Chapter 8: Bag and Drag.

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Jason went back to his pad to try to get some shut eye and relaxation after all the shit that had just happened. He lay there on his bed. He had just been in a fire fight and got through it. A whole Car Chase and Eddie's head destroyed by a shotgun shell. It reminded him a lot of the Gang Violence he saw as a kid in Los Angeles. September was fast approaching. He could see from his Apartment Window and looking down at all the No Mags getting ready for their school years. And walking around Annapolis to try and enjoy the last few days of Summer Vacation. He found it strange that kids were playing around the city. Where he came from in L.A. All the Public Parks would usually be overwhelmed with different Gangs and lots of Older kids playing their own games and talking gangster stuff. It was yet another thing that made Jason happy to stay away from the Gang Life. He made himself a Cheeseburger as he looked beyond to see the sun setting. As he was sitting down, he could see his wand tip glowing. "That's weird." And he took the wand. Hearing a simple and plain voice.

"Jason?" Jason could hear the voice of Dana from the other side.

"Dana? That you?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. Contactu Spell." Dana answered. "It operates like a No Mag Cellphone. How are you?" 

"Um... fine. Trying to eat a cheeseburger." Jason said. "They don't have beef like this in L.A. Everything there is shit." And he laughed telling a joke. "You?" He asked.

"Um..." It made Dana who was on the other line in her house in Small Town Ohio start to ponder things as she looked outside the window. "You know..." 

"No. I don't." Jason said. 

"Well, um... I wanted to... apologize for... the way I behaved to you when we first met." Dana explained. "I got a little worked up when you just showed up out of nowhere and suddenly you're the cream of the crop. Whereas, you know... I put in all those years at Illvermorny and it's just..." She started to say. But then she paused as she looked at her empty house where on the walls, there were just all her awards and accomplishments. But no one to share it with. "Jason? You still there?" She asked. And there was a bit of a pause.

"Yeah... I'm still here." Jason answered. 

"It feels strange. I've... never really been in a firefight like that before in San Diego. And... well... I guess I never knew that shit could get fucked up." Dana said. "I'm just... surprised you could keep it together the way you did." 

"Eh, you grow up on the streets of L.A. You see a lot of shit." Jason laughed telling a joke. Then he got serious. "Even if Eddie was an asshole. I never would've wished such a cruel fate on him." 

"Yeah. It just feels like... I took a shower to try and ease my pain. Don't know why I told you that. And it seemed to help, but... it's been tricky trying to go to sleep." Dana said. 

Jason sighed. He knew that feeling all too well. He had difficulty falling asleep, given all that had happened. "Hey... you uh... you want to come over to my place and... talk?" He asked. "I mean, is your house connected to that Foo Network?"

"It's Floo Network. And yeah, it is." Dana corrected politely. "I don't know..." 

"Eh, come on. Maybe there's some music we can listen to." Jason offered. "The No Mag kind. If that's alright with you." 

"Sure." Dana replied.

'Forced out! Brave and mighty! Stolen land! They can't fight it! Hold on! To pride and tradition! Even though they know how much their lives are really missing-' The Radio was playing Indians by Anthrax. 

"What is it you like about this song? The message?" Dana asked as she sat on the couch.

"I like the beat and shouting." Jason answered as he sat on an opposite chair taking a Bud Light. "And then the message. I feel like you know... you've got so much on your plate and Rock is just that way to express your emotions out there. And stick it to the man."  

"The Man?" Dana asked laughing.

"Corporate America and the real shit that's White Collar." Jason answered. "It's all so much shit from White Collar. America doesn't clap down on White Collar and people pay the price. There are real crimes that are worse than anything people usually get arrested for. And not only is that around. But it's enflamed and no one does anything to stop it. In fact, Government seems to encourage it." 

Dana nodded her head. "I agree. In fact it's one of the reasons why I wanted to join the Aurors." She admitted. "I want to bring true justice to M.A.C.U.S.A. White Collar. Blue Collar. No Collar. Catch the Bad Guy. That shit." 

"Didn't think it would get bloody and violent?" Jason asked. 

"Not so much. No. They don't tell you about that type of stuff when advertising what it's like to become an Auror at school." Dana answered. "I just wish justice could've served my Mom better." 

"Huh?" Jason asked. "You mean she's... dead?" 

"No. But..." Dana started to shrug it off. "Forget I said anything." 

"Okay." Jason figured. To which Dana just looked confused.  

"Just like that?" Dana asked. 

"Yeah. You don't want to talk about it. So don't." Jason answered.

"Oh, okay. Well, I just thought, you know... I'd want to deny it. You'd go in and try to persuade me with some motivational words-" Dana started to say. 

"Well no. I respect your privacy. You want to tell me, then go ahead. You don't, then don't." Jason replied taking a swig of Bud Light. 

"You're not a drunk, are you?" Dana asked.

"No. I know my limits." Jason answered. "And I like the taste." And both started to laugh. 

Jason walked over to the Auror Office, the next morning. And he could see Maria waving hi to Jason. 

"Hola, Jason." Maria greeted.

"Maria." Jason greeted. He didn't see Agent Coughlin around. "Where's Danny?"

"Oh, he'll be around." Maria answered.  

Jason could also see a couple of the Aurors starting to celebrate like it was New Years. "What's with them?" He asked.

"Kids start Illvermorny tomorrow. People are celebrating like it's New Years Eve. Those little shit heads are the Education Systems problem now." Maria answered. 

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Auntie Maria." A Young Girl with long Dark Brown Hair tied in a ponytail sarcastically said as she wore a black leather jacket with a white shirt and a pair of jeans. And some sneakers. 

"And when I say kids. I mean the little immature 1st years, Chelsea." Maria corrected as she turned with a grin at the girl. "How you living, girl?" 

"Living fine and ready to start my 6th year at Illvermorny." The Girl known as Chelsea answered. She then turned to Jason. "New recruit?" She asked.

"Yeah. He's a special case." Maria answered.

"Jason Baker." Jason greeted.

"Right. That's the name." Chelsea said. "Hey, aren't you that No Mag who became a Wizard?" She asked. 

"Yeah. Long story." Jason answered. 

"Boy, must be a damn Culture shock, isn't it?" Chelsea asked. 

"You an... intern here?" Jason asked.

"No. Just spending my last day of freedom with my Dad before School Starts. He works as an Auror here." Chelsea answered. 

"Checks out." Jason replied. "Don't know if I met your Dad yet." 

"Actually, you have." Ryder had suddenly walked in front of Jason and stood next to Chelsea. "I see you've met my Daughter, Chelsea." 

Jason had looked at Jimmy and Chelsea and could see the family resemblance. "You got a Daughter?" He asked.  

"Yeah..." Ryder answered as a matter of fact. 

"It was just saying hi. Not hitting on her or any shit like that." Jason assured. 

"No. I know. Don't get any ideas though." Ryder replied. 

