{Season 2|EP.15}

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{Season 2|EP.15}

“What do you mean she only gave you 3 tickets?” Tequila asked as Zayla showed him the 3 tickets. “I was thinking Vodka, Wendy, and Parviz go. The rest of us will ask around town for the man in black.” Whiskey shortly explained as he passed them the tickets. “Wait why them?” Musa asked. “Cause, the three of them are the least suspicious. Who could think this cute little ball of sunshine could steal something?” Scotch gushed, pinching Wendy's cheeks. “I guess you right, good thing too cause I think that's the Casino down there.” Gin pointed to the giant glowing Rose CASINO sign.

“See you guys later! Remember! Green Pearl!” Musa called out as Vodka, Parviz, and Wendy ride along the Sunny Keys strip, on their Jaquins. Shocked onlookers stare at the 3 kids on the Jaquins. Up ahead, was the Rose Casino, a glittery, glamorous, million-watt casino. It was designed as a huge neon flower, the petals lighting up and blinking.

Vodka, Wendy, and Parviz arrive at the entrance. The Jaquins kneel as the kids hopped off. Vodka was covered in dusk, walking bow legged, in tremendous pain.

“Zuceest on a Jaquin. Ain’t natural.” Parviz chuckled as countless Rose Casino valets descend upon them. “Welcome to Rose Casino!” one of the valets greeted as the valets the Jaquins.

Once the kids entered they noticed it was unlike any casino they ever seen. A teenagers paradise! In addition to the regular slots and casino games, there are hundreds of video games, everything from the classic Pac-Man and Miss Pac-Man to Fortnight, GTA’s, and Rainbow!

The place was filled with kids and teens. No parents or adults though (other than employees). There was something odd about the kids though...they dressed in clothes and hairstyles from every decade, spamming from the 50’s through the 90’s.

“Where would you hide a green pearl in this place?” Vodka asked as they walked through the casino. An eager, to friendly bellhop rushed up to them. “Welcome to Rose Casino! Hope you had a pleasant journey. Here’s your room key.” The bellhop said. “We’re not staying. Just passing through.” Vodka corrected him. “It’s complimentary. Room 4001. Take the elevator to the top.” The bellhop insisted. “No, really-” The persistent bellhop hands them each a green plastic card.

“Your complimentary Rose-Cash cards. Good for everything in the hotel and casino. Your expense accounts are unlimited and you never have to pay us back.” The bellhop scurried away, the kids exchanged puzzled glances. Vodka looks at the Green Card, annoyed.

“You think the guys could take a hint--” Suddenly a club waitress approached them, holding a tray of Rose Flowers. “Flowers?” Vodka takes on, sniffing it. “They’re editable.” Vodka and Wendy each ate a flower, they were very tasty. Parviz took a handful and shoved them in his mouth. “Delicious.” Parviz smiled.


Vodka, Wendy, and Parviz enter the Palatial Suite. It had 3 separate bedrooms, a bar stocked with candy, soda, and chips. A huge plasma TV, sunken lounge area filled with pillows and bean bag chairs, a huge indoor swimming pool.

The kids are impressed. They immediately started checking out the pad. Parviz hits the bar, opening the refrigerator to see it was FILLED with food. The inside of the fridge looked like it went on for eternity!

Wendy opened the closet in one of the rooms. It was filled with the latest designer dresses and shoes. A young girl’s dream! Wendy was amazed and took out a dressed, holding it against her body. She then looked at the shoes, stunned. “They’re all my size!”

Vodka stood in front of the closet in the second bedroom. It was filled with a variety of clothing, all his size: suits, tuxedos, jeans, T-shirts, NIKES, ect, ect, Vodka smiled. Wendy ran into Vodka’s room, followed by Parviz.

“Let’s go out tonight...have some fun!” Wendy suggested. “Wish we could. But we’re on a time-sensitive mission. Remember? Vodka reminded her. “We are?.... What mission?” Wendy asked, Vodka paused to think about it...but he couldn’t recall the mission. “Good question. I can’t remember. Parviz, why are we here?” Vodka asked.

