Chapter 7: The Underworld Awakens.

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Jason was at the very least able to warn Maria, Danny, and Dana that L.A. Traffic was pure torture and convinced Maria to portkey the car to outside the city and then they could continue onto the Highway to San Diego. And Jason had managed to drive on the road. Danny sitting in the passenger seat. Maria and Dana sitting in the back. While Maria gave the report to Ryder who was back in D.C.

"Eddie wasn't in L.A. But one of his possie said something about him being in San Diego meeting with a client. Said it was a Wizard's Bar." Maria reported.

"And the person?" Ryder asked.

"Obliviated her mind so that Eddie wouldn't think that something was wrong and that we were on his tail." Jason answered. "Maria's work." 

"Excellent." Ryder replied.

"Excuse me, Agent Ryder. But shouldn't we have arrested the woman in question? I mean, protocol-" Dana started to say.

"Would have let on to Eddie that something was amiss." Ryder interrupted. "Following protocol sometimes isn't always the way to go, Miss. Scott." 

Dana sighed. "I'm just saying." 

"Only slight problem is that Meg didn't say what Wizard's Bar, Eddie would be in. Now I don't know how many bars in San Diego are Wizard's Bars." Jason admitted. "And... unless you know exactly which bar he's going to be in... we're going to be looking all night throughout the city."  

"Ryder may not, but I do." Whammy the House Elf walked up hijacking the mic. 

"Is that the weird hairless... the fuck was that thing again?" Danny asked. 

"I'm a House Elf, bitch." Whammy answered. "And I just happen to know that there's one bar in San Diego in particular where the Criminal Scum hang out."  

"How do you know all that shit?" Jason asked. 

"I used to have some Jackass Master who frequented this one Bar in San Diego. His Dumbass Cousin accidentally left his winter glove as a book marker for his Master's book. When my Master gave me a book to put away. The book tripped and out fell the glove. Master presented me with clothes and I was free to get out of that shit." Whammy answered. 

"You were freed because you were given clothes?" Danny asked. 

"Yeah." Whammy answered. "It's all in the code of the House Elves. If a Master presents the House Elf with Clothes, then the House Elf is free." 

Jason blinked his eyes as he drove. "The fuck?" He asked. 

"I'll vouch for that, it's legit. House Elves are servants to Wizards, Jason. And when you give a House Elf some clothes, well then the House Elf is free. Even if it's accidental." Maria explained.

"That makes absolutely zero fucking sense." Jason replied confused. "I mean... if you give a House Elf clothes, he's free? And what about doing Laundry, do you have to tell the House Elf you're not giving them freedom. And you're telling them to do the Laundry only but not free them? I mean... it's like... I can't follow it. This whole Wizarding World and its whole rules of how it works is so... fucking confusing."

"Yeah... even I'm not really following any of how that works either." Danny added.  

"But at least everything can be explained with Magic. Whenever you need a question asked. The answer is always magic." Maria pointed out. 

"Sounds pretty lazy." Jason commented.

"It is." Maria admitted.

They continued onward on the road. And with Danny having even more questions about the Wizarding World. Which was fine with Maria, considering that Danny was also new to the Wizarding World and his son was too. And to tell the truth. When talking to a No Mag born Wizard. The Agent that comes to the house doesn't always do a good job when talking to the client. "If you guys have your own different society... how do you... where would you people live?" Danny asked.

"Where would we live?" Maria asked.

"Yeah. I mean. Do you all live in cities, or the Suburbs or what?" Danny asked. 

"Good question." Maria replied. "Wizards and Witches can live wherever they so choose. They just have to be careful about how they show off their magic and their lives." 

"I would imagine that the big cities are out of the question then?" Jason asked.

"Some live there." Maria admitted. "Not as much as you might think, though. A lot of Wizards actually live in Small Towns in America's Mother Road."  

"Why there?" Danny asked. 

"It all goes back to after World War 2." Dana answered. "America was a rapidly changing country after that war. For both No Mag and the Wizarding World." And then she took a deep breath before beginning to explain. "Let me put it to you this way. You ever heard of Vanishing America?" 

"Yeah... I know little about it." Jason answered.