"Dad said that you guys were going after The Crooked Man, right?" Chelsea asked. 

"That's the guy." Jason answered. "Whoever he is. The guy who we thought could lead us-" 

"Got killed? Maria already told me." Ryder interrupted. 

"Yeah, some crazy bitch named Lady Aurora." Jason confirmed. 

"That's not her actual name." Ryder pointed out. "Her real name is Amy Tremaine. She's been a figure in the Criminal Underworld for years now. Took up a spot in the Pacific Northwest after a power vacuum opened up nearly 4-5 years ago." 

"Must be a fan of Warm Weather if she made all the way down to San Diego." Jason commented. 

"She usually stays in her turf. Near Oregon." Ryder informed, then moved towards the Monitor. Chelsea twirling her wand in her fingers as if she was performing baton tricks with it like she was bored. 

A picture of Amy Tremaine a.k.a: Lady Aurora appeared on the Monitor and her turf that consisted of Washington State and Oregon. And some areas of Northern California. "That's her known activities. But lately she's been going as far as the Southern Coast of California and sometimes over the Mexican Border." Ryder explained as dots appeared on the map.   

"Why go there?" Jason asked.

"It's anyone's guess. But I suspect a few ideas." Maria answered. "She's smuggling and picking up resources. The kind you can only get from low life's who live in the Baja in Mexico. The problem is... we can't enter Mexico to investigate. Not without interference from the Mexican Government." 

"Mexico has a Wizarding World and their own Government too?" Jason asked.

"That's right. All the Governments of the world do" Ryder answered.

"I should know. I came from Mexico originally." Maria added. "Moved to America when I was 18." 

"Interesting. Why move?" Jason asked.

"Well, Mexico can be a real shit hole at times. And I got... sick of warm deserts and humid jungles. And to be honest, the pay North of the Border is better." Maria answered. 

That was when the Goblins interrupted. 

"Hey, Whammy." Chelsea greeted.

"Hey, Chelsea Ryder. Oi. Jimmy! Braga's on his way." Whammy informed.

"Ah... shit." Ryder groaned knowing what it would mean. 

Braga had stormed inside. Anger on his face that made him as red as the Devil. "Aurors, is it fucking possible you all are supposed to be this incompetent? Because how else do you explain WHAT THE FUCK THAT WAS IN SAN DIEGO!" He yelled. And then turned his attention specifically to Maria and Jason and also Dana. 

"We tried following a lead on getting to the Crooked Man, and it turned into a mess. Thanks to Lady Aurora." Jason explained. 

"Yeah, no shit, No Mag." Braga scolded. "And thanks to you Assholes fucking it up, we're still at fucking square 1." And he looked around. "I was under the impression that I had hired Aurors to handle this. Not M.A.C.U.S.As fucking rejects led by Jimmy Ryder of all people!" 

"Hey back off!" Chelsea yelled suddenly in front of Braga. "Dad is working on it! Criminals don't get captured Overnight. Well, they could in whatever imagination you fucking like to have!" 

"Watch your mouth, Chelsea." Ryder interrupted.

"Sorry, Dad." Chelsea replied. 

"I expect results, Miss. Ryder. And I expect them efficiently. So don't talk like you have any fucking authority in here! You're still in fucking school. So stay in that little bubble of yours." Braga hissed at her. 

"Hey! You got a problem with us that's fine. But don't go after Chelsea." Jason had suddenly interrupted. 

Maria also came to Jason and Ryder's defense. 

And Braga could see that he was outnumbered so he caved in. But he did turn to Ryder. "Election coming. Your ass. Fix it before this gets even more fucked up!" And he stormed off. He also pushed Danny out of the way. 

"Did I miss something?" Danny asked. 

"No. You're fine." Ryder assured. 

"What an asshole. I can't believe you have to work for that guy, Dad." Chelsea complained to her Father. 

"Dad?" Danny asked.

"Agent Coughlin, this is my Daughter, Chelsea. Chelsea this is F.B.I Agent Coughlin. His son's one of us." Ryder explained. 

"Nice to meet you." Danny greeted. 

Chelsea nodded politely back.

"And to you, Chelsea. It's not all that bad. He's all big talk, smoke and mirrors. And so are his threats. Not to mention that with the upcoming election well... Braga doesn't want The Crooked Man to interfere." Ryder assured.

"That doesn't give him the right to be an asshole." Jason pointed out. 

"Yeah, it's bullshit-" Chelsea added.

"Language." Ryder interrupted.

"Crap." Chelsea corrected.

"Better." Ryder said. "And you're right. But we put up with him because you know... that's life. Plus I'd rather stomach him than that Lumpy Toad from the U.K. You know the one." 

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Well not you, Jason. But that's not important right now." Ryder answered. "And he's just pissed because of how botched things went." 

"Well, what about Amy Tremaine?" Dana asked. 

Ryder sighed. "Easier said than done. Tremaine makes sure her tracks are covered each time. Always evading Aurors and staying out of the spotlight of the Wizarding World." 

Danny had looked at the records. Almost nothing incriminating about Tremaine and no hard core evidence of her whereabouts. "Hm." He pondered something. "Jimmy?" He asked.

"Yeah, Agent?" Ryder asked.

"Just call me Danny." Coughlin said. "You said before that Tremaine stays away from the Wizarding World Spotlight, right?" He asked.

"Yeah." Ryder answered. 

"Well, did you try looking at any No Mag records?" Danny asked.

Ryder looked surprised. "Um. No. M.A.C.U.S.A doesn't believe it necessary to rely on No Mag stuff for tracking Wizarding Criminals." 

"They also say that it's not standard protocol." Dana added. 

"Well, these aren't standard times." Danny pointed out. "I'll see if I can't try to pull a Wild Card out my sleeve. All I need is a couple fucking hours." 

Within a couple of hours, Danny had returned to the monitor room. And on it contained detailed F.B.I information. On it contained information about Amy Tremaine. But in terms of No Mag information. "Yep. All there." Danny confirmed. "It's all in No Mag. Birth Certificate, Driver's License, Social Security." 

"Why would it all be contained to just No Mag shit?" Jason asked.

"Because Ms. Tremaine would suspect that Wizards would only use Wizard tactics to catch Wizard Criminals." Ryder answered. "This time, we're going the No Mag route." 

"Good thinking, Dad." Chelsea praised.

"It was Mr. Coughlin's idea." Ryder clarified. "I just thought it was good too." 

"Well great minds think alike." Danny said patting Ryder on the back. 

The Monitor switched again to pull up some records. "Hey, we've got something else." Danny said as he operated the monitor like a computer. 

"That supposed to work like a Computer?" Chelsea asked.

"Yeah. You know the tech?" Danny asked.

"Hell yeah. They showed us this in No Mag Studies in Illvermorny. A lot of the Purebloods didn't understand why it was called Apple." Chelsea answered. 

