{Season 2|EP.8}

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{Season 2|EP.8}

Wendy couldn’t contain herself. She was finally gonna see where Grandeeney grew up and hopefully find Grandeeney . “I can’t believe I finally get to see Grandeeney again!” Wendy cheered. “I know! I can’t wait to see Inferno again!” Zayla smiled, all of the dragon Riders were excited, everyone except Tequila. “Aren’t you excited to see Velesa again?” Musa asked. “No. He abandoned me. Why should I be excited to see the dragon who left me a 6 years old?” Tequila tisked. “You know he had a reason.” Musa said. “Really? Cause it doesn't seem like he did.” Tequila sighed.

“If he’s there it’s not like I’m gonna talk to him anyways. He didn’t care about me so I don’t care about him.” Tequila grunted. “Tequila, he hasn’t seen you in 12 years! Don’t you at least wanna talk to him?” Musa asked. “What would I saw to him? “Hey why did you leave me 12 years ago in a island filled with wild animals and nothing to defend myself with?” Yeah that seems like a good conversation.” Tequila rolled his eyes.

“He’s your dad! He might wanna apologize!” Musa said as Tequila sighed. “Musa, has your dad ever apologize to you?” Tequila asked. “No.” Musa answered. “Exactly, Velesa never apologized to me either. So why should I apolo-” Tequila was then cut off. “That’s because he’s dead.” Musa voice was dead cold. “Musa…” Tequila started. “Just shut up. If you don’t wanna talk to Velesa fine, I could care less.” Musa growled. “But Musa…” Tequila continued. “I said shut up! Let’s just get to the island and find Alice.” Musa sighed. They both rode in silence for about 30 minutes until Tequila spoke up.

“Why are you mad at me?” Tequila asked, Musa stayed quiet. “Musa.” Tequila taped on her shoulder. “Musa!” Tequila yelled. “You’re taking the privilege of having a father for granted!” Musa yelled. “What?” Tequila asked. “You’re lucky that you have a dad. I never did. You say Velesa is horrible and abandoned you at a young age. But at least you have one. I don’t. You have no idea what it’s like to hear that your dad killed himself because he found out your mom was pregnant.” Musa sighed. “Musa...wait…” Tequila sighed. “Were here.” Musa announced as they dragons landed. Wendy, Zayla, and Whiskey’s eyes lit up with excitement when the saw the millions of dragons. “Come on! Me and Zayla wanna find Grandeeney and Inferno.” Wendy cheered as her, Vodka, Zayla, and Scotch started searching the island. Musa then walked further the island with cat Parviz in her arms. “Where are you going?” Tequila asked. “First to find Velesa so I can introduce myself, then find Meadowbrook.” Musa answered.

“Do you even know how to speak dragon?” Tequila asked as Musa stopped in her tracks. “No. That’s why you’re coming with me. Aren’t you?” Musa asked as Tequila sighed and followed her. “Let’s find Velesa.” Musa said as they began looking. They looked and looked and looked. They asked everyone but they kept saying the same place. Stonehenge. “Well here we are. Stonehenge.” Musa announced. “Velesa! Velesa!” Musa called out. “Musa what are you doing?” Tequila sighed. “Trying to find my future father-in-law! You know the dragon that you never cared about.” Musa answered. “Ha! He actually has a girlfriend! That’s rich!” A voice laughed, Musa looked up to see a giant dragons sleeping on a black rock.

The dragon has an entire upper body covered in black, round, scales, which, in turn, are decorated by spiraling, blue markings. His lower body, specifically his chin, chest, stomach, inner tail, thighs, and arms, are gray in color, and appear to be rather smooth. It's eyes are white and beady, and his head is round and blunt with four, large, elongated plates extending backward. It's mouth is full of razor-sharp teeth, and, attached to his chin, is a protrusion that resembles an arrowhead. His large wings are feathery in appearance, akin to a bird's, and very similar to fellow Dragon Grandeeney's. The scales disappear at the end of It's tail, which, in itself, ends in a stinger-esque shape.

“Hello Velesa.” Tequila growled. “Hey idiot.” Velesa smirked. “So, this is Musa?” Velesa asked. “She’s so short. And you so tall, so exactly how does that work?” Velesa asked. “Why does everyone keep asking us that?!” Both Musa and Tequila yelled. “I’m not short!” Musa yelled. “So how come I had to hear about Musa from the other dragons and not my own son?” Velesa asked. “Cause I didn’t think you would care.” Tequila scoffed. “Of course I would care. She has such as cute chipmunk face.” Velesa’s tail tapped her cheek slightly.

“Thank you.” Musa smiled. “You’re welcome.” Tequila rolled his eyes. “Tequila, he’s not that bad. You’re dad is really nice.” Musa smiled. “Yeah, for now.” Tequila whispered. “Aww, is this cat the famous Parviz?” Velesa’s tail wrapped around Parviz as he brought him up to his height. Parviz yawned as he woke up to see Velesa. “AHHH!!!!!” Parviz yelled. “Tequila! Creepy dragon!” Parviz flew into Tequila’s eyes. “Parviz, this is Velesa. The dragon that, partly, raised me.” Tequila introduced. “He’s so squishy!” Velesa gushed. “I know! It’s like a marshmallow pillow!” Musa agreed.

Parviz then curled up on Velesa’s head. “I still can’t believe you have a girlfriend. So exactly what did he do to make you saw yes. Blink twice if he’s forcing you.” Velesa whispered the last part as Musa shook her head laughing. “He actually took me.” Musa smiled. “Excuse me?” Velesa asked. “I used to date this guy name Zeke. He wasn’t the best, Tequila and me then had a huge fight one day and one thing led to another and well he marked me.” Musa smiled.