"I was a very young boy during that transition." Danny answered.

"Well, when President Eisenhower took office. One of his acts was building up the Highway and Interstate System." Dana started.

"Yeah. It was something Eisenhower learned from his time in Word War 2. The reason we won at Normandy was because of Bad Road Systems in Europe. We overwhelmed the Axis because they couldn't get reinforcements to the beaches fast enough." Danny already knew this story. "Eisenhower realized the same thing could happen to America if any country attacked us, the military could mobilize quickly. It's why you have roads that are big enough to land planes. Of course, it wasn't a military concern. The Government also hoped that the Interstates would redirect through traffic around the towns, and only the people who wanted to stop would come to the towns. But the problem is, when you can drive that efficiently, you don't need to stop as often." 

"Well, the Small Towns that dried out, needed new pedestrians for it to settle. Abandoned Towns and Wizards and Witches that could start out. New Lives in Small Towns without having to worry as much about the International Statute of Secrecy... well... it worked like Peanut Butter and Jelly." Maria continued.

"So the Wizards for the most part live out in these Old Small Towns abandoned and dried up?" Jason asked. 

"Pretty much. Yeah. Some remained in the cities. But not a lot. Especially during the 70s when the Recession hit. And a lot of the poorest Wizards couldn't get out." Maria answered.  

That made sense to Jason. If Small Towns were drying up and people were leaving. And if Wizards wanted their own communities. Well, both Governments killed two birds with one stone.

"And what about all the Wizards with Regular Parents? Do they still live with their families in their original homes, or do they leave to go to the Small Towns too?" Danny asked.

"No. They can still live with their families in their original towns. They just can't show any magic in front of No Mags. The Government believes that the No Mag shouldn't be so concerned with learning about a secret world living among them, and should instead focus on paying their taxes." Dana answered. 

"Yep. Sounds like the Government." Jason commented. 

San Diego was a lot less popular than it's Northern Neighbor, Los Angeles. But it was still a popular city by the Coast. And in some ways, it was the nicer city than L.A. Which was interesting when considered how close it was to the Mexican Border. "Okay, Whammy. We've arrived in San Diego. Now what's this bar called again?" Jason asked over the Radio.

"Eh... let me try to recall my memory." Whammy started to think. And think. And think.

"Anytime now." Danny said. He then looked at Maria. "He's a House Elf right?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Maria answered.

"You sure he's not a Troll? You do have Trolls in the Wizarding World, right?" Danny asked.

"Yeah. But they're fucking idiots." Maria answered. 

"Okay. Now I remember. They call it, the Black Pit." Whammy informed. 

"The Black Pit?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. The Fucking Black Pit. Little ways inland. Only real clientele they serve out there is the scum of the earth. Low Life. Kind of like No Mag when they gather for Drug Cartels." Whammy answered. 

"Great... one of those places." Danny commented. "I may not have any experience with Dark Wizards and their scum. But I do know Drug Cartels. And that area." 

"Anything we ought to know?" Jason asked. 

"Well, if this is a Wizard's Underworld hangout, then you don't want to necessarily shout out that we're working for M.A.C.U.S.A. Or... we're going to have a shootout." Danny answered. "Which means that you'll have to ditch the M.A.C.U.S.A uniform, Dana." He looked at Dana who was still in her uniform. 

"But... it's always a regulation to have your uniform-" Dana started to say.

"Fuck's sake, Dana! Take it off!" Maria ordered. "Or Transfigure it into No Mag Clothing." 

"You can just transfigure up new clothes?" Jason asked. 

Dana raised her wand to turn into her No Mag Clothing. And her face said it all. She was not happy about any of this. On one hand, she knew that Maria was only watching out for her. But at the same time. It went against everything that Dana learned at School. Always keep your uniform on you at all times. Be on time for classes. Turn in Assignments on time. That type of stuff. But here... she was being told right in front of her face wasn't the case when working for the Aurors. 

"Maria. You'll have the location sent to you shortly. Just give a wave of your wand." Ryder informed over the radio. 

"Thanks." Maria thanked. "Jason. Pull over. I need to check something." 

Jason pulled over. 

Maria got out of the car. She took out her wand. And casted a spell which pulled out a projection of the entire city. And a Red Dot and how to get there.