Jason laughed at that. 

The monitor flashed again displaying financial records. "Well, well. Look at this." Danny grinned. Everyone turned their attention to the monitor all displaying the numbers.

"Ah, Fuck. I can't read money, just speak to me in English." Maria requested. 

"A bunch of purchases made in Tremaine's name. From the look of things, it's nitroglycerin, and... huh. How about that?" Danny started to list. 

"What?" Jason asked.

"Purchases made about some abandoned empty mine. Practically a steal and not worth anything." Coughlin answered. 

Ryder took a look at the names of the Mines purchased. "This is all in Oregon?" He asked.

"Yeah. Does the name sound familiar?" Danny asked. 

"It's not abandoned." Ryder answered. "It's only that on the surface due to keeping it away from the No Mag. Those are Wizards Mines. For materials worth nothing of value to No Mags but big to Wizards." 

"What kind of material?" Jason asked. 

"Moonstone." Ryder answered. 

"Isn't that usually found in Potions?" Dana asked. 

"It's got another purpose, Dana." Maria answered. "Building Materials and can be useful for conjuration spells." 

"Sounds like she's been busy." Jason figured.

"Wait. There's more." Danny added. And he pulled up another record. "She's also made a purchase for a Lumber Mill." 

"Hm.... Nitroglycerin." Jason started to think. "Moonstones..." And that's when it hit him. "Could she be building the explosives?"

Ryder turned off the Monitor. "How about we ask her ourselves?" He suggested. "Danny... get us the coordinates." 

"Already did." Danny replied.

"Building the explosives that were responsible for the shit that happened in Detroit and Vegas. Which means-" Dana started to say.

"She's our ticket to the Crooked Man." Ryder said. 

The next day, the forests of Oregon became one of the only sights that Jason had been getting used to as he drove up with Danny, Maria, and Dana up to the Lumber Mill. Danny was also loading up some weapons. "Let's try not to waste this fucking bitch or let her escape." Danny advised. 

"Yeah, then we're going to have to deal with Braga. And fuck having to do that." Maria agreed. 

"What is his deal anyway?" Jason asked. "I get that we fucked up things with Eddie but it wasn't our fault. It was... he's a fuckhead." 

"Braga's an asshole, no question." Maria agreed. "But you know... he wasn't always like that. Let's just say... the world changed him. He was still a fucking dick, but a nicer one." 

"Well what happened to him?" Danny asked. 

"He got stabbed in the back by a Wizard he took in and raised like a son. At least that's how Braga tells it." Maria answered. "The Wizard went over to the Dark Side. And that's it. Braga's life turned to shit." 

"So now he doesn't trust anybody?" Jason asked. It sounded an awful lot like some people that Jason knew from his childhood. 

"Yep. Only person he trusts is himself." Maria answered.

"Well, that doesn't sound good." Dana said. "Teamwork is always important when working in Magical Law Enforcement." And she remembered well from her time in Illvermorny as she learned the importance of teamwork in classes, in her dormitories, and on the Quidditch Pitch. An Auror was only as good as the team they worked with. 

"Yeah, and believe me. If Braga had his way, he'd be taking command on the fight against the Crooked Man himself." Maria said. "But President Sanders commanded that Ryder be the one in charge." 

"Why Ryder?" Jason asked. "Um... not that I'm criticizing Jimmy or anything like that. Shit, I love the guy... but I'm just asking why-" 

"It's alright, Jason. I know what you meant." Maria assured. "And why did Sanders pick Ryder instead of Braga? Well, Jimmy's got a reputation. A good one too especially against Dark Wizards. He led the American Special Forces of Aurors almost 4 years ago when a Wizard named Iosef Trotsky attempted to kill every No Mag on the Planet using Cursed Vaults."  

"Huh?" Jason asked.

"Eh... it's a long story. All you need to know is that Jimmy helped stopped Trotsky from destroying the world. And there was also shit that happened all over the world that was stopped by some British Teenagers." Maria answered. "Jimmy... can tell you that story better than I can."  

"It's true. I can." Jimmy said from over the Radio that was now installed into the car. "You know, I even attended a few classes at Hogwarts as an exchange student. My 5th Year too." 

"At what?" Jason asked almost not believing his own ears at what he just heard.

"At Hogwarts." Ryder answered. And it made Jason start laughing. 

"Oh my god! What kind of ridiculous name is that for a school?!" Jason asked.

"It's a Wizarding name, I know. It's fucking weird but I didn't come up with the name." Maria answered. 

"That doesn't sound like a Wizard name. It sounds like some total bullshit I've never heard of. They might as well call it Pig Pimple. I mean Hogwarts? As in a Wart on a Hog? Who finds that a good name to call it. Did the person who found the school see a Hog and the Hog just happen to have the most ridiculous wart on it and the name just stuck?" Jason went on.

"When he puts it like that, Jimmy. It does sound pretty fucking weird." Danny agreed. 

"I never bothered to pay attention in the History of Magic Class. That Professor... total snooze and I mean that literally." Ryder replied. 

"He slept through the whole class?" Dana asked.

"Half the year he did. And the other half, he put everyone to sleep." Ryder answered. "Can't get rid of him because he's a ghost. And you'd think that'd be fun to be taught by a Ghost, but it's not." 

"And I heard growing up that Hogwarts has a School Song too. Went a little something like this." Maria cleared her throat. "Hogwarts. Hogwarts, Fucking Fucking Hogwarts. Fuck us up some shit!" She started to sing.

"That is... that is not the words at all." Ryder said awkwardly. He looked at the House Elves.

"We think Maria's sounds better." Whammy commented. 

"It's nothing on the Illvermorny school song." Dana pointed out. And she started to grin. But Maria could see where that was going.

"Oh no. Dana. No." Maria hissed at her. 

But Dana had charged ahead. The biggest grin on her face. "Don't you fucking dare..." Maria warned. 

Dana had made strange sounds that sounded foreign to Jason. "Caw-caw. Caw-caw. Purr-Purr! Stomp, stomp, stomp." 

"And fuck my sanity." Maria groaned. 

"We stand as one united, Against the Puritan. We draw our inspiration From good witch Morrigan." Dana started to sing.

"Oh... I blocked this song from my head." Maria said. 

Dana had ignored her and continued on ahead. No one would dare try to mess with her singing when she was in the zone. "For she was persecuted, By common wandless men. So she fled from distant Ireland, and so our school began." 

"She didn't flee because of that. She did it to get away from her fucking psycho Aunt. Get your facts right." Maria corrected. 

"Oh! Illvermorny, Massachusetts! We choo-choose it! We choo-choose it! The Wizard School supreme." Dana went on without missing a beat.

"Oh, this song's still going?" Danny commented.

"Your castle walls, they kept us safe. The days with you, a dream. You taught us all our magic. And now the one thing's quite clear." Dana continued. 

