P̶̯̈́a̴̠̓r̶̺͝t̸͈̆ ̴͉̋1̵̺̚7̶̗̽

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            Peter could hardly breathe. He honestly could hardly breathe. The moment he stepped foot on the Avengers compound, his airway just seemed to close. His spidey sense was going crazy. It made him jerk at every sound, every bit of movement, every smell. It was almost like it was searching something out and was on high alert for it.

            "She'll be here soon." Peter hardly registers Mr. Stark's voice. He was too busy looking. Everywhere. For any sight of her. He can barely hear Mr. Stark's chuckle. "She refuses to use the wheelchair, so she hobbles around." So she was still healing then. That didn't sit well with Peter.

            His hands go to his wrists and he frowns. She was still hurt. Dammit.

            Peter smells her first. His senses were ready for any sign of her and he caught her scent first. Vanilla. Peter remembered the smell from when he first met Spencer. He could smell vanilla wafting off of her even from across the street. Normally perfumes were too much for Peter to handle. (Though he was pretty sure Spencer didn't use any) But this.... This was different. The smell drew him in. It was enchanting. He wanted to be in front of its source and take it in. He wanted the warm scent of vanilla to fill his nose and never leave it. If he could, he'd choose to smell this over anything else ever again. Because this was Spencer.

            Spencer groans in pain as she hops along the hallway. Natasha is at her side in case she needs any help. Unfortunately, her version of the serum didn't supply her with the incredible sped up healing like it should have, so she was still bandaged and bruised. But still, here she was, braving through the pain to see him.

            She could feel the warm bussing on her chest as she pulled the power out of the arc reactor. Everytime she felt a flash of pain a feeling of prickling ran across her body as it drew in more electricity. She still had the ridiculous headphones on her head. She'd tried to take them off, but her ears were bound with a white hot ear piercing screech. Her ears still didn't know how to work, so the whole situation was just bittersweet.

            She's always wanted to hear, but now that she can, it hurts.

            As Spencer steps into the room her whole body ceases functioning. Standing not 20 feet away from her was Peter. She stares on at him and a burning lump reaches her throat. Her eyes start to sting and she can feel the tears form in her eyes. He stares back at her, seemingly having the same reaction.

            Natasha and Tony watch them. Tony looks at Spencer confused, while Natasha smiles. She knows what is going on. She's seen enough love sick couples (One of them being Clint and Laura) to know that these two have fallen for each other.

            Spencer lets out a gut wrenching sob and she runs to Peter. He meets her in the middle and they crash into each other. They hold each other and cry. Spencer grips Peter's jacket and holds him tighter. Peter treads his fingers through Spencer's hair and he sticks his face in the crook of her neck. He smiles through his tears.


            Natasha pulls Tony away and gives the two teens one last look before taking the elevator up.

            Spencer and Peter fall to the ground, still in each other's arms. Their sobs neign throughout the rooms. The two of them slip into their own world. Hell could be rising outside and they could care less. All that mattered was that they were together.

            They were both broken and bruised. They had both been through hell and back and put on brave faces to show the world they were strong. Their hearts didn't ache every moment of every day. Their thoughts weren't slowly killing them from the inside out; Like a parasite taking everything that made them keep going, until there was nothing left to give.

               They both were heroes to the world, when really, all they needed was a hero to save them from themselves. But maybe, just maybe, they could pick up eachother's broken pieces and put them back together. Slowly, painfully, but together, maybe they could be each other's hero. Saving each other from their own inner demons. Maybe they could make up for all they've lost in life. Fill the missing gaps of stability in each other's lives.

            Complete each other.

            Maybe, just maybe, Peter Parker and Spencer Stark could be happy again.


            Eventually the two teens found their way to the sofa. They didn't speak. Didn't try to ask if the other was okay, because they both knew things were better now that they were together.

            Spencer fiddles with the end of Peter's sleeve. He smiles at her and admires her features. He doesn't seem to notice her accidentally pull up his sleeve a bit. Spencer pales. She stops breathing and just stares. No. He couldn't have.

