{Season 1|EP.10}

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{Season 1|EP.10}

"Miss O, We're perfectly fine." Felicity sighed looking at the sobbing Miss O in the video call. "I...I know...it's just that...you all just grow up so fast!" Miss O sobbed. "Okay... anyways ho-" Musa was about to ask something but the was a loud crash coming from the main floor. "We'll call you back Miss O." Felicity said as she ended the call. Her and Musa exited the telephone room to see Zayla lunged onto Scotch. A blazing fire in her eyes. "YOU!!" Zayla yelled. "Zayla! Calm down! You said that you got over this vendetta!" Wendy grunted, trying to pull Zayla off of Scotch. "How are you Zayla?" Scotch asked. "Stop smiling you dick!! The only reason I entered that stupid tryouts was because I would finally be able to get to you. And complete the goal I've been wanting to. And that's killing you." Zayla growled. "Zayla! Listen to us! If you do this they'll send you to the Blood Prison!" Alice warned her. "I don't care! As long as he's dead I don't give two shits about going to the Blood Prison." Zayla yelled. "You still think I did it! How many times do I have to explain it to you? I didn't kill her!" Scotch reminded her. "My ass you didn't kill her! I saw what happened! I saw you shoot her! You were there to protect here but you turned around and did the complete opposite!" Zayla yelled. Tears streaming down her face. "That's not true! I never would shoot her! Why in a million years would I do that!?" Scotch asked in a yelling tone. She got up and sighed. "I guess you're right. It was so silly for me to think any other wise." Zayla started.

"Thank you, I'm glad came to your senses." Scotch sighed in relief. "I'm glad also." Zayla continued. "Glad about what?" Scotch asked. "Glad that you put your guard down!!!" Zayla yelled as she threw a kunai in his direction engulfed in flames. Scotch contoured up a shield blocking the kunai. Both brought out a sword, lunging towards each other making a clink and clunk sound when the crashed. "Die you monster!" Zayla yelled. Scotch then kicked her left leg to the right side causing her to fall. "Zayla! Listen to me! I don't know what happened to you since the shooting but you have to believe me. I. Did not. Shoot. Your sister." Scotch repeated, spacing out his words. Zayla growled and kicked him in the place when the sun doesn't shine, flipped him over and now Zayla was on top of him. "And I said you did!" Zayla growled. She felt a sensation taking over her. Zayla's eyes completely turned black. Her pupils were gone. "I wonder...I really do wonder...what the little Scotch would be like...if he burns?" Zayla cackled. Zayla got off of him and carried him by the neck. "Zayla! Just relax okay?" Gin said but before he could say anything else Zayla kicked him into the wall. "No thank. Ice-princess." Zayla chuckled.

She walked towards the entrance, everyone moved out of her way, everyone except. Alice and Felicity. "Zayla. Calm down. What would Theodore think of this?" Alice asked. Zayla looked at herself in the window reflection. What have I become? She thought. Zayla dropped Scotch and ran. She opened the door and kept running. "Scotch, what was Zayla talking about?" Wendy asked as Scotch got up. "I'll tell you."



Uh, as he came into the window

It was the sound of a crescendo, uh!

He came into her apartment

He left the bloodstains on the carpet, uh!

She ran underneath the table

He could see she was unable

So she ran into the bedroom

She was struck down

It was her doom

Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK, Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK, Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK, Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?

[Zayla and Scotch:]

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

Will you tell us that you're OK ([Scotch:] uh!)

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you - A crescendo Annie

He came into your apartment

He left the bloodstains on the carpet ([Scotch:] uh!)

Then you ran into the bedroom

You were struck down

It was your doom


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?

[Zayla and Scotch:]

Are you OK Annie?


You've been hit by


You've been hit by

[Zayla and Scotch:]

A Smooth Criminal


So they came into the outway

It was Sunday - What a black day, uh!

Mouth to mouth resuscitation

Sounding heartbeats - Intimidations

Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?


Are you OK Annie?


Annie are you OK?


So, Annie are you OK?

[Scotch and Zayla:]

Annie are you OK?

Will you tell us that you're OK

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you - A crescendo Annie

He came into your apartment

He left the bloodstains on the carpet, uh!

Then you ran into the bedroom

You were struck down

It was your doom

Annie are you OK?

Are you OK Annie?


You've been hit by


You've been struck by

[Zayla and Scotch:]

A Smooth Criminal

[Zayla (Scotch):]

I don't know!

(Annie are you OK, Will you tell us, that you're OK)

I don't know!

(There's a sign in the window)

I don't know!

(That he struck you - A crescendo Annie)

I don't know!

(He came into your apartment)

I don't know!

(Left bloodstains on the carpet)

I don't know why baby!

(Then you ran into the bedroom)

I don't know!

(You were struck down)

(It was your doom - Annie!)

(Annie are you OK?)

Dang, gone it - Baby!

(Will you tell us, that you're OK)

Dang, gone it - Baby!

(There's a sign in the window)

Dang, gone it - baby!

(That he struck you - A crescendo Annie)

Hoo! Hoo!

(He came into your apartment)

Dang, gone it!

(Left bloodstains on the carpet, uh!)

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

(Then you ran into the bedroom)

Dang gone it!

(You were struck down)

(It was your doom - Annie!)