"Holy shit. That's cool." Jason commented. 

"Yeah. The Map Charm. We can pull out any location we need to get to and figure out the best way to get to it." Maria explained. 

"So it's Magic G.P.S." Danny figured. 

"Yeah. The boys in No Mag Relations and Innovations came up with the idea in the 80s." Maria said. 

"But um... don't Wizards and Witches like to live in the Middle Ages?" Jason asked. 

"Europe does. We don't." Dana answered. "After the Space Race. And with Rappaport's Law finally gone, the American Wizarding World wanted to get at some of the No Mag Tech too. We've already had Electricity and Radio before hand. But now... we've just recently started to get at Color T.V. and some are going into CDs."

"Well, punch in those coordinates, we'll have to get to the Bar as soon as possible and find Eddie." Jason demanded.

"Hm." Maria grinned.

"What?" Jason asked.

"You're finally talking like an Auror now." Maria noted. 

"Hm." Dana grunted. And it made Jason take notice. 

Dana was about to get back into the car. Until Danny stopped her. "Is there beef between you two?" He asked.

"What?" Dana asked. "Not at all. Why would you say that?" 

"Just taking notice of your body language." Danny answered. "You spend years living in Charlestown and later as an F.B.I Agent, you tend to notice certain behavior around people and the way they act." 

Dana paused. "Um... just... maybe not here while we're on a mission." She admitted.

"Yeah... let's go find this guy, this, Eddie and bust him wide open." Danny agreed. And he also noticed rain starting to fall down. "Hm. Probably going to rain soon." 

The Black Pit was known for some of the craziest shit that went down on the West Coast. It was where the Wizarding Underworld could relax in fear without the Aurors cracking down on their operations. Most Aurors were afraid to touch it. And the ones that did, usually wouldn't even get out through the front door. It was what made The Black Pit a place where Aurors feared to go. But not this time around. Jason walked through the door. Maria right behind him. A type of punk music was playing in the background with suspiciously acquired merchandise and contraband. "Don't think you'll find a Fucking Bud Light here, kid." Danny whispered to Jason. 

"Ever been to a Bar like this before?" Jason asked.

"No. It's the type of stuff you'd hear about in the Office from Agents who have." Danny answered. 

If Maria had never been to a bar like that before. She never showed off her unfamiliarity. She had been an Auror for years. And she knew how to deal with Dark Wizards. Dana on the other hand, she looked like a serious fish out of water. And she knew that every single one of the Patrons were someone that Dana wanted to arrest on the spot. Which made her squirm even more. There was one booth table that looked like it had yet to be clean. It wasn't just Dark Wizards who were there, it was also some Trolls, a couple of Goblins who were exchanging Goblin Metal. And even some different type of Hide Behind Creatures. Jason grabbed a chair by the bar area. And right next to a Goblin who took a large swig of Fire Whiskey before burping. 

"What's the plan?" Dana asked. "Shouldn't we just comb around and look for Eddie?" 

"No. We'll want Eddie to come to us." Danny answered as he read the room. "This place is full of desperate characters that don't like Law and Order. They'll know something was wrong right away." 

"Hey, Barkeep!" Jason demanded.

The Barkeep just shot a glance at Jason. "Never seen you here before." The Bar Keep said.

"I'm searching for a Client. Want to know if he's here." Jason replied keeping his cool.

"Who's the guy?" The Bar Keep asked. 

"Eddie." Jason answered. "Anyone around here seen him?" 

The Bar Keep just went back to cleaning his glass with a rag. Around him, there was one Dark Witch who was resting on a wall. And was just looking at her own fingernails. "Who's asking?" She asked.

"We're asking." Danny answered as he stood up. "We've got a little business we'd like to talk to him about." 

"Something that involves... The Crooked Man." Jason said. 

And that made everyone gasp and look at Jason as he said the Crooked Man. 

"He's not here." The Witch replied with a bored voice. "But if he stops by, I'll let him know you were asking for him. Though, don't get your hopes up." 

"Tell him... Jason Baker was asking for him." Jason added. He went back to Danny, Maria, and Dana. 

