{Season 1|EP.2}

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Just some music to play during the chapter


{Season 1|EP. 2}

"OH FOR KAMI SAKES!!! WHY ARE WE FALLING!?!?!?!" Alice yelled. "I swear to god Whiskey, If I survive this I'm gonna kill you!!" Zayla yelled. She looked over to Felicity to see she was perfectly calm. "HOW ARE YOU SO CALM!?!?!" Musa yelled. "I'm always calm remember," Felicity answered. "I don't wanna die!!" Alice yelled. Wendy then look to her left to see a crate falling with them. "Aria!" Wendy chanted as beautiful pure white angel wings sprouted from her back. She then flew towards the crate and opened it to see a rope and a large piece of navy blue cloth patched together by other smaller pieces of cloth. She tied the rope around the crates and then tied the remaining rope around the cloth creating a balloon of some sort. She grabbed her teammates and placed them into the crate. Once they were all in she squeeze Zayla's stomach causing fire to come out of her mouth making the balloon float safely towards the ground. Until. The cloth teared and they were falling again. Wendy flew up and untied the rope around the cloth and threw the cloth back into the crate. She held onto the rope as hard as she could but they were just too heavy. She then started hearing a ripping sound. She looked at the rope to see it was breaking little by little.

"Great! Just great!" Wendy exclaimed sarcastically. Wendy tried her best to keep the crate up but the rope snapped and they began falling again. "Wendy!!! You better think of something cause I don't want to die yet!" Musa yelled as Wendy flew under the crate, her arms holding it up. But after a while, Wendy's arms began to give out. Shoot! Um...come on Wendy you friends are counting on you! Think of a spell! Any spell! Just think of a spell they will get us out of this! Wendy thought and suddenly, a spell came to mind. "O strengthen of arm to cleave the heavens! Lle Arms!" Wendy chanted as flat, elongated white oval mass of Magic generated before her hands, then a quavering magical aura surrounded her, allowing her arms to regain strength again. "Why are you guys so heavy!!" Wendy complained. "That's not important at the moment Wendy!" Zayla answered. "Even with Aria and Lle Arms. It's gonna strain her out to much! Eventually, she's gonna pass out because of the altitude we're in and the loss of magic!" Musa warned them. "Wendy! Don't strain yourself out!" Alice yelled.

Wendy didn't hear her. The only sound she heard was the crate breaking. "Why are these materials so fragile!!" Wendy groaned as the crate started breaking even more till there was no case at all! Causing them to fall. Again! "Wendy!!" Felicity yelled, her voice echoing as they fell. "Hold on!" Wendy the dove down, like an eagle going for the kill. As Wendy dove down deeper towards her friends, she felt as though she wasn't gonna make it on time before they a nearby plane. Come on Wendy! Your friends lives are at stake! Think of something! Something! Anything! Come on! There has to be something Grandenie taught me that I remember! Just think Wendy! Wendy thought back to when she was little.

"Grandeeney! Grandeeney! Where are you?" 6 year old Wendy asked searching around the forest for the prior mentioned "Grandeeney" "Oh! It's another game of hide and seek. Ya! I'm gonna find you Grandeeney." Wendy laughed as she looked behind the tree. But no Grandeeney. She looked behind all the bushes and in all the trees, but no Grandeeney. Wendy started getting worried. Did this so-called Grandeeney leave her? Wendy shook the thoughts out of her head and kept looking. She looked for hours! Well, it was actually only 15 minutes, but to a 6 year old that was a long time. "Grandeeney?" Wendy asked getting worried. "Grandeeney! Come on, your scaring me. I said I was sorry for knocking over that bottle of Butterfly flower dust. Grandeeney?" Wendy's voice started to crack and her eyes we started to fill with tears. Then she started full on crying. "Grandeeney! Please don't leave!" Wendy sobbed. Without her knowledge, she something started rubbing up against her nose.

She looked at the object to see a long white tail. She smiled and looked up to see a large, four-legged Dragon, sitting on a large tree branch, whose appearance differs considerably from a traditional Dragon's appearance. She has a white body, which appears to be covered in tissue similar to bird feathers, rather than scales. Her feet resemble bird talons as well. Her head is covered in what appears to be fur and her skull is somewhat broad and flat. The fur extends down the neck and to the upper chest region. "Grandeeney!" Wendy cheered as Grandeeney swooped down from the tree and up into the air doing 3 loop-the-loop and bursting thru a cloud letting the setting sun hit her wings perfectly creating a beautiful array of colors. Grandeeney extended her tail down towards Wendy's height. Wendy grabbed her tail as it brung Wendy up to Grandeeney and onto her back. "Ready?" Grandeeney asked. "Yeah!" Wendy cheered in glee as they flew off into the sunset.

After a fun day of flying, Grandeeney and Wendy were floating under the starry cloudy night sky. "Grandeeney." Wendy started. "Yes Wendy?" Grandeeney asked. "Can you tell me the story of the dragon and the girl with blue hair again?" Wendy asked. "Wendy, I told you that story hundreds of times already. Don't you wanna hear another one?" Grandeeney asked. Wendy shook her head "I like that one!" Wendy answered looked at the moon. "Okay, where do I begin?" Grandeeney asked rhetorically. "At the beginning silly." Wendy laughed. "It was a rhetorical question Wendy my dear." Grandeeney answered. "Rhetorical question? What's that?" Wendy asked curiously. "Do you want to hear this story or not Wendy?" Grandeeney asked. "I do." Wendy answered. "Then sit back, relax, and let me tell the story." Grandeeney said as Wendy laid back down on Grandeeney's back.

