Chapter 6: Feet Wet.

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2 Weeks had come and gone for Jason. And he had spent that time training up on his magic with Maria. He was Acceptable at the very least. But Maria had stayed true to her word in training Jason. And she was also right in how Jason had a lot of potential. Jason could cast a Basic Spell. And also had learned Accio, Depulso, Flipendo, Expelliamus, Alohomora, Protego, Wingardium Leviosa, and also Incendio. As for Transfigurations. Well, he could only cast basic Transfigurations. But that was expected for Maria who said: "Eh, that's going to have to do. We'll figure out the more complex Transfigurations later. But you've got the main charms down at the very least. Just try not to get your ass kicked or killed and you'll be fine. And also stick close to me." 

Both Maria and Jason returned back to the Auror Office. All while riding the Elevator. And Maria also took the time to explain some of the things about M.A.C.U.S.A to Jason. "So... you guys were created in the 1600s. But didn't America become a thing in 1776?" Jason asked remembering American History." 

"Well, back then, we used to be called M.A.C.A. But we had to add in the U.S when America became independent." Maria answered. "And there were some Wizards who did fight in the Revolution on the American Side. Britain says we didn't. But they're just fucking sore losers. Just look at India and Pakistan and you see my point." 

"Would we say the same about Vietnam?" Jason asked.

"Well we did have some Wizard Regiments in 'Nam, but it didn't end well." Maria answered. "When the war got worse, some Wizards got Drafted into the Army. You can guess how that ended." 

"I don't really remember much of it. I was like 5 or 6 when the war officially ended." Jason replied. 

"You're lucky." Maria said. And they both walked towards the Auror Office. All while the Intercom above them went on to say some sort of Announcement. 

"Excuse me, can somebody make sure that there's Coffee brewing in the Break Room in the Potions Department! Some of the Nifflers from Magizoology broke in and stole the shiny pots and pans again!" The voice yelled above their heads. 

Arriving in the Auror Department. And they passed Dana who was just staring at her books. "Don't bring the fucking books with you, Dana. You won't need them where we're going." Maria informed as she slammed Dana's Books away. 

"Right. Sorry. I just thought that you know, we'd might need them." Dana replied. "It's protocol that-" 

"What we're about to do is not always where Protocol will succeed." Maria interrupted.

"Regardless of what the big boys may think otherwise." Said another man with a Boston Accent that Jason, Maria, and Dana did not recognize. They saw a man with short hair in his 40s, and wearing an F.B.I Badge, and a big F.B.I Jacket with the logo on the back. He also had a 9mm by his side. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Jason asked. 

"And what's a No Mag doing in here?" Dana asked.

"Something big is going on." Maria whispered to both Jason and Dana.

That was when Ryder arrived behind the Agent. "Jason, Maria, Dana. This is F.B.I Agent, Danny Coughlin. His son's one of us. No need for secrecy." Ryder introduced. "Danny here, was the Agent who discovered the Explosives in Detroit. Went to shit as you can imagine." 

"By shit he means a Warehouse fucking burned up with me in it." Danny clarified. "Barely got out of there alive." 

"So what are you doing here?" Jason asked.

"Trying to figure out what the fuck that incident was. When the F.B.I learned about what had happened, and how I said that they had used Magic. All they told me was not to pursue it and that there was a Government Agency that deals with it." Danny answered. "So I dug a little deeper. Found out it was M.A.C.U.S.A handling this shit. And here we are. It was pretty fortunate that my kid was a Wizard, eh?" 

"Very fortunate." Jason agreed. He had a feeling that he and Danny were going to get along well. With them both being introduced to the Wizarding World to the first time.  

"Well it's very nice to meet you, Agent Coughlin." Dana said immediately shaking hands with Danny. "How old is your son?" She asked.

"Doug? Oh he's 11." Danny answered. "He just turned 11 back in April." 