Dana started to get up. But Maria held her back. "Wait. She'll lead Eddie right to us." She whispered to Dana. 

Danny had turned over to a nearby booth while sitting. Dana sat down on the other side. "A place that's full of Trolls, Dark Wizards, shady assholes, and other people. And it's still more civilized than a Bar full of Red Sox Fans." Danny commented. 

"I doubt it. All this... illegal activity here." Dana pointed to everyone. "I never thought that this is what I would sign up for." 

"Oh... I see." Danny figured. And he was smirking.

"See what?" Dana asked. 

"You're one of those people. New, fresh off the scene from Graduating School, you've got this rosy idea of fighting off bad guys and saving the day. So you try to do everything to the letter and follow protocols. That shit." Danny answered. "It's written all over your face. And then you get into the real world and you realize, fucking shit. It's a lot dirtier than you think." 

Dana looked mortified. "How do you know this A-" She started to say Agent, but Danny waved his hand to say something else. "Anyway..." She finished. "You're not... us..." 

"I may not be you, but I am a man who's gone down similar shit to you." Danny explained. "I was drafted into the Army. Served in Nam. Young, energetic, ready to kick some Vietcong Ass. And then you get to Vietnam and it was the most fucking shit show you will ever see." And he then began remembering gun fire and the yells of his former squad yelling to fall back and call in airstrikes. "Farmer by day, V.C by night." 

"I'm sorry. I... only heard of what happened in 'Nam by word of mouth." Dana said at a loss for words. "When the war got worse. Some Wizards were drafted into the army. They came back... different men." 

"Well those guys were the lucky ones. They fucking came back alive." Danny replied. Then he started to change the subject. "Now what's with you and Jason? You seem to not be too satisfied that he's here." 

"Because he's new. He's different." Dana started to say while banging her head on the table. "He just coasted in here and everyone just loves him." She finally said. 

"Well can you blame him? He's pretty fucking charismatic." Danny said. 

"Not helping." Dana said. "And that's just the problem. He got a crash course and the guys all decided that was enough to bring him on this incredibly important mission. A guy who's barely been here nearly 2 weeks and with barely any knowledge of our world. Whereas me... I had to work hard to get here. I put in the work. I did everything in school perfectly. And then Jason shows up out of nowhere as if he can upstage me." She finally admitted. 

"I don't think... that's true." Danny replied. "Look. I don't think Jason planned to be a Wizard himself. But it's the card we were all handed. It's the way things are. And he's not interested in upstaging you. He's here because he's got a score to settle with The Crooked Man." 

"But he's new." Dana pointed out. "We need professionals to fight the Crooked Man. With Experience. The Best of the best." 

"Your... group done that before?" Danny asked.

"Of course." Dana answered. 

"Well, then it must've not worked out well if your target is still out and active. We need some Game Changers. Not conventional tactics. And people with the need to do whatever it takes to win and get your man." Danny pointed out. 

Dana remained silent. She didn't have a retort.

"Kid. Don't take a grudge so personally. Competition can be good. But that isn't your fucking rival you're working with. That's your teammate. It's the philosophy in the Army we have." Danny told Dana.

And it worked. Right until Dana felt a wing move on her head. "Hey!" She yelled as she moved the wing out to see who she was talking to. And it wasn't a Troll or a Goblin or any Dark Wizard for that matter. It was a Demon Like Creature with Dark Wings and some type of fur. And a large mouth full of fangs for teeth. And 6 glowing blue eyes. 3 for each side. 

"Apologies." The Demon said. "Wings do that sometime." He then took a drink of Fire Whiskey. 

That was when Jason walked over. And he saw the Demon. "The Fuck-" He started to ask. 

The Demon looked at Jason and just shrugged. "I'm enjoying my drink." He said. 

"Dana... is that one of those Magical Beasts?" Jason asked.

"No. That is a Demon." Dana answered. 

"An Actual... Demon Demon... as in... spat out of the fires of hell. That type of Demon?" Jason asked stunned at that. 

"The same." The Demon answered. "I'm just here for a drink and this is the only place I can get it where no one bothers me." He explained. 

Jason blinked his eyes. "And now there's demons." He whispered to Danny.