"How far is it to the Lumber mill again?" Jason asked. 

"Where'er we roam. Where'er we roam. Our one true home. Our one and own. Is Illvermorny, dear!" Dana finished. "That's the end of the song." 

"Oh, thank God." Jason thanked. 

Ryder fell asleep on the other side of the radio. Until Whammy slapped him awake. "Huh? What? Is she done?" He asked. 

"Well no one respects the classics." Dana crossed her arms angrily. 

"It's not your singing, Dana. It's the terrible song. Like... what the fuck were they thinking when they came up with that song?" Maria replied. 

"Well, at least we can all enjoy that that song is over." Another voice had suddenly said as Blue Eyes now sat in the car. 

"Gah!" Everyone screamed. Jason was the fastest to recover though.

"Blue Eyes!" Jason yelled. "What the fuck?!" 

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention that I don't really show my face in M.A.C.U.S.A." Blue Eyes answered. 

"So what... you were invisible?" Danny asked.

"No... I just didn't show up at all. But I did listen in on your briefings and found out you were heading off to an abandoned Lumber Mill." Blue Eyes answered. "I told you, I'm bored and I want to do something different."  

"Okay... fine. Whatever." Jason said. "If that's what Illvermorny's song is then I choo-choose it to be the second song I've ever heard in all my life." 

"Well, I don't know what the other school's songs are, so I can't really tell you." Dana sighed.

"Wait... what?" Jason asked. "There are other Wizarding Schools?"

"Oh yeah. There's 7 of them." Maria answered.

"7 schools?" Jason asked.

"All throughout the world." Dana answered. "You already know about Hogwarts. The other 5 are Castelbruxo in South America." 

"And it's probably the only thing unified in South America." Maria added.

"Beauxbatons on France. They also take in the Kids in Western Europe. Durmstrangs which takes the Eastern European Kids. Uagadou in Africa. And Mahoutokoro in Japan."  Dana continued.

"Okay... now see... all those other Wizard School names sound fucking awesome and all Britain has is Hogwarts? We should go back in time and name it something more awesome, say... Hogtusk. Or Hoghorn. Or Sleeping Dragon or... some other awesome shit." Jason said.

"Sorry, Jason. No Wizard can travel in time without a Time Turner and even those only go back a few days." Dana said. 

"Ripoff." Danny commented.

"Besides, that's not how Time Travel works." Blue Eyes added.

"Also, the saying of Hogwarts is never tickle a Sleeping Dragon." Dana pointed out. 

About an hour of driving later, and Jason arrived near the Lumber Mill. "Hey, pull up here." Maria ordered. 

Jason shut off the car. And he got out. Danny following him in pursuit. His pistol drawn. 

"Weapons out." Maria ordered as she got out of the car, her wand drawn, and Dana doing the same. She got out to inspect. Blue Eyes also got out of the car. And looking around him. 

"Hm. Peaceful." Blue Eyes commented. 

Maria kept looking around her. Danny could see what she had in mind. "Revelio." She casted. "No humans in this area. But they could be inside the Lumber Mill. The Lumber Mill is about 5 miles away from our location. We'll leg it from here. This'll be a infiltration mission so we'll need to rely on stealth." 

Danny looked at his pistol. "This might make some noise. Not by any chance you've got a silencer charm, Maria?" He asked.

"No, but there is a silencer transfiguration." Maria answered as she transfigured a branch into a silencer for Danny's weapons. And to which Danny shot one shot. The silencer working after he attached it to his pistol.

"Nice." Danny commented.

"We'll also need these. There's no reason to disguise ourselves as not Aurors. Right, Maria?" Dana asked.

"Eh... not in this instance." Maria agreed. And she pulled out some gear from the car. It looked to Jason like Combat Body Armor that the military used. She gave one to Jason and Danny and told them to put it on. She put on her own body armor and so did Dana. 

"That'll protect you from most magic spells. Might not do so good against Avada Kedavra. You get hit. You're dead in milliseconds. Any questions?" Maria asked.

"I've got one." Jason answered. "The Revelio Charm?" 

"Oh, right." Maria remembered that she didn't teach Jason the Charm. "Revelio reveals everything around you in plain sight. You'll find it useful for artefact searching or in your case, detecting enemies." Then she showed Jason the technique for it. 

"Revelio." Jason had gave it a whirl. "Okay... it'll be useful." 

"You're goddamn right. Now keep it silent, let's move." Maria ordered. 

"Wait up." Danny insisted. He tossed a Desert Eagle to Jason. "You might need this, kid." 

"Wizard using a No Mag weapon?" Maria asked. And then she shrugged as she transfigured up another silencer to put on the pistol. 

"Mixing things up will turn to our advantage." Blue Eyes commented.

Everything was very silent around the area. Except for the rustling of the leaves on the ground and past the boots. Above the team, the green trees nestled around. And sunlight had traveled through the cracks. And the sound of birds flying through the air. 

"Jobberknolls chirping up in the sky." Dana commented. 

"Huh?" Jason asked.

"It's a Jobberknoll." Dana answered. Jason looked up at the sky, and he could see a blue speckled bird.

"I would think they would make some type of sound." Jason said.

"They don't make sounds until they're close to death, Baker. At that point they release one hell of a scream of every sound they've heard to that point." Dana explained.

"That'll certainly get the neighbors attention." Danny commented.

Jason still looked ahead and up at the trees. He saw a few Jobberknolls around and flying. And he could've sworn that he saw some green weeds that were moving on the trees. He pointed his wand at them. Until Jason tripped on a log on the ground. "Oof." He grumbled as he hit the ground. Looking to his back, he saw yet another green weed that looked like it was standing up like a human. And it had two eyes. Jason tilted his head. The weed tilted its head. "The Hell?" He asked starting to pick up his wand. 

"Relax, it's just a Bowtruckle." Maria assured picking Jason up. 

"A what?" Jason asked. 

"Tree Guardians. They like to live in the woodlands." Maria answered. "They won't bother you if you don't bother them. Watch yourself around them if you do though, they tend to be very aggressive." She advised.

Jason looked back at the Bowtruckles. "Um... hey." He said. But all the Bowtruckles had suddenly scattered. "No, hey. Come back." 

"Incoming." Dana warned.

"Get down." Danny ordered. Maria and Jason got behind one tree, Dana and Danny took another tree. 

Maria nodded at Dana. Dana nodded back knowing what both had to do. Maria casted a Disillusionment Charm on herself and then touched Jason turning him invisible. Dana did the same for Danny. 

"Maria?" Jason whispered.

"It's a Disillusionment Charm. Keep you concealed." Maria whispered.

Jason could see at least 6 Wizards moving through. And they all seemed to be moving through the woods. 

"Diffindo!" A Wizard shot one of the trees and it fell to the ground. A party of Bowtruckles made what sounded to Jason like screaming sounds. 