“I don't know.” He shrugged. “To have fun?” Parviz guessed. “Right! Have fun. That’s it! So let’s have some fun!” Vodka pumped his fist into the air.


Later that night, Vodka, Wendy, and Parviz entered the dance club. The disco ball spined. Colored lights flashed. Dance music plays over the speakers. Dry ice mist covers the floor. The 3 kids looked incredibly stylish. Vodka wore are sleek stylish black tuxedo, Wendy was in a gorgeous sky blue to dark blue high low dress with silver flats, and Parviz was in tails and a top hat.

A 70’s dance classic fills the dance club. Vodka extends his hand to Wendy. “May I have this dance?” Vodka asked as Wendy nodded taking his hand. They stepped onto the dance floor, immediately they find their groove. Vodka glanced over to Parviz to see a group of gorgeous women that walked up to Parviz, dragging him onto the dance floor.

Vodka and Wendy look into each other’s eyes, very much in love. Vodka smiled as he saw how the lights hit her hair ever so perfectly. “You okay Vodka-kun?” Wendy asked. Vodka couldn't take it anymore, he kissed her. Wendy smiled. Finally! Yes! Wendy thought as her hands wrapped around Vodka’s neck. “Vodka-kun.” Wendy said between the kiss. Vodka then parted the kiss, both on their faces were as red as strawberries.

“Let’s stay here forever.” Wendy smiled. They kissed again, this time it was interrupted by the sounds of shouting and applauding. They looked up to see Parviz in the middle of the dance of the dance floor. He was surrounded by kids, watching his manic, wildly energetic dance. The girls loved him. During his dance, Parviz ripped off his pants, exposing the gold MC Hammer pants. Parviz finished the dance with some show-stopping break dance moves.

Vodka and Wendy laugh, looking at each other and share another deep kiss.


As the night continued, Vodka, Wendy, and Parviz were having a great time at the Rose Casino. Vodka and Wendy were practically inseparable. They drove mini-sport cars throughout the casino, played poker and blackjack (which Wendy as surprisingly good at for her age.), ordered a table filled of desserts at one of the restaurants.

Parviz struts through the casino with a bevy of scantily clad ladies, gambling at each of the tables with them, winning every game he played.

Vodka and Wendy walked through the casino game floor when Vodka accidentally bumped into a seventies kid playing a vintage pinball machine. “Hey! You just cost me the high score!” The kid whined. “Sorry. My bad.” Vodka apologized. “Your what?” The kid asked. Vodka examines the kid, who was wearing striped bell-bottoms, a pristine Star Wars T-shirt, he had a bush seventies fro.

“How long have you been here?” Vodka asked. “Couple of weeks. Groovy place.” The kid answered. “Groovy?....What year is it?” Vodka asked as the seventies kid pauses to think about it. “1977.” He answered. Vodka was stunned, worried… he rubs his temples, rearing a voice inside his head. “Vodka… wake up… focus, focus…” the voice spoke.

Vodka walked over to the mullet-haired eighties kid, wearing parachute pants and a red and black leather jacket. The kid was playing Donkey Kong. “Excuse me. What year is it!?” Vodka asked, yelling. “Check out my most excellent score!” The kid pointed to the screen. Intensed, Vodka grabbed the eighties kid by the collar. “What year?!” Vodka yelled. “Relax, dude… it’s 1985, not the end of the world.”

Vodka freezes, he looked around at all the kids. Every single one of them is stuck at a specific time, IN THE PAST. A voice in Vodka’s head suddenly echoes.

“Vodka… you need to get outside…” The voice echoed. “Something isn't right.” Vodka muttered to himself. Vodka shook his head, like he was coming out of a trance. He turned, standing beside a supersized Roulette Wheel when he noticed something. The ball in the wheel…

Was The Green Pearl.

