{Season 2|EP.2}

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{Season 2|EP.2}

Sorry is took so long for me to release the chapter

It was a crisp early summer morning on the beach near the Blue Moon Pack den, Musa walked along the beach groggily to the spot she was told to meet her trainer, aka: Tequila, aka: her boyfriend. Musa looked at her watch to see it was 2:50, she was 10 minutes early. Once she arrived at the spot she looked around for Tequila but he was nowhere to be seen. “He tells me to be here at 3am, so I am, but the stupid baka is here.” Musa sighed as she continued to look around for the darkness dragon rider.

She looked at her watch again to see it was 2:59am. “One more minute and he’s late.” Musa drummed her fingers on her waist smirking, thinking about how she could tease Tequila for late. She looked at her watch for a 3rd time to see it was 10 seconds to 3:00am. “10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. And 1.”

At 3am on the dot Musa could feel large arms wrap around her waist pulling her close to a well-built body. “Morning Shrimp.” Tequila greeted, setting off a sparking inside Musa’s body. “Morning Tequila.” Musa smiled as she placed her hands on Tequila’s forearms.“Musa…” He whispered hotly into her ear, his breath leaving a trail of steamy breath against her ear and neck. She moaned softly and shifted in Tequila’s arms, turning to lock eyes with him. “Te-Tequila…” She whispered back into his ear. He growled as lightly tackled Musa to the beach sand cooled by the crisp early morning air with Tequila towering over her.

She searched in his onyx orbs for an answer to why he was acting so bold this early in the morning, all she could see was lust and need in his eyes. It made Musa shiver in delight as she waited anxiously to see how this unfolds. He slowly leaned down towards Musa’s lips, in seconds their lips were inches apart from touch. She could feel the warmth of the dark haired dragon rider’s breath on her lips, she closed her eyes longing for the touch of her dragon’s lips.

“That woke you up didn’t it shrimp?” Tequila chuckled as Musa’s eyes shot open. “You baka! I thought something really was gonna happen! You got me all excited for nothing.” Musa pouted, her strawberry colored flushed cheeks puffed up. “You didn’t seem fully awake, and I knew if I threw you in the water to wake you up you would get mad at me. Plus, this seemed like a funner option.” Tequila snickered.

Tequila got off of Musa and her up from the sand. “Ready to start training?” Tequila asked, Musa nodded in response. “Good, I hope you rest cause these training sessions are gonna be a lot harder than regular old training.” Tequila smirked. “I’m ready!” Musa eyes blazed with determination.

“Good, but first. I don’t think it be best if you trained in PJs.” Tequila laughed. Musa facepalmed. She completely forgot she was in her PJs. Musa snapped her fingers and in a matter of seconds Musa’s outfit changed. She now wore a black leggings with purple buttons shaped like music notes, a white crop-top that said I heart music in big purple and gold letters, and finally her white and purple Adidas. “Ready?” Musa asked as Tequila nodded.

“Okay, during these sessions we’re gonna focus on boosting your combat and magic skills, boosting your combat skills is gonna take a lot of work.” Tequila stated. “I’m not that bad.” Musa said. “No, no you are. You rely on your magic. But, one day, you might in a situation where you can’t use your magic. So, using you combat skills will be your best shot. Which is why I’m gonna start by teach you the basics of karate.” Tequila said.

“YEAH!! I’m gonna be like naruto!” Musa smiled punching and kicking the air. “Okay, calm down Karate Kid. Before you go acting like Naruto, you first need to learn how to make a proper fist.” Musa looked at him funny. “I already know how to make a fist. Let’s just skip to the next part.” Musa made a fist with her hand. Tequila rolled his eyes.

“Fine, if you know so much, then much me.” Tequila smirked. “Huh?” Musa was concerned. “Punch my hand.” Tequila repeated as Musa punched his right hand. It hurt, a lot. Musa’s fist stayed there for about 30 seconds. “Hurt didn’t it?” Tequila asked. “S-Shut up!” Musa was shaking out her hand.

“Exactly, that what happens when you don’t make a proper fist.” Tequila said. “Fine, what do I have to do?” Musa sighed. “One of the most versatile and powerful weapons of Okinawan karate is the seiken (proper fist). To make a proper fist, start by extending all four fingers and pressing them tightly together.” Tequila started as Musa pressed all four fingers tightly together.

"Curl your fingers so that the tip of each finger touches its base. Continue to curl your hand, clenching the tips of your fingers tightly into your palm.” Tequila continued, Musa then curled her finger to the point where they touched her palm. “Fold your thumb down across the middle of your index finger and middle finger. Keep your thumb curled tightly in this position to keep it from being hurt.” Tequila added as Musa folded her thumb across her middle and index finger.

“Okay, now punch my hand.” Tequila instructed as Musa punched his hand, this time it didn’t hurt. “Put one arm out in front like you just punched and the other arm back with the fist tucked palm up between the hips and ribs.” Tequila began as Musa put on arm in front of her and the other behind her.

“Now, turn your hips and let the hand that is back fly forward to the punch. Allow the fist that is forward to fly back to the side and tuck palm up between the hip and ribs.” Tequila continued as Musa kept alternating between punches to Tequila’s hand. Luckily, Tequila had hitting gloves on. “Come on Musa. You have to punch harder.” Musa tried her hardest to punch harder, but it just wasn’t hard enough.