"Shit." Jason whispered. But that wasn't the end of it.

"Get off our land, you fucking weeds!" Another Wizard yelled and then blasting Incendio at the fallen trees. And the Bowtruckles all burned alive. 

"They can't do that." Dana whispered horrified at what she saw. 

"We can take these sons of bitches." Jason started to move. 

"No. They could report it and there could be even more." Maria denied. "We've got to stay hidden."

The Wizards continued to chop more and then burn more Bowtruckles alive. And that was something that Jason couldn't stand. 

"Fuck this." Jason said charging out from cover. 

"Jason, no." Maria hissed. 

But Jason had charged ahead. "Incendio!" He shot at the Gangster burning them alive. 

"Ah!" All the Wizard Gangsters yelled.

"How do you like getting burned, Motherfuckers!?" Jason asked and then shooting down a good chunk using his silencer. 

"Shit!" Two more Gangsters started to raise their wands. But Danny had quickly dispatched them with headshots. 

"Hope those assholes didn't get word back to base." Danny commented.

"I don't think they did. We'd have seen some type of Apparation." Dana replied. "Why are they burning up a forest full of innocent bowtruckles?" 

Maria looked at the destruction. "Because they can." She answered. "Some people just like fucking up shit because it's fun to them." 

"We see people like that all the time. Falling from the surface and into our domain. Then they become ours." Blue Eyes informed. "You go on ahead, I'll take care of any more stragglers outside." 

"Let's go grab that bitch responsible for all of it." Jason figured. 

5 miles away, Jason could see what looked like a decrepit Lumber Mill next to some caves with rail carts going in. He was also crouching underneath tall grass. Maria had also transfigured up a Sniper Rifle for Danny to use. From the distance they were at, the Lumber Mill was Small. Very Small. In fact, it didn't make sense logically for the Lumber Mill to take in all those carts that were coming in. 

"That doesn't look like no fucking Lumber Mill." Jason commented.

"Because it isn't. It's a factory. It just looks like a Lumber Mill on the surface." Maria explained.

"But how are they able to store all that shit inside a tiny Lumber Mill?" Danny asked.

"Oh, that's just something Wizards do, Agent Coughlin." Dana answered. "What may look small on the outside is actually big on the inside. Charmed Wizarding Buildings. Like a Camping Tent. It's actually like a palace on the inside. The Famed Magizoologist, Newt Scamander even had a whole Magical Creature Zoo inside a common suitcase." 

"Oh, that's something my wife would love." Danny commented and thinking of what his wife could do with that much room inside one suitcase, she'd never run out of space for her clothes in her closet. "Eh, maybe Doug will learn that charm later. Eh, fuck it. We got work to do." He turned his attention back to the scope and more closely at the carts. "There's something glowing in those carts. Like it's minerals." 

"Moonstone." Maria clarified. "That must be where they're refining the materials. It's a factory." 

"Hey. What's that over there?" Dana asked pointing to some wooden crates being loaded onto trucks. 

Jason could see it. And he started to have Vietnam Flashbacks. He had seen brown crates like that before. In L.A. And so had Danny. When he was in Detroit.

"That's the same crates as the Warehouse in Detroit. They must be filled with more explosives." Danny said. 

The Trucks had finished loading up. And were now leaving on a Dirt Road. "Where are those trucks going?" Jason asked.

"We should take those trucks." Dana answered getting up. 

But Danny pulled her down. "No. They'll know we took the trucks and then we're fucked." He shot down. "We still proceed with the original plan and apprehend Amy Tremaine." 

"I agree." Maria agreed. "We'll have to split up." 

"I'll take Jason, and we'll move towards the back. Maria, Dana. You two take the front side." Danny instructed.

"You sure that's a good idea? Maybe I should go with Jason to the back and you and Dana take the front?" Maria asked. "He's new to the Wizards and you're a No Mag. No offense." 

"None taken. And I may be a No Mag but I've been on stealth missions before. This is no different than going into a Vietcong Hideout." Danny answered. 

Maria realized that Danny wasn't going to take no for an answer, so she caved in. "Be careful. Dark Wizards aren't the same as Vietcong." She warned.

"Only one way to find out." Danny figured. "Come on, Jason." 

"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him." Jason assured the Witches. And then he also looked at a bunch of Bowtruckles watching him from a nearby tree. "And... they'll keep an eye on me." He said awkwardly. But unbeknownst to Jason, a bunch of Bowtruckles got inside of his gear. 

"Uh..." Dana said awkwardly. And a bunch of Bowtruckles all attached themselves to Jason. "Nevermind." 

And Jason felt a twitch inside of him. 

"You okay?" Danny asked.

"Yeah... it's probably nothing." Jason answered. 

Maria and Dana moved quietly and discreetly using the Disillusionment Charm. "I don't suppose you've ever snuck out of bed after dark in Illvermorny." Maria whispered to Dana.

"Never. In fact, I was actually up doing my Prefect duties searching for students out of bed." Dana replied.

"That so?" Maria asked. "Me though... I used to sneak out all the time at school. Even when I was a first year. I got 7 times as a first year and never after that for all my remaining years." 

"Shit." Dana commented. 

"7 Detentions for sneaking out gave me some pointers from older students about tips and tricks for sneaking out. I took them to heart." Maria added. "I can help you two. But you gotta do as I do." But then she had a thought. "Say... Dana... you used to catch kids out after dark, no?" She asked. 

"Yeah." Dana answered as they crouched behind a wooden log. She then took a look at some Wizard Guards outside. "There's a pattern to how Prefects move around the halls. Just like there's a pattern to how those guards move." She realized. "Look. That one's going to turn around." She pointed to a Guard who turned around just as Dana predicted. 

"Yeah... I see the pattern too." Maria agreed. 

"If we can time it right, we can move past the guards." Dana said.

"Go." Maria instructed. Both moving swift past the guards. Then moving in front of one of the crates before stopping. 

Dana took a listen. "Another Guard. Coming down from the left. Take the right of the Crate." She said while waiting for a Guard to pass. "Now." Both Maria and Dana moved ran up. Until Dana stopped and crouched when she saw a door. Being Guarded by a Wizard with a cigarette in his hand. "Fuck." She said. "That Guard by the entrance." Then took a look behind. "It could alert all those other guards." 

Maria took a look at the door. And then at the guard. Beyond on the bottom was a man hole. "This'll take great precision. Dana. Move towards the Man Hole." She ordered. "Go now." 

"And the Guard?" Dana asked.

"I'll deal with him. Just go." Maria answered. 

Although, Dana didn't know what Maria was thinking, she decided to go along with Maria's orders and snuck towards the Man Hole. "Alohomora." She shot at the Man Hole. And she turned to see the Guard get thrown into the air and then subdued and grabbed, getting thrown into the Man Hole. Dana closed the Man Hole. 

"Let's get in. Hope the boys got in just as easily." Maria instructed. 