"I wonder if there's anything else in the Wizarding World, we should know about." Danny whispered back. 

Dana started to get up and only to get a wand pointing right up to her back. Jason turned to see who it was. And it was Eddie who was wide eyed as he saw Jason. "What the fuck?" He asked upon seeing Jason. 

"Surprised to see me alive?" Jason asked as he quickly grabbed Eddie and threw a punch right up to his face and then threw him into a wall. "We've got business with each other, Eddie!" He yelled. 

"Shit." Maria thought and started to reach out for her wand. But none of the other patrons were really paying much attention. To them, it was just another argument they couldn't give two shits about. She then turned to Danny. "Danny. Go get the car." She whispered.

"Got it." Danny said as he walked out the door.

And then Jason threw Eddie right into the back room. Eddie started to crawl to get back up. "No Mag... I thought you were dead. The explosion in the Mojave-" 

"There was an explosion. It fucking killed Sam!" Jason punched Eddie in the face again. "It nearly killed me. It was a fucking set up! You fucking SET ME UP!" And he punched Eddie repeatedly. "Canseco fucked both Sam and I over with fake galleons. Did you know it was a set up!? Did you?!" 

Dana quickly came running in. Her wand drawn.

Eddie's face was now bleeding. "I... didn't know it was a set up." He said while spitting up blood from his mouth. "Canseco... he must've... fucked over me too just like he did you... didn't know he would kill you and Sammy-" He started to say.

"Didn't kill me, Eddie. But it did give me a side effect." Jason interrupted as he pulled out his wand. "Yeah. I'm a fucking wizard now." 

"Bullshit." Eddie said trying to call a bluff.

"Accio." Jason casted as a hammer was brought to him and just to show Eddie that it wasn't a bullshit. "And speaking of Bullshit. That stuff of the Marauders, and other shit... that was bullshit, wasn't it." 

"Look... um... Jason, was it?" Eddie asked. "Look. I'm not the one you want. I'm just a guy who's trying to make a quick buck." 

"You know, I really love a guy who takes no responsibility." Jason sarcastically commented. 

"I think we've heard enough, Jason." Dana interrupted as she grabbed Eddie. "You're under arrest." 

"Dana. One second." Jason said. "Where's the Crooked Man?" He asked.

"What?" Eddie asked.

"Where's the Fucking Crooked Man!?" Jason repeated. 

"You're never gonna find him." Eddie answered. 

Jason looked at Dana. "How we going to get him to talk?" He asked.

"Well, if we get back to HQ. I'm sure the Alchemists can whip us up some Veritaserum." Dana answered. "Truth Telling Serum." She clarified to Jason.

"No! No! I'm being serious! No one knows who the Crooked Man is! He's like a Boogey Man. No one knows his real identity, he operates in shadows! His Enforcers get their deals in the shadows, it's handled discreetly." Eddie explained.

"Real tight fucking security freak." Jason should've known it would be that simple.

"That's smart." Dana replied. "It keeps him from being discovered. Now then... what were you doing today in San Diego?" She asked.

"I'm... I'm meeting some clients. There's to be another drop off of the explosives. With you fucking Aurors watching over my shit, well... you know..." Eddie answered. 

"Where are the explosives?" Jason asked. 

"Just outside the bar." Eddie answered. "I was about to leave when I was told of your arrival. Said Jason Baker was still alive. I thought it was a bullshit move. But I had to come and see for myself." 

"Then let's go grab it." Jason declared.

"And afterwards. You're going for a long ride with us." Dana added. 

"Surely... we can find a compromise..." Eddie started to say.

"Proper Aurors don't take bribes." Jason informed. "Right, Dana?" 

"Yeah." Dana added. "But if you want to talk about plea deals... take it up with M.A.C.U.S.A." 

That was when Maria burst into the room. "Kids. We've got trouble. A pack of whack jobs are in the bar. Doesn't look like we're going out that way." She said. 

"There a back door we can take?" Jason asked. 

"In this place, there's always a back door." Maria answered. "You and Dana take it. I'll cover you here." 

"Let's go, you son of a bitch." Jason told Eddie. 

"I want a lawyer." Eddie spat at Maria.

"Good. Get one." Maria replied. 

