{Season 2|EP.3}

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{Season 2|EP.3}

It’s been a long 2 years for our heroes and finally after 2 years they will meet again.

Musa tapped her foot impatiently on the beach and waiting for her friends to arrive at Peach Island. “Shrimp, if you keep looking they're never gonna come.” Tequila said. “I know, but I haven't seen them in two years. I’m just excited to see them again.” Musa smiled. Musa still had her purple hair but it now has a red bow in the back. of a long-sleeved black coat with a standing collar which has a magenta bow tie around it.

The coat has two rows of gold buttons on the front, light green details including the shoulder epaulettes, which has a fourragère passing under and around her right side. Along with that, she wears a pair of white gloves, an armband on her left arm, and a white web belt with a gold waist-plate. She also wears the standard black skirt, dark gray thigh-high socks and knee-high black boots.

“It only took us 30 minutes and 20 wrong turns but we finally found the beach.” A voice from the distance chuckled. Tequila knew that voice. “Parviz?!” Tequila called out as he looked to his right to see Parviz.

“Parviz!!” Tequila then ran up to Parviz and hugged him, sobbing. Musa, Zelos (who was in is human form, thanks to Rebecca’s training.) , and Yukino (Aka: Rebecca) sweat dropped. “And he said I was too emotional.” Musa sighed. “I don't think we met yet. I'm Musa.” Musa introduced.

“I'm… Yukino.” Yukino introduced, hesitant to tell Musa her real name. “Zelos told me a lot about you guys.” Yukino said. “Mostly Carla.” Yukino added. “If you hadn't noticed he sorta has a crush on her.” Musa whispered. “Oh I noticed.” Yukino whispered back.

“Tequila… I can't breathe!” Parviz struggled to say. “I missed you so much!!” Tequila sobbed. “Te...Tequila! I want you to meet somebody.” Parviz then pulled  Yukino to her side. “H-Hi.” Yukino waved shyly. Tequila started into Yukino’s eyes like he is staring into her soul. “Parviz! You never told me you have a girlfriend!” Tequila then patted Parviz’s back.

“Gir-Girl-Girlfriend?!” Yukino jump up as her face turned red. “I thought you said he didn't know.” Yukino whispered. “Usually he’s really dense when it comes to detecting romance but apparently he’s not now.” Parviz whispered back. “We’re not dating!” Both Parviz and Yukino denied. “If you say so.” Tequila chuckled.

“Have you guys see Carla?” Zelos asked. “No. Why do you miss your girlfriend?” Musa cooed. “No! You do! Shut up!” Zelos yelled. “I don't have a girlfriend.” Musa laughed. “I have a boyfriend, something Carla doesn't have.” Musa added. Suddenly sound of a jet engine roared by. “AHHHH!!!” Someone yelled as a loud boom sounded on the ground about a mile away. They ran over to the sound to find dust and smoke.

“Great…landing!” A voice coughed. “I barely learned...how to use that! But isn't it awesome!” Another voice cheered, coughing a little. Once the dust cleared Musa looked at the two figure to see Wendy and Vodka. “WENDY!!!!: Musa smiled as she brought Wendy into a crushing hug.

“Musa-chan!” Wendy sobbed. “You look amazing!” Musa smiled. “Thanks.” Wendy smiled. Wendy wears her hair up in pigtails held together by two animal ear like attachments. Two strands of hair hang down on each side of her face. She wears a long sleeved top with two buttons in the center and an ascot around her neck.

The top is adorned with a small pattern around the shoulders and a small trim around the upturned cuffs. She wears a frilled skirt with a small trim running around right above the end. She also wears thigh high socks. “So, exactly what was with the giant entrance?” Tequila asked.

“Well, Wendy was trying a new spell Pandora taught her and well it didn’t go that well as you can see.” Vodka answered. Vodka still has short black hair, a high forehead, thin eyebrows, and brownish-orange eyes.

He wears a long orange and aqua sweatshirt with a hood and navy blue sleeves, quarter-length navy blue pants, and short boots with large buttons matching his hoodie. “I missed you so much!” Wendy sobbed. “You know we’ve only been apart for 2 years right?” Tequila and Vodka both sweat dropped looking at the two girls sobbing in each others arms. “Shut up Vodka.” Musa sobbed.