Vodka stares at the pearl, trying to figure out why it meant so much to him. Suddenly, an ancient croupier dressed in all black gives Vodka a menacing, suspicious look. “Enjoying your stay?” He asked. “Fine. Thanks.” Vodka answered. “Fine? Just...fine?” the Croupier asked, making Vodka rethink his answer. “I mean...excellent. Fantastic. We want to stay forever.” Vodka answered as he began to back away, but the Croupier grabbed him. Vodka broke free as the the croupier spoke into his Ear-Mic.

“Vodka’s awake.” Vodka looked at Wendy. “Go upstairs. I’ll meet you there.” Vodka ordered. “What? But why--” Wendy was then cut off. “Please. Just do it.” Vodka’s voice sounded desperate. Wendy nodded, hurrining off. Vodka turns to see a group of Rose Eaters heading towards him. Vodka ran off, pushing his way though the crowd. He leaped across the gambling tables, making it to the Roulette wheel and snatched the Green Pearl.

He leaped off the table, running to the glass elevators. The Rose Eaters were in hot pursuit. Vodka got into the elevator just before the doors closed. He barged into the hotel suite to see Parviz surrounded by a pile of food wrappers, several beautiful women, playing a video game. Wendy sat at the bar sipping a drink, munching on Rose Flowers.

“We have to go! Now!” Vodka scolded. “Chill. We’ll go tomorrow.” Parviz assured him. “Or the next day.” Wendy added. Vodka grabbed Wendy and Parviz by the arms and threw them both into the room’s swimming pool. The two popped up out of the water. Shocked. Awake. And angry.

“Hey...why’d you do that?!” Parviz asked. “You both need to wake up! You’re in some kind of trance...I was too...now listen to me. Focus. We’re trapped. In the Land of Rose Eaters!” Vodka explained. “Trapped? But we just got here last night.” Parviz asked as his and Wendy’s eyes widened, coming out of their trance.

“Rose Eaters...right… a cult that lives off of the Rose flower. When you eat a flower, it induces the appearance of eternal youth and forgetfulness...make you lose your desire to ever leave.” Wendy explained. “And we gotta leave now. Or we’ll be stuck here forever.” Vodka warned.

They hurriedly packed up their gear, Vodka gathered up his stuff, shoving it in his backpack. He then grabbed the pen Pandora gave him and his shield. They hurried to the exit as Parviz quickly flows one last kiss to the bevy of beauties.

Moments laters, Vodka, Parviz, and Wendy race across the Casino floor. Rose Eaters swarm after them. Vodka take out his pen, clicking it causing it to become a sword. It was a greek one-handed double edged sword.

Vodka began hacking his way though the Rose-Eaters. A young mean in fifties clothing was then hit with the sword. He suddenly aged, turning into a withered Old Man before dropping to the floor.

Parviz then saw a new Rose Elan Convertible on a rotating platform. A sign that read, “One Lucky Winner Drives Me Home.”

“Wheels!” Parviz called out as the three race to the car, jumping onto the platform. Vodka and Wendy fended off the Rose-Eaters while Parviz hot wires the car.

Once it starts Vodka and Wendy fall into their seats as Parviz floors it. The car sails off the platform, though the casino, and crashes through the front door.

The car flies through the entrance and drives off into the night.

Several young Rose Eaters ran outside. The moment they left the casino, their bodies age several years as they watched the car drive away. The Rose Eaters turn and go back inside as they pass back through the casino entrance, their bodies return to their youthful state.

Parviz weaved in and out of traffic, trying to see as Wendy grabs the News Paper. “It’s June 27!” Wendy passed the paper to Vodka. “We were in there for a week!?” Vodka’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Felt like a day.” Wendy said as the car stopped in the middle of a public park's garden to see the rest of the group.

“We got the pearl.” Wendy held up the pearl. “And a car too!” Musa observe as the car faded away. “Why would the guy in black want the pearl?” Gin asked as the pearl started glowing. Gin the felt Alice necklace around his wrist start vibrating. The pearl then attached itself to the necklace as a hologram of a slightly ruined giant Castle protected itself from the necklace.

“That's the D.A.”

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