{Season 2|EP.16}

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{Season 2|EP.16}

“Everyone ready?” Gin asked as they all nodded, boarding their Jaquins. Don't worry Alice... I'll be there soon. Gin thought was they flew through the air.


Felicity sat inside of the cell, looking at the heart amulet Whiskey gave her right before she made him leave. It was for his own good. If he stayed he would've got caught. Felicity thought as she sighed. The sound of nails clanked on the prison bars. “Girls...” Morticia's voice echoed throughout the prison cell.

“I have a little job for you.” Morticia smirked as she brought out the same metallic rod with 3 red buttons as last time.


The jaquins landed and now running with our heroes on their back on a desolate landscape. Filled with garbage and filthy water and tree stumps. “What the hell?” Musa muttered to herself as she looked at all the withered up plants. “Felicity in trouble, the plants wouldn't be like this if she weren't.” Musa sighed.

Seeing the way this part on the world really was, it was a nightmare.

The group continues on past the graveyard of tree stumps.

A storm brews in the smoggy sky and he looks up to see an old billboards. Lightning flashes, distracting Ted, who in almost beheaded by a series of old, rusted axe blades. Gin dodges and weaves through them. Scotch looks behind him to reveal it’s and destroyed Axe Hacker. Lightning flashes in the sky again.

“Oh, man...” Zayla muttered. The group stops at a large ravine where a bridge is out. Whiskey looks around to see if there in another way to cross and spots some old barrels and a plank of wood. He gets an idea.

“Whiskey, What are you thinking?” Wendy asked worriedly. Whiskey and Dulce takes off toward the ravine where he has set up the barrel and the plank of wood as a makeshift ramp. He intends to jump it, but as he reaches the end of the ramp he plummets down the side.

He screams, but Dulce picks up so much speed that he drives right back up the other side. They flies into the air and bounces back down. He breathes a sigh of relief and the group continues their journey up the side of a mountain pass.

The city is far behind him now. Ted scooters through the fog, past warning signs reading, “Stay out!” and “I mean it!” and down the worn path where he comes to a stop in front of a slightly ruined giant Castle.

The structure itself is very big in size, containing at least three separate sections all atop one another. The two main bodies of the castle are noticeably squarer in shape and decorated with numerous crenulations, whilst the turrets and roof of the castle are more curved, their balustrade lined with decorative machicolation and their spires topped with fancy ornaments. At the gate to the castle stand two large statues.

Surrounding the D.A headquarters and protruding from the rock are a number of spines, these appearing quite large in size.

“Let's get started.”


“Miss Morticia! Miss Morticia!” Sugar yelled running down the hall lined with jail cells. “Miss Morticia!” Sugar slammed the door wide opened to reveal Morticia sitting on the throne, the walls lined with numerous painting of her. “What?” She asked. “You might wanna see this.” Sugar the grabbed Morticia's hand, running to the closest balcony. “Is that what I think it is?” Morticia squinted as she looked outside into the rain to see the unthinkable.

Our heros were standing on battlements of the castle.

“Those damn brats!” Morticia growled as she snatched the binoculars from Sugar. “I can’t believe it! Those fucking brats!” Morticia yelled. “Hey! Swan Scum! Look at this flag!” Morticia then pointed to the flag with the D.A symbol on it on top of the castle. “That mark! Has brought fear into thousands of people for centuries! Do you even get how insignificant your existences are compared to this?!” Morticia continued.

“Do you get how powerful the organization after these two women are?!” Morticia yelled. “We understand our enemy very well.” Whiskey stared at the flag. “Zayla.” Gin started. “Make the flag...burst into flames.” Gin smirked. “Roger that.” Zayla nodded as as stream of fire emitted from her mouth and straight through the flag. “No way!” Sugar gasped as she watched the flag burn. “T-They...di-did it!” Ain yelled in shock. “Do you know the meaning of shooting a flag?!” Law yelled. “Oh course we do.” Vodka smirked. “These idiots! They just made an enemy of the D.A!” Sage glared at them.

“Are you out of your mind!!” Morticia yelled. “Don't think you’ll be able to survive having the D.A as your enemy!” Sugar yelled. “WANNA BET!!!” Gin yelled. “Your on! Well make you a deal. We’re gonna give you Felicity here and now. Free of charge. But the other stays. Forever.” Ain yelled back. “Deal!” Whiskey yelled back. “Whiskey!” Gin scolded. “Gin. I know what I’m doing. Just trust me.” Whiskey assured him.

“But-” Gin started. “I said I know what I’m doing!” Whiskey shot back. “We’ve been friends for 18 years Gin. Not once in those 18 years have I let you down. And I’m not gonna started now. So when I saw I know what I’m doing. You best believe I know what I’m doing.” Whiskey explained as Gin nodded.

“We accept you deal!” Whiskey yelled as they opened the gates to pushed out Felicity. “You better know what your doing idiot.” Gin scoffed as Whiskey nodded at him, jumping down to Felicity and soon running off. “I missed you.” Felicity smiled, tears running down her face. “I missed you too.” Whiskey smiled as they continued running.

“Oh Gin! There’s somebody who wants to say hi!” Law cooed as Sugar pushed Alice out onto the balcony. “GIN!!!” Alice yelled. “Alice?!” Gin eyes widened. Finally, after to years, she finally got to see the one she loved. The one person she dreamed about every night in this hell hole. The one person that gave her hope that somebody was coming. But she knew what she had to do. “You...you need to leave...now...take Felicity with you...just go...please!” Alice yelled as tears formed in your eyes.

“Not until I hears the words you promised me you would say the day we meet again!!” Gin yelled out as Alice remember. “TELL ME YOU WANNA LIVE!!!” Gin yelled at the top of his lungs. Alice looked at her group one by one. I can live…? Alice thought as more tears formed. Alice then remembered the words Morticia told her. “Face it! Your whole life is nothing but a lie! The whole world's against you Alice! You can’t be allowed to live!” Alice lips quivered as tears streamed down her face.

I never dared to wish for something like that… Alice thought. The world denied me of any hope… Alice tried to stop crying but it wasn’t possible. She then remembered what she told Gin on day… that she just wanted to die...

But now she remembers what Miss O told her the day she joined. “The world of spies is a vast place. I guarantee you'll find some friends. You’ll find friends that won’t ever leave you.” Alice felt as though something inside her was unlocked. Like the world was colorful one more. She looked into the sky, as though god was telling her to believe in Gin and her friends. But now...if I’m allowed to say my wish...then I...I… Alice couldn’t hold back anymore.


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