"It's normally the age when you're told that you're a Wizard." Ryder explained to Jason. Then he turned to Danny. "And Danny, this is Jason Baker, Maria Santiago, and Dana Scott. Some of the team that you'll be working with on assignment." 

"Assignment?" Jason asked.

"The U.S. Government wants to stop this Crooked Man as much as possible. So they assigned me to the job of working with M.A.C.U.S.A." Danny answered. "I guess that's you." 

"Well how did that happen?" Maria asked.

Flashback. The White House.

The President of the United States Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office of the White House. And meeting with M.A.C.U.S.A president, Robert Sanders. "So, there's a Terrorist on U.S. Soil. And it's threating both our Governments. That's what you're summing up, Robert?" Clinton asked.

"Yes. He calls himself the Crooked Man. And we've been trying for years to shut him down. And failed." Sanders admitted. "But this time... he's gone too far. A Warehouse in Detroit was burned to smitherings. And there was another incident just outside of Vegas. Aside from the obvious Gambling that happens there. I'm putting one of our best, James Ryder to handle the Crooked Man once and for all." 

Clinton nodded. "I hope he's up to the task. But just to be on the safe side. I'd like to assign one of our Federal Agents to assist in taking down This Crooked Man." He suggested.

"Are you sure that's a good idea. The idea of a No Mag being apart of a Wizarding Crew. Many will see it as Counter Productive." Sanders said. 

"Well then we'll just keep it under wraps. We already do it for you guys on the Wizarding World." Clinton figured. 

Sanders had to ponder it for a second. "Which F.B.I Agent would be willing to work with us?" He asked.

"Well, who was the Agent who stumbled upon the warehouse in Detroit?" Clinton asked.

Sanders pulled out a file. "Here it is. Detroit F.B.I Agent: Daniel Coughlin. Vietnam Vet, Agent, Tactical, and... oh fancy that. His son's a Wizard." 

"Perfect." Clinton declared right away. "Get him." 

End of Flashback.

"So the other Agents told me of my new assignment and to listen to whatever Jimmy here said." Danny finished. 

Jason nodded. "There's not by any chance the explosion gave you magic too, is it?" He asked.

Danny looked confused.

"It's what happened to Jason in Vegas." Maria explained. "It's a... unique situation." 

"Shit." Danny commented. "Wish I was that lucky." 

"Eh..." Jason waved his options. "It got me out of my shitty life before all this. Though, I did have to get lessons from Maria here. Though she just does it to kick my ass." 

"Eat shit and die." Maria commented to Jason.

"Yeah, fuck you too." Jason shot back. 

"If you all are quite finished with each other. We've got work to do." Ryder interrupted. "Now. Thanks to Jason here, we believe we have a way to The Crooked Man. Baker, Santiago, Scott, and Coughlin will head out to Los Angeles to hunt down the guy who supplied the explosives. This Eddie. And we know the Garage he's held up in. It's a place in Southern L.A. We can't just approach the Wizard Way, so you'll have to use No Mag transportation to get there without arousing suspicion. You'll just be another car in L.A." He explained the mission. "We've got a Floo Connection to lead you to our L.A Outpost. A Car will be waiting for you to use. And um... try not to be bothered with the whole Time Zone misplacement. Don't worry, it happens to everyone." 

Jason found an irony in that. His first assignment as a Wizard and he was already going home. Though, he wondered what Eddie would think if he found out that Jason was alive. And Louie. He still hadn't paid off Louie and would not be surprised if Louie already gave the apartment to some other poor shmuck. But then he had another thought. "Um... does Floo Network work on a No Mag?" He asked.

"In theory, yes. If a Wizard is traveling with them." Maria answered.

"In theory?" Danny asked. 

"We've never tested it before." Maria admitted. "Only one way to find out." 

The party had now headed over to the Floo Network. Maria taking some powder with her. And she noticed that Dana was looking uneasy about the whole thing. "What's up with you? Graphorn got your fucking tongue?" Maria asked.