"Long ago, the King and Queen of Cherryville were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Her hair was blue just like the ocean but dark like the night sky. The citizens were in glee once they heard the announcement of the royal babies. Everyone except. Esmeralda the terrible. Esmeralda was a gypsy who lived in Cherryville, who absolutely despised the royal family. So when she heard the news of the new royal baby, she was ever so angered, and swore that she would find a way to get revenge on the royal family for shunning her away from the world, calling her an evil witch! Saying she was the spirit of Satan himself! She swore she was gonna get revenge! No matter what it takes!" Grandeeney started. "This is the good part!" Wendy smiled. As Grandeeney continued the story Wendy wondered if she could ever be as strong as the girl with the blue hair. I mean she had the same hair. Maybe she could be like her.

"Hey Grandeeney." Wendy started. "Yes Wendy my dear?" Grandeeney asked. "Can you teach me the spell that the girl with the blue hair used in your story?" Wendy asked. "Wendy, dear, that spell is very complex for a girl your age...I mean there are severe consequences...and your only 6 Wendy. I think you should just stay with your Troia healing spell for the time being." Grandeeney suggested. "But Grandeeney! I've done that spell millions of times. It's perfect! Just teach me the spell and I won't bother you for the rest of the month about new spells. Please?" Wendy begged making puppy-dog eyes. "Fine. The spell is called Sky Roar. it's a duo spell, meaning that you need another person to do it." Grandeeney started.

She then swooped down towards the plane. "SKY ROAR!!" Wendy yelled as she quickly gathers and released a large quantity of air from her mouth in the form of a tornado-like blast, pushing the plane away from the girls. "Phew..." Wendy sighed in relief. She then saw the girls falling again. "Wendy!!! Think of something!!" Musa yelled holding onto Zayla, Alice, and Felicity. Think Wendy! What would Grandeeney do? Wendy thought. Wendy's visions started to blur. She shook her head vigorously and dove down. "Hold on guys!!" Wendy yelled as she went towards a nearby cloud, grabbing it. She flew down as fast as she could, but when she but the could under them they went straight thru. Wendy looked back at the cloud to see it was a cirrus cloud. She facepalmed and flew back down even faster. Her vision was started to fade again. She started seeing things, even hearing things. Wendy... The voice said. "Grandeeney?" Wendy asked.

Wendy, your using too much power. Hence why your vision is blurring up. Slow down. The voice warned her. "Grandeeney! My friends are gonna die! I'm not about to let that happen! I don't care if I'm using too much power!" Wendy yelled as she kept flying faster. Wendy! Listen to me! If you fly any faster your gonna break the sound barrier meaning that you could damage yourself really badly! The voice said. Wendy the shook head and kept flying down. Don't worry guys! I'm...I'm not...gonna let...my power....limit my abilities.... Not if....your lives....are on the....li....line... Wendy thought. Wendy's vision was completely gone. Her wings disappeared as well. "No! No, no, no!" Wendy groaned as she tried to create Aria again but nothing. Suddenly, Wendy lost all motion in her body and she was just falling. "WENDY!!!!" Musa yelled as Wendy dropped right past them, falling to the floor even more quickly. Is this how I'm gonna die? Dropping to my death? I can see the headlines now. Wendy Salazar, 13 year old died from being dropped out of a plane! I haven't even had my first kiss yet! I don't wanna die! Wendy then saw a blue circular light with white feathers surrounding it. "Hello Wendy." the light spoke, startling Wendy a bit. "What are you?" Wendy asked circling the light.

"That's not important at the moment Wendy." The light answered. Wendy extended her hand towards the light hesitantly. Once she touched it, she was back to falling but this time she looked different. Like if her wings were back. Wendy's outfit consists of a blue, strapless, jumpsuit which extends into open-toe heels with amaranth soles. The jumpsuit also sports a feather piece consisting of patterned bands which raise up to her neck and extend right below her chest, with bands that act as sleeves extending to her elbow. She also accents the suit with a feathers belt of bands that carry blue jewels on the bottom. The suit bears translucent, silk ribbons that tie on her left shoulder, wrap down her torso, and tie again on the right side of her waist. Where the ribbons are tied, the extend to the floor and bear a pink color which fades to light blue. She also accessories with amaranth, diamond-shaped, earrings and a feather hairpiece consisting of beads on her right. Her hair is worn down to knee-length and her bangs are cleanly parted to the left. Her angel wings are large and vibrant with an inner color of white with a blue and silver color extending out.

"Wendy? What happened to you?" Alice asked. Wendy didn't answer. She gathered multiple clouds and placed them under the girl allowing them to float safely to the ground to see everyone else was already on the ground. Wendy then turned back into normal but collapsed onto the floor. The girls and Whiskey ran towards Wendy. "Vodka! Get over here!" Whiskey yelled as Agent Vodka appeared. "Yeah?" Vodka asked. "Take Wendy to the infirmary, make sure she gets a full recovery." Whiskey ordered as Vodka picked her up and started walking back to the mission control center. "Vodka! Wait!" Whiskey called, making Vodka turn around. "Make sure she gets her symbol once she wakes up." Whiskey said. "Wait, your choosing Wendy as one of the five to join White Swan Corp?" Vodka asked. "Yeah, that 13 year old can think quick on her feet. She'll be perfect for White Swan Corp. Plus, you need a friend your age." Whiskey winked as he walked back to the group. "I'll be taking that." Whiskey grabbed his hat off of Felicity's head making her giggle. The girls looked at her weirdly. "What?" Felicity asked. "You giggled." Musa started. "You never giggle," Zayla answered as Felicity started walking.

"What can I say, girls," Felicity said.

"I guess I changed."

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