“Is Carla here yet?” Wendy asked, wiping her tears. Wendy then got the answer to the question we something speared her in the stomach making her fall. “Wendy child!” Carla cheered, tears forming in her eyes. “Carla!” Wendy sobbed as she hugged Carla tightly. “Sorry for spearing you.” Carla chucked. “It’s fine, didn’t hurt at all.” Wendy chuckled. “Where were you the last two years?” Parviz asked.

“Me, Viola, Scotch, and Stera washed up on SMILE island. These really nice fusions took us in. they taught us a lot about magic.” Carla answered. “Parviz?” Viola asked as Parviz’s eyes widened. “Viola!! You’re safe! You’re actually alive!” Parviz hugged her tightly. “Yeah, thanks to Stera.” Viola smiled as Parviz looked at Stera.

“Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like we met before.” Parviz asked as Stera shook her head. “Not that I know of.” Stera answered as she shook Parviz’s hand. Carla looked at Zelos and sighed and continued talking to Wendy and Vodka. Dammit! I thought her wasn’t gonna be here! Carla thought.

Of course he was gonna be here! He’s Zayla’s cat! Where did you think he was gonna be? On the moon! Keep your head together Carla! Carla’s inner self scolded. You know what, fuck this! Inner Carla then started making Carla’s body move on it’s own. What are you doing?! Carla asked. You’ll see. I’m helping after all. Carla then grabbed Zelos hand.

“Come with me.” Was all Carla said as she lead him away from the group and into the forest. “You wrote me a letter. 4 months ago, telling me that you really needed to tell me something we met again. What is it?” Carla asked.

“I’m going away, to Aroonshire. I’m gonna learn more about our history and why we got here. I’m gonna learn why we can turn into humans, why we have wings in both human and cat form. Why we were given to the dragon riders. I wanted to tell you before I leave next week.” Zelos answered as Carla’s eyes saddened.

“I really, really, really, really, really don't want you to go.” Carla sighed. “What? Why?” Zelos asked. “Because being in a long-distance friendship was really hard on us.” Carla answered. “I know.” Zelos placed his hand on Carla’s shoulder. “It was hard on me too.” Zelos added.

“I mean, we're not gonna be like this forever, and then who knows what's gonna happen after that.” Carla said. “Exactly, Carla That's why I have to jump on this opportunity right now.” Zelos shortly explained putting both of his hand on her shoulders. “Think about it! We can finally learn more the my history! Why I was given to Zayla! Why I was hatched from an egg! Where we come from!” Zelos smiled as Carla’s eyes teared up. “What about me? What about my history? Our history?!” tears began to fall. “Why are you acting like this?” Zelos asked.

“Because you left me for two years! And I waited for the day that you were gonna come back, and now you're just telling me that you're taking off again?” Carla yelled. “Okay, I thought you be a little be more supportive.” Zelos sighed. “I-I have been so supportive! More than you!” Carla yelled.

“This isn't really making me want to stay!” Zelos shot back. “Then go!” Carla yelled. “I will! But I can't promise that I'm just gonna be waiting for you when you get back this time.” Zelos scolded. “Fine!” Carla yelled. “Carla, I don’t think we should talk anymore.” Zelos sighed.

“Wow. Fine, if that’s what you want! Just leave! Find out about your history! But just know I’ll be long gone when you get back!” Carla yelled as Zelos looked back at her one more time before walking deeper into the forest, not to be seen for a long time. “Carla?” Carla turned around to see Zayla who saw their entire conversation. Zayla now has long, scarlet red hair which is always seen up in a high ponytail tied by a black ribbon. She has a set of risen bangs which frame her red eyes.

She now wears a dark red dress with an opening for her soul gem and a mandarin collar. The borders of the dress are covered with thick white ruffles that cover the opening of her dress and go down to the back of it. She wears white arm sleeves that go halfway up her bicep, with black buttoned cuffs around her wrists. Underneath, she wears a pleated pink skirt and a black corset with white detailing. She wears tall red boots with white cuffs and white symbols, and black thigh-high tights. Her weapon in her magical girl form is a gold, silver, and red spear.

“Zayla! He left! He left the team! He left you! He left...me.” Carla sobbed into Zayla’s shoulder. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” tears formed in Zayla’s eyes a little as she stroked Carla’s back. “What are we gonna do?” Carla asked, still sobbing. “We’re gonna find Alice. Then find Zelos so we can knock some sense into and bring him back.” Zayla answered as Carla nodded.

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