder answered. "Ordinarily. We'd have to get you some new school supplies as a student. But seeing as how you're not a student but a new employee. All we have to do is head for the M.A.C.U.S.A Main Head Quarters."  

"And where would that be?" Jason asked.

"The Big Capital. Where Tourists from all over travel, Protestors are always outside Capital Hill, the world's largest outdoor mall, and where people like to say progress gets done, but really doesn't. Washington D.C." Ryder answered. 

"The Capital?" Jason asked. "Holy Fucking Shit." He said. He'd never been to the Capital before. 

"The East has the big cities, Jason. But just relax and follow my lead. We've also got to traverse past all the No Mags to get in. Use to have the Capital of M.A.C.U.S.A in New York City. But we moved down to D.C in the 1960s." Ryder explained. 

"Why? Cold War?" Jason asked.

"Um... one of the reasons. Another was the same reason the No Mags moved the Capital down when America first formed. The South threw a fit." Ryder answered. 

"Of course they did." Jason figured making sense as the Carriage flew off again. 

"You know, Jason. It used to be a lot worse. During the 1790s. And the into the 1950s. There was a real big piece of shit called Rappaport's Law. The worst fucking mistake M.A.C.U.S.A ever made." Ryder informed.

"What was it?" Jason asked.

"In a nutshell. A bunch of dumbass laws that cut off Wizards from No Mags. For good." Ryder answered. "The whole thing started because some dumbass bitch named Dorcus Twelvetrees who breached the International Statue of Secrecy. And freaked the fuck out of M.A.C.U.S.A."  

"Well shit." Jason commented. "Wait. What about the students who were No Mag born. Did they just have to abandon their old lives for new ones and cease contact with everyone they cared about?" He asked.

"Yeah." Ryder answered. 

"That is fucked up." Jason commented.

"It was going to be that way. Until the 40s." Ryder said.

Jason looked at Ryder. "Well... technically, it goes back to the 30s. Anyway, in the 30s. Jacob Kowalski, this No Mag married a witch, Queenie Goldstein. And while that was starting to spark controversy. Everything changed when the Morgan Brothers showed up." Ryder continued.

"The Morgan Brothers?" Jason asked. 

"2 Wizards. American. Both loving their country. And they were fucking angry that the Axis Powers attacked their home. Against Rappaport's Law and against M.A.C.U.S.A, they joined the U.S Army. Overseas. The No Mag Soldiers saw them as heroes. Brothers in arms. And each fighting a war to stop a greater evil. It was the first sign to M.A.C.U.S.A that the Rappaport Laws were stupid and dumb. And in the 50s. M.A.C.U.S.A President Green and President Eisenhower began both signing Treaties, and peace making and new laws to help Wizards around the U.S. And diplomacy and close relations were made even better under the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations." 

"And Rappaport's Law?" Jason asked. 

"Thrown out in the 50s nationally. Some states kept it. Until 1965 when South Carolina became the final state to repeal Rappaport's Law." Ryder answered. 

"Well, it was a fucking stupid law." Jason decided.

"You and I are of the same mind, Jason. I'm going to like working with you." Ryder grinned. 

An half hour later, and the Carriage arrived in Washington D.C. The Nation's Capital. "We're here." Ryder informed. 

Jason stepped out of the carriage. And starring at all the military units moving around. And some cars moving through very slow traffic. And all the very patriotic flags of America. The East Coast was very different culturally from the West Coast. And Jason felt like he was a stick in mud. Both he and Ryder walked past groups of nearby tourists, past the Jefferson Memorial, and past the Reflecting Pool. Jason could also see the Washington Monument and Capital Hill. 

"Keep up, Jason." Ryder insisted as he moved through the crowds.

"Coming." Jason replied. "Never been to D.C either." He said as he saw a group of protestors by Capital Hill and protesting something. 

"Oh, that's just what we call, Tuesday." Ryder assured. "Come on. M.A.C.U.S.A building is this way." He led Jason to follow up to the Washington Monument. 

"The Washington Monument?" Jason asked. "Seems a little small to call the Capital building." 

"It's not what's on the outside, but what's one the inside. Always keep an open mind." Ryder answered. He then went up to one of the walls. Tapped the walls in a sequence with his wand. And a White Marble Door had emerged from the wall in front of them. Ryder opened the door. And both he and Jason walked inside. Inside it seemed like a Maintenance room with a single elevator. The sounds of an Air Conditioner going off. Ryder pushed a button opening the doors. "After you." He insisted to Jason. 

"This feels like a bunch of Men in Black Shit." Jason commented. "I saw one of their Comics in a shop a few years ago." He explained. 

"Yeah, I read it too. It was okay. All very big coincidence by the way with the similarities." Ryder informed as he pushed the elevator button to do down. 

Jason held his wand in his hand now. "What?" Ryder asked noticing Jason was on edge. "Nervous about the first day on the job?"

"I'm always nervous on the first day of any job." Jason answered. "And while I'm on the subject with you... let's get a few things straight." 

And Ryder just smirked. "Then blast away."  

"Okay, first of all, I didn't ask to be apart of this life. I got asked. So I don't want anybody to say anything about me being a small guy who's looking for the big score." Jason started to say.

"Okay." Ryder replied while nodding his head. 

"Secondly, because I got asked to join, it means that you value me and see my potential." Jason said.

Ryder found it adorable that Jason could suddenly say that he could make demands all of a sudden. 

"And Third." Jason said.

"Oh, third. You're a big boy." Ryder sarcastically commented. 

"I don't want to be called any names like Rookie, or Hotshot, or Newbie. None of that shit." Jason demanded.

"Whatever you say, Rook." Ryder replied.

"The fuck, dude?" Jason asked. He had that whole episode earlier.

"I called you Rook as in the Chess Piece." Ryder assured. "Big difference. But as for your skills. Well, as of right now." 

The Elevators doors opened. 

"Your skills are fucked compared to the rest of us." Ryder informed. Jason looked at all of the M.A.C.U.S.A Halls.

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