The Back Door of the Lumber Mill didn't actually exist. Rather, it was actually through a window that led into one of the back rooms of the Mill. Danny looked at the guards and where the mining carts of moonstones were going in. "No way we can get in through there." He figured. 

"Then we'll go in the old fashioned way. Give me a boost." Jason requested. 

Danny got himself ready to hold Jason up. Jason climbed up. "You know... it wouldn't kill you to loose some fucking weight." Danny commented. 

"Fuck shit, Danny. Hold me up to the window." Jason replied. From the window that Jason got open with Alohomora, he could see at least 2 people inside. From the looks of things, they were Gangsters. So Jason didn't feel bad about shooting them with his pistol. He took a couple of shots to bring them down. Then he climbed through the window. It was then that he realized that Dana was right. In what should've been a room no bigger than at the very least a 4ft tall room, was instead at least quadruple that number. 

"Oh, I love Magic." Jason commented. But then he remembered something. "Oh, shit. Danny." He shot his wand. "Leviosa." And Danny rose up into the air. 

"Thank you." Danny thanked equipping his pistol again. "Now, let's move." He whispered taking point taking a peak outside to the long hall that looked longer than the actual size from the outside. And both he and Jason could hear the sounds of hammering and driller machinery. 

"Revelio." Jason shot. "4 Guards. 2 coming down the hall." He reported.

"Stay put." Danny ordered and closing the door slightly. Only to have the door try to open from the other side. 

"This fucking door jammed again?" A Gangster asked trying to move the door. But then the door slammed right in front of his face by Danny. And the Gangster fell to the ground.

"Hey!" The Gangster yelled.

But Jason had shot a bullet right in the head. "Quick. Get these bodies inside the room." Danny ordered. He then looked around. "Closet. Over here." And he pushed the dead bodies inside. 

"That's going to be some sick shit when someone finds that." Jason pointed out. 

"Not our fucking problem, Jason." Danny replied. "Let's go find a bitch. We'll check the back where the Carts are coming in." 

Jason had his pistol drawn. And he moved slowly but surely through the halls following Danny. His wand also drawn on his other side. 

For Danny though. This was simply routine for him. Just like raiding a Heroin Den. His posture moving like a soldier through the halls. He saw one hall to his left. Then started pushing Jason back to go forward through another hall. "Go! Go!" He whispered to Jason.

Behind them were Gangsters all armed with wands drawn. The retreated to a door that was locked.

"Alohomora." Jason shot getting himself and Danny through the door. When they were in the clear, Jason could see something much clearer. "Holy shit." He said. And he tapped Danny to look back. And look at the gigantic refinery they were now standing above. Jason looking now as Carts full of Moonstones were lowered into large molten pools ready to be melted down. The liquid pouring through and into another room. Fortunately for Danny and Jason. They were on a balcony. 

"It's like we stumbled into the Pitts of Isengard." Danny commented. 

"The what?" Jason asked.

"Ever read Lord of the Rings?" Danny asked in disbelief.

"Um... I read the Hobbit in Middle School." Jason answered.

"Close enough." Danny shook his head. "See Tremaine yet?" He asked.

Jason looked down. Lots of Wizards using their magic to pour down the moonstone into the pits efficiently. More efficiently than a Steel Factory. "Nope. Not here." 

"Let's check another room." Danny said. He looked around to see a door on the other side of the Balcony. "There." And both men started to head for the door. Only for a Gangster to walk inside of the room through the doors. He stopped to look at Danny and Jason in full view.

"Hey!" He started to shout and raised his wand.

"Accio!" Jason shot at the Gangster pulling him off the Railing. But his hand slipped and the Accio Spell didn't complete which mean that the Gangster fell right into the lava pit and burned. 

"Oh shit." Jason commented and ashamed of what he did.

And that caused all the other Gangsters to run over. All work stopping. 

"Fuck it. One distraction's as good as any other." Danny grabbed Jason and they both ran for the doors. While unbeknownst to Jason. A group of Bowtruckles had emerged from Jason's body armor and started to move down the railings.

Meanwhile, Maria and Dana entered the door that led to the entrance. And just like the back that Jason and Danny had gone through, the entrance was just as big. And both ladies could see Wizards loading a type of orb into crates very gently. The trucks being led to the outside. "Not your average Lumber Mill, no?" Maria asked. 

"Tremaine's been a busy little bitch, I'll give her that." Dana commented. She looked around. "These don't look like normal construction worker wizards." 

"They must be hired hands. All working for the fucking money." Maria figured.

"How the fuck does Tremaine get her finances like this? I mean Guards, Trucks, continuous all this shit." Dana asked. 

"The Crooked Man." Maria answered. "Hold that thought." A Gangster walked by the concealed witches, until Maria grabbed him from behind. Covered his mouth and cut his throat using Diffindo and waited until silence and bleeding out before taking her hand off the mouth. "It's not going to take long before they find this body. We've got to find Amy Tremaine and apprehend her quick-" 

"Maria. Wait." Dana had suddenly stopped Maria. "Maybe... there's something in the financial records that Tremaine has that could lead us to the Crooked Man." 

"Huh... that's a good idea." Maria admitted. "Let's go look around. Though, we got to get through these guards." 

"How do we thin out the herd?" Dana asked. 

That was when a Gangster rushed in. "Hey! Someone just fell into one of the Pits into the back!" He yelled. A bunch of the other Gangsters all stopped what they were doing with all confused looks on their faces. 

Above the crowd on top of a balcony, Amy Tremaine had emerged from a door. "What the fuck is going on down there?" She demanded to her confused Gangsters. 

"It's her. Let's take her!" Dana started to move.

"No. There's too many bodies and it's just us two." Maria pulled her down. 

"There's been a guy who jumped into one of the fucking pits, boss!" A Gangster yelled.

"Grrr." Amy growled. "That body better not have fucked up my shit!" She yelled moving towards the hall to the back of the factory. A few more Gangsters had followed. 

"Nice to know she cares about her crew." Maria sarcastically commented. "Come on, Dana." She said.

"Shouldn't we go after Tremaine?" Dana asked. 

"We'll get her in a minute. We first grab the financial records. With any luck, we'll run into Jason and Coughlin and then grab the bitch." Maria answered. "Now how are we going to get up there?" 

Dana saw a crate. "I have an idea." She said getting on one of the crates and held out a hand to Maria. "Come on."

"You are what I call Loco." Maria said.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Dana casted on the crate and letting them levitate up like an elevator lift. Maria got off, followed by Dana. And then Dana placed the crate gently back to the ground. No one the wiser. 

"Elevator Service here is more reliable than the service in M.A.C.U.S.A. And now I am sad." Maria commented. 

Danny shot a few more silencer shot at one Gangster through a hallway. "You know, Tremaine's going to be pissed when she realizes that some of her guards are missing." Jason commented. 

