{Season 2|EP.1}

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{Season 2|EP.1}

“It always seems impossible until it's done”

-Nelson Mandela

“What the hell is  3̶D̶2Y?” Tequila asked as something hit him in the face. “It’s a message you dumbass!” Musa scolded. “3̶D̶, means 3 days. And since it has an X over it is because we can’t meet each other back in 3 days. And the 2Y means 2 years, so we’re gonna see each other in 2 years. On the third of december that is.” Musa explained. “She’s such a smart cookie.” Magnus smiled. “So wait, on the third of december we’re supposed to meet up with the group again?” Tequila asked as Musa nodded. “Well if we’re here for two years, shrimp, you really need to boost your combat skills.” Tequila said as Musa looked at him.

“My combat skills are perfectly fine.” Musa profoundly said. “Punch me.” Tequila demanded. Musa punched him. Tequila and Mangus started laughing. “Musa, you really need to strengthen your combat skills.” Bagheera chuckled. “Shut up, so maybe my combat skills aren’t the best. But, I’m a lot smarter than Tequila.” Musa smirked. “Yeah whatever, training starts at 3am at the beach. Don’t be late.” Tequila smirked. “Wait. 3am?!”


Far off at the beach of the Emerald Amazon, Felicity was meditating on the beach. “Hello, Agent Whiskey.” Felicity greeted. “How did you know I was here?” Whiskey asked. “I sense these things.” Felicity answered. “Uh-huh, anyways. I-I kinda wanna tell you something.” Whiskey started. “And that is?” Felicity asked. “Well, since we’re gonna be here for 2 years, meaning that dragon and devil season will happen 2 times and well….” Whiskey trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I understand.” Felicity said. “You do?” Whiskey asked surprised. “Absolutely, dragons and devils both develop personal needs at that time, the needs are different for each age group. So, if a dragon, or devil, where to find their mate, according to books, the the dragon or devil would mark their mate.” Felicity calmly explained. “Yeah, but…” Whiskey started. “If I were correct, your mate isn't on this island? Yes?” Felicity asked. “Um...well…” Whiskey sighed.

“Then, until we get back to your mate, we shall be mates during the season.” Felicity said. “Huh?! You do know what that means right? Like what we would have to do?” Whiskey asked. “Of course I do. And I’ve accepted that. Plus, it’s only for the benefit of the season.” Felicity nodded. “R-righ-right. Th-the benefit of the season.” Whiskey sighed. “Is something wrong Agent Whiskey?” Felicity asked. “Yes, a lot actually.” Whiskey answered.

“Wanna talk about it?” Felicity asked. “I don’t think you would understand.” Whiskey answered walking into the forest to see Boa Xander sitting there, scolding eyes and all. “What’s up with you?” Whiskey asked. “The real question is what’s wrong with you?” Boa Xander said. “Me?” Whiskey asked. “YES!! Tell her how you feel! Mating season is 3 weeks away! The sooner you do it the sooner we can get on with this damn thing!” Bao Xander scolded. “What thing?” Whiskey asked. “It’s not important! What’s important is you marking Felicity before it’s too late.” Boa Xander answered.

“Who cares, she doesn't like me.” Whiskey sighed. “You don’t see it! Under all that calmness! You don’t see the real Felicity?!” Xander groned. “Huh?” Whiskey asked. “Felicity! She’s trying all her might to keep her real feelings inside. And she’s almost at her breaking point! She can’t deny the feels she has for you! So, she thinks this mating season is a perfect orpunitiny to show you how she feels!” Xander explained. Whiskey looked back at Felicity to see her smiling. “Ughhh!!” Whiskey growled, hitting his head softly on a tree.

“Early effectiveness huh?” Boa Xander smirked. “Shut up…” Whiskey groaned. “Nah I’m good. I know what’s going thru your head. I see the things you thinking. Right now you’re picturing Felicity’s sweating body stretched out under you, her chocolate brown hair fanned out. She’s panting, wanting to scream out your name but she’s so out of breath she can’t scream. Her chest rises and falls as she struggles to catch her breath. That’s what you want Whiskey. Not this “temporary mate” crap. You want her to be yours forever. Don’t you, Whiskey?” Boa Xander chuckled.

Whiskey couldn’t deny that that was he was thinking. “Oh Agent Whiskey! W-Whi-Whiskey! Please! Don’t stop!” Bao mimicked Felicity’s voice. “Shut! Up!” Whiskey sighed. “Agent Whiskey! Wanna go swimming with me and Boa Marigold?” Felicity asked.

Whiskey turned his head to see Felicity in a green criss cross strappy halter bikini two piece swimsuit. “Oh...my...god…” Whiskey gasped as he covered his flushed face. “Oh, doesn't she look beautiful in that?” Bao Xander asked slyly.

“U-Um…” Whiskey stuttered. “Agent Whiskey? Is something wrong?” Felicity asked. “No-nope!” Whiskey answered. “Something is wrong though. You’re can't control it can you?” Bao Xander asked. “Um, well...UGH!!” Whiskey groaned. “Agent Whiskey! Come on!” Felicity smiled as Boa walked up behind Felicity as Whiskey walked deeper into the jungle.

“Have you lost weight Felicity?” Boa Marigold asked smirked. “Um, no.” Felicity answered, blushing a bit. “You look fabulous in that bathing suit! Surely, you’re dating somebody right?” Boa Eulisses asked walking up to the group.