Jason bashed the door to the back open. The rain was pounding down now. Lightning could be seen flashing ahead. "There's not a chance you could conjure up some umbrellas, Dana?" He asked. 

"Little busy with holding Eddie here." Dana answered as she was grabbing Eddie. 

There was another flash of lightning. 

"This way." Jason led the way forward with his wand drawn like he was holding a gun. Only to be stopped with the sound of bright lights that could only be shown through a car. When Jason got a closer look, he realized it wasn't their S.U.V. It was a Black Sleek Sports Car. Jason didn't know who it was.

But Eddie did. And his eyes were frozen with fear. "Oh, fuck." He said. 

Out from the Driver's Seat, emerged a long haired blonde woman, with slick black heels, a black leather jacket, black pants, and a swagger that made her seem like she was the most important person in the world. From the other doors of the car, emerged some Goblins who were dressed in trench coats and trench hats. Each holding shotguns. And each with Razor Sharp Teeth. The Woman was seen holding a wand. 

"You've got something of mine." The Woman said.

Dana pointed her wand right at Eddie. "You're interfering with Auror business. Turn around and leave right now." She ordered. 

"Aurors taking hostages?" The Woman laughed. "Well that's a role reversal now, isn't it? And from the little princess Dana Scott. Oh what would her parents say, I wonder?" Then she turned her attention back to Eddie. "And you work fast for getting Eddie already." 

"I-I haven't said shit-" Eddie started to say.

"You shut up if you know what's good for you." The Woman hissed at Eddie. 

Jason still had his wand pointed at the woman. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked. 

The Woman sneered at Jason. "You must be a No Mag born who just walked into the Auror Office. Tell you what, I'll give you this one chance to walk away and turn Eddie over to me." 

"He and I have business. Now I didn't get your name. So... before we do this bullshit negotiation. Enlighten me." Jason demanded not giving an inch. 

The Woman could see that Jason wasn't going to be persuaded. "Sicktooth." She pointed to the Goblin on the left. "Who is it I am again?"  

The Goblin on the left started to think. "Hm.... You mean Am-" He started to say.

"Not that name, you miserable piece of fucking shit!" The Woman yelled. And then she snapped her finger to ask the other Goblin. "Eglak! What is it?" 

"Lady Aurora?" The other Goblin asked. 

"That's the one. Lady Aurora." The Woman answered. 

"The irony isn't lost on me." Jason replied noticing the rain above them and the lightning above. 

Aurora shook her head. "Good God. You are so fucking stupid. You want to know why they call me, Lady Aurora? Because when I kill a piece of shit. I take great pains to ensure that he's going into the light. I make sure that their eyes are opened wide as they die. And then if it becomes too bright for them in the afterlife. Well, that's not really my problem." She explained. 

Jason didn't seem that impressed.

"But we're getting off subject. Now hand over Eddie over there to me. There's a good doggie." Aurora demanded.

"And what will you do with him if we hand him over?" Dana asked.

"That's between us and the Crooked Man. And... you know how the Crooked Man gets when he's angry." Aurora answered. 

It was very evident that wasn't going to happen. "Fuck off, bitch! Eddie here is ours! And if you want him! You gotta go through us!" Jason ordered.

Aurora wasn't smiling now. She was angrily starring at Jason.

"I told you M.A.C.U.S.A wouldn't give up Eddie if they got to him first." Sicktooth commented to Aurora. 

Aurora still had her wand drawn but not pointed. "Fuck it." She said. And she blasted a spell right into the ground. It blasted Jason and Dana back. Then Eglak quickly shot the Shotgun right at Eddie's skull. Eddie's brain blew up on impact.

"Oh, shit!" Jason yelled getting back up. He then saw Sicktooth aim his shotgun right at Jason. "Protego!" 

The Shotgun Shell blasted off Jason's shield but slammed Jason back into the door. 

Dana quickly came to Jason's defense. She shot a couple of quick spells at Aurora which Aurora deflected. Only for the Goblins to shoot their shotguns again. Jason looked around trying to figure out what to do. He quickly jumped right in front of Dana with the Protego spell. The Shells bouncing off the shield and hitting the bricks above. 