Danny reloaded his pistol. "I really thought Wizards would put up a much better fight." He said.

"Element of surprise at its finest." Jason figured. He shot Petrificus Totalas at one Gangster. 

"Did Maria say how long that hex would last?" Danny asked.

"I don't know. Could be days, weeks, months, years. I don't give a fuck." Jason answered. But his voice was soon drowned out by the sound of hammers clanging from one room. "You hear that?" 

"Sure do." Danny answered. 

The two opened the doorway to reveal the molten metal being poured into a circular container. The Metal cooled and then hardened by hammers. And when that was finished. The Containers being rolled onto an Assembly Line, through what Jason saw as a sprinkler, except it wasn't spitting out water. It was spitting out what looked like a sparkly dust. Then the dust moved through an electricity field. Then packaged up and going into the next room. 

"The hell is that?" Jason asked. "Pixie dust?" 

"Considering that we're in a world with wizards, that doesn't fucking surprise me." Danny answered. 

"So it is Pixie Dust?" Jason asked. "Why are they sprinkling it on? Now I wish I brought Dana and Maria with us." 

"Hm..." Danny looked down. And he could see Amy Tremaine moving through the ground floor. Clearly grumpy.

"Hm. Looks like Amy found out our little shit storm." Jason said. "Damnit. I thought I held Accio as good as I could." 

"Eh. It happens. Rookie mistakes." Danny assured.

"HEY!" A Gangster had shouted from behind them. 

Danny tried to shoot his pistol, but the Gangster had crouched from behind a railing. "Petrificus Totalas!" Jason shot at the hand and paralyzed the Gangster. 

"Nice shot." Danny commented. 

"What are we going to do about Tremaine?" Jason asked.

"Shadow her." Danny answered. "Observe, track, and then when the time is right. We strike." 

"I like that plan." Jason agreed. "Okay." 

"But first." Danny pulled out a small camera and took a photo at the factory. 

"A Camera?" Jason asked.

"For evidence." Danny answered. "Maybe the boys back at H.Q can identify it. Come on." 

Maria kicked through the front door of the Office. Only to see a few of Wizard Gangsters inside. She shot some Petrifying Spells at at least 2 of them. Dana handled the other two. "Don't need to tell you assholes that we're Aurors." Maria informed. The Front Office was a typical office like one would see in a small factory. 

"Dana, see if you can find some of the Office Records. I'll cover you from outside." Maria ordered as she moved right outside the doors. 

"Yeah. Just leave me to look through all these files.." Dana commented to herself. But then she looked at her wand. "Oh, duh. Revelio." And a bunch of papers all went mute. Except for one that was glowing gold. "Bingo." She grinned as it was inside the drawer of a metal desk. The only problem was that the desk was locked up tight. "Alohomora." But that didn't unlock the desk. 

"Son of a bitch. Just had to curse the lock." Dana groaned. "Um... Maria?" She got on her wand.

"Que?" Maria asked.

"Yeah. The financial records are trapped inside a desk." Dana answered.

"Then unlock it." Maria said like it was Common Sense.

"Yeah. I tried that. It won't open with an Alohomora Spell." Dana replied.

"Okay. Then bash up the desk. And then take the records." Maria said.

"That could alert Tremaine we're here." Dana pointed out.

"Then I guess we'll have to fight sooner than we thought." Maria countered.

"Yes, Ma'am." Dana replied obeying her superior. She took the desk and smashed it up. Making a lot of noise. And then she sighed. "Fuck it." She said as she took the financial records and put them in a bag. "This'll keep it safe for now." 

But her accomplishment was short lived. She heard a noise coming from the halls. "Okay. Get back to work. Yes, we all know the guy was depressed as shit. But looking at the pit isn't going to help. You all read Humpty Fucking Dumpty." It was Tremaine. 

Dana readied her wand. "Okay. Here we go." She said. She just hoped Maria was ready. 

Amy opened the door to her office. And to her complete shock to see Dana there with her wand pointed. "Don't move, Tremaine." Dana ordered.

"Leave it to Goblins to fuck up a single hit job on a bitch." Tremaine commented. 

"My name is Dana Scott." Dana corrected. "Auror Department. Magical Law Enforcement for the Magical Congress of the United States of America-" 

"Wear it on your tombstone, bitch." Tremaine interrupted. "Because you are about get so fucked up." 

"Only one getting fucked up is you." Maria came in from behind the door. Her wand raised at Tremaine. "Amy Tremaine. You're under arrest." 

"Heh." Tremaine scoffed at the idea. "And you brought a Spicy Burrito with you, whatever the fuck your name is." She said as she turned back to Dana.

"Actually, Agent Santiago is the more accomplished Auror than me." Dana pointed out. 

"Heh. Like I'm going to be taken in by a Sombrero wearing Motherfucker." Tremaine dissed.

"Get used to fucking disappointments, bitch. Because that's what's going to happen." Maria shot back.

"No, it isn't." Tremaine grinned. Shooting her wand at the sight, hitting a button. Then a bottom trap door opened up and Tremaine fell through grinning.

"Shit! I should've seen that coming." Maria hissed as she looked down the hatch.

"She really thinks ahead." Dana commented sounding astonished.

"Criminals always are prepared for an escape route, Dana." Maria said. "Come on. We gotta go after her." 

"Um... I have a bad experience with slides." Dana started to say.

"Come on!" Maria pushed Dana down the slide. And then jumped in herself. 

"GAH! SHIT!" Dana yelled as an alarm started to blast. 

Jason and Danny started to run down and hear the sirens. "Well, they know we're here!" Jason announced. Right as Danny saw some Wizard Gangsters running down the halls. 

They stopped when they saw Jason and Danny. "Jason, look out!" Danny yelled. It grabbed Jason's attention right as Danny shot off his pistol killing at least 3 of the Gangsters. 

Jason looked over on the other side of the hall. "Danny! More this way!" He yelled.

The Gangsters all shooting off their own spells right at the two. Including several massive Ice Picks that were launched right at Danny's head. 

"Depulso!" Jason shot at the picks striking them to the side. "We're too exposed!" He yelled. 

"We've gotta take a better position, Jason." Danny informed as he shot off a few more shots at the Gangsters.

"Stupefy!" Jason shot at one Wizard. Only to get himself attacked by two more shots of Incendio launched right at Jason's face. 

"Ouch!" Jason felt the burns on his face. 

"This way!" Danny shouted running down a hallway and dragging Jason with him. "Take point! I'll cover!" 

"What if people get in our way?" Jason asked.

"Blast them back! And shoot them!" Danny answered.

"Good call!" Jason replied. As he ran towards a hall way that turned to the right. A spell hitting the wall and chopping off a brick next to Jason. "Depulso!" He shot at one Gangster in his way. "Petrificus Totalas." He shot at another. And firing more shots with his pistol as he ran. Danny firing a pistol while taking cover from behind a wall. But then a Magic Missile had moved from beyond the wall like a boomerang. 