"The idea of using No Mag Transportation for a Wizarding Situation? This is... this is so..." Dana started to say. And it didn't take a genius to figure that Dana was a strict follower of the rules. Especially when it came to Wizard Protocol. 

"Not every situation in the Aurors are going to follow Protocol." Ryder simply explained.

"Welcome to reality." Maria said. 

And Ryder sighed. "That is... not how I was going to say it." He said. 

"Los Angeles!" Maria yelled as she consumed both herself and Danny into a breeze of Green Flames.

"Danny didn't burn the fuck up, did he?" Jason asked.

"Oh, what do you know? It did work." The House Elves all commented. Then all going back to just making Coffee and laughing at everyone else's expense.

"Good luck, kids. And try to play nice with each other." Ryder ordered. 

"Yeah, I'll play nice. Assuming that Princess Dana doesn't bitch and moan about how it's not conventional." Jason commented. 

Dana breathed out a heavy sigh. "Oh my God." She groaned.

"Los Angeles!" Jason yelled out using the Floo Network himself. 

As soon as Jason stepped out of the Outpost, he remembered now the familiar smells of polluted air and terrible sky line, and the sounds of Police Sirens going off that was Los Angeles. He was home again. And it was a strange feeling. Now he was coming back a changed man. A Car was waiting for them by the front. A 1994 Hummer. "Newest Model." One of the Aurors explained. "Perfect for traversing L.A." 

Jason looked at the city. "Back in L.A." He said.

"Must be living the dream for you in a big city like this." Dana commented.

"Um... no. I was dirt poor and I lived on the streets. In that area over there." Jason turned Dana's head to a poorer area of the city. The Hood.

"You lived over there?" Dana asked horrified.

"That's the real city. Not like Ohio." Jason answered. 

"Well, Ohio does have Cleveland, and that's the mistake on the Lake." Dana admitted. 

"Yeah... fuck Ohio." Danny said. Which earned a glare from Dana. "Michigan." He explained. "Sort of..." 

"Of course..." Dana grunted.

"Well since Jason lives around L.A. Here." Maria handed the keys to Jason. "You drive." 

"Well, I am qualified." Jason figured as he got into the Driver's seat.

"And nobody enchant this car to fucking fly." Maria warned as soon as everyone was seated. Jason was too busy admiring the new car smell and the feel of the wheel in contrast to his crappy car from before.  

"Wait..." Jason started to say. "You can enchant a car to fly?" He asked as he started up the engine.

"You can, but don't." Maria answered. "It'll expose us to the Wizarding World, and I'm going to be fucking pissed. 

Jason got the car on the road. "Couldn't you just use that... what was that memory wipe shit called?" He asked.

"The Oblviation Charm." Maria clarified. "And yeah, that's what's going to piss me off if I have to do it over and over again. Like Fuck. Some shit like that happened in Britain if you can believe it." 

"I thought Wizards were supposed to be careful of where they showed their magic." Danny commented.

"Well, apparently two dumbass 12 year olds didn't get the message when they took a Ford Angela out for a Fucking Joy Ride." Maria said. "They're just lucky that only 7 saw 'em. And in London too." 

"London, and only 7 No Mags saw them?" Jason asked. "You know, I thought it would be more." 

The Hummer drove through slow traffic.

"You sure we're going the right way?" Dana asked.

"Positive. I grew up on these roads." Jason answered. 

Danny looked out on the streets and he had a hard time figuring out which one was worse. L.A. or Detroit. "So what was your life here in L.A before shit hit the fan?" Danny asked Jason while Danny was loading his Desert Eagle up. 

"I used to repo cars. Till a bitch who was rich forced me out of my job. She didn't want to pay for her car payment and she felt entitiled." Jason answered. 

"Oof. That sucks when the rich get the better of you." Danny agreed. 

"It gets fucking worse when the bitch has at least 6 other cars." Jason added.

"Holy fucking shit." Maria commented while shaking her head. "If that was me in your shoes, Jason. I'd smack that bitch into the next fucking state. She'd be back next month." 

