{Season 1|EP.12}

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{Season 1|EP.12}

“Wendy.” Tequila started. “Tequila.” Wendy whined. “This guy broke your heart 4 times! It’s completely idiotic that you still with him.” Ginger Ale stated, cleaning some glasses. “I’m done waiting. I gave you time to do it your way but after what this guy did to you, four times may I remind you, I’m not holding back.” Tequila warned. “Tequila, he’s only 13, your 18, don’t you think there’s a, I don’t know, age difference, size difference, power difference. Do I have to go on?” Musa asked. “Look Musa, I get it there a bunch of differences between me and him but he hurt Wendy badly. As a dragon, I can’t forgive anyone who hurt my friends. I mean, if anyone hurt you I’d kill him.” Tequila mumbled the last part. “What did you say?” Musa asked. “N-nothing.” Tequila answered. “I’m just saying it’s completely trivial that you’re doing this.” Musa flipped to the next page in her book. “Look, I don’t really know what trivial means, but what I do know is that Rum hurt a person I care about. And he’s gonna pay for that.” Tequila growled. “Ugh! I don’t get it. Wendy is old enough to solve these problems on her own. And I think she’s been putting it off so long so we won't get involved.” Musa explained. “What if you were in Wendy’s shoes, what would you do huh? What if Zack cheated on you?” Tequila smugly said. “W-well! I would break up with him. And find someone new.” Musa answered. “Okay, so what if he cheated on you with Clover. Huh! What then? Cause I know they used to date. Even when Zack was dating you. But you gave him a second chance didn’t you. The only reason you did the tryouts was to get closers to Zack, hoping that it could go back to the way it was before. But it didn’t. But you’re here, giving advice to a 13 year old about relationships when you yourself is in a toxic one!” Tequila smirked. Musa’s eyes watered up.

“You’re--you’re s-so incompetent!” Musa yelled. “What?” Tequila asked. “Incompetent. It means not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully. Basically you’re so stupid you can’t notice the most noticeable things!” Musa voice was shaky. “Well at least I did let my best friend die!” Tequila yelled. “Yo-you! Don’t bring Clover into this!”  Musa shot back. “Well I wouldn’t have to if you weren’t with Zack!” Tequila growled. “Well then who should I be with?! Huh!?” Musa yelled. “If you we’re gonna be with anyone then...then… then you should've been with me!” Musa’s eyes widened. “You wanna know why I’m not with you?! You attacked me and my best friend. Kidnapped me and for 4 months I was in Alabasta being a slave to a horrible man! That’s why I’m not with you! THAT’S WHY!” Musa yelled tears running down her face. “I thought you said you forgave me.” Tequila’s voice lowered, almost sounding saddened. “Forgive you?! Forgive You?! FORGIVE YOU?! I WILL NEVER FORGET THE PAIN AND SUFFERING YOU PUT ME THROUGH!! The fact that you think I would shows how incompetent you are!” Musa yelled. “Musa...I….” Tequila started. “Shut up! I don’t need you’re stupid excuses!” Musa yelled trying to run away but she looked down to see she was off the ground. “Shorty… I’m sorry okay…” Tequila mumbled. “What?” Musa asked. “I’m sorry okay.” Tequila said a little louder this time. “Huh?” Musa asked again. “I’M SORRY OKAY!!” Tequila yelled. “Wh-what?” Musa asked. “I’m sorry...I know everything that happened in the past that you hate me...but...but...b-but…” Tequila stammered. “Come on Tequila...just tell her…” Parviz mumbled. “You what Tequila?!” Musa growled. “I...I...I um...You make this to hard to say Musa!” Tequila sighed. “What do you mean?” Musa asked. Musa looked at Tequila. “Ugh! None of this would've happened it you never let Clover die! She would've got into the base instead of you!” Tequila yelled, he didn’t realize what he said until he saw more tears streaming down her face. “FINE!!!” Musa yelled as she stormed off. Tequila stormed off as well.