Lady Aurora saw there was no point in sticking around any longer though, because she was heading for her car. "Deal with this!" She yelled for the Goblins. 

"Oh sure, leave your friends." Jason thought. But he had more important things to worry about. "Incendio!" He yelled spitting out fire. Only for the flames to be drenched out by the rain. "And you're supposed to be magic fire!" He yelled out to the flames.

"They're not resistant to the elements." Dana pointed out. 

The Goblins loaded up new shells. And this time, it was Dana's turn to start to cast Protego.

"Dana! I've got it! Can you get a clean shot if they're off guard?" Jason asked getting an idea. 

"Well, yeah." Dana answered.

"Depulso!" Jason yelled blasting the Goblins back and right as they were hit by the Range Rover which smashed the Goblins into the brick alley walls. 

Jason's eyes widened.

"Did you know that our car was going to hit them?" Dana asked.

"No, but it works." Jason answered. 

The Goblins started to get up, their shotguns drawn.

"Expelliamus!" Dana shot disarming the Shotguns.

 "Leviosa!" Jason quickly shot trying to by more time. And as the Goblins were floating in the air.  

It was also when Maria barged outside.

Danny got out of the car and started to draw his pistol. "Coughlin! Wait!" Dana started to yell. But Danny had already shot the pistol and shot headshots at the Goblins. 

"Nice shots." Maria commented. 

Jason looked at the dead Goblins. While Dana looked horrified. And then threw up on the floor. 

"First time with dead corpses?" Maria asked Dana.

"Uh huh." Dana nodded her head. 

"Well, get over it. Now you can see Thestrals." Maria replied. "We gotta go. More of the Crooked Man's associates just showed up. And where the fuck is Eddie?" 

"All over the ground." Jason answered showing off the corpse and Eddie's dead corpse. 

"Shit! How the fuck-" Danny started to ask.

"Eh..." Maria looked back at the Bar and could see Dark Wizards coming towards them. "Discuss it in the Car! We gotta go!" She yelled. 

"Hey, why don't we Apparate out of here?" Dana asked.

"Not enough time. And things could go wrong. I'd rather not see these two boys get splinched." Maria answered. 

"Good call." Dana replied.

"Splinched?" Jason asked.

"You could lose a part of your body." Maria answered as she climbed into the car and only to see the Demon from the bar inside. 

"Oh... running from these people, are we?" The Demon asked.

"Get the fuck out of our car!" Jason demanded, clearly annoyed. 

"Nah! I'm bored. I want something fun to do." The Demon replied. 

"Fuck it! He comes!" Maria ordered as Jason reached for the Driver's Seat.

The Car shot off like a rocket through the streets.

"So what the fuck happened to Eddie?" Danny asked as he loaded his pistol. 

"Some bitch called Lady Aurora showed up with two Goblin Goons and shot Eddie in the fucking face!" Jason yelled.

"She shot an Earthquake Spell and knocked us on our backs." Dana clarified. "They don't teach Battle Magic in Defense Against the Dark Arts." 

"They should and fuck Illvermorny that they don't." Maria replied. 

The Demon sat between Danny and Dana in the back. He then felt something hit the back of his head. And he shook it off then turned his head. To see Dark Wizards on Motorcycles chasing the Car. "Oh... trouble." He said like he was bored. 

Danny looked behind him. "Shit! Maria! We got company!" He shot off his pistol. Though, it didn't seem to hit anything. 

"Give me that!" Maria yelled taking the pistol. Then transfiguring it into an M-16 Rifle with a full ammo clip. "Here!"

"What?! You can do that?!" Jason asked in disbelief.

"Magic can do whatever it fucking wants!" Maria yelled. 

Danny took the Rifle. And he rolled his side window to shoot back at the approaching Wizards that were coming on the side and aiming their wands at the car. 

"Expulso!" Dana yelled shooting her spell at one of the Drivers on the head. The Driver was knocked down off the Cycle. While Danny shot the others from the right side. It was fortunate that he knew how to fire a rifle. And he aimed for the tires. The Cyclist started to fall off his cycle and was launched into the side. 

"Diffindo!" Jason yelled. And he sliced at the neck. Severing the head from the body as the body fell out. "Whoops. I meant to shoot Depulso." 