"Doesn't matter now. If she saw me now. I'd be getting the last laugh." Jason grinned. "And the best part, she can't use her influence on the Wizarding World." 

"OH!" Maria and Dana agreed with that. 

"Makes sense to me." Danny figured. 

"Hey, Danny? Can I call you that?" Jason asked.

"By all means." Danny answered.

"Great. So you have a son who's a Wizard... what's that like for you?" Jason asked. "I'm only asking cause... I'm new to all of this too." 

"To be the father of a Wizard?" Danny had to ponder that. "It's... interesting to say the least. I mean, it does in hindsight explain a few strange things I couldn't explain in Doug's childhood before. Like the Suck Duster that would just turn on its own. The T.V would sometimes turn itself off. And the stoplights always turning red on me." And he stared out at the streets. "It's also going to be hard to accept that my kid is going to be away at Illvermorny and away from me and the Wife." He admitted.

"Well, I wouldn't worry, Agent Coughlin. He's going to Illvermorny to learn how to control his powers." Dana assured. 

"That'll be a relief. And at least he's going back to the home state." Danny added.

"The Home State?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. I'm from Boston originally. Well, actually, I'm from Charlestown. It's a Neighborhood in Boston." Danny answered. "After I got done in 'Nam, I still wanted to serve my country. So, I went into life as a Federal Agent. And I was assigned to the Detroit F.B.I. I'm an American above all else." 

"You were in the military?" Dana asked astonished.

"I got drafted into the army at 68." Danny answered. "Whole thing was fucking crazy. Talk to any 'Nam vet and they'll tell you the same thing. We went through hell on one side of the world, and the people treated us like shit when we came back home." 

That turned everyone quiet. "Well, fuck people. You know..." Jason had suddenly said. "I'd like to see those Snowflakes talk shit if they knew the Hell you went through." 

"They probably did know. They just didn't care." Danny figured. It made everyone silent for the longest. 

"Heads up. We're coming right to it." Jason said. 

The Hummer had passed the garage. "This the place?" Maria asked.

"This is the one." Jason answered. "I recognize it anywhere." 

"Pull up by one of the buildings by the side." Danny suggested. Jason pulled up to one of the sides. And Danny got out of the car. Jason, Maria, and Dana also got out. "It looks empty. But that could me a mislead. There could be guards posted out by the windows." 

"I got a way we can check." Dana announced as she pulled out her wand. "Revelio." She casted a spell.

"What's she-?" Jason started to ask.

"It's a Revealing Charm. With it, we can detect for enemy movements or detect various other items. It's a charm you're going to spam the shit out of. Take my word for it." Maria answered. 

"Good trick." Danny praised. 

"It doesn't look like anyone's around. The whole building is deserted." Dana informed. 

"Could be the building is abandoned." Maria said.

"What do you want to do? Leave?" Dana asked.

"I say we stay." Danny answered. "In case anyone comes back. See if there's also any other information." 

"Well, then we should have a warrant to go snooping about the place-" Dana said.

"My face is our fucking warrant." Maria informed Dana as she headed for the doors of the Garage. 

"I'll go with Jason and Maria inside." Danny decided. "Dana. You should wait outside with the car. Take this radio..." He tossed a Radio to Dana. "Warn us if anyone's coming." 

"Okay." Dana replied. Hardly knowing how to use a handheld radio before. It was a good thing she wasn't in Illvermorny anymore. The place was not good with No Mag tech. 

Jason entered the Warehouse along with Danny. And they both joined Maria as they walked around the empty garage. Maria tapping her foot on the floor. "No False Bottoms of any kind." She said. 

Danny had shined a flashlight around. "Could be under Cloaks that make it seem like there's nothing." He said.

"What?" Jason asked.

"Well when I encountered the Explosives. There was a large blanket on it that turned everything invisible. Makes it look like there's nothing there, but there's something." Danny answered.