"Protego!" Jason yelled casting a shield charm beyond him and deflecting off the Magic Missile. 

"Don't stop! Keep moving!" Danny shouted pushing Jason forward and shooting more shots behind him. 

But more shots came from behind him. "Avada Kedavra!" One shouted.

"Killing Curse! Get down!" Jason dodged out of the way.

"I've got a Killing Weapon!" Danny countered shooting a headshot at the Wizard.

But that was when something came out of Jason. A group of angry Bowtruckles that emerged out of Jason and started to attack the Gangsters.

"What the fuck?!" Jason asked. "How'd they get in there?"

The Bowtruckles all made a shouting sound. And to Jason's complete shock. The Bowtruckles all started to grow longer arms and legs and wrap themselves around the Gangsters who were now trying to fight off the Bowtruckles that were now on them. Leaves and small tiny claws making cuts all over the bodies as the Gangsters were screaming and shouting being consumed by vines and slowly being cut to pieces, bleeding out and squirming. Then the Bowtruckles all continued on ahead. 

"Okay. No idea what the fuck just happened, but I am not complaining." Danny commented. "Let's keep moving." 

"Right behind you." Jason replied as he continued to have his thoughts about how the fuck Bowtruckles got inside of him. 

Jason and Danny continued onward, only to run into someone coming down what looked like a slide from upstairs. And coming down from below.

"More Gangsters!" Danny raised his pistol. Only to realize that it wasn't just any Gangster but Amy Tremaine.

"Danny! It's her!" Jason yelled. "Tremaine!" 

Tremaine looked at Danny and Jason both pointing wand and pistol at the Gangster.

"F.B.I! Don't move, Tremaine!" Danny shouted. 

"Points on for what it stands for! Fucking Big Idiot!" Tremaine shot back shooting Impedimenta at Danny and Jason. But luckily, Jason was able to shield both himself and Danny with Protego. But Tremaine had took it as he cue to leave. And she started to run.

"Get back here!" Danny yelled shooting for the leg. Only for the gun to click. "Fuck! I'm out!" He yelled. 

"Ac-" Jason tried to shoot but was slammed down by the arrival of Dana and Maria sliding down. And knocking Jason down. 

"Sorry, Jason!" Dana quickly yelled getting off of Jason. 

Tremaine was already running down the hallway. But that was when one final Bowtruckle crawled out of Jason and used his long arms to grab Tremaine by the feet. And then pull her back. 

"Expelliamus!" Jason shot at Tremaine disarming the wand. Just in case Tremaine tried anything. And on to of that, an explosive was pulled off of Tremaine. "Hey, thanks!" He thanked the Bowtruckle.

And that was when Maria got back up and pulled out a set of handcuffs. "You're coming with US, Tremaine!" She yelled as she slapped cuffs on Tremaine.

"Fuck you!" Tremaine yelled.

"Langlock!" Maria also shot at Tremaine's mouth making her silent and tying her tongue. "I needed some peace." 

"Great, we got Tremaine! Let's get out of here!" Danny announced as the group pushed on forwards. The Bowtruckle getting back on Jason's shoulder.

Right as they got towards the entrance, All parties were shocked to see a bunch of Gangsters shooting off spells towards the outside of the Factory. And as Jason took a closer look, he could see his little Bowtruckle shouting out in cheer. And then Jason could see a whole horde of Bowtruckles attacking the Gangsters and moving to destroy the factory. 

"Mother Nature for the win." Danny commented. 

"Remind me never to fuck with nature again." Jason agreed.

The Bow Truckles all started to move towards the creates of explosives. "I don't think we want to stick around long." Jason figured.

"Good call." Maria agreed. And she ran for the exit while holding Tremaine close to her. Dana, Jason, and Danny covering behind her. Blasting a few more Gangsters. But as they approached the exit. Four Bowtruckles cut off a steel pipe from the roof and sent it tumbling down onto the ground. And right in front of Danny and Jason. Cutting them off. 

"Shit!" Danny yelled.

"Leviosa!" Jason shot at the pipe making it float into the air. And both he and Danny started to make a run for the exit. 

But right behind them. Danny turned back to see a Gangster run right up. "Avada Kedavra!" He shot a green beam at the two.

"Woah!" Danny pushed Jason out of the way. The Green Beam hit an explosive crate causing an explosion right in front of Jason and Danny. 

Maria and Dana ran for the exit with Tremaine. 

"Wait!" Maria looked behind her. Jason and Danny were no longer there.

"Shit! They must've gotten cut off!" Dana yelled. And above them, they could see part of the roof collapsing. "NO!" 

From inside the burning Lumber Mill, Danny was coughing up. "Jason!" He yelled.

"Over here!" Jason shouted as his leg was pinned. "Depulso!" He blasted off getting his leg free. 

"Well, we're not getting out that way." Danny figured. Everything around them was burning. "Fuck! It's Detroit all over again!" Another piece of metal roof had fallen down. "Get back!" 

Jason stepped out of the way. "Maria! Dana!" He yelled. "Help!" 

But then another piece of metal had fallen down from the roof. And Jason swore he could see something shadowy descending. "Arresto Momentum!" He tried to shoot figuring that it was a piece of rubble. But it didn't do anything. "Oh shit!" He yelled. Only for the shadowy item to slow is pace. And it had sprung out wings. It was something dark and hairy. And 6 Glowing Eyes. "Blue Eyes?" He asked.

"Is this how you thank your savior?" Blue Eyes asked. "Maybe I should leave you to be crushed and fall down to my Domain." He sarcastically said. 

"No thanks. Get us out of here, alive!" Danny requested.

"Thanks for being specific." Blue Eyes replied as he grabbed both Jason and Danny by the arms. "Hang on tight!" He yelled as he flapped his wings and flew up in the air and all three rose up into the sky. The Lumber Mill below their feet. And then it blew up in blaze of inferno. 

"Oh, shit." Danny commented. "We got outta there in time." 

"No kidding." Jason agreed. 

They landed right next to Maria and Dana who saw the whole thing. Along with Maria holding Tremaine. 

"Are you guys okay?" Maria asked.

"Yeah. Just a little shit we got in, but we're fine." Jason answered. 

"I would seem you completed your work." Blue Eyes commented.

"The Factory got blown up. But we do have Tremaine." Dana informed. 

Maria grinned as she held Tremaine in a firm grip. Tremaine tried to break free 

"You've got a lot to answer for, Bitch." Danny told Tremaine.

"Where's the Crooked Man?!" Jason demanded.

Tremaine mumbled.

"Not here." Maria decided. "Let's take her back to H.Q. See if she talks there." And then she got on a portable radio. "Ryder. It's Santiago. One in Custody." She reported. 

"Solid copy. Get her back to M.A.C.U.S.A. Ryder out." Ryder said back over the intercom.

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