            She meets his eyes and he sees the panic in hers. His own eyes widen and he sntaches his arm away. He looks away in shame and Spencer continues to stare. She feels her heart beat in her chest and she feels crackling at her fingertips. She glances at her hands and looks at the electricity sparking off them for only a moment. She turns her attention back to Peter. Spencer turns his head to look at her. He was crying, and rambling, but Spencer couldn't make out what he was saying.

            She puts her finger to her lips, shushing him. Peter's mouth closes and his face starts to become red and more tears slip from his eyes. Spencer pulls him into a hug and squeezes him tight. Peter hugs her back and Spencer can feel him sobbing. She doesn't let go until his cries slow.

            Spencer slowly pulls away and tools Peter in the eyes. She pulls up both of her sleeves to reveal scars. Peter stares at her arms. He's... he's seen nothing like this. Countless scars in every direction, overlapping, some so big it made him sick to think about what they must have looked like when the skin was freshly broken. They were everywhere.

            Spencer whimpers a bit when Peter touches her arms. This is sensitive to her. No one, not even any of the Avengers have seen. She honestly thought it a miracle that no one had seen when she was in the med wing. Peter traces the lines and looks up to Spencer. She nods at him. She understands. He doesn't have to be ashamed around her. And she doesn't have to be around him.

            Peter looks down and Spencer reaches for his arm. He offers it to her and she carefully pulls up his sleeve. Over the years she'd gained the skill to identify how fresh a wound was. And Peter's were fresh. She knew he had a healing factor. One possible faster than a super soldier's. They were too fresh. Put in the variable with his healing, and her identification skills; She would guess these were done at least in the past hour.

            He showed no signs of having scars, which Spencer envied, but still, when you go through something like this, it's... she doesn't know... nice to have them there. The scars. They show you what battles you've won and lost and tell a story that only you really know.

            Scars show that you've healed.

            Spencer pulls his arm up to her mouth and she places a tender kiss on his skin. Peter stares at her in shock. Spencer pulls some gauze out of her pocket which she had put there in case she popped one of her stitches. She carefully wraps Peter's arms and pulls his sleeves down. He continues to stare at her. Spencer.... She was incredible.

             Spencer gives Peter a long hard look, and he doesn't need ASL or to hear to talk to know what it meant. She wants him to stop. Peter's heart burns. He doesn't know if he can. He hates himself for what happened. Had he done more, had be done something, Spencer would have been safe. She wouldn't--.

            Peter's thoughts are cut off by Spencer pressing Peter's hand to her chest. He stares at her and she nods. It's... It's like she knew what he was thinking. It's like she knew and noticed exactly what he needed.

            Peter feels her heart beating in her chest. He can hear it too. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. The steady rhythm of life. He feels something else too. Like an electrical buzz. He feels it prickling under his skin and through his body.

            Spencer seems to notice his confusion and pulls down her shirt a bit. Peter's eyes widened. An arc reactor. Had something else happened? Was there shrapnel trying to get into her heart too? Was--.

            His thoughts are once again cut off by Spencer pulling out her phone. She hands it to him and reads her report on the serum. Alot was still unknown about it, but she knew that she needed electricity to survive. Like a food source. He nods in understanding. She was fine, and the arc reactor was keeping her that way.

            He sets her phone down and they stare into each other's eyes. Peter becomes so lost in hers. His own tracing each detail and shade of blue. It was like he was staring straight into the bluest ocean he'd ever seen. He could feel the waves crashing over him, and he let himself float. Float in bliss.

            Spencer stares back at two eyes that remind her of a deer. She finds herself in a forest. Calm and serene, with nothing around her except Peter and those damn baby doe eyes. Those eyes, she knows, she would never be able to say no to.

            Suddenly the world comes to a halt. Nothing around them moves, and neither of them are breathing. Suddenly, there they are, sharing a deep kiss.

            And the world around them melts away.









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