"It must've been an Invisibility Cloak." Maria figured. "They're famous for concealing anyone or anything from plain sight." 

"Yeah. That checks out." Danny replied. "Too bad the F.B.I doesn't have that tech." 

"Not tech. Magic." Maria corrected. 

"Nothing down here. I'll check upstairs." Jason announced.

"Might need this." Danny suggested as he tossed Jason a spare 9mm Pistol.

Jason had looked upstairs. "Eddie? You there?" He asked as he walked up the stairs. "It's me, Jason. I'd like to talk to you about Vegas. I'm still owed my money." He saw a door that was locked. "Shit." He pulled out his wand. And now it was time for that training to pay off. "Alohomora." He casted and unlocking the door. "Son of a bitch, have a better fucking lock." He said. 

The door had opened to a large office space. And Jason had seen certain files. Financial Records, but mostly just junk. And a note that said: 'Get the Shit to Vegas. Then we'll talk.' And it left Jason with a sudden feeling. What if the Crooked Man got to Eddie before the Aurors did? 

"Find anything, Jason?" Maria asked coming up the stairs with her wand drawn. Danny also approached with a Pistol drawn. 

"A note and some financial records." Jason answered.

"I don't think Eddie would've flown the coop without this stuff at least." Danny figured. 

That was when Danny heard something on his radio. It sounded all gurgle. "Say again." He requested. 

"A Car just pulled up. No Mag Car." Dana reported.

"Quick. Hide." Maria hissed. 

Jason quickly closed the blinds to the office which overlooked the inside of the Garage. Right as the Forensic lights turned on. And the Garage door opened. 

"Is it Eddie?" Maria asked. 

Jason opened up one of the blind shades. He would recognize Eddie immediately. And it wasn't him. Instead, it was one of his subordinates. And Jason did recognize her. That girl that Eddie was with. Meg. When he and Sam got the job.

"She alone?" Danny asked. 

Jason looked more closely. Meg had gotten out of the car. "It's just her." He informed. "If Eddie's not here. She'll know where he is." 

Maria nodded her head. "So how do we do this? Bag and Drag?" 

"No. Let me see if I can approach this... discreetly." Jason answered. "We go after and bag and drag, she won't talk, she'll just waste everyone's time until Eddie is long gone from where he is." 

"Good call." Danny agreed. "Go."

Jason walked down the stairs. And acted like he had just walked through the back door. "Hello? Eddie? That you?" 

Meg was smoking a substance when she suddenly dropped the joint she was doing and turned to the door. "Unbelievable." She said. 

Jason walked through the door. "Eddie?" He asked. But then he saw Meg while still playing it cool. "Oh, Meg. It's you." 

"Holy shit, No Mag. You're alive?" Meg asked. 

"Yeah. And I got to talk to Eddie. All Hell broke loose. Sammy's dead." Jason answered. "Meg. It was a fucking swindle that happened out there. We got screwed." 

"Shit." Meg commented. "Eddie's going to be pissed." 

"Yeah. And I need to talk with him. You know where he's gone?" Jason pressed. 

But Meg shook her head. "Look. No Mag, this ain't your fight anymore. Okay. You're a fucking No Mag, you've got no clue of the shit that's going on here. So... you should just go home and forget this ever happened." She suggested. "Thank you, now good day." 

"I won't ask again, Meg." Jason started to step forward. "Where's Eddie?" 

Meg pointed her wand at Jason. "Hey! I already told you that you're leaving, No Mag-" 

But Jason pointed his wand at her head. "I'm not a No Mag. Not anymore." He informed. 

"Where did you get that?" Meg asked. Her eyes beginning to panic. 

Jason also threw his Desert Eagle to the side. "Accio." He caught the pistol in his hand. "So now that we're on the same page. You better shut the fuck up and listen. Someone tried to kill me. And those explosives were all shipped out under the orders of the Crooked Man, weren't they? I want to know where Eddie is, and information on the explosives." Jason ordered. 