You've been hit by

[Zayla and Scotch:]

You've been struck by

A Smooth Criminal

Zayla kept running she never wanted to go back to White Swan Corp. "I'm so stupid!" She sobbed running towards the pond. She looked at her reflection one more time. "Look at you. You're just a monster! You attacked a boy you know was innocent! They should lock you up in the Blood Prison right now!" Her reflection laughed. Zayla slammed her fist into the water repeatedly causing her hands to burn. "You're a monster! A nuncence! A burden to everyone around you! Just go away already!" Zayla yelled at her reflection. She then remember she was yelled at herself. She was all those thing. "Zayla?" A voice behind her asked. "Scotch!" Zayla sobbed. "Shh...it's okay...it's okay honey...I'm here..." Scotch soothing voice was ever so calming, he hugged her stroking her back. "Please, please leave." Zayla begged as she ran off again. "Why do you keep running Zayal!" Scotch asked. "Because! I'm haunted!" Zayla yelled. "What do you mean?" Scotch asked.


You and I walk a fragile line

I have known it all this time

But I never thought I'd live to see it break

It's getting dark and it's all too quiet

And I can't trust anything now

And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake

Oh, I'm holding my breath

Won't lose you again

Something's made your eyes go cold

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Something's gone terribly wrong

You're all I wanted

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Can't breathe whenever you're gone

Can't turn back now,

I'm haunted

Stood there and watched you walk away

From everything we had

But I still mean every word I said to you

He will try to take away my pain

And he just might make me smile

But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

Oh, I'm holding my breath

Won't see you again

Something keeps me holding on to nothing

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Something's gone terribly wrong

You're all I wanted

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Can't breathe whenever you're gone

Can't turn back now,

I'm haunted

I know, I know, I just know

You're not gone. You can't be gone. No.

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Something's gone terribly wrong

Won't finish what you started

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Can't breathe whenever you're gone

Can't go back, I'm haunted


You and I walk a fragile line

I have known it all this time

Never ever thought I'd see it break.

Never thought I'd see it...

"ZAYLA!! Don't leave!!" Zeke yelled. But Zayla was long gone. He saw something drop from her pocket. A piece of folded up paper. He unfolded it and started reading.

I'm sorry.

To everyone who believed in me, I apologize profusely.

You didn't deserve seeing me in turmoil. You didn't deserve to be affected by my negativity. It hurt me even more, knowing what I put you through. The way you looked at me-afraid, helpless, hopeless. The way I stared back into your eyes, defeated.

Don't be angry because this was nothing personal. Know that I'm gone because I chose to do so. For once, I finished something I started. For once I was brave enough to go through with something risky and dangerous.

Don't be disappointed. I didn't give up, no, on the contrary all I ever wanted was a reason to persevere. All I ever wanted was to really live, but I didn't know how.

All of you always did (and still do) such an excellent job at living, and I was happy for every one of you. Your lit up, elated smiling faces made me smile, although it broke my heart all at once. I felt bad and guilty because you loved me. I tried numerous times to push you away, to make you un-love me so I could take the plunge quicker. My attempts always failed. Your compassion pained me as much as it consoled me. I often wished that having you in my life, and all the other privileges I had was enough, but I could never find what I was looking for. Perhaps it didn't even exist.

I believe in a higher entity, but I don't think he likes me too much. I think he often looks down and cringes, embarrassed that he moulded a mistake. Maybe I'm in hell right now, but you all knew I never believed in hell. The concept was created to keep us on track, and motivate us to do good. What if earth is hell? It sure felt that way.

What if everything we wanted was actually nothing? What if all the things we think are tangible, are actually figments of our imagination? What if life is actually death, and when we die we are truly alive? Wouldn't that make more sense?

For if this is life, surely some of us wouldn't inexplicably yearn for death so badly?

I didn't die because I wanted it to stop, although towards the end I probably partially did. Please understand this. I did it because I had a burning desire in the depths of my soul for something more-a kind of wanderlust for an unknown abyss, a whole world yet to be discovered. Isn't that what we're always told? That the unknown is exciting and enthralling?

Who said death had to be this morbid. If you're crying, please stop. What if my death is a glorious celebration? Could you celebrate it for me? Could all of you dance, and sing my favorite songs around my soulless body?

Again, please don't cry. Don't mourn. Don't grieve. I am happy now. Happy. Truly happy. Believe this.

I love you.

"Zayla...no..no Zay..." Scotch started running after her. Zayla finally stopped running and was now sitting on a tree top. "I'm such a loser/ I'm so stupid! I should just die!" Zayla cried. "Hey kid, don't go thinking like that. I didn't raise you to think like that. Now did it?" A voice asked. "Inferno?" Zayla asked. She turned around to see a guy with red hair and a black jean jacket and black jeans. "Inferno!! I'm scared! I know you hate me saying that. But I really am. I don't wanna harm anyone. I don't wanna harm myself. I don't know what to do!" Zayla cried. "First kid. Stop crying. Take a deep breathe in and out." Inferno instructed. Zayla nodded and took a deep breathe in and out wiping her tears but it wouldn't work. "Okay so that didn't work. So exactly what happened?" Inferno asked. "I lost control, I let her out. I let the vendetta take over me." Zayla said on the brink of tears again. "Okay, sit." Inferno gestures her into a medational position. "In. And out. Balance. Show the vendetta who's boss." Zayla was now a lot more calmer making her eyes turn normal again. "Thank you Inferno." Zayla smiled. "Your welcome. See you soon kid." And just like that he was gone. "Zayla!" Scotch yelled. "Go away Scotch." Zayla mumbled. A white butterfly landed on Zayla's nose. "That won't work Scotch." She swatted the butterfly away.

"You always loved butterflies." Scotch said as more appeared. "Please, just talk to me Zayla. I know we have our past but we still have the future." Scotch sighed. "The sky." Zayla started. "What about it?" Scotch asked sitting next to her. "You can see all the stars tonight. It's the perfect shade of blue, purple, and pink." Zayla smiled as they laid down on the tree top. "It's so beautiful." Zayla keep looking up at the sky. "Not as beautiful as you are." Scotch whispered. They talked and talked for hours.

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