{Season 1|EP.11}

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{Season 1|EP. 11}

"Look at them. Aww, young love." Alice gushed looking at Wendy and Rum. "Wait, she's still with Rum?" Tequila asked. "Yeah." Musa answered turning the barstool around to face Rum and Wendy. "Morning Vodka." Gin greeted as Vodka rolled his eyes and sat next to Zayla. "Oh what's good about it." Vodka growled. "What's up with him?" Zayla asked. "He's still very agitated that Wendy and Rum are in a romantic relationship." Felicity answered meditating on top of the bar counter. "Why are you on top of the bar counter?" Whiskey asked. "Shouldn't you be asking why Tequila is walking towards Wendy?" Felicity chuckled. "Wendy, remember our little deal?" Tequila asked. "Yeah, what about it?" Wendy asked. "Why haven't you done it?" Tequila raised his eyebrow. "Haven't had time." Wendy answered. "Well you got time now." Tequila smirked. "Well I don't wanna do it now." Wendy shot back. "And why is that?" Tequila asked slyly. "No reason at all." Wendy answered. "I see, you got til the end of the day to end it or I do it myself. And it's won't be pretty." Tequila warned as Tequila walked back to the group. "Why did you scare that poor girl?" Zayla sighed. "I didn't scare her. I just warned her." Tequila corrected her. The doors of the base the opened as Zack came in. "Zack!" Musa smiled as she ran towards him wrapping her arms around his neck bringing him in for a small peck on the lips. "What are you doing here?" Zack asked. "I passed the tryouts." Musa answered. "Congrats Musa!" Zack smiled. "Thanks!" Musa thanked as she kissed him again. "Get a room Musa!' Zayla yelled. "Oh shush." Musa chuckled. "Stupid Zack...." Tequila grumbled. "I'm gonna go train. Come on Parviz!" Tequila growled. "But Zack brought me kiwis." Parviz said with stars in his eyes. "Ugh, come on I'll buy you a case of kiwis on the way to the training center." Tequila groaned. "Why don't you stay a while, Tequila?" Zack smirked kissing Musa cheek. Tequila the scrunched up his fist in anger.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Me and Parviz have training to. So if you excuse me." Tequila scowled. "Okay, see ya." Zack smirked as he kissed Musa on the lips. "Come on Parviz. I have training to do." Tequila growled as he grabbed Parviz, walking away in an angry huff. "T-Tequila calm down. Zack is just trying to push your buttons. Y-you can't feed into th-the anger." Parviz stuttered a bit. "I think we're past that point. He's gone to far now! I had her first. But then I messed it up. I lost her. I'm a dragon rider. Dragons keep things close to them at all times. But I failed...I lost my best friend to another person...I lost her...I lost my Musa..." Tequila then fell to the floor clutching his heart. "Tequila! Hey Tequila! What's happening?" Parviz asked worriedly. "I'm fine..." Tequila then saw the tree. "I'm gonna go train." Tequila growled. "Your not training! You're letting out your anger in a very bad way! You need to move on! She obviously has!" Parviz yelled. "You don't think I have. You don't think I've tried to get over her! She's just so sexy! Wait... I'm a dragon...hehehe...and dragons get what they want...hehehe..." Tequila chuckled as he turned around, his eyes were now silver. "Tequila! Snap! Out! Of! It!" Parviz yelled slapping him with his tail. "I-I'm sorry...these usually happens a lot." Tequila sighed. "How long has this been happening?" Parviz asked. "2..." Tequila started. "Days? Weeks? Months?" Parviz asked. "Years..." Tequila sighed.

"YEARS!?!?!" Parviz asked. Tequila eyes turned silver again. "Were going back to the base. Come on." Tequila chuckled as he pulled Parviz. "Tequila! This really isn't healthy!" Parviz yelled. "Does it look like I care?" Tequila smirked as Parviz tail wrapped around Tequila's stomach, slamming him into the wall. "Tequila! Calm down!" Parviz yelled as Tequila's eyes turned normal again. "Let's take a walk." Tequila suggested. "Good. I wanna get more kiwis." Parviz smiled.

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