“So that’s why Tequila got so mad at that vampire who attacked your pack.” Velesa smirked. “How do you know about that?” Musa asked. “Musa, since the day you met my son-” Velesa was then cut off. “Don’t call me son.” Tequila scoffed. “Excuse me?” Velesa’s asked. “Your not my father.” Tequila grabbed Musa’s hand and began walking off. “Not so fast, why won't you understand. I did raise you. You are my son. You just don’t remember.” Velesa sighed. “I’m notcha son. I remember very clear. I was raised by a deer.” Tequila scoffed.

“A deer? That’s what you think of me as? A deer? If that’s what you call name calling, then you're sadly mistaken, I’ve been called Eater of Worlds, Velesa the Terrible, ect, ect. But you calling me deer is a compliment.” Velesa laughed. The two began arguing for a long time. Musa then began panicaining and breathing heavily, remembering what happened the last time. “No...n-no…” Musa began breathing faster. “Musa? What’s going on?” Tequila asked as Velesa turned into his human form. “Move.” Velesa pushed Tequila out of the way.

“Hey, Musa look at me. Look at me okay?” Musa looked at Velesa as Musa nodded. “W-Wh-What’s going on?” Tequila asked. “It’s called a panic attack. She having one, the trama from her childhood is come to hit her back like a boomerang. I got this.” Velesa assured her. “Hey, you not the girl from your past. You're not the girl from your flashback. Your not gonna kill anyone, me and Tequila are perfectly fine. Were gonna here okay?” Musa nodded as she calmed down. “How’d you do that?” Tequila asked.

“Grandeeney taught me how to calm you down.” Velesa answered. “When did I have panic attacks?” Tequila asked. “2 when you were 4. 1 when you were 5. And 3 when you were 6.” Velesa answered, Tequila was shocked to say the least. “I told you I knew you.” Velese smiled. “I thought Grandeeney always calmed me down.” Tequila sighed. “Yeah she did the first time, but I calmed you down the rest of the times.” Velesa answered.

“Okay, so you may have calmed me down when I have panic attacks, but that’s still not proof of how your a good dad.” Tequila said as a book appeared in Velesa’s hand. “What is this?” Tequila asked. “It’s a book idiot. Grandeeney started making it when we fist found you.” Velesa answered as Velesa opened the book to reveal the first picture of Velesa holding Tequila away from him. “I remember that day. Grandeeney slapped me because I thought you were an alien species.” Velesa chuckled.

Grandeeney was peacefully sleeping on a low cloud until somebody called her. “Grandeeney!!” Velesa yelled causing her to fall out of the cloud. “What is it?” Grandeeney asked. “Me and Inferno were at the beach.” Velesa started. “I swear if Inferno got his head stuck in the sand again he’s gonna stay there.” Grandeeney sighed. “No, were found this thing on the beach.” Velesa asked as Velesa showed her the little baby boy with jet black hair. “Awww! He’s adorable!!!” Grandeeney gushed. “What is it? Is it an alien species!” Velesa eyes widened.

“No! You idiot!” Grandeeney yelled, slapping him. “Ow! That hurt!” Veles whined. “Why would you think it was an alien species?!” Grandeeney yelled. “That’s what Inferno said it was. They washed up on the beach so maybe they are an alien species!” Veles answered. “And you listened to him?” Grandeeney asked sighing. “Well yeah.” Velesa answered. “It’s a baby, a human baby.” Grandeeney smiled.

“So, where are your parents?” Grandeeney asked sweetly as the boy turned towards Velesa and reached out to him. “Dada!” The boy cooed. “Oh no. No, no, no, no.” Velesa sighed. “Dada!” The boy started clapping. “Come on, he likes you. You were the first thing he saw, so he thinks your his dad.” Grandeeney smiled. “I don’t wanna be a dad! I don’t even know the first thing!” Velesa said. “You’ll learn on the job.” Grandeeney chuckled as she went back to her cloud.

Velesa sat at stonehedge looking at the baby boy. “Why was I stuck with you? I mean, you are kinda cute. And very squishy.” Velesa chuckled as he pinched his cheeks. The boy the climbed up on Velesa’s back as onto his wings. Velesa flapped his wings a little making the boy jump up a bit. Velesa started laughing. “Is this your first time seeing a dragon?” Velesa chuckled. The boy started chewing on the wing. “Okay. 1rst rule.” Velesa then wrapped his tail around the boy and brought him in front of his face.

“You do not chew on dragons wings. They will probably. Wait no scratch that. They WILL kill you. If you wanna chew on something chew on a stick, or food.” Velesa chucked. The boy the climbed on top of Velesa’s head and slid down his back and off his tail. “Again!” The boy clapped. “You know my back is not a slide. Right?” Velesa smiled as the boy slid down Velesa’s back again. “What should I name you? How about Harrison? Harrison Tequila Campbell. I can call you Tequila since Harrison kinda seems weird.” Velesa smiled as Tequila nodded.

Tequila looked thru the book to see some pictures. One said “Tequila’s first meal.” But it had Tequila with a bowl of spaghetti on his head. Musa laughed. “He’s looks so stupid. In a cute way.” Musa smiled. “So, you really can’t say he didn’t take care of you. Clearly with all the photos in here, he did.” Musa smirked. “She has a point.” Velesa smirked also.

“Say it.” Musa started as Tequila sighed. “I guess that he technically did raise me, until he left, for no reason. So I guess, technically, I am his son. There happy Musa?” Tequila sighed as Musa smiled. Velesa then patted him on the back and smiled.

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