The Head fell right onto Dana's Lap. "Ah!" Dana screamed. "Severed Head!" And then she threw it outside. "Oh... I'm going to throw up again." She said.

"Not inside the car you're not!" Jason yelled.

Right as Dana rolled down the window to throw up. Another Wizard had apparated on the side of the moving car. But the face was covered right in Dana's throw up. 

"Oh! Who the fuck does that!?" The Dark Wizard asked. Right as Jason slammed the car into the side and smashed the Dark Wizard. 

Unfortunately, he hit a pothole as he did and the car got a flat tire. "Shit!" Jason yelled as the car started to tilt and not in a good way.

"Reparo." Maria shot at the tire fixing it. 

"Thanks." Jason said.

But they weren't out of the woods yet. More Cyclists were driving up. "Heads up. We've got 10 more on our tail!" Danny warned. Taking his rifle and shooting one Dark Wizard. "Make that 9!" He corrected.

But Maria was prepared. "Time for some Magic Missiles." She declared. She rolled down the window. Taking her wand out and then shooting a barrage of wand blasts behind that locked onto the cyclists like they were heat seeking missiles. 

"Protego!" All the Cyclists started to yell.

"That didn't do any good!" Dana commented.

"Oh, that was just a distraction." Maria explained. "Bombarda! She casted and it blasted right at the Cyclists, the resulting explosion blasted the cyclists off their feat. 

"Ah... now we're talking." The Demon said while grinning. 

"Ugh... now I've got a demon in our car." Jason said out loud. 

"I have a name you know." The Demon pointed out. "But you wouldn't be able to understand nor speak it without having yourself cursed." 

"Good to know." Jason replied even though he didn't care. "I guess I'll just call you... Blue Eyes." He figured.

"Works for me." The Demon agreed.

Danny looked out the window again. And he could see now Dark Wizards flying through the air on brooms. "Um... problem." He said. 

Jason looked out the rear view side mirror on the car. "Yeah, that's a problem." He agreed. 

"Don't worry. We'll take it." Maria assured. She then looked at Dana. "Okay... I'll take it." And she started to reach out her wand again. "Rainstorm, means they're wet. And that also means... those guys are about to become the world's largest lightning rods. Get ready for some fireworks!" She shot and summoning forth lightning out of her wand. Shooting and electrocuting the Wizards above. 

"Whoo!" Jason yelled watching the action. "You gotta show me how to do that, Maria!" 

"All in good time! Now gun it!" Maria ordered. 

Finally after another 15 minutes, the party had reached the outskirts of the City. The rain had finally stopped. And it gave Jason and Dana the opportunity to tell Maria and Danny on what had just happened. 

"So who the hell is this Lady Aurora?" Jason asked. 

"Must be working for the Crooked Man. Though... that's not actually her real name." Maria answered. 

"Never is when it comes to criminals." Danny commented. "Any information we could get out of the Crooked Man died with Eddie. We need something bigger." 

"So now what do we do?" Jason asked.

"We go after this Lady Aurora and bag and drag her." Maria answered. 

"You will be looking for a needle in a haystack." Blue Eyes pointed out. "The World is huge. Nothing compared to the Underworld of course. But still huge." 

"We've got the resources to find her, Blue Eyes." Danny said. 

"And may I guess that this will lead you to the Crooked Man?" Blue Eyes asked.

"It will." Jason answered and he saw no reason to lie to Blue Eyes. 

"Hm..." Blue Eyes began to ponder something. "Then I will join you on your mission." He declared.

"WHAT?!" Everyone asked all at once.

"And why would you want to help take down the Crooked Man?" Maria asked.

"I'm bored and I need something to do. And... I'd rather not return to the Underworld right now when there's so many things I'd rather be doing. You'd be amazed with how boring tormenting souls can be after Thousands of years." Blue Eyes answered.

Maria shrugged. "Alright, fine. You're in." She said even though she had absolutely no reason to bring him along. "Right now, we'd better get back to HQ and... tell Ryder what the fuck happened out there." She then looked at Dana who still clearly looked very shaken up. "Welcome to being an Auror, kid."

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