{Season 2|EP.9}

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{Season 2|EP.9}

“Zayla! Slow down!” Scotch yelled as him and Zayla ran thru the island. “But I haven’t see Inferno since I was 5! And he might be on this island, I can finally ask him why he left.” Zayla smiled widely as she saw a giant volcano. “There! Inferno is a fire dragon! He might be by the volcano with all the other fire dragons.” Zayla ran even faster. “How can you run so fast?!” Scotch yelled as Zayla laughed. Scotch felt like they were running at the speed of light and before he knew it they were at the bottom of the volcano.

“This place is like a sauna!” Scotch started sweating, he looked at Zayla who looked perfectly fine in this heat. “Isn't the heat refreshing?” Zayla asked as they climbed up the volcano. “Sure, refreshing. Not burning off every cell in my body.” Scotch sighed. “It’s not that hot so stop whining.” Zayla chuckled as Scotch rolled his eyes. “You grew up in heat, hence why it doesn't affect you! Me on the other hand, I don’t do well in heat.” Scotch was gasping for air.

“Yeah, but you just have to get used to it. Just like how I got used to eating lava.” Zayla the scooped up a handful of lava from the lava pool and ate it. Scotch eyes widened. “What?” Zayla muffled, her mouth filled with lava. “Y-Y-You just ate a handful of lava!” Scotch stated. “Yeah, so what? It’s kinda like eating candy.” Zayla smiled as she swallowed the lava. “Hot candy though!” Scotch added. “Meh.” Zayla shrugged as they continued climbing.

“How much more is there till the top?” Scotch muttered in tiried tone. “Not a lot, you big baby.” Zayla chuckled as Scotch slinged his arms over Zayla’s shoulders. Zayla grabbed onto his arms and dragged him. “So...so much heat…” Scotch groaned. “I don’t get how your hot, this is the coldest it’s ever been here.” Zayla said as Scotch grunted. “Why am I carrying you exactly? You know you’re not a kid, right?” Zayla asked. “Because, it’s so hot...I basically melted!” Scotch mumbled. “You’re such an idiot.” Zayla laughed as Scotch laughed a little too.

“Are we there yet?” Scotch asked groaning. “Yeah.” Zayla answered, letting go of Scotch’s arms causing him to drop to the ground. “Now, where is Inferno?” Zayla asked as she began scanning the area. “Hey, is Inferno a red dragon?” Scotch asked. “Yeah why?” Zayla asked. “Cause he’s stepping on my spine.” Scotch groaned as Zayla looked behind her to see a giant dragon. It was a gigantic Dragon whose bodily majority is covered with dark, red scales. It's lower body, specifically his stomach, the inner portions of his long tail, and legs, are beige in color. The dragon also has noticeable scars on his stomach and neck, with the largest one, which is X-shaped, located around the center of his body.

His back has numerous black spikes, reaching down from the back to the end of his tail. It has a triangular head with horns, a pair of large, round eyes with yellow sclera which were glowing, obscuring his dark, round pupils and a sharp horn pointing upwards just above his nose. It also sports very sharp canine teeth, and has claws with long, sharp, red nails. It's large bony wings resemble a bat's, with rippled tips.

“Inferno? Why are stepping on Scotch?” Zayla asked, Inferno looked down to see Scotch. “Sorry.” Inferno laughed as he got off of Scotch. “It’s fine. My bones don’t feel shattered at all.” Scotch mumbled the last part. Zayla ran up to Inferno and hugged him. “I missed you so much.” Zayla voice was shaky as some tears formed in her eyes. “I missed you to kid.” Inferno smield. “You’re so tall! And you have a boyfriend.” Inferno chuckled as Zayla’s face turned red. “Sc-Scotch isn't my boyfriend!” Zayla stuttered a bit. “Really? Are you sure about that?” Inferno smirked.

“Y-Yea-Yeah I’m sure.” Zayla answered. “Hey, Inferno. I actually wanted to ask you something.” Zayla started. “And that is?” Inferno asked. “Why did you and the other Dragons leave?” Zayla asked. “I knew you were gonna ask that.” Inferno sighed. “Well, it was kinda makes sense because you left me when I was 5. So, wouldn’t you think I would want to know why you left me?” Zayla said. “You might as well tell her. I mean she was gonna learn about it sooner or later, better sooner than later.” A dragon who was sleeping added.

It an enormous creature with looks that follow the usual characteristics of a Dragon: having a massive body, a pair of wings that allow him to fly, four limbs with claws, and a tail. However, unlike most of the known Dragons, it's body is not covered with scales, but it seems to be entirely made of flames, giving him an overall impression of a burning skeleton. “Uncle Atlas is right.” Zayla agreed. “Thanks so much Atlas.” Inferno gritted thru his teeth. “You’re welcome.” Atlas smirked.

“Fine, if you wanna know why we have to start from the beginning.” Inferno sighed. “More than 400 years ago, Dragons were the rulers of the land and humans were considered to be merely a food source for them. In the east, specifically Rosdows, Dragons lived in harmony with humans, while in the western countries Dragons were vile and attacked them. As the makings of an intense war were beginning to form, Velorina Black, known in her country as the Empress of Dragons, came up with the idea for Dragons to be able to pass on their magic in order for humans to aid them in the war, later being known as Dragon Rider Magic. However not all humans can maintain their sanity for long as three different adverse side effects began to contaminate the Dragon Riders, including Velorina.”

“Later, a Dragon proposed a truce between them, believing both species could live in harmony. This soon led to a civil war known as the Dragon Rebellion Civil War between both factions: the pro-humans and their opposite. Eventually, some humans were taught Magic by the Dragons and were requested to join the war. Before long, the tide of the war shifted into the favor of the pro-coexistence faction.”

“However, both sides overlooked a potential threat: the humans who were taught magic by the Dragons. Many a Dragon were slain, and thus, the humans became known as Dragon Riders. In one case, a Dragon Rider killed many Dragons, both friend and foe alike, and bathed in their blood, and turned into a Dragon himself: the reputed Black Dragon and self-proclaimed Dragon Emperor, Shayde Zorander . We didn’t want guys to become like Shayde so we thought the best way you wouldn’t is to remove all contact of dragons until we were sure you wouldn’t go crazy.”

“Wow.” Zayla sighed. “So, you left us to protect us from ourselves?” Zayla asked as Inferno nodded. Zayla hugged Inferno, tears running down her face. “Thank you.” Zayla muttered thru the tears.

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