{Season 2|EP.14}

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{Season 2|EP.14}

"Felicity-san. I told you there wasn't any use of punching the walls." Alice sighed. "But...there...is!" Felicity said, still punching the wall. The door to the cell then opened revealing Morticia. "Well look, two cuties in one cell." Morticia smirked, leaning up against the cell wall. "You're still here? I thought somebody would have killed you by now." Felicity scowled. "And I thought you would have learned to be respectful to authority. But I guess we're both wrong." Morticia said. "Come on. We have work to do." Morticia grabbed Alice and Felicity by the chains connected to their handcuffs.

"Felicity-san didn't do anything, don't punish Felicity-san for my crimes." Alice said as Morticia yanked on the chain causing Alice to faceplant on the ground. "I don't care. You should know that by now." Morticia reminded her. "Wh-what did me and Felicity-san ever do to you?" Alice asked, standing up again. "You two brats need to learn how to respect authority, which you two obviously don't know how to do! By the time I'm done with you, you'll learn what it means to bow down to authority." Morticia replied.

Morticia then took out a small metal rod with 3 red buttons on in and a pair of black sunglasses. Alice's eyes widened. "Felicity-san! Cover you eyes!" Alice warned, but it was to late, Felicity was under Morticia's full control. "Felicity-san!" Alice yelled, but Felicity couldn't hear her. Alice was gonna yell something else but a red light flashed before her eyes.

"Get up." Morticia ordered. "Yes miss." They both complied, getting up from the floor. "Stand up against the wall." Morticia said as they stood up against the wall. "Lift you arms." Morticia demand, they lifted their arms. Morticia connected their feet and arms to the handcuffs, bounding them to the wall.

"You know what's gonna happen to you two right now?" Morticia asked as Alice shook her head. Felicity nodded sadly making Morticia smirk. "I'll take blood every day." Morticia answered. "There will be scars on your body, but don't fear. I won't kill you."

"For my Black Magic I need a lot of pure blood." Morticia added as she took out a knife. "Delight me with your cries." Morticia then licked the knife. "Y...yes miss." they both stuttered, shaking in fear. Morticia the ran the knife over Alice's thigh and up to her chest, making her twitch a little. Alice closed her eyes shut, feeling the coldness of the knife on her skin. The knife inching closer and closer to her skin, wanting it all to be over.

Morticia kept teasing her, rubbing the point of the knife over her chest over and over again. Alice felt tears running down her face as the knife finally cutting into her skin. Alice cried out in pain making Morticia smirk. "Wonderful screams from a beautiful girl." Morticia ginned evilly as she collected the blood inside of a beaker. She began doing this all over Alice's body, cut and collect blood.

Cut and collect blood. This went on until Alice body gave out, dropping to the floor. "I thought you had more in you Alice? I guess I as wrong." Morticia gently slapped her face before moving into Felicity.

Felicity knew all to well what Morticia was gonna do, the scars from last time were still there. Felicity knew that under Morticia control she was helpless, she hated it. She hated feeling like a defenseless little lamb that need to be protected from the wolves. But fighting Morticia's spell was useless, as much as she wanted to do something, anything, she couldn't. Felicity bit her lip, trying to silence her screams. Tears running down her face.

"Felicity, you know the rules. No trying to silence you screams." Morticia reminded her. "Y-ye-yes miss..." Felicity whimpered as the knife glided across her stomach slowly. She hated shedding these tears for Morticia. She wanted it all to be over, she wanted to be back in Whiskey's arms. Ever since the D.A found her all she could think about as Whiskey, she missed everything about him. She missed his smile, his laugh, his smooth light brown hair she loved running her fingers through, his hazel eyes that enchanted her everytime she looked into them.

She missed the way he would brighten up her day, making her smile when nobody could. Felicity felt as though she wouldn't see that smile ever again, she couldn't bare the fact that he was miles away from her, she wanted him, she wanted to smile again. She wanted to see his smile again, run her fingers through his soft brown hair, feel the warmth of his lips on hers, yearning for his warm touch. It was obvious that she missed him.

She never felt this much for one person, it was as though he was the missing piece to her. He was the fill that filled the gape in her heart. The person that gives her a reason to get up in the morning. He was the one she wanted to fall asleep next to at night and wake up to every day. He was the peanut butter to her jelly. Water to her ocean. The glaze on her donut. The spring in her step. The twinkle in her eye. The blue in her sky.

The cherry to her sundae. The flip to her flop. The milk to her cookie. The sweet in her dreams. The beat in her heart. The cheese to her macaroni. The best to her friend.

He was the love of her life.

But where was he?

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