"And what makes you think I know where all that shit is?" Meg asked.

"Because I'm asking nicely." Jason answered. "Want to see me when I get pissed off?" 

And Meg realized the situation that she was in. "Alright, alright, don't get pissed off there. San Diego. He's seeing to some fellow pals in San Diego." She answered. "Another explosive shipment. There's a Wizards bar in the City." 

"Thanks." Jason thanked. And he could tell from the wind in his direction that Meg was about to shoot a spell at him. So Jason blocked the attack. "Protego!" He shot a shield on himself deflecting the blast. 

"Petrificus Totalas!" Maria shot paralyzing Meg while coming out from the shadows. All Danny had was his pistol drawn.

"She dead?" Danny asked.

"Nope. Just paralyzed. Useful trick for Aurors who have to restrain criminals to cooperate at times." Maria answered. 

"How long does it last?" Jason asked while looking at the Petrified Body.

"Difficult to say. It varies." Maria answered. 

"Better hope it's long, Agent Santiago. Because I can guarantee that she'll alert Eddie that we're coming." Danny suggested. 

Luckily, Maria had a plan to deal with just that. "Actually, she won't remember any of this. Because it never happened." She pointed her wand at Meg. "Obliviate." She casted.

And a trance had emerged over Meg, like she had just woken up from a crazy dream. "The Garage was perfect the way you left it." Maria whispered as they opened the Garage Doors and walked outside. 

As they walked back to the Hummer, both Jason and Danny looked at astonishment at Maria. "What? It was just a memory alteration spell." Maria asked.

"So... you can just make someone forget what they ever saw at that moment with a swish of the wand?" Danny asked. 

"Sure did. It's what we usually do when we meet a No Mag." Maria answered. "We have a lot of incidents. Obliviate might as well be our new main spell." 

Danny figured as much. "So... our next destination is San Diego." He figured. 

"Yep. A Wizard's Bar. That's what Meg said." Jason confirmed. "Wish she was more fucking specific than that." 

Maria had to ponder it. "There's no need. I know which bar she's talking about." She said as she walked up to Dana. And from the windows, Dana could be seen listening to the Car Radio and blasting out to the music. And Maria just chuckling at it. The song that Dana was listening to was a No Mag song called When I Come Around: by Green Day. 

"'Cause you know where I'll be found. When I come around." Dana was singing. 

And that was when Maria took it as her cue to bang on the door. "Dana!" She yelled.

And it made Dana jump. "Shit!" She yelled as she opened the car door. 

Danny also got in the Car. "Green Day?" He asked. 

"Eh..." Dana looked embarrassed. "I like... No Mag Music better than Wizard Music." She admitted.

"No shame in it, Dana." Maria assured. "To tell you the truth. I like No Mag Music better too. We may have the Magic. But No Mag... the one thing they can beat us better at is music. No contest. Me. It's Latino Music." 

"I'm a Rock guy." Danny admitted.

"I'm also Rock. Anthrax is my favorite." Jason commented. "And a bit of Rap if I'm being honest." 

"Good choice." Danny replied. 

"Did we get Eddie?" Dana asked.

"Nope. But we know where he's going." Maria answered. "Jason. Take the wheel. We're driving South." 

Jason started to climb for the driver's seat. 

"Oh okay." Dana started to get out until she realized that Jason was coming at her from the direction she was trying to climb out through. "Damn it.

"Just... just go out the car door." Jason said. "That's all you got to do." 

"Hold on! I can do this!" Dana started to reach for the passenger seat. Only to bump into Danny who was already sitting in the passenger seat. 

"No! No! Dana! Listen to Jas-" Danny got a foot in his face. 

"Okay! Okay! I'm going out!" Dana got back into the Driver's Seat and then opened the car door. And Jason who was already climbing for the Driver's Seat continued to move. Right as Dana opened the back seat car. 

"Uh..." Jason started to say.

"Don't talk. Just drive." Maria ordered as Jason drove away.

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