What the hell?!?! Why can’t I punch hard!?! Musa thought as she continued punching. All she could hear was a voice in her head saying she wasn’t good enough, she wasn’t strong enough, that she couldn’t make it in this world. Musa shook her head and kept punching, what she didn’t know was that the punches actually started hurting. “There you go Musa!” Tequila encouraged, but Musa couldn’t hear him. Musa black irises widened and turned a light shade of lavender.

Musa could new see all the veins, cells, and organs inside Tequila’s body where his blood and magic flow through. W-Wh-What the heck?!?! Musa thought. Musa couldn’t stop herself from punching, she looked at the veins in Tequila’s hand to see the red dots kept disappearing quickly, but the blue dots still stayed. Red must be blood and blue must be magic Musa wondered as Tequila’s hand caught Musa’s fists, stopping her from punching anymore.

“Musa!” Tequila yelled as Musa’s eyes went back to normal. “When I said punch hard, I didn’t mean that hard.” Tequila chuckled as he took off the glove to see his hand was bleeding, a lot. “Sorry…” Musa apologize as a roll of medical tape appeared in her hand. “It’s okay.” Tequila laughed slightly as Musa began wrapping his hand.

“It’s not though, I couldn’t control myself.” Musa sighed. “What was that anyways?” Tequila asked. “I-I have no idea, one minute I was punching you hand. Next thing I know, I could see all you insides.” Musa shuttered, remembering the events that transpired.

“Try doing it again.” Tequila said as Musa sighed. Musa closed her eyes to see a purple floating light. “What the heck?” Musa asked, but before she could examine it more her eyes shot open. They were the same lavender color as before. Musa again could see all of Tequila’s insides. Muse turned her head towards the direction of the forest, she could now see all of the forest right from where she stood. “Woah…” Musa breathed.

Musa’s eyes started to hurt, Musa rubbed her eyes but it didn’t help. Musa covered her eyes. “You okay?” Tequila asked as Musa shook her head. “These stupid new eyes are making my eyes burn.” Musa groaned, sitting in the sand. Tequila then grabbed the roll of medical tape and wrapped it around her eyes. “You strained your eyes to much.” Tequila sighed.

“Luckily, you won’t need your eyes for the rest of the training session for today.” Tequila added. “I won't?” Musa asked. “Nope, now we're gonna learn how to block.” Tequila said as he held onto Musa's hands. “Now, this is gonna hurt okay?” Tequila chuckled. “Wait, what?” Musa asked but before she could get an answer a black ball of energy hit her head. “Ow!” Musa yelled. “I told you to block them.” Tequila repeated. “How am I supposed to block something I can't see?” Musa asked. “That's for you to figure out.” Tequila snickered as the threw another on at Musa, and again, it hit her.

“Do you think he's being to hard on her?” Magnus asked as him and Leah watched them from afar. “Magnus, their fine, our Musa's a tough cookie. Plus, if she ever seriously got hurt we'll go on and help her.” Leah smiled. “Yeah I guess.” Magnus sighed.
Musa then got hit once again by the shadow ball. And again, and again, and again. Until Musa could see through the tape. Musa then saw one coming towards her,

Musa the raised her left forearm at a 45 degree angle above her head, blocking the shadow ball. “There you go Musa!” Tequila cheered as he shot the shadow balls faster, Musa blocked every one of them. Musa the started breathing heavily as Tequila stopped the shadow balls. “You okay?” Tequila asked. Musa nodded as she stood up straight. “Good, now that you know how to do the high-block, or Jodan-uke, you know need to learn how to middle block.” Tequila said as him and Musa began sparing.

“What the hell Tequila!” Musa tried to kick Tequila but he caught the kick, Tequila then flipped her over onto the sand. Magnus was about to interfere but Leah put her arm in front of him. “She got this.” Leah assured him. “You need to learn how to block. No kicks, no magic, just blocking.” Tequila reminded her as they continued sparing.

“Musa, listen you can’t rely on magic, you need to learn how to block.” Tequila said as Musa nodded as Musa caught onto his wrist before he could punch her. “Good, but sometimes, your attacker might be to fast for you to catch, so you’re gonna need to learn how to block the punch without grabbing onto them.” Tequila said.

Musa then bent her left arm at a 90° angle in front of her body with her elbow about a fist distance from the abdomen and her wrist at shoulder height, blocking the punch. “Again!” Tequila ordered as she blocked another punch. They practiced the punch for about 30 minutes until Musa fully got the hang of it and was blocking punches left and right.

“Our last block is called the gedan-barai, a low block, it used to block low kicks.” Tequila said as Musa smirked. “Ready!” Musa smiled as they bagan sparing. The first couple of kicks were high kicks, Musa used the middle block she just learned to block it.

But then the kicks became lower. Musa then knew what to do. She swept the blocking fist down over the forward knee until the blocking arm is straight and the elbow is about a fist distance from the abdomen, while chambering the other fist to cover the ribs on the opposite side. Musa and Tequila kept training all thru the night. After hours of training, Musa and Tequila sat down at the beach looking up at the sky. “Thanks for everything.” Musa smiled, resting her head on Tequila’s shoulder. “You’re welcome shrimp.” Tequila chuckled.

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