{Season 2|EP.18}

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{Season 2|EP.18}

“If I were Alice where would I be?” Musa asked herself. “She’s with Morticia silly!” A familiar voice laughed. “No...no...Clover?” Musa asked as Clover walked out from the shadows. “Hello again.”


“Where the hell is that stupid vampire?” Tequila asked himself, ever since he saw him he wanted to kick his ass for what he did to Musa years ago. “I never thought I’d see you again Tequila.” Sage’s voice echoed thru the hall. “I’d never thought I see you either. I thought you ran off with the other little bats?” Tequila smirked. “Wow, you really are a sarcastic douche.” Sage rolled his eyes. “Whatcha rolling your eyes at batty?” Tequila asked smirking.

"Batty? At least I'm not a stupid dragon.” Sage scoffed. “Big talk from a person that isn't that big at all.” Tequila shot back. “Yeah, Musa told me.” He added. “You wanna go dragon boy?!” “Bring it on!”

Both charge at each other and start slicing, with Sage getting a good slash on Tequila and drawing blood. He's able to block Tequila's multi slash and counters it. He tries cutting through Tequila diagonally, but his sword stops at Tequila's skeleton.

“What?” Sage questioned.

Tequila counters it and pushes back Sage's blade, then stabs Sage in the stomach. Sage looks at his wound.

“Who... what are you?”

“Gotta admit, that hurt.” Tequila admitted as his cuts heal as Sage rips the fuel cell electrolyte from one of the fallen Metal Gears and absorbs it.

“Nice trick Batty! I'm actually more human than you!” Tequila then sprouts claws from his knuckles “And that's saying something...”

“Let's dance!” Sage dashes forward and gets a couple of stabs and slashes on Tequila. Tequila tries attacking back but it is blocked as Sage delivers a massive combo that kicks him into a bus. Sage leaps to higher grounds as Tequila's wounds heal. He starts sniffing around when he doesn't see his opponent.

“No use hiding, bub.” Tequila reminded him. He's able to dodge Sage's stealth attack and delivers a large stab to the cyborg.

“The nose knows.” Tequila chuckled as he slammed Sage onto the ground and delivers a Berserker-like combo of attacks.

“You're done.” Tequila smirked

The conclusion of the combo sends Sage flying back. Tequila leaps forward to stab him again, but Sage avoids it and jumps onto higher ground. He looks at his injuries, then looks downward, only to see Tequila climbing the wall by repeatedly stabbing it.


Tequila delivers an uppercut that knocks Sage's mask off. The two clash again until Sage knocks Tequila into the air and produces an attack that slashes Tequila multiple times in place.

“I will end you!” Sage yelled.

Tequila was seemingly knocked out prompting Sage to start walking away, but he gets up and starts healing from his injuries.

“Are you some kind of cyborg dragon?” Sage asked.

“Well,” Tequila unsheathes what seems to be dark metallic claws. “My bones are coated in the strongest metal around. Does that count?”

They start going at it again as Tequila blocks one of Sage's attacks.

“I'll just have to swing harder then!” Sage said as he stabs Tequila with his sword, but it stays in place and Tequila takes the opportunity to deliver some devastating hits.

“Taste defeat!” Tequila yelled as Sage uses kicks and electricity to gain the upper hand and retrieves his blade. He knocks Tequila high into the air and then combos him onto the floor. Tequila gets up as his wounds start healing.

“Ouch! All right Terminator, now you've got me mad!” Tequila screams out loudly, he leaps high into the air and cuts off one of Sage's arms.

“Shit! Not again!” Sage cursed as Tequila then stabs Sage hard in the chest.

“Good night, Batty!” Tequila smirked as the claws are stabbed deep through Sage, he feels a rush and slowly tilts up his head as his eye glows silver.

“Pain! This is why I fight!” Sage headbutts Tequila away prompting him to scream.

“Hahaha it's time for the dragon to be slayed!” Sage laughed.

Both counter each other's attacks and lay a multitude of blows on each other. Tequila is severely injured from the clash. Tequila does a low kick that knocks him into the air and performs a cut strong enough to slice off Sage's head, which he slashes dozens of times at once, cutting it into pieces as he laughs and kicks the pieces.

“Serves him right.” Tequila smirked.


Morticia hit her head repeatedly on the wall. “3 dead... 3 dead... idiots! I hired idiots! I might as well have hired monkeys!” Morticia growled


“A little girl? I'll crush you in an instant. Prepare to be annihilated!” The giant robot in front of her laughed mockingly, this robot was Pica. He basically looks like a transformer. “You talk a lot.” Wendy said as she sprouted wings, flying around Pica in many different directions, bucked him in the heel with no effect on him, Pica backhands Wendy out of anger. “That. Is. It. I am going to kill you!” Pica yelled as Wendy tapped his shoulder.

“Tag, you’re it!” Pica shouts in anger as he turns back into the F-15 Eagle Jet Fire and chases Wendy in the sky. He proceeds to fire his Gatling gun, which Wendy easily evades. He then fires missiles, which also fail to hit their mark, preparing to lock onto Wendy.

“Alright. Don't move.” Just as Pica successfully locked on, Wendy flew off, immediately undoing it, causing his monitor to say "TARGET LOSS". “Blast it!” After he said this, Wendy appeared face-to-face with him, making multiple funny faces at him. “Hey! What are you doing? Stop that!” The entire time, Wendy was standing on Pica, who didn’t even notice.

“You’re not very good at this game, are you?” Wendy leaped off of him, which Pice clearly fled, he proceeds to follow Wendy upwards into the clouds. “Where are you? Show yourself?” Wendy quickly flew in with a rain cloud and placed it over Pica’s head. “Hey!”

Wendy repeatedly kicks the rain cloud, causing Pica to be hit repeatedly with lightning, eventually causing him to fall to the ground. Wendy walks on the ground up to her downed opponent, but she was suddenly struck by the Null Ray, knocking her back and momentarily dazing her. Pica laughed, but then Wendy recovered.

“Alright! It...is...on!” Wendy flew around Pica multiple times, eventually creating a tornado, which he is trapped in. He attempts to escape by turning back into his jet form, only for one of his wings to break off, causing him to fall to the ground once again. Wendy lands and prepares to charge at him.

“Wait! Wait! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! Please!” Hearing this, Wendy slowly and eventually stops in her tracks.

“I’ll...I’ll join the herd. I’ll be a good robot from now on.” As he is saying this, Pica was preparing to lock onto the idle Wendy.

“Please...just let me go.” Pica begged. “Well...I don't know. I mean...I know I should love and tolerate, but…” Pica successfully locked onto Wendy, perapring to fire everything.

“Wait...what’s that?” Wendy asked as Pica’s chest reveals his homing missiles.


He fires the homing missiles, which head towards Wendy. “Holy crap!” Wendy flew into the sky and into the clouds as the missiles follow. Pice stands waiting with his arms crossed in his “Any minute now” pose.

Wendy then flies downward with the missiles still following her, flying so fast that she has broken the sound barrier. Pica is stunned as Wendy flies right past him, leaving him too late to dodge the homing missiles. They strike, destroying his lower body, as Wendy smashes into Pica and then uses her Buccaneer Blaze, which tears Pica apart. Wendy then flies towards Pica's torso.

“Aw yeah! That was awesome!” Wendy cheered as a little ball of light emerged from Pica’s torso, floating in the air. Wait, what’s happened?! Why am I turning into a piece of candy?! Pica thought. “Oh! Candy!” Wendy smiled as she ate the candy.

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