“N-No.” Felicity stuttered. “Really? A girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend?” Boa Xander asked. “Nope. I mean, there is somebody I like. I doubt he likes me back though.” Felicity rubbed her arm shyly. “Ohh...gossip!” Boa Marigold cheered. “Tell us about this guy.” Bao Eulisses said. “Well, he’s really strong. He loving, and caring, and kind. Even though he’s a Dragon Rider he’s the sweetest dragon I’ve ever met.” Felicity sighed in delight. “So is the dragon rider Whiskey?” Boa Xander asked slyly. “N-no! Wh-what?!” Felicity’s face was red. “Ohh...Felicity has a crush! So, how are you gonna break it to him when mating season coming around?” Boa Marigold asked. “U-um...I don’t know…” Felicity sighed. “You know you have to mate right?” Boa Eulisses asked.

“Uh-huh! I-I don-don’t exac-exactly kno-know how to mate.” Felicity suttered. “Honey, if Whiskey is the one for you then just let your body flow into it. Like a rollercoaster of passion that never stops.” Boa Xander gushed as she smiled. “Wh-what do you mean?” Felicity asked.

“It's as simple as this. Whiskey is perfect for you, even though you have no idea how to mate, he’ll understand. Plus, Whiskey cares about you, whatever happens, I know he’ll respect you and take care of you.” Boa Eulisses assured her. “I guess...but we're just gonna be temporary mates, what if...If his mate is one of our friends…” Felicity asked. “Felicity, it’s not one of your friends. I mean, look at you Felicity! You have an amazing body, yout powerful, sexy, I mean I know for a fact that Whiskey is thinking about you.” Boa Marigold smiled.

Whiskey paced back and forth around the jungle. “My my, the little Whiskey is finally finding his mate.” A woman behind Whiskey chuckled. Whiskey turned around to see a women with long, knee-length, wavy-at-the-bottom straight dark brown hair with a side-part with burgundy and white streaks. She is very tall and has dark brown eyebrows and red lips, an identical color of red also on her nails, which double as claws.

She has a lightly tanned complexion, with steel gray-blue eyes. She seems to share a penchant for red plaid garments and leggings She wears a white dragon shirt, black claw-marked leggings, a red plaid skirt, a short wrap around her waist with suspenders, feathery knee-high buckle boots with gold heels, a gold dragon necklace chained to a dragon scales shoulder pad, a gold bracelet, and gold armor over her hair chained to two small hoop earrings.

“Ramona! Will you just shut up.” Whiskey groaned. “Come on! Mark her already! I was 17 when I marked your father.” Ramona smirked. “I-I can-can’t. Sh-she’s too important!” Whiskey sighed. “Important? I get it, you love her, but the best way of showing how much you love her is marking her!” Ramona said as she flicked Whiskey’s forehead.

“B-but, I-I…” Whiskey started. “No but’s! Early season starts in 3 days. Until then, try not mentioning dragon season.” Ramona suggested. “I guess…” Whiskey sighed as Ramona walked into the shadows. “Where are you going?” Whiskey asked. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be back soon. For now, focus on Felicity.” Ramona winked as she fully disappeared into the shadows.


Miles away Viola, Neighthan, and the shadowy figure finally reached the meeting point. Series started healing Neighthan as Bonita hugged Viola tightly. “You’re fine! You’re not hurt? But how?” Bonita asked, Viola looked at Neighthan who was asleep still. “He used the last of his magic to save me.” Viola sighed. “Who are you?” Avea asked judgingly looking at the figure that saved them. She had lavender hair which goes down to the base of her neck with two long strands on either side of her head which go down to the top of her breasts. She has two freckles on her left breast inside her cleavage. Her eyes are red-violet, nearly pink.

She wears a lilac-color, strapless dress with a black piece of fabric going across the breasts and down to her stomach, below an intricate coat. This coat is made up of violet and plum shaded components, reaching as far down as the hem of her dress but also leaving some areas open which expose the dress below. Above that she wears a collar of the same violet of her coat, outlined in lavender with a red jewel securing the collar in place. It appears that the components that go over her detached black sleeves are connected to this collar. These components that go over the black sleeves appear to cover them completely except for at the wrist and hand where it joins to her finger. She wears plum stockings, which have, much like the rest of her outfit, whorls etched on. They go up under the dress and are connected by something triangular.

“Let’s just say, I’ve help a lot of people in their situation. Call me Strea.” Strea introduced. “Strea huh?” Avea asked, conserederedingly. “That’s what I just said didn’t I?” Strea smirked. “So, is it just you in this “I like saving people in their situation” thing?” Avea asked. “Yeah.” Stera answered. “Uh-huh. I’m watching you. So no funny business.” Avea growled as she walked slowly away from the group and towards the group’s next destination. “Yeah yeah.” Strea chuckled as her and the group followed Avea.

“Avea-san.” Sheila quietly started to say. “Yes, Sheila?” Avea asked. “D-Do you thi-think we’ll b-be okay?” Sheila voice sounded anxious. It pained Avea to see Sheila so worried. Truth be told, Avea always loved seeing Sheila so happy and cheery, seeing Sheila like scared and worried like that made Avea sad. “Yeah Sheila, we’ll be okay.” Avea said assuringly. Sheila hugged Avea, trying not to pass through her. “I hope.” Avea sighed quietly.

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