Parviz was about to follow him but Felicity stopped him. “Me and Alice will talk to Tequila. Please go try to calm down Musa.” Parviz nodded as he went to find Musa. “TEQUILA!!!” Alice yelled as they walked through the streets. “Agent Tequila!!” Felicity yelled. “Where the hell is he?” Alice asked as the continued looked. Where was Tequila? There’s an easy answer for that question. Tequila walked through the town aimlessly. “Why did I have to bring Clover into this? I’m such a jerk.” Tequila sighed. “My point exactly.” A voice behind Tequila chuckled. Tequila turned around to see a hooded girl smiling at him. “Who the hell are you?” Tequila asked. “It’s not important at the moment!” The girl answered. From what was visible, she has purple skin, which is transparent on her lower limbs so that her bones are visible. From what he could see her hair is blue, pink and purple. because she has both ghost and skeleton traits, visible lines on her mouth, to represent teeth, and skeleton nose. She wears pastel goth clothes “I’m here to warn you. Tequila, you have to make sure Musa destroys the so-” The girl warned, fading away. “The what?” Tequila asked. “The soul ge...” But before she could finish her sentence she was completely gone. “Agent Tequila!” Felicity yelled. “If you’re trying to get me to go back to the corp let me save you the trouble of trying to convince me cause I’m not going.” Tequila said as Felicity walked up to him.

“Agent Tequila. There’s something coming. I don't know what. Or when it’s gonna get here. But, what I do know is that you need to be there for Musa when it does.” Felicity said. “What do you mean?” Tequila asked. “I’m not completely sure. The plants keep on worrying about something. Their afraid.” Felicity sighed. “Felicity, is there something you’re keeping from me?” Tequila asked. “No, well I’m keeping a lot of stuff from you but that doesn't concern our current situation, something under the surface is forming. It’s big, and it’s gonna affect us all.” Felicity answered. “Okay, but why should I be there for Musa? She obviously doesn't want me there.” Tequila asked. “Agent Tequila, Musa cares deeply about you, about all of us. And when this event happens. All of us, that means you too. Have to be there. Not just for me, not just for the dragonriders, not just for your friends. But Musa too.” Felicity answered as a crystal ball appeared in her hands with a beautiful periwinkle flower in the middle of it. “What is that?” Tequila asked tapping on the ball. “This is Musa’s soul flower. It tracks her life force. So when it’s healthy that means she fine. When it’s wilting it means she hurt, physically or emotionally, dependent on the color. And when it’s turns completely black. It means she dead.” Felicity explained. Tequila looked at the flower to see it was red, and wilting a little. “She’s hurting, emotionally.” Felicity said. “Oh…” Tequila sighed.

“I think you know what you have to do.” Tequila nodded.


Meanwhile, in the library. Musa was flipping through book, angrily. “I never! Ever! Wanna see that jerk again!” Musa slammed one of the books and moved to the next one. “Musa, he was obviously wasn’t thinking when he said that.” Wendy said. “Oh I think he was! He’s still the same jerk he always was!” Musa growled as she threw the book she was holding, luckily Parviz caught it. Scotch the held onto Musa’s wrists before she could grab the other book. “Musa, calm down. Tequila always been a jerk. But, I know for a fact that he wouldn’t have said that unless he has a reason. Or he was being controlled.” Scotch said as Musa looked across the table at an open book. It was a photo album. She looked more closely at the photo to see her and Tequila when they were little kids sitting in the park eating oranges. Musa chuckled. “I remember that day. Tequila tried opening the orange but he couldn’t so he threw it across the park.” Musa laughed. “Better now?” Gin asked, Musa nodded. And before Musa knew it she felt arms wrapped around her waist. “I’m sorry.” A voice behind her mumbled, their face buried in Musa’s purple hair. “You know a normal person doesn't come up behind another person and only say “I’m sorry.” For all I know, Tequila. You could be a kidnapper.” Musa chuckled. “Ha ha. Very funny Musa.” Tequila said sarcastically.

“If you’re really sorry then you’re gonna help me but away all these books.” Musa smirked. “It’s almost midnight!” Tequila whined. “I’m aware. But, this is your punishment. Or I could just let Felicity beat the crap out of you until I think you’re truly sorry.” Musa said. “Please, what is Felicity gonna do to me?” Tequila scoffed. Felicity smirked. And not even two seconds later a vine wrapped around Tequila’s feet, swinging him up and slamming him to the ground. “Okay...okay...I clean up the books.” Tequila groaned. “Good.” Musa smiled. Felicity whistled causing the vine to wrap around Felicity’s wrist like a bracelet. “Have fun!” Alice singsonged as her and the rest of the group walked out of the library.

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